funny because he said he had like 10-20 keys but theres already 400 replies....
n ppl r still with hopes they can still get 1
I haven't updated the thread in any major way since I created it. I just send out keys whenever I can. I think I've sent out about 250+ keys for now and I'm planning to throw out another 50 of them later today.
Sadly that doesn't apply to those who have replied to this thread several times in a short amount of time asking for a beta key. If someone wants another key for their friend, just ask for it in a PM if I have given you a key earlier this event.
I know well enough to provide that much.
Omg RodgeV you are still sending keys to people, amazing! Have you found NA key yet?
I had blast playing Tera last week and can't wait for next CBT, thanks to you!
Im going to be that guy and also beg for a key. It would make my week, thank you very much in advance.
Sending out keys.
I never had the time yesterday. Sorry about that.
hello, i would like to try out Tera, lf game key if its possible , ty
I would also like to give Tera a shot before it launches, Key please
If you still have any keys left may I have one please!
I will Thank you in advance if i end up getting a key
Would love a key if theres any still floating about, abit late to the party.
I would love a beta key if there are any left
Thanks RodgeV
Thanks very much rodgev!
I would love a key to please if possiable !
Hi,Can i have a beta key for Eu Tera please.
I would appreciate a key if you have any left
I would love a key if you still have.
May i have one of the Tera Online keys if you still have any.
I would very much like a beta key
Any keys left, still up for giving this a try
Thanks for key!
Can we use the same key as last weekend to enter the next CBT?
can i have a tera beta key please? ^^
any keys left for eu beta would love to give this game a look at
Hello RodgeV,
I would love to get my hands on another EU beta key. Thanks in advance!
please let me in! it is cold out here
Yes thx need one
Omg RodgeV you are still sending keys to people, amazing! Have you found NA key yet?
I had blast playing Tera last week and can't wait for next CBT, thanks to you!
Peace and love!