I think I would believe a developer over a conspiracy theorist who hasn't played the game in months.
I'm going to end this with a little tidbit.
For a game thats been out for so long, it's pretty barren, I don't think their handling of tasks, bugs, or feedback/communication is good at all. AT ALL. They need someone running PR like woah. And I could see how his post could be construed as whiney.
The game has a lot of issues, bugs, and general asshattery that up until these days only CCP could get away with.
However I do not feel that every single thread about the game being decent for what it is should wind up with consipracy theories and propaganda about how the 6 people or so at SV are swindling everyone for the giggles or creating accounts to hype the game. It's just silly.
Countering it with "Well you know I see they've fixed stuff and things are a bit more stable but I can't get over the porting issues" is much better than. "OMG THIS PERSON JSUT WORKS FOR SV CAUSE THAT GAME SUCKS TROLOLOLO" or "They are just stealing your money when you sub!" or "They are out to make a bunch of promises to make you pay then never fulfill them" when they decided to discuss some ideas they MAY do.
I`m finding it hard to figure out if you are trying to troll posters here or are having difficulty in making up your mind whether you like SV or hate them for just as they are.
In two consecutive paragraphs you have barrel rolled from one side of the court to the other while travelling with the ball, its so very confusing...
You bassically admit SV suck at handling tasks, bugs, feedback and communication, you know...all that makes them a GAME DEVELOPER, and then you also freely admit that MO itself is broken since it has a lot of issues, bugs and general asshattery going on in the game. All your words and none are mine, and if I dint know better I would have thought, "Whoa dude, although all that is true, some fanboy is going to call you a hater, you just see!"
So tell me this, with ALL those problems both SV and MO are having, how the hell do you think it is justifiable to have them charge AAA prices for a broken game whose developers have no skill or insight to make it worth the monthly fee? Moreover, all those less than 20 posts posters and the usual people ALWAYS claiming the same BS, "POPULATION IS BOOOOMING!", "GAME IS FINE, only SMALL bugs remain", "BEST FANTASY SANDBOX, just like EvE and UO but (IMO) SO MUCH BETTER!", etc....doesnt it just make you think how the HELL can people hype this game up so much if there isnt something in it for them? Its silly to just buy into the hype IMHO, to question why these posters dont even post the truth (like how you are doing here and you deserve due credit for doing so) about how MO has so MANY problems, but might just hold your attention if you are that kind of a person, is not the least bit silly.
Here is a tidbit for you for that other tidbit you sent our way.
Look at this OP's post. He claims to have played it "a little over a year" back. Dawn was only released around 8 months ago and with it came butchery, cooking, task boards and whatever I dont remember. So how can he say it was "Since then fixed" if he hasnt even tried these game features before? Its all in the wording, in how to differentiate between a shill and a legit player.
Also look at his "SWTOR player; type of MMO player" comment. Its the remixed lyrics from the same old: "This game is too hardcore for you, go back to WoW" song. Another thing that doesnt speak good about the OP.
Lastly, anyone who makes "xxx system is going to blow the game out of the water" on his very first post on the matter is very Very susceptible to being a shill. Not even veteran MO players OR the focus group can tell you if this xpac is good or not. Hyping something that is not yet released for a company with a reputation that SV suffers, is pretty much the best sign to check for a shill. And oh look, OP has disappeared into the shadows after a couple of initial posts for a game he seems to absolutely love, not gonna say anything bout that but all in all with the rest of the content his posts contain, he doesnt look the least bit legit, at all.
Observational skills dont require you to wear a tinfoil hat either, occam's razor cuts sharp.
MO can definately be fun for a month or two. wile it's not everyone's game if it is what you are into to ( and you have a beastly computer) this game can definately be a lot of fun. there is almost no grind, fps combat is exciting, you can get into the action almost immediately, etc, etc
the problems will start showing once the novelty kind of wears off and you are left with the bugs, the exploitors, and the unprofessional SV employees. once you've been in a handfull of large battles and you see exactly how bad preformance can get you'll know what i'm talking about. once you've spent time building stuff and see just how buggy it all is and how little help you'll get from GMs you'll know what i'm talking about. when you keep losing battles against the same people that blatantly exploit and the GMs dont do anything, you'll know what i'm talking about.
so yes, the game can be fun for a while, but sadly it has lots of problems and SV has no idea how to fix them.
I played beta and quit after 5 days. It was an utter mess. Out of nowhere I decided to try the trial. They kept at it despite all the smack-talk and negative press.It is miles above where it was in beta and very playable. It's not for everyone and still has bugs. I subbed as i am enjoying it none-the-less. People ask why we should pay and support products that seem/are unfinished from small independents. I say it is that reason alone....EVE wasnt always a complete gem. People stuck with it and look at it now. No one else is even trying to make these types of games..no AAA companies for sure. Independents like Starvault..with less than 15 people on staff...are the only ones truly trying to get a decent sandbox going. Where everyone isnt a hero...just a cog in the gears of the world.
I think I would believe a developer over a conspiracy theorist who hasn't played the game in months.
I'm going to end this with a little tidbit.
For a game thats been out for so long, it's pretty barren, I don't think their handling of tasks, bugs, or feedback/communication is good at all. AT ALL. They need someone running PR like woah. And I could see how his post could be construed as whiney.
The game has a lot of issues, bugs, and general asshattery that up until these days only CCP could get away with.
However I do not feel that every single thread about the game being decent for what it is should wind up with consipracy theories and propaganda about how the 6 people or so at SV are swindling everyone for the giggles or creating accounts to hype the game. It's just silly.
Countering it with "Well you know I see they've fixed stuff and things are a bit more stable but I can't get over the porting issues" is much better than. "OMG THIS PERSON JSUT WORKS FOR SV CAUSE THAT GAME SUCKS TROLOLOLO" or "They are just stealing your money when you sub!" or "They are out to make a bunch of promises to make you pay then never fulfill them" when they decided to discuss some ideas they MAY do.
I`m finding it hard to figure out if you are trying to troll posters here or are having difficulty in making up your mind whether you like SV or hate them for just as they are.
In two consecutive paragraphs you have barrel rolled from one side of the court to the other while travelling with the ball, its so very confusing...
You bassically admit SV suck at handling tasks, bugs, feedback and communication, you know...all that makes them a GAME DEVELOPER, and then you also freely admit that MO itself is broken since it has a lot of issues, bugs and general asshattery going on in the game. All your words and none are mine, and if I dint know better I would have thought, "Whoa dude, although all that is true, some fanboy is going to call you a hater, you just see!"
So tell me this, with ALL those problems both SV and MO are having, how the hell do you think it is justifiable to have them charge AAA prices for a broken game whose developers have no skill or insight to make it worth the monthly fee? Moreover, all those less than 20 posts posters and the usual people ALWAYS claiming the same BS, "POPULATION IS BOOOOMING!", "GAME IS FINE, only SMALL bugs remain", "BEST FANTASY SANDBOX, just like EvE and UO but (IMO) SO MUCH BETTER!", etc....doesnt it just make you think how the HELL can people hype this game up so much if there isnt something in it for them? Its silly to just buy into the hype IMHO, to question why these posters dont even post the truth (like how you are doing here and you deserve due credit for doing so) about how MO has so MANY problems, but might just hold your attention if you are that kind of a person, is not the least bit silly.
Here is a tidbit for you for that other tidbit you sent our way.
Look at this OP's post. He claims to have played it "a little over a year" back. Dawn was only released around 8 months ago and with it came butchery, cooking, task boards and whatever I dont remember. So how can he say it was "Since then fixed" if he hasnt even tried these game features before? Its all in the wording, in how to differentiate between a shill and a legit player.
Also look at his "SWTOR player; type of MMO player" comment. Its the remixed lyrics from the same old: "This game is too hardcore for you, go back to WoW" song. Another thing that doesnt speak good about the OP.
Lastly, anyone who makes "xxx system is going to blow the game out of the water" on his very first post on the matter is very Very susceptible to being a shill. Not even veteran MO players OR the focus group can tell you if this xpac is good or not. Hyping something that is not yet released for a company with a reputation that SV suffers, is pretty much the best sign to check for a shill. And oh look, OP has disappeared into the shadows after a couple of initial posts for a game he seems to absolutely love, not gonna say anything bout that but all in all with the rest of the content his posts contain, he doesnt look the least bit legit, at all.
Observational skills dont require you to wear a tinfoil hat either, occam's razor cuts sharp.
I never said that game was broken, having bugs is one thing, being broken implies I'm saying you can't play it, which is not the case. I also do not go to either extreme to love or hate the company. Honestly I don't give a rats ass about the politicing of the company itself. I do care about the product they provide for what it is.
Do I go off and think that every feature they discuss is set in stone gunna go into the game? No. Do I really care if they implement their blue-sky ideas or not? No. Do I go from post to post on a forum yelling about how I didn't get whats coming to me? No.
I pick up a game and play it for what it is, not what's in unrelease patches, I don't pick it up for it's blue sky ideas, or it's companies stupid amateur tendencies. I play a game for the game. If I need to make a list of what I enjoy about it, let me know.
My original rant is that people are getting on the forums saying "I see more people in!" or "It's buggy but I like it" (kinda positive post) and then the same 2 people come out and say the same stupid crap as always. Stuff that doesn't even apply to conversation, such as SV is stealing their money and brining up age old issues or quotes that don't even apply to the game today. It actually derails the post.
Such as this one, it was about guys returning, and it turned into more SV flaming and not even MO flaming.
I think I would believe a developer over a conspiracy theorist who hasn't played the game in months.
I'm going to end this with a little tidbit.
For a game thats been out for so long, it's pretty barren, I don't think their handling of tasks, bugs, or feedback/communication is good at all. AT ALL. They need someone running PR like woah. And I could see how his post could be construed as whiney.
The game has a lot of issues, bugs, and general asshattery that up until these days only CCP could get away with.
However I do not feel that every single thread about the game being decent for what it is should wind up with consipracy theories and propaganda about how the 6 people or so at SV are swindling everyone for the giggles or creating accounts to hype the game. It's just silly.
Countering it with "Well you know I see they've fixed stuff and things are a bit more stable but I can't get over the porting issues" is much better than. "OMG THIS PERSON JSUT WORKS FOR SV CAUSE THAT GAME SUCKS TROLOLOLO" or "They are just stealing your money when you sub!" or "They are out to make a bunch of promises to make you pay then never fulfill them" when they decided to discuss some ideas they MAY do.
I`m finding it hard to figure out if you are trying to troll posters here or are having difficulty in making up your mind whether you like SV or hate them for just as they are.
In two consecutive paragraphs you have barrel rolled from one side of the court to the other while travelling with the ball, its so very confusing...
You bassically admit SV suck at handling tasks, bugs, feedback and communication, you know...all that makes them a GAME DEVELOPER, and then you also freely admit that MO itself is broken since it has a lot of issues, bugs and general asshattery going on in the game. All your words and none are mine, and if I dint know better I would have thought, "Whoa dude, although all that is true, some fanboy is going to call you a hater, you just see!"
So tell me this, with ALL those problems both SV and MO are having, how the hell do you think it is justifiable to have them charge AAA prices for a broken game whose developers have no skill or insight to make it worth the monthly fee? Moreover, all those less than 20 posts posters and the usual people ALWAYS claiming the same BS, "POPULATION IS BOOOOMING!", "GAME IS FINE, only SMALL bugs remain", "BEST FANTASY SANDBOX, just like EvE and UO but (IMO) SO MUCH BETTER!", etc....doesnt it just make you think how the HELL can people hype this game up so much if there isnt something in it for them? Its silly to just buy into the hype IMHO, to question why these posters dont even post the truth (like how you are doing here and you deserve due credit for doing so) about how MO has so MANY problems, but might just hold your attention if you are that kind of a person, is not the least bit silly.
Here is a tidbit for you for that other tidbit you sent our way.
Look at this OP's post. He claims to have played it "a little over a year" back. Dawn was only released around 8 months ago and with it came butchery, cooking, task boards and whatever I dont remember. So how can he say it was "Since then fixed" if he hasnt even tried these game features before? Its all in the wording, in how to differentiate between a shill and a legit player.
Also look at his "SWTOR player; type of MMO player" comment. Its the remixed lyrics from the same old: "This game is too hardcore for you, go back to WoW" song. Another thing that doesnt speak good about the OP.
Lastly, anyone who makes "xxx system is going to blow the game out of the water" on his very first post on the matter is very Very susceptible to being a shill. Not even veteran MO players OR the focus group can tell you if this xpac is good or not. Hyping something that is not yet released for a company with a reputation that SV suffers, is pretty much the best sign to check for a shill. And oh look, OP has disappeared into the shadows after a couple of initial posts for a game he seems to absolutely love, not gonna say anything bout that but all in all with the rest of the content his posts contain, he doesnt look the least bit legit, at all.
Observational skills dont require you to wear a tinfoil hat either, occam's razor cuts sharp.
I never said that game was broken, having bugs is one thing, being broken implies I'm saying you can't play it, which is not the case. I also do not go to either extreme to love or hate the company. Honestly I don't give a rats ass about the politicing of the company itself. I do care about the product they provide for what it is.
Do I go off and think that every feature they discuss is set in stone gunna go into the game? No. Do I really care if they implement their blue-sky ideas or not? No. Do I go from post to post on a forum yelling about how I didn't get whats coming to me? No.
I pick up a game and play it for what it is, not what's in unrelease patches, I don't pick it up for it's blue sky ideas, or it's companies stupid amateur tendencies. I play a game for the game. If I need to make a list of what I enjoy about it, let me know.
My original rant is that people are getting on the forums saying "I see more people in!" or "It's buggy but I like it" (kinda positive post) and then the same 2 people come out and say the same stupid crap as always. Stuff that doesn't even apply to conversation, such as SV is stealing their money and brining up age old issues or quotes that don't even apply to the game today. It actually derails the post.
Such as this one, it was about guys returning, and it turned into more SV flaming and not even MO flaming.
Good post, I tried MO for a short while, it's got bugs and glitches but it's not broken. It doesn't run very well on my mid range laptop with lower end dedicated graphics card and it should so some more optimisation is needed before I give it another trial, but those playing it were generally helpful and seemed to be enjoying it. If they can keep it going it will probably be a decent game in the end.
I don't get with endless hate, so you tried a game and it didn't work out and you don't like the people who make it, if I expended as much emotion as some people do over this for every game that I bought and quickly discarded I would a shrivelled husk of a person.
I never said that game was broken, having bugs is one thing, being broken implies I'm saying you can't play it, which is not the case. I also do not go to either extreme to love or hate the company. Honestly I don't give a rats ass about the politicing of the company itself. I do care about the product they provide for what it is.
Do I go off and think that every feature they discuss is set in stone gunna go into the game? No. Do I really care if they implement their blue-sky ideas or not? No. Do I go from post to post on a forum yelling about how I didn't get whats coming to me? No.
I pick up a game and play it for what it is, not what's in unrelease patches, I don't pick it up for it's blue sky ideas, or it's companies stupid amateur tendencies. I play a game for the game. If I need to make a list of what I enjoy about it, let me know.
My original rant is that people are getting on the forums saying "I see more people in!" or "It's buggy but I like it" (kinda positive post) and then the same 2 people come out and say the same stupid crap as always. Stuff that doesn't even apply to conversation, such as SV is stealing their money and brining up age old issues or quotes that don't even apply to the game today. It actually derails the post.
Such as this one, it was about guys returning, and it turned into more SV flaming and not even MO flaming.
So I dont have the same tolerance threshold as you do. Doesnt make me wrong, doesnt make you right (or wrong either) in this matter. A game which is only focused on PvPing, and where PvP can be glitched up and borked completely to an extent that might seem like hacking to the newbie (talking bout the gem of a prediction systerm here) is a game I consider broken. If the reasons you stated; crappy dev team trying to make a game out of their reach isnt enough to call it broken enough.
And man oh man...Yea people who are trying it might like it. Yea population might be on the rise due to the articles and indirect hype generated by those and the fact that SV might throw in a new free patch soon. But that doesnt make those "same 2 people" wrong either. If they have paid, subbed or made someone else pay/sub to SV and feel like they have been treated unfairly by the company who sold them this product, then its a right that they can voice their comments about SV and MO until they choose to stop or get compensated by SV for the bad product they sold to the consumers. If some people have trouble letting go about the 90 euros they were robbed of then thats pretty much their problem, IMHO, and no one else is entitled to tell them to shut the hell up since it might irritate them that someone is putting down SV while the population is boooooooooming.
Why dont you take the same approach towards those few people who keep playing the same broken record about how population is booooooooming for the past 1+ years while being proven wrong time and time again? Or those people who drop 20k sub counts without giving any proof to back it up just to make MO look more appealing to the new guy. Or those people who kept underplaying SV's faults by painting a very colourful picture about MO from their rosy tinted POV time and time again? Yea, you wont ask them to shut up since you dont care if SV shills spread lies, but if someone speaks up to counter those lies then its a big problem. Just like the shill OP in this thread.
And you know, these forums provide a lot of people more entertainment than the actual game. And the forums here are free of cost, and you will never get doubled or triple billed by mmorpg.com either. If I speak for myself, I drop by here just to read about the different ways SV screw up without even trying all that hard. And the posts which tell about it, arepretty damn entertaining to me. So while you or others like you might not like them, I do. Besides if the game is good, then people will play it regardless of how many "haters" keep harping about it, yea? But when the game isnt good, thats when the shills get paid to write their posts here and fanbots go at it non stop pro bono, something that has been happening in this forumspace for a really long time.
But I have gone pretty much off topic now so Im done with derailing this thread, regardless of whether its OP is a shill or otherwise. Cheers.
I`m finding it hard to figure out if you are trying to troll posters here or are having difficulty in making up your mind whether you like SV or hate them for just as they are.
In two consecutive paragraphs you have barrel rolled from one side of the court to the other while travelling with the ball, its so very confusing...
You bassically admit SV suck at handling tasks, bugs, feedback and communication, you know...all that makes them a GAME DEVELOPER, and then you also freely admit that MO itself is broken since it has a lot of issues, bugs and general asshattery going on in the game. All your words and none are mine, and if I dint know better I would have thought, "Whoa dude, although all that is true, some fanboy is going to call you a hater, you just see!"
So tell me this, with ALL those problems both SV and MO are having, how the hell do you think it is justifiable to have them charge AAA prices for a broken game whose developers have no skill or insight to make it worth the monthly fee? Moreover, all those less than 20 posts posters and the usual people ALWAYS claiming the same BS, "POPULATION IS BOOOOMING!", "GAME IS FINE, only SMALL bugs remain", "BEST FANTASY SANDBOX, just like EvE and UO but (IMO) SO MUCH BETTER!", etc....doesnt it just make you think how the HELL can people hype this game up so much if there isnt something in it for them? Its silly to just buy into the hype IMHO, to question why these posters dont even post the truth (like how you are doing here and you deserve due credit for doing so) about how MO has so MANY problems, but might just hold your attention if you are that kind of a person, is not the least bit silly.
Here is a tidbit for you for that other tidbit you sent our way.
Look at this OP's post. He claims to have played it "a little over a year" back. Dawn was only released around 8 months ago and with it came butchery, cooking, task boards and whatever I dont remember. So how can he say it was "Since then fixed" if he hasnt even tried these game features before? Its all in the wording, in how to differentiate between a shill and a legit player.
Also look at his "SWTOR player; type of MMO player" comment. Its the remixed lyrics from the same old: "This game is too hardcore for you, go back to WoW" song. Another thing that doesnt speak good about the OP.
Lastly, anyone who makes "xxx system is going to blow the game out of the water" on his very first post on the matter is very Very susceptible to being a shill. Not even veteran MO players OR the focus group can tell you if this xpac is good or not. Hyping something that is not yet released for a company with a reputation that SV suffers, is pretty much the best sign to check for a shill. And oh look, OP has disappeared into the shadows after a couple of initial posts for a game he seems to absolutely love, not gonna say anything bout that but all in all with the rest of the content his posts contain, he doesnt look the least bit legit, at all.
Observational skills dont require you to wear a tinfoil hat either, occam's razor cuts sharp.
MO can definately be fun for a month or two. wile it's not everyone's game if it is what you are into to ( and you have a beastly computer) this game can definately be a lot of fun. there is almost no grind, fps combat is exciting, you can get into the action almost immediately, etc, etc
the problems will start showing once the novelty kind of wears off and you are left with the bugs, the exploitors, and the unprofessional SV employees. once you've been in a handfull of large battles and you see exactly how bad preformance can get you'll know what i'm talking about. once you've spent time building stuff and see just how buggy it all is and how little help you'll get from GMs you'll know what i'm talking about. when you keep losing battles against the same people that blatantly exploit and the GMs dont do anything, you'll know what i'm talking about.
so yes, the game can be fun for a while, but sadly it has lots of problems and SV has no idea how to fix them.
MO is fun till the feeling of novelty wears of, and it does so relatively quickly.
I played beta and quit after 5 days. It was an utter mess. Out of nowhere I decided to try the trial. They kept at it despite all the smack-talk and negative press.It is miles above where it was in beta and very playable. It's not for everyone and still has bugs. I subbed as i am enjoying it none-the-less. People ask why we should pay and support products that seem/are unfinished from small independents. I say it is that reason alone....EVE wasnt always a complete gem. People stuck with it and look at it now. No one else is even trying to make these types of games..no AAA companies for sure. Independents like Starvault..with less than 15 people on staff...are the only ones truly trying to get a decent sandbox going. Where everyone isnt a hero...just a cog in the gears of the world.
I never said that game was broken, having bugs is one thing, being broken implies I'm saying you can't play it, which is not the case. I also do not go to either extreme to love or hate the company. Honestly I don't give a rats ass about the politicing of the company itself. I do care about the product they provide for what it is.
Do I go off and think that every feature they discuss is set in stone gunna go into the game? No. Do I really care if they implement their blue-sky ideas or not? No. Do I go from post to post on a forum yelling about how I didn't get whats coming to me? No.
I pick up a game and play it for what it is, not what's in unrelease patches, I don't pick it up for it's blue sky ideas, or it's companies stupid amateur tendencies. I play a game for the game. If I need to make a list of what I enjoy about it, let me know.
My original rant is that people are getting on the forums saying "I see more people in!" or "It's buggy but I like it" (kinda positive post) and then the same 2 people come out and say the same stupid crap as always. Stuff that doesn't even apply to conversation, such as SV is stealing their money and brining up age old issues or quotes that don't even apply to the game today. It actually derails the post.
Such as this one, it was about guys returning, and it turned into more SV flaming and not even MO flaming.
I think I would believe a developer over a conspiracy theorist who hasn't played the game in months.
I'm going to end this with a little tidbit.
For a game thats been out for so long, it's pretty barren, I don't think their handling of tasks, bugs, or feedback/communication is good at all. AT ALL. They need someone running PR like woah. And I could see how his post could be construed as whiney.
The game has a lot of issues, bugs, and general asshattery that up until these days only CCP could get away with.
However I do not feel that every single thread about the game being decent for what it is should wind up with consipracy theories and propaganda about how the 6 people or so at SV are swindling everyone for the giggles or creating accounts to hype the game. It's just silly.
Countering it with "Well you know I see they've fixed stuff and things are a bit more stable but I can't get over the porting issues" is much better than. "OMG THIS PERSON JSUT WORKS FOR SV CAUSE THAT GAME SUCKS TROLOLOLO" or "They are just stealing your money when you sub!" or "They are out to make a bunch of promises to make you pay then never fulfill them" when they decided to discuss some ideas they MAY do.
I`m finding it hard to figure out if you are trying to troll posters here or are having difficulty in making up your mind whether you like SV or hate them for just as they are.
In two consecutive paragraphs you have barrel rolled from one side of the court to the other while travelling with the ball, its so very confusing...
You bassically admit SV suck at handling tasks, bugs, feedback and communication, you know...all that makes them a GAME DEVELOPER, and then you also freely admit that MO itself is broken since it has a lot of issues, bugs and general asshattery going on in the game. All your words and none are mine, and if I dint know better I would have thought, "Whoa dude, although all that is true, some fanboy is going to call you a hater, you just see!"
So tell me this, with ALL those problems both SV and MO are having, how the hell do you think it is justifiable to have them charge AAA prices for a broken game whose developers have no skill or insight to make it worth the monthly fee? Moreover, all those less than 20 posts posters and the usual people ALWAYS claiming the same BS, "POPULATION IS BOOOOMING!", "GAME IS FINE, only SMALL bugs remain", "BEST FANTASY SANDBOX, just like EvE and UO but (IMO) SO MUCH BETTER!", etc....doesnt it just make you think how the HELL can people hype this game up so much if there isnt something in it for them? Its silly to just buy into the hype IMHO, to question why these posters dont even post the truth (like how you are doing here and you deserve due credit for doing so) about how MO has so MANY problems, but might just hold your attention if you are that kind of a person, is not the least bit silly.
Here is a tidbit for you for that other tidbit you sent our way.
Look at this OP's post. He claims to have played it "a little over a year" back. Dawn was only released around 8 months ago and with it came butchery, cooking, task boards and whatever I dont remember. So how can he say it was "Since then fixed" if he hasnt even tried these game features before? Its all in the wording, in how to differentiate between a shill and a legit player.
Also look at his "SWTOR player; type of MMO player" comment. Its the remixed lyrics from the same old: "This game is too hardcore for you, go back to WoW" song. Another thing that doesnt speak good about the OP.
Lastly, anyone who makes "xxx system is going to blow the game out of the water" on his very first post on the matter is very Very susceptible to being a shill. Not even veteran MO players OR the focus group can tell you if this xpac is good or not. Hyping something that is not yet released for a company with a reputation that SV suffers, is pretty much the best sign to check for a shill. And oh look, OP has disappeared into the shadows after a couple of initial posts for a game he seems to absolutely love, not gonna say anything bout that but all in all with the rest of the content his posts contain, he doesnt look the least bit legit, at all.
Observational skills dont require you to wear a tinfoil hat either, occam's razor cuts sharp.
I never said that game was broken, having bugs is one thing, being broken implies I'm saying you can't play it, which is not the case. I also do not go to either extreme to love or hate the company. Honestly I don't give a rats ass about the politicing of the company itself. I do care about the product they provide for what it is.
Do I go off and think that every feature they discuss is set in stone gunna go into the game? No. Do I really care if they implement their blue-sky ideas or not? No. Do I go from post to post on a forum yelling about how I didn't get whats coming to me? No.
I pick up a game and play it for what it is, not what's in unrelease patches, I don't pick it up for it's blue sky ideas, or it's companies stupid amateur tendencies. I play a game for the game. If I need to make a list of what I enjoy about it, let me know.
My original rant is that people are getting on the forums saying "I see more people in!" or "It's buggy but I like it" (kinda positive post) and then the same 2 people come out and say the same stupid crap as always. Stuff that doesn't even apply to conversation, such as SV is stealing their money and brining up age old issues or quotes that don't even apply to the game today. It actually derails the post.
Such as this one, it was about guys returning, and it turned into more SV flaming and not even MO flaming.
So I dont have the same tolerance threshold as you do. Doesnt make me wrong, doesnt make you right (or wrong either) in this matter. A game which is only focused on PvPing, and where PvP can be glitched up and borked completely to an extent that might seem like hacking to the newbie (talking bout the gem of a prediction systerm here) is a game I consider broken. If the reasons you stated; crappy dev team trying to make a game out of their reach isnt enough to call it broken enough.
And man oh man...Yea people who are trying it might like it. Yea population might be on the rise due to the articles and indirect hype generated by those and the fact that SV might throw in a new free patch soon. But that doesnt make those "same 2 people" wrong either. If they have paid, subbed or made someone else pay/sub to SV and feel like they have been treated unfairly by the company who sold them this product, then its a right that they can voice their comments about SV and MO until they choose to stop or get compensated by SV for the bad product they sold to the consumers. If some people have trouble letting go about the 90 euros they were robbed of then thats pretty much their problem, IMHO, and no one else is entitled to tell them to shut the hell up since it might irritate them that someone is putting down SV while the population is boooooooooming.
Why dont you take the same approach towards those few people who keep playing the same broken record about how population is booooooooming for the past 1+ years while being proven wrong time and time again? Or those people who drop 20k sub counts without giving any proof to back it up just to make MO look more appealing to the new guy. Or those people who kept underplaying SV's faults by painting a very colourful picture about MO from their rosy tinted POV time and time again? Yea, you wont ask them to shut up since you dont care if SV shills spread lies, but if someone speaks up to counter those lies then its a big problem. Just like the shill OP in this thread.
And you know, these forums provide a lot of people more entertainment than the actual game. And the forums here are free of cost, and you will never get doubled or triple billed by mmorpg.com either. If I speak for myself, I drop by here just to read about the different ways SV screw up without even trying all that hard. And the posts which tell about it, arepretty damn entertaining to me. So while you or others like you might not like them, I do. Besides if the game is good, then people will play it regardless of how many "haters" keep harping about it, yea? But when the game isnt good, thats when the shills get paid to write their posts here and fanbots go at it non stop pro bono, something that has been happening in this forumspace for a really long time.
But I have gone pretty much off topic now so Im done with derailing this thread, regardless of whether its OP is a shill or otherwise. Cheers.