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Closed Beta Review: (Open beta reivew is the following reply bellow)
I participated and won a pizza... the money they spent on giving free pizza codes at $15 dollars a pizza could have been used to improve this dated piece of crap..
I leveled to 24 participated in PVP, grinded levels with the quest system, and I used the NPC's to upgrade items. I used my mount to combat mobs.
For those of you saying this is a great game and how wonderful it is I'm sorry you have not experienced any other actual good game on the market. What I say to you is please pretty please go try others because this is horrible compared to the ones that are out and are coming out.
I spent a week before CBT asking the GM's what competes this game vs those who are on the market and those which are being released the same year... the answer "Dragon pets" and "dragon mounts"
THAT IS IT!!!! Terrain Graphics are dated 5-10 years maybe on par with LoTro...
Character Graphics are decent but combined with everything else do not make up for the lack.
Questing.... Confusing and complicated not directional and misleading.
Dragon mounts and pets SO MANY OTHER GAMES are already doing this and better...
This game focuses on PVP yet the controls are more out dated then LoTro and most other games that are PVP oriented.
you feel robotic and your character feels unresponsive to your controls its just unacceptable.
Mount Combat: This was exciting to me until I jumped onto my mount and experienced it.. The robotic moevement mechanics are only multiplied to frustrating levels once on your mount making combat a headache endusing experience.
Free prizes and pizza STOP WASTING OUR TIME we care more about a good game and its not a good game use this money on making it better instead of bribing us to like your pile of shat...
ALLODS, Shaiya, Aika, WoW, Rift, and Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2 which is released this same year are competetors with this game... Most of the games I mentioned have been out a couple years and one hasn't been released most of them are free to play and GW2 is a one time fee of box price and Free to play... This game is so out dated.
Seriously have you seen what GW2 is bringing to the table? Have you atleast played ANY of the current games on the market it definitely does not seem like it if you think this game is even close to being acceptable...
The GM's had no selling points for this game because its old and out dated all they could say is "Dragon Pets and Dragon Mounts" nonsense... Just because its popular in KOREA does not mean its acceptable in the NA market infact you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to bring such a dated pile of CRAP to a 2012 market.... no right representing the gaming commmunity if this is what you bring to us and then try to make us believe its good...enough said!
Open Beta Review: (3-9-2012)
(System used to test RODE: i5-2500k, 8 gig 1600 ram, GTX 570 1.2gig vid card. Internet 50mpbs download with 10mpbs upload)
1. Graphics: Character graphics are decent - The game is NOT smooth at all very choppy and twitchy, glitchy.
2. Movement Mechanics: Movement is a touch improved from CBT but the above mentioned glitchy choppiness makes the game not playable. (Trade chat and Recruitment chat are filled with everyone complaining about this)
This review is going to be short because playing it for over an hour gave me a headache and made my eyes hurt.
1. Graphics:
Cut scenese were really enjoyable and unique.
Having graphics turned maxed gives great visual appeal for character graphics.
Having graphics turned down to test if the choppy clunkiness would go away made no difference in the movement choppiness effect many were complaining about.
There was some serious movement chop and glitchiness that was not present in CBT and would make PVP a nightmare.
Terrain Graphics = LoTro, Guild Wars original, and nearly any game from 2005+ Extremely dated.
Character graphics on high = accpetable
2. Mobility and movement mechanics: Compared to CBT there has been some improvement BUT... But with the choppy glitchy twitchy thing thats going on makes playing unbarable. It was not like this in CBT.
Currently the game is a painful to play on my eyes and caused a headache because of the choppy glitchiness. I wouldn't have thought much of it but Trade chat and Recruitment chat was spammed with many others complaining about the same issue.
There was also a huge difference compared to this choppy movement and actually lag when near a lot of other players, Totally different and was not an issue in CBT. Just restating that this choppy twitchy thing was not a problem in CBT but is a major issue for many others in Open Beta.
I will definitely roll this into another cookie cutter try to make money off a saturated market with the same thing with as little effort into making it a good enjoyable product that is original and refreshing. Its trying to do what every single game has tried to do in the last 5-10 years and it is not doing it very well.
I personally wanted this game to be enjoyable because I like the idea of a dragon pet I can raise into a dragon mount and then combat on said mount. Idea awesome but the cons far far... far outweight the pros' currently = waste of time.
When I read this post, I could barely believe how someone can get so angry over a game, and with that kind of attitude, thinking you're better than others. By reading the other posts you've made on this site, I realize that you're just an angry person in general. I don't know if you're not happy in real life, that's why you make up for it with agression on the internet, but it's hard to take you seriously when your posts are so immature that it frankly just looks like you were looking for something to be mad about, to rage about.
Had you written a more professional, or maybe "professional" is too much to ask on the forums. Had you written a more reasonable review, perhaps you'd be taken more seriously. This is why:
"For those of you saying this is a great game and how wonderful it is I'm sorry you have not experienced any other actual good game on the market."
So people having different opinion from yours means they never played a good game? How can you expect people to respect what you're saying if you're disrespecting everyone whose opinion differ from yours?
"Questing.... Confusing and complicated not directional and misleading"
When I played the first CBT, most of the quests are marked on the map, you litterally just need to go there and do your thing. I seriously don't know how you can say this.
"Just because its popular in KOREA does not mean its acceptable in the NA market infact you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to bring such a dated pile of CRAP to a 2012 market.... Get the hell out of the business you have no right representing the gaming commmunity if this is what you bring to us and then try to make us believe its good"
This is what I mean by you being an angry person in general. If you don't like the game, then don't play it. Their company isn't going to listen to a rant by an angry person and completely shut down business. Especially one that sounds like a PMSing teenager. If you had just rant on this game, I might have believed it's that bad, but it looks like you just like ranting on everything.
I'm very passionate about video games and developers who are bringing games to the market. Why because its 2012 and companies are still trying to justify bringing dated games into the market just to try and milk us consumers as much as they can with as little effort to actually bring something worth playing. We can and should expect better quality products and services.
We are so beat down by fail promises from Developers in games and disappointments upon releases in both the P2P and F2P market that when a game like GW2 is trying to hype the difference they plan to make some doubt them and then just bend over and accept games like this, not expecting anything better. If you take a second and think about it, that is really our fault because we are allowing companies to continue bringing over games from over seas that are way behind the market and are just cookie cutters of everything else already out.
It is like we all have stockholm syndrome...
I personally can go into games such as Allods or Shaiya or Aion which is now free and see a lot of great things that give me some game time I enjoy. But some of the recent games that have been released including this are such sad excuses which are very poorly hidden.. We need more developers like ANet who are, even if they are just stating it "building a game for the player" not just their pocket book...
In real life we wouldn't tolerate these same actions from our super markets or stores in which we choose to do our business so why are we tolerating it online?? I'm not and I"m passionate about it. Disagree with my opinion all you want and if you provide a logical reasoning debate I'll be happy to discuss it with you in a civilized manner other wise I wont waste my time on you.
You don't need to ask me to disrespect you, there is nothing worth respecting about someone who rages as much over nothing.
You say that you don't care about what I wrote. You say you don't care, but obviously cared enough to write an essay. I can see now that talking reasonably to you does nothing.
This is my favorite part of your raging post:
"@fatgoose After you read this save yourself some time and energy don't reply cause honestly it wont make a difference"
Also known as "Please let me have the last word."
Please grow up. Your excuse for getting angry because you're a consumer only goes to show you probably rage when you receive a sample of a product you don't like, because that's what a "CBT" is. It's a free sample of a product. I do feel sorry for you, though, signs of anger like this isn't typical of a person, "consumer" or not. Maybe you should get some therapy.
I think Both of You take your gaming way to seriously. There is more to life gentlemen. Go out and make some friends and get out in the real world. Being on the computer and gaming 24/7 is not a healthy enviroment. Angry and Pissed off all the time at video games like most 16 year olds are angry over there call of duty with kids punching the wall with milk all over their faces.
And breath
All hail the Barn Owl! oh.. and the RED SQUIRREL!!!
so let me get this straight?you want cg game look,aestethic etc but in a 32 bit environment?
move along move along laddy!
Original Post is my opinion about RODE the game and netgame developer. [mod edit]
Back on topic:
I'll be testing this game once again today to see if they changed anything significant enough from closed beta in hopes it was just that horrible because of beta, we'll see.
No, I went to bed, went to work, out to eat and then thought I'd look at this thread......happened to think it was funny that the next random post I read had you confusing 'insults' with 'opinion'.
No one is flaming your opinion. You really need to learn the difference between stating your opinion civily and stating it insultingly. If it is the latter, you do not get a free pass. We have a right to say, 'that's insulting'. And that is my opinion.
This is off topic and pointless, I'll just report it next time.
Open Beta Review:
(System used to test RODE: i5-2500k, 8 gig 1600 ram, GTX 570 1.2gig vid card. Internet 50mpbs download with 10mpbs upload)
1. Graphics: Character graphics are decent - The game is NOT smooth at all very choppy and twitchy, glitchy.
2. Movement Mechanics: Movement is a touch improved from CBT but the above mentioned glitchy choppiness makes the game not playable. (Trade chat and Recruitment chat are filled with everyone complaining about this)
**By the way Trade chat and Recruitment chat is the only way you can chat with entire faction*
This review is going to be short because playing it for over an hour gave me a headache and made my eyes hurt.
Having graphics turned maxed gives great visual appeal for character graphics.
Having graphics turned down to test if the choppy clunkiness would go away made no difference in the movement choppiness effect many were complaining about.
There was some serious movement chop and glitchiness that was not present in CBT and would make PVP a nightmare.
Terrain Graphics = LoTro, Guild Wars original, and nearly any game from 2005+ Extremely dated.
Character graphics on high = accpetable
2. Mobility and movement mechanics: Compared to CBT there has been some improvement BUT... But with the choppy glitchy twitchy thing thats going on makes playing unbarable. It was not like this in CBT.
Currently the game is a painful to play on my eyes and caused a headache because of the choppy glitchiness. I wouldn't have thought much of it but Trade chat and Recruitment chat was spammed with many others complaining about the same issue.
There was also a huge difference compared to this choppy movement and actually lag when near a lot of other players, Totally different and was not an issue in CBT. Just restating that this choppy twitchy thing was not a problem in CBT but is a major issue for many others in Open Beta.
I will definitely roll this into another cookie cutter try to make money off a saturated market with the same thing with as little effort into making it a good enjoyable product that is original and refreshing. Its trying to do what every single game has tried to do in the last 5-10 years and it is not doing it very well.
I personally wanted this game to be enjoyable because I like the idea of a dragon pet I can raise into a dragon mount and then combat on said mount. Idea awesome but the cons far far... far outweight the pros' currently = waste of time.
All I have to say so far is that the story is a very tired cliche, the cutscenes are awful, the narration laughable, and every time I hear the narrator speak the game's title it makes me cringe its so bad. Character customization is fair at best. Two factions *yawn* with three races each which basically boil down to halfing, elf, wolf-man, or gnome, human, or monkey-man, and the wolf and monkey type race is male gender only. There's only five face 'shapes', four face 'styles' and four hair styles. You can tweak specific facial and body features, but it really doesn't make that big a difference once you get into the game. Classes are the generic and boring 'warrior', 'rogue', 'mage', and 'cleric'.
Graphics are fair I suppose, I've seen worse, but I've also seen better. But there seems to be quite a few grammar and punctuation errors in the text for quests and the like, so the game really could use more polish. Character animations are stiff and unnatural.
Maybe the game will get better the further I get along, but for now I'm not terribly impressed...And did I mention how much I HATE the narration?
Sad thing is to see so many people, I mean I spoke to atleast 15 last night and another 15 today in game with capable gaming computers can't run the game because of this.
I had some hopes that open beta would have included some movement mechanic fixes, and thinking that population in game was causing server lag I decided to test at 4am, 10am, and 4pm today just to find out NOTHING CHANGED... Got a headache again, because of how "very smooth, fluid and responsive" this glitchy choppy twitchy clunky dated game is....
Either this person is playing a totally different game or the majority of us wasted money on higher end gaming machines because this game is by far not at all smooth or responsive PERIOD!! go test it for yourself... or don't waste your time and go play something better quality Allods, Aion, GuildWars original, Heck you'll get more out of the Free RIFT level to 20...
Playing Skyrim and Battlefield 3 on full graphics and then turning to something so outdated and glitchy is painful.
(Mentioned only to indicate my machine could, and should have no issues with this game.)
Decided to try this game with a friend. I've been playing Rift for awhile now and needed something different. I got something different alright. I think I just stepped into a time machine, went back 7 years. Graphics are pitifully outdated. Even with HDR options, 8xAA, and full AF on, the terrain itself looks like some kid took a dump on it and smeared it with his hands. Character models were alright, character customizations are very limited, only a few head shapes, few hair choices, etc. Got a nice body slider option at least, but no noticeable different when you move it left and right.
Gameplay and questing is just your generic F2P MMO. Nothing unique besides the Dragon mounted combat and unless you like to be disoriented with piss poor camera controls, then have at it. Overall, I felt the developers put more time and effort in presentation in order to lure people in initially, spend some money in the Cash Shop, and then turn them away after they hit level cap.
Graphics - 1
Gameplay - 2
Sound - 1
Overall - 1.5 out of 5