I posted about FC, thier business practices and the recent impact they had on Anarchy online. I have used facts about AO to project concerns about potential issues in TSW. But in the end, (as i have said before) I don't presume to speak about TSW. Everything I have posted about AO is based on 1st hand experience and can be pretty much verified.
You, however decided to disagree. But since you have no information or facts, you use personal attacks agains me that have nothing to do with FC, AO, TSW, my post or this thread.
Do everyone a favor. Please. Go get some facts and prove me wrong. And not some press release by FC saying "Oh No, we'd NEVER put anything like that in our CS" They said that about AO and guess what....It's all in there.
I can assure you, If you can, I'll be the 1st one to post an apology fo spewing my crap.
And just to show you that I mean it. I will admit, that I was wrong about EA. I saw the logo and made an assumption that they were backing the game. If they truly have nothing more than distribution rights to the boxed editions, then I retract my comment about EA in my 1st post.
If I genuinely insulted you, I honestly apologize. I never intended to be insulting or whatever, I just have a way with words that can come off as insulting without actually having that as an intent. So therefore, my apologies.
However, most of the points I brought across are from what I've picked up from previews, interviews and statement by the developers on the forums. What my main point was though, and it may not have gotten across that well, is that you shouldn't brush off the game because of a negative experience with a previous game.
Heck, TOR is a trainwreck when it comes to bugs, but will I write off Mass Effect 3? I understand you have gripes with how Funcom is handling AO and from what I've read from you, rightfully so. But AO is an 11 year old game and your point about having to need two accounts to actually get something done is outdated and is not from this era when it comes to MMO gaming anymore.
If memory serves me well, I recall Ragnar saying that they've learned from past mistakes (the launch of AoC mainly) and that they'll do whatever they can not to repeat mistakes and, honestly, at this stage in the development and from what we've seen, we'll need to take their word for it. But their past games do not warrant writing off a promising game such as The Secret World.
Now, on a final note, I'd like to say that I have nothing against you personally and really, if I've truly offended you, I hope you can accept my apology on that. The "insults" were merely a figure of speech and are basically how I usually put my point across, very graphic so it sticks. I'm just personally sick and tired of the general attitude on this forum that whenever a game is close to launch the majority of these forum users seem to jump on a game and do everything within their grasp to make sure nobody thinks of even playing it. Shake on it?
I am following this game because I want(ed) to play it. And IF (big IF) FC does stay true to their word and the CS is only for Vanity, then I will play TSW. Unfortunately, FC has already shown that what the game directors/developers want and the investors want are in contention. (And that's probably the best way I can say that TBH) If you look at my prior post in this thread, I linked to where they said one thing and did the opposite. I am sorry, I just won't believe what they say until I see it.
i dont like the AP / SP way of experience. It is like Perfect World International where you have to grind mobs to gather SP to buy skills. Here you will gather AP and SP for the same purposes, but this wont kill it for me.
Somebody mentioned twitch combat and thats where my concern is. I was expecting tab targeting, so if this game will have the mouse sticked to the aim and both clicks to attack then i highly expect Funcom to provide Gamepad support or i wont touch the game. I will always refuse to play mmorpg with FPS style using mouse and keyboard.
EDIT: besides that, the rest of the article is pretty sweet
Somebody mentioned twitch combat and thats where my concern is. I was expecting tab targeting, so if this game will have the mouse sticked to the aim and both clicks to attack then i highly expect Funcom to provide Gamepad support or i wont touch the game. I will always refuse to play mmorpg with FPS style using mouse and keyboard.
Watch any gameplay video where you can see the hotbar and you should be able to tell that the combat is standard MMO fare hotkey clicking.
The only difference with TSW is that some skills are cones (IE: The skill will fire off in the direction you're aiming regardless if you have a mob targeted or not) and you can always move during combat, even with channeled abilities.
It is definitely not twitch combat.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Downside for me is the "challenging puzzles" and "making the players think and problem solve" [paraphrased]. I hate being stuck on puzzles and hate 'solving' them - that's what I do for my day job (IT support lol).
Even the cultists quest in this article sounds annoying - a dev had to point a subtle part of the quest text before the team knew what to do. I can see plenty of people spending hours banging their heads onthis sort of thing.
From where I"m sitting that's a good thing.
For my taste, these games have become ridiculous. grab quest, show up and kill, retrieve or "click on x amount of somethin gto activate it" and then run back and get xp reward.
Rinse and repeat.
Adding additional options to quests/areas should break this up a bit. And quite frankly, I'm a player who likes the idea that players can fail.
However, I imagine the answers to a lot of these puzzles will be on the internet as fast as you can type WWW...
Your last statement is a a big part of the reason why developers have given this sort of questing up since, basically, Everquest. I was just talking to my colleague at work on Thursday how I missed the adventure setup that you get in PnP, where you have to roam around and collect information prior to hitting a dungeon. I for one, at least, am going to look forward to it.
I am sure there will be clans that have "no spoiler" policies where you don't have to put up with someone who's already done it or likes to search on the internet for answers.
It's not the quests and story most people are worried about, it's the actual combat and progression...
Most of this focused on the actual "physical experience" of going there, or random bits about "so we killed this, after dieing pretty badly the first time" that doesn't help get rid of those suspicions much, heh...
Beyond the story of the experience, just more generic promo screen shots, sigh...
The cash shop? Oh noes, a player who spent extra money on the game will [b]look[/b] differently. What you're forgetting though is that "gear" (or should I say clothes?) in this game add zip, nada, zero, de rien, no stats whatsoever. Nothing. Not even half a percent of whatever stat you get off on. Not even a teeny-weeny-meeny bit.
Where do you draw the line? What if players had to pay extra for any customization at all? Or what if half the customization were in the cash shop? I'm not saying it'll be that bad, but I can see it going in that direction, and I think saying it doesn't matter because it's purely cosmetic isn't necessarily true.
Customization is important to a lot of people, and when we pay full box price for a game (and a sub, ffs), we expect to experience whatever the game has, in that area. Not some diminished version, so that they can nickle and dime us for more.
funcom said you can obtain everything in the cash shop, without having to pay
I really like the skillwheel as explained in one of the vids and that there are no levels. Im not really impressed with the setting so far though. Zombies are utterly boring to me so I hope they will have some more interesting mutated monsters then that or just enemy human factions. I also didnt really get a good impression of how open the world is.
And I also hope that EA stays out of the development decisions of this. Funcom already has enough problems with releasing a complete game without them messing with dev timeline.
They're not "just zombies", though. They're Funcom's own take on zombies and are called "The Filth". I know, I know, vague and they're still zombies. But those are just the random mob you'd encounter en masse. The beauty in the enemies lies in the countless myths and stories that exist in our world and are brought into the game. The scarecrow, the draught (ancient vikings - I might be wrong on this one - who were cursed and rise from the sea), bigfoot, etc etc
How open the world is? Well, the zones are, from what I've read and seen, rather instanced and linked to eachother through Agartha, based on the legend that the earth is hollow and actually serves as gateways throughout the world.
And I wouldn't worry too much about EA, like I said earlier, they are only in the deal for the retail box sales, that's the only right they legally have.
I dont mind instanced in general, but it will depend on load times and how often they will occur when playing.
To give an example, in AoC I really didnt like the client. It felt sluggish and the loading times were simply too long for my taste. What made it worse was that you have to travel through the large cities to get to other countries. Which added to the amount of loading screens.
Well, it is mainly zombies that Im bored with. Im curious on how those other myths and legends will come to life then in the game Im going to keep on checking news about TSW anyway. The different factions sound interesting so far too.
I really like the skillwheel as explained in one of the vids and that there are no levels. Im not really impressed with the setting so far though. Zombies are utterly boring to me so I hope they will have some more interesting mutated monsters then that or just enemy human factions. I also didnt really get a good impression of how open the world is.
And I also hope that EA stays out of the development decisions of this. Funcom already has enough problems with releasing a complete game without them messing with dev timeline.
They're not "just zombies", though. They're Funcom's own take on zombies and are called "The Filth". I know, I know, vague and they're still zombies. But those are just the random mob you'd encounter en masse. The beauty in the enemies lies in the countless myths and stories that exist in our world and are brought into the game. The scarecrow, the draught (ancient vikings - I might be wrong on this one - who were cursed and rise from the sea), bigfoot, etc etc
How open the world is? Well, the zones are, from what I've read and seen, rather instanced and linked to eachother through Agartha, based on the legend that the earth is hollow and actually serves as gateways throughout the world.
And I wouldn't worry too much about EA, like I said earlier, they are only in the deal for the retail box sales, that's the only right they legally have.
I dont mind instanced in general, but it will depend on load times and how often they will occur when playing.
To give an example, in AoC I really didnt like the client. It felt sluggish and the loading times were simply too long for my taste. What made it worse was that you have to travel through the large cities to get to other countries. Which added to the amount of loading screens.
Well, it is mainly zombies that Im bored with. Im curious on how those other myths and legends will come to life then in the game Im going to keep on checking news about TSW anyway. The different factions sound interesting so far too.
From what I've read and heard the zones are pretty damned big
First time I've read something disappointing about SW.
Maybe I'm jaded but requiring high levels of communication means voice, and the last thing I want to do is use voice with 4 random people. I mean seriously chat is bad enough but at least it is easy to ignore. Granted most of the time it is fine, but there are more than enough people who get off on ruining the experience of others. Not to mention keeping a log of chat is easy to do, but I seriously doubt they will be recording and loggin all voice chat... good luck protecting people from harassment with that system.
Holy trinity, very disappointing considering this games focus on flexibility. Also, being able to choose my loadout and change things up WHEN I WANT TO is awesome, forcing people to do it to clear content... not so much. Things will quicly devolve into "WTF noob you don't have X skill, fricken retard". From the sound of the preview, while twitch combat may not be 100% accurate requiring people to shoot on the run generally means doing things like run-jump-180 turn in the air-shoot-180 turn in the air-land-keep running... this is something a great many players will have troubles with. Also WoW has shown us that overly difficult content turns the community to crap, and groups turn into screaming naming calling rage fests. Challenging solo content and raid content is awesome, but I would rather my small group content with random people be more light hearted and fun.
Cash store also disappointing. Even if only vanity items... "only", lol. I always find that argument amusing, as in general MMORPGs are 99.9% about vanity even if people don't want to admit it. How many people would actually want the most powerful armor if it looked generic? Mounts and pets often sell for more than many epics. The inclusion of a cash store in WoW has resulted in all of the best mounts and pets not being available in game, and the difference in the amount of development effort and level of quality between the 2 is tremendous. Even if FC has said everything will be available in game, if it is a .000001% random world drop, the result is pretty much the same.
still debateable. i also dont think this is actually a holy trinity game, people who have never played DND wont understand this yet. there are other roles to be filled. and in a game where the fights require figuring things out, it cant just be tank and spank. the Roles would be as follows. Support, Tanks, Heals, Striker(dps), Controller. since we have a limit as to how meny skills we have simple Tank heals dps wont work. for DPS to be effective they would need pure dps. same with both tank and heals. so that means we need a buff/debuffer, and somone for crowd control. Dedicated of both of these will likely be a requirement.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
it definately seems to be a step between the trinity and the no trinity idea gw2 is going with. i think the normal mode dungeons will be a lot easier, with the nightmare approaching a vent required raid type setting of WoW. so communication in a group shouldnt be too difficult for the normal modes. they are trying to make this game hard, so no it wont cater to everyone.
I was hoping to see some actual gameplay footage this time around. Not just more words and a screenshot pack from Funcom.
Granted the game's been delayed a few more months so the release date isn't as pressing anymore, but still. Maybe Anet have spoiled me, but when I hear about cool features I like to see the footage proving it's in and working.
Been fooled before, especially by WAR with their pretty drawings. Never again.
massively put up a decent video with an interview of ragnor playing in the background.
@jbombard: yeah, I was thinking the same when I read about the heavy communication that was required for some encounters, sounded like a definite TS or vent thing. But we'll have to see how it really pans out. The trinity, that I kinda doubt, it's more that people can fill in any roles that are required but GW2 isn't any different in that, people will still have to pick up a role in battle, you can't just all go full on dps and everybody ignoring support or providing heal activity. As 1 of the gw2 interviews went, you also had people who played natural tank and went to confront the mobs first, being able to soak up more dmg than some other classes and such. Like that interview said, even if your character won't be stuck to 1-2 classes or roles in GW2 doesn't mean that there won't be roles to fill in in team encounters.
The same for TSW, there's still roles in team encounters but that doesn't mean that people will only resort to strict hard trinity roles especially with the damage prevention and damage-heal leeching and other damage prevention/recovery options that are ingame.
There is some gameplay in here. just get passed the annoying opening.
Aha thankyou! ^_^
Edit: Ah I actually watched this with a german commentary over the top. Thought they'd just edited their own playthrough as I didn't understand what they were saying (it was the only vid I could find ), but it seems that this is just edited footage by Funcom.
Was actually hoping for press footage myself of random jo's playing the game, but I likely misunderstood what was going to be revealed.
Sadly they are keeping alot to their chest. this is done to avoid hype, they dont want it. im almost posative at this point they dont want to push for WoWs numbers. they know they cant get them, speically with a game thats changing as much as they are.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
".......Healing in TSW is a rather interesting departure from normal healing, as I needed to build weapon resources (think combo points) by attacking the enemy before I could throw out a heal. Rifle healers seem to be entirely focused on giving lifesteal (called leech) buffs to teammates, ....."
That concept sounds a bit like "Chloro Mage" healing in Rift. Healing through DeBuffs that transfer DPS done back to the party as health.
And that sounds a lot like FFXI's Dancer's Drain Samba . It also had a mana restoration debuff called Aspir Samba, and a haste (attack speed only) debuff that gave players +10% attack speed.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug. 12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I am following this game because I want(ed) to play it. And IF (big IF) FC does stay true to their word and the CS is only for Vanity, then I will play TSW. Unfortunately, FC has already shown that what the game directors/developers want and the investors want are in contention. (And that's probably the best way I can say that TBH) If you look at my prior post in this thread, I linked to where they said one thing and did the opposite. I am sorry, I just won't believe what they say until I see it.
i dont like the AP / SP way of experience. It is like Perfect World International where you have to grind mobs to gather SP to buy skills. Here you will gather AP and SP for the same purposes, but this wont kill it for me.
Somebody mentioned twitch combat and thats where my concern is. I was expecting tab targeting, so if this game will have the mouse sticked to the aim and both clicks to attack then i highly expect Funcom to provide Gamepad support or i wont touch the game. I will always refuse to play mmorpg with FPS style using mouse and keyboard.
EDIT: besides that, the rest of the article is pretty sweet
honestly im unsure if it is Tab or Twitch, i wouldnt be suprised if it was a option. that has been done in the past.
AP and SP are naturally gained though the compeltion of the storyline, has nothing to do with grinding mobs.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
is it posible to play this game with 512 mb procesor?
btw i tooks like css with super hero mods (i jus judge the ss)
- My Tibia Character:]
Dual or... ya know what, your probubly gonna have to upgrade.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Watch any gameplay video where you can see the hotbar and you should be able to tell that the combat is standard MMO fare hotkey clicking.
The only difference with TSW is that some skills are cones (IE: The skill will fire off in the direction you're aiming regardless if you have a mob targeted or not) and you can always move during combat, even with channeled abilities.
It is definitely not twitch combat.
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
Your last statement is a a big part of the reason why developers have given this sort of questing up since, basically, Everquest. I was just talking to my colleague at work on Thursday how I missed the adventure setup that you get in PnP, where you have to roam around and collect information prior to hitting a dungeon. I for one, at least, am going to look forward to it.
I am sure there will be clans that have "no spoiler" policies where you don't have to put up with someone who's already done it or likes to search on the internet for answers.
Damn it.... What is this...
It's not the quests and story most people are worried about, it's the actual combat and progression...
Most of this focused on the actual "physical experience" of going there, or random bits about "so we killed this, after dieing pretty badly the first time" that doesn't help get rid of those suspicions much, heh...
Beyond the story of the experience, just more generic promo screen shots, sigh...
funcom said you can obtain everything in the cash shop, without having to pay
Speak for yourself.
I dont mind instanced in general, but it will depend on load times and how often they will occur when playing.
To give an example, in AoC I really didnt like the client. It felt sluggish and the loading times were simply too long for my taste. What made it worse was that you have to travel through the large cities to get to other countries. Which added to the amount of loading screens.
Well, it is mainly zombies that Im bored with. Im curious on how those other myths and legends will come to life then in the game Im going to keep on checking news about TSW anyway. The different factions sound interesting so far too.
That looks better. Basically every nightmare and myths coming alive
From what I've read and heard the zones are pretty damned big
First time I've read something disappointing about SW.
Maybe I'm jaded but requiring high levels of communication means voice, and the last thing I want to do is use voice with 4 random people. I mean seriously chat is bad enough but at least it is easy to ignore. Granted most of the time it is fine, but there are more than enough people who get off on ruining the experience of others. Not to mention keeping a log of chat is easy to do, but I seriously doubt they will be recording and loggin all voice chat... good luck protecting people from harassment with that system.
Holy trinity, very disappointing considering this games focus on flexibility. Also, being able to choose my loadout and change things up WHEN I WANT TO is awesome, forcing people to do it to clear content... not so much. Things will quicly devolve into "WTF noob you don't have X skill, fricken retard". From the sound of the preview, while twitch combat may not be 100% accurate requiring people to shoot on the run generally means doing things like run-jump-180 turn in the air-shoot-180 turn in the air-land-keep running... this is something a great many players will have troubles with. Also WoW has shown us that overly difficult content turns the community to crap, and groups turn into screaming naming calling rage fests. Challenging solo content and raid content is awesome, but I would rather my small group content with random people be more light hearted and fun.
Cash store also disappointing. Even if only vanity items... "only", lol. I always find that argument amusing, as in general MMORPGs are 99.9% about vanity even if people don't want to admit it. How many people would actually want the most powerful armor if it looked generic? Mounts and pets often sell for more than many epics. The inclusion of a cash store in WoW has resulted in all of the best mounts and pets not being available in game, and the difference in the amount of development effort and level of quality between the 2 is tremendous. Even if FC has said everything will be available in game, if it is a .000001% random world drop, the result is pretty much the same.
still debateable. i also dont think this is actually a holy trinity game, people who have never played DND wont understand this yet. there are other roles to be filled. and in a game where the fights require figuring things out, it cant just be tank and spank. the Roles would be as follows. Support, Tanks, Heals, Striker(dps), Controller. since we have a limit as to how meny skills we have simple Tank heals dps wont work. for DPS to be effective they would need pure dps. same with both tank and heals. so that means we need a buff/debuffer, and somone for crowd control. Dedicated of both of these will likely be a requirement.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
it definately seems to be a step between the trinity and the no trinity idea gw2 is going with. i think the normal mode dungeons will be a lot easier, with the nightmare approaching a vent required raid type setting of WoW. so communication in a group shouldnt be too difficult for the normal modes. they are trying to make this game hard, so no it wont cater to everyone.
I've got the straight edge.
i can also see this becoming a guild heavy game.
There is some gameplay in here. just get passed the annoying opening.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
massively put up a decent video with an interview of ragnor playing in the background.
I've got the straight edge.
Sadly they are keeping alot to their chest. this is done to avoid hype, they dont want it. im almost posative at this point they dont want to push for WoWs numbers. they know they cant get them, speically with a game thats changing as much as they are.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
And that sounds a lot like FFXI's Dancer's Drain Samba . It also had a mana restoration debuff called Aspir Samba, and a haste (attack speed only) debuff that gave players +10% attack speed.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.