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Dear All,
I feel that the my class the Slayer will dishonorably fall into the : Bad and Try-Hard most over played class, but, there is hope, it seems tho Slayer is abit underpowered not sure only leveled to 18 in the Beta last weekend.
I do hope the Slayer wont be the most popular, due to squishy'ness and no defensive moves, but it has a giant two handed sword thus sucking in the tunnelvision baddies.
The Slayer class looks really fun, the fact it has offence as its defence, three escape moves, charge,doge and jump all with low cd and control on form of knock downs and 50% longer cast times or Mortal Cast Time as it where.
I might be horribly wrong and see the slayer as poor dps, terrible in PvP due to no defence and squishy, but who knows maybe the Try-Hards will stay avay from my beloved Popori Slayer.
I'll try the Zerker, Warrior and Lancer next weekend, then the Priest, Mystic then Sorcerer and Ranger.
But I just love the Idea of a tiny little Badger stuck to a Giant two handed sword, chain knocking casters down : Dodge, Duck and Dodge.
Popori slayer animations are about the best i've seen, both their dodges are fantastic, the twirling spin on the sword and the backflip. I love their run and the jump and the /cheer emote is just hilarious.
But because your post is misleading I should tempt people, slayer is 3rd highest dps and probably could deal more than a Berzerker in the right hands, they are incredibly good in PvP and pretty decent to solo with, squishyness makes it a bit harder but with some practice you should be able to kill most elites.
When it comes to solo and PVP a slayer bests a zerker all day long.The thing with zerkers is that they are the slowest melee dps class with an attack speed of 0.7 matched by the sorcerer.They can crack out some very high damage though but they have a short range of three metres unlike the slayers.
Zerkers do have immense splash damage,spin skill charge up more than make up for the low range of three metres.When it comes to damge a zerker can one shot all other classes and even give lancers a hard time because of the hevey armour and the lancers low dps.
Some zerkers can hit you with a single taget hit for 20.000 and up to 16.000 with spash damage with the right armour but they can also be kited by slayers and archers and sorcerers.
Zerkers dps is above a slayers and have a crit rate that is the same as a slayers which has the highest crit rate of all classes,there weapons damage rating is the same as an archers as well.
All this being said,a good slayer of the same level and spec armour can kill a zerker by kiting them and not getting hit.
Slayers do everything faster than the zerker,they just don't hit as hard and can be a bit squishy if hit but their movement speed buffs and avoidance skills more than make up for the lack of hevey armour.With a ranged attack of 14 metres they are only second to an archer and sorcerer but more than mystic and priest.
As a slayer you will always want to get behind the mob or at least from the side,just keep moving while solo and stay behind mob while grouping.
Slayers and Archer are PVP kings but the warrior is getting a dps buff some that might change.As it stands now a slayer is the assassin class(without the ivis) of Tera but with a great 2h sword.
I don't know, i've heard someone who really knows how to play a mystic can beat anyone 1v1. Also most of the PvP is group orientated so solo isn't as important. Guild vs Guild and 10v10 deathmatch gambling will be the most common PvP probably.
I am not saying whether solo pvp is important or not,i just telliing the OP what i know and experiance.
But anyway..
Mystic equals lowest hp pool-lowest crit hit along side the priest-lowest weapons damage the saving grace our heals and the real saving grace is Teleport Jaunt, especially if they have the glyph that reduces the 10 second cool down to a 25% reset chance.
As for them beating anyone,sure they can win sometimes but it depends on the teleport jaunt and what recast times they have on it,without the glyph they are meat.No doubt they are tricky especially with TJ going off three times in a row.
On top of that you have heals but i find you really need to play a guessing game and knockdowns and combos are your bread and butter taking a mystic down as a slayer.
Anyone in group pvp will make sure they keep the mystic out of the picture as much as possible.
Dig a little deeper and youl find that Slayer is the Op class of K-Tera and most overplayed
That's about the ges of it.
Slayer will be the most played class, already in in Korea and will be in NA/EU without a doubt. It's the easy to play and most forgiving with it's hits.
Not saying don't play it / play what you want regardless.
I believe archer has been regarded as the easiest to play. The have range, disengages, traps, and slows, makes most things easier.
I played Warrior and loved it but next beta I will try Beserker.
Berserker is easy mode compared to the Warrior.
I really wanted to go Warrior when I heard it was a tank about two years ago, closer it gets to launch in NA the more I hear its still a sub par tank, decent DPS. Makes me sad.
I was playing Mystic, rather enjoyed it, not sure about it though... I really love being a tank or a healer, not much for being a pure support or a pure DPS. I mean POWERFUL pure support sure, but it feels like a lot of games that have support classes just replace their spot with another DPS.
I really liked their ability to drop balls you can pick up for hp regen and a cleanse type effect... Mystic is unique.
As for Slayer I've seen a few, about as many berserkers though.
I played a popori Slayer in CB1 to level 20 and I have to say that is a very versitile class. It has a combination of good damage with decent mobility and can be really devastating if you time your combos correctly. By level 20 a slayer has a dash skill a knockdown and a stun on relatively short cooldown. That stuff does wonders in PvP and PvE, especially when dealing with multiple mobs. Besides, there is nothing more kick ass than a popori with a huge sword. The popori animations really show that the sword is a bit too heavy for the race and you can kind of see the character struggling a bit at times. It's really fun to look at. Castonic females (evil sluts) also have great slayer animations.
I did try other classes and in my opinion, the slayer is the most fun to play, followed very closely by the warrior. I never got the warrior past level 8 but one thing I didn't like about it was that you had to use your dodge skill as part of a combo. You basically waste your only defense skill to continue the combo, regardless if you're being attacked or not. Warrior does have amazing mobility though and you can potentially continue moving nonstop becoming really hard to hit while dealing damage at the same time.
Popori slayer is my choice as well, the movements for the dodge and stun backflip are really fun and amazing aswell.
You forgot to mention slayers also have a 14m ranged attack that can be used 3 times in succession.
You & Me both. I did a Popori Slayer as my first character in CB1, and it was fun until around level 17. I've been very disappointed with TERA so far. However, with CB2 supposedly having a "PvP" server I'll be trying CB2 this time as early as possible, and I'll be trying to get beyond 17 this time with a Popori Slayer!
That being said, I DO believe the Slayer is one of the best PvP classes next to the Archer. At level 9 I was beating level 15s with my Popori slayer because of his first escape ability that lets you flip around on a giant sword ! Not to mention that the 2nd & 3rd slayer combos are 360 degree AOE attacks so you only have to worry about missing the first strike against a player in order to get MP.
However, getting an "in-combat runspeed" crystal + an increased MP gain crystal from hitting a player in-combat makes the Popori Slayer absolutely hilarious !
I also tried Popori:
I was not impressed .
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Afther doing the dodge you had the choice to follow it up with a AOE Melee attack. You dont have to use your dodge skill as part of a combo. I got my Warrior to level 19 and from what I saw most people were saying that Warrior was a very good tank. Its all comes down to how you set up your Glyps and I did not even notice the Glyph system till I get around level 16 but once I start trying different combos I really began to see the potential of the class. As for DPS I watched other classes fight and never saw anything that made me feel underpowered. I well played Warrior can do really good damage and is a force not to be taken lightly.
Like I said, I only got the warrior up to level 8 before beta ended so I didn't really get a chance to really learn the class. I know that combos can be started by different skills but you can also chain those smaller combos into a much longer one, that's what I was referring to.
I will definitely roll a warrior during the next beta test though. It seems like a fun class. Although popori + huge sword = win.
I think that what sets this game apart from many other MMOs is that any class in TERA has the potential to be devastating, provided that the player is good.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... ....wait, the band?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I think its what sets this game apart also. People will be known for how good or bad they play their class.
I think its what sets this game apart also. People will be known for how good or bad they play their class.
Yes most defiantly, this is exactly what sets this game apart. If your a good at your job in TERA you can do almost anything.
Slayers have mad skills when put into the hands of a great player. Check out this slayer soloing a BAM.
Very nice slayer game play. Now afther playing TERA when I see videos I can really see and understand what the player is doing.
This is by far the best review of the Warrior class by a westerner playing in Ktera.
Class write up by Nalfen (all credit belongs to him)
Orginial link:
Nalfen's Warrior Guide v2.0
This is a rewrite of my original 2 guides with the latest changes that were put in K-Tera. The next version of this guide will include the changes brought at lvl 60 with TERA 3.0 The Argon Queen , Crystal setups and some sample Glyph setups for PvE, Tanking, PvP and BAM Soloing.
This guide is meant as a way to shed some light into Warrior mechanics, skills, party roles as well as to give some tips and advice on how to be a better Warrior overall. For those new to my guide, i am nalfen and this is a collection of knowledge i gathered as a lvl 58 Warrior on the Korean retail version of TERA, giving me a little over a year of experience playing the class.
[CENTER]Warrior future patch news : [/CENTER]
Korean Patch 3.0 The Argon queen part 1 will bring 2 MAJOR changes to the Warrior:
First they are adding a WoW like rogue combo system on some warrior skills; From what i have learned it has 10 combo points and the following skills generate combo points: Death from Above, Rain of Blows, Rising Fury, Poison Blade and Charging Slash
You can spend your combo points in 2 ways; Battle Cry for a longer stun/more threat or Whirlwind Slash(new 60 skill) for AoE damage.
We will also gain a new lvl 60 skill; Whirlwind Slash: This is an AoE attack that deals light to heavy damage based on combo points.
Warrior tanking is not being revised at the moment but it will in part 2 of the patch ( due sometime later this year). They will bring changes to Warrior tanking and Lancer tanking. From the info given; they will add more ways to protect the party and more synergy with the party.
that's it for the news, i will update with actual information when the patch lands at the end of February.
[CENTER]Is the Warrior the class for you? : [/CENTER]
Before you pick a Warrior as the class you want to play, you should ask yourself the following question: Can you handle not having the best class and fighting an uphill battle as the hardest class in TERA?
This is not a joke, the revised difficulty chart for TERA has Warriors listed at 5 stars, the only class in the game to be listed that high.
The description is also spot on when it mention that you can tank but that is is hard to do so; a lot of the Warrior's curent reputation as a sucky class comes from players that did not heed that warning and failled at playing a Warrior properly.
If this does not steer you away from the class, then feel free to read on, you are putting your reputation as a good player on the line with this class but should you succeed you will be amongsh the few that can be called the "good" warriors and the pride from achieving what others thought hard or impossible should be reward enough.
If you are looking for an easy and rewarding class... go elsewhere.
[CENTER]Warrior: Tank or DPS? : [/CENTER]
This is a question that's asked around on this forum more than anything: We are a hybrid class, our DPS is around 75% of a true DPS class; it is however above any non DPS classwhile our tanking abilities are not as good as a Lancer.
We are given the basic tools to do both jobs but lack the extra stuff that makes the pure class great. For DPS we lack the massive 1 hit damage that some classes can produce and for tanking we lack the stability of a Lancer tank, making the fight a lot more mobile than it has to be.
The damage gap with other DPS classes is practically inexistant in the sub 20 lvls but as you gain more levels you will start to see other classes pull ahead in damage. This is due in part by Warrior weapons having less power than DPS class weapons and furter exagerated due to the Crystal system allowing Critical hit multiplications (up to ~10x times with the proper conditions) this makes a 80k damage base hits into 800k crit!
While we have skills that can deal high damage they do so with multiple quick hits meaning that only a small portion of the damage that gets multiplied every time we crit.
Should critical hit multiplication ever be capped to like 3 or 4x then Warrior DPS will be almost equal to a DPS class.
[CENTER]So Lancers are the better tank?[/CENTER]
While i have yet to fail at tanking any content the game has to offer, Lancers can do it all and make it a lot easier on them and their party. Given a choice of a Warrior or Lancer of equal skill a party will almost always choose the Lancer. Lancers are also a lot easier to play well so finding a lancer usually means that it will do its job properly, something that is not always the case with warriors.
Are Warriors bad tanks? Not entirely, but they have some flaws in the tanking department:
1 - Because we have to dodge in order to survive instead of blocking so we keep the monsters moving all the time, this makes the DPS have to work harder to get their good back hits and makes it a lot riskier for everyone else too. Healers also have to work their *** off to keep up with your location to heal you. Some bosses also have attacks that a warrior cannot fully dodge due to their size, reach or repeated hits; a lancer can hold his block through the entire attack while the warrior has to run out preemptively or get hit.
2 - Lancers can hit their block and maintain it for as long as they want (yes, I know they would lose agro if they did it all the time but at least you can play it safe). For a Warrior you have to time your avoidance perfectly so when the timing of attacks shifts on a boss (let say enraged) you have to account for that on the fly; you cannot play it safe and react, you have to predict attacks in a split second all the time. This can be fairly easy for a short period of time but try remaining super focused for a 15 minute boss fight. You also get a 5 sec cool down on your dodge compare to their 1 sec block cool down so you can’t recover from a failed dodge.
3 - Lastly in the interupt department we are completly outmatched, Lancers get 2 ranged ones and 3 melee ones Vs our 2 melee interupts.
Those 3 key differences are the main reason why Lancers are the prefered tank. A positive side effect is that Warrior tanking gear is cheap because of the lack of competition!
Last thing; at 58, Warriors have around the same HP as Lancers and a little less Defense, if you use Defensive stance you will have the same or more def if you glyphed the stance. This means that as far as getting hit you take around the same ammount of damage as a Lancer.
[CENTER]What about PvP?[/CENTER]
So we are a subpar tank, we do average DPS, you’d think we are bad at PvP… WRONG!
Warriors are walking nightmare for casters of all sorts, we bring 5 stuns to the table, a super fast attack rate, high mobility and a snare. Simply put if we drop on anything but a Lancer he is locked down completely.
While we might not be enough on our own to fully finish a class, with proper assisting a warrior can keep a target stationary long enough for any DPS class to line up devastating attacks. Also since we are a tank by design we are pretty hard to take down; this means most groups never go for the warrior first.
One vs One we do ok, you will usually lose to Slayers and sometimes Archers (most classes do) but all other classes are fair game. Slayers are probably our hardest “fair” fight, they have almost as much mobility and stuns as we do but they hit a lot harder than we do.
Conclusion: we are a proper PvE class, great PvP class and subpar tank.
[CENTER]Skills per level and Glyphs:[/CENTER]
We start the game with 2 skills and will gain an additional 22 skills over 58 levels. This is a bit on the low side for an MMO but on par with most classes in Tera (Most skills is Mystic with 26). We also get 51 Glyphs spread over all skills and 43 glyph point at lvl 58
Our skill distribution is as follow:
11 Damage Skills – Combo Attack, Rain of Blows, Poison Blade, Combative Strike, Rising Fury, Vortex Slash, Pounce, Traverse Cut, Blade Draw, Leaping Strike and Cascade of Stuns
2 Taunts - Torrent of Blows and Battle Cry
4 Avoidance Skills - Retaliate, Death from Above, Evasive Roll and Staggering Counter
2 Movement Skills - Charging Slash and Backstab
2 Stances - Assault Stance and Defensive Stance
3 Utility skills – Smoke Agressor, Deadly Gamble and Mangle
Color Codes:
Gold - Awesome Ability/Glyph
Green - Good Ability/Glyph
White - Average Ability/Glyph
Yellow - Poor Ability/Glyph
Red - Terrible Ability/Glyph
(x) Level - Skill Name - Description
[x] Glyph Cost - Effect - Description
* Indicates that this Glyph and its effrects are acquired from dungeons; it is not availleable on the basic trainer.
Instant | MP - N/A (generates mana) |Cooldown - None | Power - 190 209 229 391
(1) Combo Attack
This is your basic attack: On par with most melee classes, it deals low damage slightly increasing over 4 swings (7 hits in total) but gives you mana back so you will be using this quite often. Our version of the basic attack has the advantage of a lot of hits so weapons with on hit effects get a high chance of going off.
Instant | MP - 70 | Cooldown - 5 sec
(1) Evasive Roll - Your main survival skill, this is a directional dodge, allowing you to avoid attacks and be invulnerable for .5sec every 5 sec. Main issues with the skill is it doesn't dodge far enough vs very large bosses, meaning you have to time the .5 sec invulnerability with the attack or get hit anyway. It will also do nothing vs multiple attacks.
Instant | MP - 350 | Cooldown - 7 sec | Power - 1736 (divided in 7 hits)
(2) Rain of Blows - This is one of our best damage move; a 7 hit attack combo with decent damage. Mana cost is high so keep that in mind while tanking, nothing worse than missing a dodge because you were out of mana. As a bonus you take 30% less damage while performing this skill. Using Combative Strike prior to this skill will cause Rain of Blows to go deliver its 7 hits 50% faster.
Instant | MP - 230 | Cooldown - 7 sec | Power - 1139
(4) Vortex Slash - Usable only after Evasive Roll, this skill does decent damage all around you. It’s a proper damage skill when used in the right cirscumstances but a newbie trap while tanking because it stops you in your tracks for a good 1.5 sec while you spin; usually a really bad idea after evading a hit.
Instant | MP - 0 Cost 2731 HP instead | Cooldown - 3 sec | Power - 639
(6) Combative Strike - A forward stab that cost you HP instead of MP to deal damage. It also adds a 15 sec 4.5% endurance(defense) reduction to the target. This is one of those skills that you get too early in the game to really appreciate. Under lvl 20 you will not really have the HP regen nor will a 4.5% endurance debuff be noticeable. At high level this skill gets used all the time beccause it speeds up Rain of Blows, cost no mana and makes all attacks do more damage to the target. (Note: Lancers get an equivalent skill)
Instant | MP - 100 100 | Cooldown - 4.5 sec | Power - 474 680
(8) Rising Fury - This 2 hit with an optional third hit ability deals damage and adds a little extra damage for every hp we are missing. This skill also makes you move around forward with every hit so with a little practice you can side step with the 1-2 and then 3rd hit at the back of the target. As a bonus you take 20% less damage while performing this move.
Instant Toggle | MP - 400 + 15 every 2 sec | Duration - Until turned off
(10) Defensive Stance - When you get this skill it will be kinda bad. It starts as a toggle on/off 10% extra endurance and 45% more threat that cost 15 mana per 2 sec. The problem lies with the fact that at low level 10% of your low endurance is nothing. However, once you hit lvl 30 you get the 2nd rank of this skill giving 20% of your now considerable endurance, add in the 20% glyph and you now have more def than a Lancer!
Instant Toggle | MP - 500 + 15 every 2 sec | Duration - Until turned off
(10) Assault Stance - A toggle skill that cost 10 mp/2 that gives 15% more strength and 30 Critical rating at the cost of and 15% less defense. Values at rank 2 are 20% str -20% def and 40 crit. This skill is the single highest damage boost they have given warriors. If you want to DPS always toggle that skill on.
Instant | MP - 0 | Cooldown - 15 sec | Power - 775
(12) Retaliate - A Skill that everyone gets, this props you back up instantly when knocked down and deals some AoE damage with a good knockdown chance.
Cast 1.1 sec | MP - 0 | Cooldown - 30 sec | Duration 3 sec
(14) Battle Cry - AoE 7m 3 sec Stun and Taunt on a 30 sec cool down; the 1.1 sec cast time can be a ***** but this is great for pvp and pve.
Cast 1.4 sec | MP - 200 + 20% HP | Cooldown - 50 sec | Duration 20 sec
(18) Smoke Agressor - One of our weirder skills; this eats up some mana and 20% of your curent HP to spawn a shadow of you with 7.5 times the HP you had at the time of casting. It will agro everything around and tank it for up to 20 sec (does almost no dmg). If you are doing mass AoE pulls this can really grab a lot of mobs in a pinch. Other uses are getting a boss of you long enough for a rez or to drop combat and bandage. Certain bosses will rip it apart in seconds so do use with caution.
** We also get 2 new skills along with the Smoke Agressor, one is an Attack command the other is a Disengage command. Those 2 skills let you direct the clone to attack specific targets or stop attacking, giving you a measure of control on what your Smoke Agressor can do.
Instant | MP - 300 | Cooldown - 7 sec | Power - 541
(18) Torrent of Blows - Your general purpose AoE taunt; this slashes everything around you twice and generates a lot of threat. Mana cost is high so i would advise against spamming it unless needed. As a bonus you take 50% less damage while performing this move.
Instant | MP - 200 | Cooldown - 7 sec | Power - 181 (the hit not the DoT)
(22) Poison Blade - This skill is a frontal stab that adds a 10 sec damage over time effect every 2 sec for 5 ticks total to your target. If your gear blows the dot damage will seems nice but since all DoT's in the game do not scale at all this skill will get progressively worst as your gear improves. (max damage is 1428 a /tick)
Instant | MP - 200 | Cooldown - 10 sec | Power - 999
(22) Pounce - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011. This is a short range leap attack with good damage and a 50% movement 4 sec speed reduction effect. The skill is good; it adds a little mobility because of the leap and it is one of the 2 primers to use before Traverse Cut. You also take 50% less damage while performing this leap making this an awesome skill.
Instant | MP - 300 | Cooldown - 7 sec | Power - 203 (1015 on knockdown)
(24) Leaping Strike - This launches you in the air as you try to stab at your target. Damage is multiplied by 5 if the target is knocked down. Our version is hard to land because it has a smaller radius than classes with larger weapons like the SLayer and Berzerker; you will have to account for this difficulty when trying to land this skill. This skill can become a good source of damage when grouped with Slayers and Berserker but on its own we rarelly knock down opponents. Note: all melee DPS Classes get a skill like this one.
Instant | MP - 200 | Cooldown - 10 sec | Power - 517
(26) Death from Above - Jump attack strait up in the air evading every hit for ~3 sec. This is our seccond dodge skill; althou it comes in a bit late, it helps complete our evasion toolkit. This skill is all about timing since it will jump strait up and lands you right where you left, so time it right and you can avoid most multi attacks.
Instant | MP - 220 | Cooldown - 11 sec | Power - 284
(28) Traverse Cut - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011. This low damage attack stabs 3 times and adds a .85% endurance debuff to the enemy for 11 sec(stacks with itself) However if you precede that move with (22)Pounce or (6)Combattive Strike it will stab a whooping 13 times! The debuff itself fully stacked (13 times) is a nice 11.05% endurance reduction and it stacks with The 4.5 from Combative Strike giving anyone that hits the target a nice 15.55% damage boost.
Instant | MP - 320 | Cooldown - 11 sec | Power - 1978
(28) Blade Draw - New DPS move added on 8-10-2011. This is our highest damage attack. A forward 2 hit attack that deals heavy damage. This move is very slow but you can greatly speed up its execution by preceeding it with any of the following skills: Traverse Cut, Vortex Slash, Charging Slash or the 2nd hit of Rising Fury.
Instant | MP - 240 | Cooldown - 12 sec | Power - 543
(30) Charging Slash - Finally, a charge skill; this move couldn't come sooner to help with mobility. This is a strait line dash followed by a single medium damage attack if you connect with a target. Its a great way to get to or away from enemies. This ability generates Aggro.
Instant Toggle | MP - 10 every 2 sec | Duration - Until turned off
(32) Mangle- A Toggle skill that cost 10 mana/sec that gives a 25% movement snare to the 4th attack in your Combo Attack chain for 4 sec. This skill could use some improvement but if you have mana to spare activate it that for the odd snare here and there.
Instant | MP - 300 | Cooldown - 30 sec | Power - 199
(42) Backstab - a 30 sec cool down Teleport in the back of the target and attack + stun 4 sec; one of our best moves, too bad it comes this late in our carer. for PvE you can use it as a ghetto escape+stun. In PvP this is your opener of choice vs prety much anything.
Instant | MP - 133 | Cooldown - 180 sec (2 min) | Duration - 20 sec
(48) Deadly Gamble - For 20 sec every 2 minutes you get 36 more critical rating at the cost of 30 less critical resistance. This is not too bad as it lets us get a decent chance of crit to help with DPS but the long cool down and relativelly weak effect + drawback prevent this skill from shining.
Instant | MP - 250 | Cooldown - 15 sec | Power - 788
(54) Staggerring Counter - A skill that is only triggered when we get hit for 3 sec; this does high damage, stuns for 3 sec and spins the target so his back is facing you. In short this is just plain awesome and helps stop boss attacks.
Instant | MP - 350 | Cooldown - 30 sec | Power - 1314
(58) Cascade of Stuns - This skill slashes a large area in front of you dealing high damage and if you hit a target that was already stunned it will apply or refresh another 4 sec stun to every target it hits. Overall a very great skill completing our stun arsenal, absolutly deadly in PvP
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Exactly, basilisks are one of the simplest BAMs but after playing I recognize what he's doing more, I see how quick he is to react. I was able to solo basilisk too but it requires a lot of thinking and you are looking at your mana and monsters tells most of the time. For two reasons, because you need to decide what attack to do at what time, if you use an attack that locks you into animation you have to make sure the monster isn't about to do a move, second because you obviously want to dodge if he does attack. It's so much more interactive.
I noticed he plays a lot like I do, especially when he did the backflip stun kick to the triple ranged attack, I always do that lol. It's just fun.
Also glad you posted Nalfens warrior guide on here, Ive seen it but other may not have and it displays even more thinking that goes into this game. Like the buffs or speed boosts certain moves get when preceded or followed up by eachother.
I have said it before somewhere else, but until proven otherwise I am not going to believe so easily that x classes has stronger dps than y. Why? There are no damage meters and people tend to take notice of burst damage more easily and conclude some classes will do more damage based on their burst, if something, so far the dps videos I have seen from the koreans put slayer at 1st. I am sure zerkers do more damage per hit, but over time, not sure.
As for me i do not see why zerkers or slayers should do more dps than the other as both have their trade offs and are dps classes. Warrior is more tricky though, eventought it might end up being my main having both tanking and dps is always hard to balance but I fear if they are sub par most people will not pick you even if you know yourself you can do a decent job.
You can believer what you want but it's a fact that a zerker has a higher dps than a slayer and a slayer has a higher dps than a warrior that has the second lowest dps of all melee class,the lancer comes first.
Berserker is the first Melee DPS class I will cover. Berserker’s wield giant axes, wear heavy armor and have the highest weapon damage rating; tied with an Archer. Their damage rating is second only to Archer. Their crit rate is highest; tied with Slayers. Berserkers for some time were mistaken as a third possible tank, due to the fact that they also wear plate armor. This however is certainly not the case, although if pressed a Berserker can tank, it is not a viable options. Berserkers are meant to attack from behind along with the other DPS classes. Despite their heavy armor, they can be blown up pretty quickly whether it’s by a monster or by another player.
Berserkers are the slowest Melee DPS class, with an attack speed of 0.7 which is matched only by Sorcerer. Despite this slow attack speed, Berserkers can crank out a great deal of damage, with their high damage and weapon damage ratings. Their range is only a short three meters, but this is offset by the splash damage effect of their skills, and the spin of their charge-up technique.
Berserkers have become notorious for their ability to one-shot almost every other class, which obviously appeals greatly to many players. Berserkers are quite possibly one of very few classes that can give a Lancer a difficult time, seeing as their heavy armor mitigates much of a Lancer’s already poor DPS, as well as their ability to hit extremely hard.
The splash damage of a Berserker is slightly less than the damage dealt by a full-on hit, but is still absolutely devastating if it crits. As an Archer I personally fought against a Berserker in a 5v5 fight, and was one-shot by the splash damage of a Berserker. This damage hit me for 16,000 which is four thousand HP over what my health would have been if I were at full health. Those who were in the direct path of his hit and were also crit were hit for nearly 20,000 if not higher depending on their armor type.
Slayers are the second and last Melee DPS class of TERA. Slayer’s wield giant swords, wear light armor, and have the third highest damage rating. They are tied for highest critical hit rate with Berserkers. They also have the second-highest weapon damage rating! Slayers were also for some time thought to be a viable option for tanking in TERA, but lack of a proper taunt means they must out-damage the rest of their group while also attempting to dodge the majority of incoming attacks. Due to the complexity of tanking as a Slayer, and their squishiness, they are not a viable option as a tank. As with Berserker and the Ranged DPS classes, they are meant to flank their enemies and attack from behind or the sides where they will hopefully not be hit.
Slayer’s are in the mid-range of attack speed, a 0.6 which they are tied with Priest and Mystic for. While they are rather squishy if caught, they have greater mobility than a Berserker. With self-buffs for run speed, coupled with a ranged sword strike; they are a worthy opponent for the Ranged DPS classes, in some cases considered the counter class for Archers and Sorcerers.
Slayer’s damage out-put is slightly lower than that of a Berserker, but their faster attack speed, ranged attack, and movement speed buffs more than make up for it. While a great majority of Berserkers can be kited in circles, Slayers are extremely difficult to outrange, seeing as their ranged attack has a range of fourteen meters; this is only one meter less than the range of a Archer or Sorcerer’s base attacks, and four meters longer than the range of a Priest or Mystic.
Slayers are said to be the closest to an Assassin or Rogue as you will get. Despite their lack of dual wield, their feel, damage, and the way they play are more similar to an Assassin than any other class.
Warrior is the second and last tank in TERA. Warrior’s wield duel swords, wear light armor, and have the highest HP pool and movement speed out of all eight classes. Furthermore, Warrior attacks are an arc – meaning they are not purely single-target characters. If you and your buddy are in the path of the swinging swords, you will both get hit, instead of just one of you. Warrior’s damage rating is higher than a Lancer, making them third lowest; they are positioned between Sorcerer (lower) and Slayer (higher) on the damage rating.
Warriors are classified as the evasion tanks of TERA. They have fewer taunt options than a Lancer, but their higher DPS, as well as an AoE stun, make them a viable option as a tank. Warriors are a similar play style to rogues and assassins in other MMO’s, but lack the stealth feature. Stealth is a skill that the TERA developers did not want to add to the game for any of the classes, as it is too game-breaking in PvP.
Warriors have a great technique for getting away or catching up to someone, although I personally do not believe it is as good as a Lancer’s. Warrior’s dodge is a great way to get away or chase someone; the simple flaw with this is the animation is different for each race. While a Castanic Female Warrior’s dodge is a fancy leap (which can leap over attacks), other races must suffice with a roll or somersault. Because of this, the majority of Warriors are generally Female Castanics; the smaller hitbox of the female Castanic also plays a role in this, as Warriors are a tank that shouldn’t be getting hit by what they are fighting.
Lancers are the primary tanks in TERA, though as with primary tanks in most games, they are far and few between. They wield a large shield and lance, wear heavy armor, and have the second highest HP pool out of all eight classes. Their damage rating is the third lowest (Priest and Mystic having the lowest damage rating), but this is off-set by their survivability. And of course, they have an AoE taunt.
Lancers are not only sturdy, but one of their skills blocks 100% of all damage taken from the front and, partially, the sides. In general, DPS classes will attempt to skirt around behind the Lancer, but a good Lancer can simply re-position his or her shield block. Lancers also have a self-heal, which obviously can be a life saver.
This class also has an excellent technique for getting away (or catching up), which is their forward-charging dash. This skill seems to have a high knock-down rate when it hits, but it is also worth mentioning that this skill causes the Lancer to run faster than mounted players as well. So if someone mounts up to try and get away, the Lancer can chase them down and knock them off their horse. Alternatively, they can use it to get away, or to catch up to ranged classes.
Archers are what I like to call the snipers of TERA. Their play style is very reminiscent of snipers, seeing as in PvP and boss fights they tend to snipe the primary target with their charge up shots; Penetrating Arrow and Radiant Arrow. As is typical of Archer classes, Archers wield a bow, and wear light armor. But here is where Archers differ from the norm; they do not require ammo. Archers in TERA have unlimited ammunition, which is explained by the developers as the arrows technically being “magic”. Due to this, bows are classified as magical weapons when it comes to crafting.
Archers have the highest damage rating, weapon damage rating, and range (fifteen meters), but have the second lowest HP pool of all eight classes. Despite their low HP pool, they are not quite as fragile as other ranged/support classes due to the fact they wear light armor, and not cloth. Their use of light armor, as well as their dodge skills increases their survivability greatly; but as always in TERA it is up to the player to make proper use of these defenses.
It is worth mentioning that the 15 meter range applies only to their base attack (left click by default). Skills such as Penetrating Arrow have a range of 17-19 meters, and can have their range increased by Glyphs. At maximum, Penetrating Arrow’s range can be increased to roughly 21 meters with Glyphs. That being said, the farther away you are the less damage you deal.
Archers are a single-target DPS class, although they do have a minor Lock-On AoE. In later levels they will have one or two more AoE options, but the majority of their skills are single-target. That being said, their initial charge up skill that they acquire (Penetrating Arrow) can damage multiple targets if they are bunched closely together or are stacked on top of each other. Thus the “Penetrating” in the skill name. Penetrating Arrow is the first of two charge up skills that Archer gets, the second being Radiant Arrow, which is nearly identical but is purely single-target unlike its predecessor. Due to being purely single-target, Radiant Arrow is capable of putting out even more damage than Penetrating Arrow, but its range is slightly shorter as well to compensate.
As in other MMO’s, Archers in TERA have a variety of Traps. Originally, there were four different trap skills available to Archer. However, with the incredible strength of Poison Arrow on their side already, Archer’s poison trap was removed. The first trap an Archer gets is called Cobweb Trap. As you might imagine, this trap is an AoE snare. The second trap that an Archer acquires is called Incendiary Trap. This trap is pretty simple; it does AoE damage, and that’s about it. Our third and last trap, is Concussion Trap; quite possibly my favorite. Concussion Trap is an AoE stun, and with the use of glyphs, the duration of the stun can be increased by 40%.
Archers are a very mobile class due to their ranged nature. Albeit squishy, their ability to kite, dodge, and their high DPS makes them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. An Archer’s role both in PvE and PvP are to focus the main target; generally whatever the tank is occupying. Due to their single-target nature, they are very useful for quickly blowing up a single target. Coupled with their debuff (Mark of Velik) which causes the Archer to deal 10% more damage to the marked target, and Sniper’s Eye which increases strength by 50, and adds an additional 25% damage in PvP (though decreases attack speed by 30%) they can increase their damage against the main target by a significant amount.
If there is a Lancer in the Archer’s group, the Lancer can use one of his skills to further decrease the target’s defense. This lethal combination can result in the Archer critical hitting PvP targets for all of their HP. Warrior also has a similar skill known as Combative Strike, which is acquired at LV6.
And of course with Close Quarters (melee-range AoE stun), Backstep (dodge), and Breakaway Bolt (dodge with damage), Archers have a wonderful slew of abilities they can use to outrange or escape their foes.
Well it's pretty relative to the player playing the class, if they aren't using the proper combos or glyphs, or bad with mana, dodging or blocking their dps output will not be good.
However based on pure stats like each classes attack speed, damage ranges and critical damage the max dps for the classes is set in stone. Zerker then slayer, warrior, lancer for melee. However warrior is being buffed this month so that may or may not change.