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Remember awhile back Y.H. Park left BHS studios due to stress from the lawsuits. Well BHS now has a new Director and he is a fellow named Dong-gun Lee. He was formally one of the heads of Team Bloodlust for NCsoft. (As if the bad blood between the 2 companies isn't bad
Anyways Inven sat down to have a one on one interview with him and they talked about the upcoming content that is coming to TERA.
Cori from EU-TERa has translated the interview
BHS Director Dong-gun Lee
Within one year we(Korea) already received 2 major updates, Dark Awakening and Evolution. February 11th the developers revealed the upcoming major update 'The Argon Queen' (Queen of Argon, whichever you like). The released update informations attracted the attention of many players, expectations are big.
The Argon Queen update introduces a new level cap and features many new content. We had the opportunity to interview Mr. Lee, the director of BHS.
Lee: The Argon Queen update has a key part in the whole Valkyon Federation vs Argon story. After dealing with the Argon threat, a new chapter will unfold.
Inven:Next to the Argon invaders we have Killian and Tulsa fighting the people of the Federation but we can sense that there is a yet unknown greater evil behind them. With this update a great battle takes place in the story.
The Three Towers, where Argon forces gather energy
Lee:The new content features various elements that players can enjoy. We have new, large instances for party play, reputation/daily quests that can be done alone or the dark rifts for which you will be automatically put into a large group. You have a whole variety of ways to play through the content and we think that the new rewards will futher encourage the players.
Inven:Instead of just following the usual raise the level cap pattern we can see that the developers rather focused on giving the player more diversity content wise. Could you please give us more details regarding the content.
Lee:We have 2 new instances, Balder's Temple is a bright and colorful place that can be compared to Saleron's Hanging Garden while the other one, The Abandoned Church has a more dark feel to it, similar to some current dungeons. Three new types of boss monsters appear, they will feature very different patterns from the current ones.
For example, the monster can capture a player's character or pull out a tree or other objects and throw them at the player, another can split it's body into multiple pieces.
New and smarter enemies armed with different skills and patterns
With the new reputation system players can take 6 daily quests between lvl58-60. There are 9 different types of reputation points which players can spend on new accessories, new mounts, equipment or consumables.
Players will most likely focus on Velika Federation and Argon related reputations since these'll be more commonly gathered due to the nature of the new content.
Reputation/Daily quest system UI
Inven:After the new instances and reputation system, the probably most anticipated part of the update is the Dark Rift(Black crevices). Could you please summarize what players can expect?
Lee:The Dark Rifts will be nice a challenge for players, while the participants can receive buffs that raise attack speed for example they have to be prepared for some side effects like a debuff that constantly drains the HP of players. To replenish your health you have to battle monsters and grab the HP replenishing motes they drop.
Points for one of the reputation types 'Boundaries of an Explorer' can be gathered through daily quests that are related to the Rifts.
Rewards are still part of an internal debate and will most likely change after monitoring and analyzing data and feedback.
Large-scale PvE content, Dynamic effects included
Inven:Warriors as tanks is still a hot topic among the community, how does the newly introduced Stack System affect their tanking abilities?
Lee:According to the feedback we received so far Warriors are capable of maintaining a tanking role but their aggro abilities are somewhat hard to control. With the new update we intend to lower that difficulty so that Warriors can further play a tanking role. We are also considering to introduce a 'Parry' skill which has been requested by players many times.
Additionally, the new Stack System should also help them secure a spot in parties.
While Lancers are seen as traditional tankers, we think that Warriors will have a new, fun way of tanking. PvP will be also a lot more interesting and fun with the new system.
Inven:Many of our readers are interested how the current ingame economy will be affected by the new accessories, luxury items and green crystals. Don't you think there is a risk to widen the gap between the rich and the poor?
Lee:We are aware that the chances with luxing can be problematic but the Argon Queen update won't directly affect luxing or the economy itself. Since the ingame economy is a really sensitive topic we still need to decide whether we will apply some measures to balance things.
The new green crystals can be slotted into earrings and rings. Instead of having the usual "attack the monster from the rear and you get this and that" we wanted to give players continuously generating effects.
As for the accessories that were mentioned earlier, the vanity items will be available through achievements. The improvements in the crafting system will also allow players to acquire certain items. Spending your reputation points will get you unique rewards.
You can get monster costumes through achievements
Some nice new info, can't wait for the new update !!
Nice. People calling you Dong all day.
I seriously laughed my ass off with this one.
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Is your dong gun loaded or are you happy to see me?
This guy is like the Bruce Lee of dungeons, Or, Dong-guns
That's for in info, it's good to know they are investing so much into the PvE and storyline since PvP will already be a big part of the game.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Now we just need the be able to throw those trees back at them. Seriously i want to say fck my lance and shield this dungeon, i'm getting that Tree and wacking everything to death!!!! That should be a challenge mode, fight only using terrain objects lol.