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Since months now they didn't clear this up for their customers and last official quote speaks about "both sides on the matter".
I wonder who the other side is if one side is that of a paying subscriber and customer.
To get sure and stay on the safe site the best is to assume that AV won't respect you investment and won't respect you as customer and will wipe your achievement when they switch to DF 20 without any compensation. The lack of information and ignore of repeated request from the community strongly indicates this.
Be warned.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
if you were really playing it for the competition then a wipe woudn't bother u at all. U sound like one the zerg gankers to me!
Well from reading all their updates they are changing all the skills and lots of other things so the fact that the current skils will no lnoger be in game basically mean a character wipe.
I say its a good thing, had to quit Darkfall as i got bored after maxing my character out in 2 days during the super XP weekend.. that helped kill the game off for me plus the stupid delay.
Playing MO until DF2.0 or somthing better comes along..
I play MMORPGS because your progress get stored on the server else i would play FPS. I want my char to stay how i left him for my next gaming session. A very basic requirement for a MMORPG all MMORPG's fullfill without question. If for some reason i don't get my char like i left him the other day i want compensation and every MMORPG company usually dont question this.
@caldrin Why is it that difficult for AV to come up with a stement like
"you will keep everything what stays functional in DF 2.0"
and no they don't change everything, last update Tasos named some magic schools that stay for example, fire, water etc..
..since i can accept skills and items become absolet ...since they become so for EVERYONE..
But information and AV ignores the wish of the community and their customers to clear this up..
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
If AV is smart what they will do is keep the esisting servers intact with the 2.0 update. However they should start a new server with the 2.0 update in addition to the NA/EU servers.
I think a lot of people are interested in Darkfall, however from all the nightmare stories from the initial transfers being far ahead of the curve or the exploters that worked early loopholes to get way ahead and gank squads camping neb areas etc really turn people off.
A wipe is never the answer for a commerical released game, however the allure of fresh new server may bring a lot of new people that have been aprehensive or burned by the original game...
Lastly, all the fk'n idiots on this site with this doom and gloom hate crap (about any game) really needs to stop... I mean really. If you don't like it move on and find something else.
What are your other Hobbies?
Gaming is Dirt Cheap compared to this...
There wont be a wipe. DF 1.0 will simply not exist anymore soon.
2.0 is a different game. I mean, how the hell do you want them to transfer all the badness of what made 1.0 so bad?
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
Wrong approach. Wiping a game 3 or 4 years later (DarkFall turned 3 this year), means erasing up to 3 years of time that players have spent into this game. Wiping at this point is saying that all those years spent were meaningless. It's like working in an company for 15 years, and then suddenly the employer shows up and say "You're all fired, but don't worry, you can always re-apply starting tomorrow." That's insanity.
If there is any truth to this it sounds like a huge gamble. A server wipe could backfire in a big way. I know if they wiped out a character I was playing for 2-3 years I'd leave and never return.
There's no more hype about Darkfall and I don't see them doing any advertising. Where are they going to attract new players?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
Server wipes are really underestimated imho.
After such FAIL, managing games like DF &/or MO in a such unprofessional manner, without the tools or will to ensure legit play and punish exploiters and hackers. The only real efficient tool these DeV teams have left to try to save their game and their reputation would be to wipe the entire server once they have put their sh?!=" together for good.
MMO´s are very competitive, no one wants to play in 2nd league against cheaters, so i see this as a critical point. Wipe it, if done right you can save your already doomed game. Those who like it will surelly stick with it like until now FFS, if done properly ofc, & would drag lots of newcomers to test the new situation. In the meantime you would be sending a crystlaine message to cheaters, and eventually those very same persons that we see all arround would hopefully change their hobby.
Ofc all this wouldnt be necesary if launch process would have been more polished, but thats another different topic.
Thats the real problem of 1.0 Its a job, not a game. The fact that you compared it to a real life job is the reason this game was so bad. 2.0 will be a lot more different since there wont be a grind bad as 1.0 nor bad as any other mmo's in the market.My hope is that, it will be short as Mortal online's grind.
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
The term 'grind' refers to a mindset and mindset is very subjective. If someone wanna be negative about what he do he uses the term 'grind', if he wanna be positive he uses "i am doing x" or "doing y" refering to it as 'content'.
So do you have to go through 'grind' or 'content' ? Its up to subjective perception.
My thesis is, if AV did put gamemechanics of complexity, where playerdriven and dynamic, allowing for highly player interactivity with the gameworld, then lots of people would say about the same amount of effort put into, that they enjoy the content and very few would refer to it as "grind".
People don't want to having nothing to do in an MMO. They want to be alot stuff there for them to be. Every second sentence in posts is about "content". People want there to be alot of stuff to do but they want to have choices, they want it to be arich experience, they want to have a "meaning" behind what they do.
The problem with Darkfall is not the "grind" , there is the lack of meaning for things to do. If DF 2.0 don't offer rich sandbox such lore (racial warfare) , economic (local resources, banking) , area control incentives and just give you a fast to max level toon then it will die on boredom after the newness of it wear out.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Believe it or not theres a large faction of people that want the wipe (I am not among them).
large faction of people with no subcriptions that don't have paid much ? sure, i wouldn't cared myself much if i didn't had a active and contnuously subscription since 3 years now.
But hey, i paid the company for them to build what they want to enjoy.
Sure, no thanx man, i did it for not hold anything in hands after 3 years of investment. I can fully understand how they don't support someone who did pay the company, instead of doing it themselves.
Wonderfull people they are, but hey, AV need to do another update in the future which will be a "new game" then.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
It is the 2nd installment of DF, and not a major patch. I really wish they would just call it DF2, then all the " no wipers " could finally understand why you can't port your character over to the new game.
Yep i wish they would come finally clear what about they plan. If they shutdown Darkfall they should tell us please.
A simple "The current Darkfall server will shutdown its services" ....but announcement about it.
Should i better create a topic subjectr like "Darkfalll shuts down server ?" instead of wipe talk ? or "AV closes Darkfall ? "
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
To be honest I do not understand why any vet or character currently progressing would mind a wipe when it would mean that we could have some time in being ahead of dozens of others all around us for a few months again. That shit is what makes FFA PVP games the most fun .. .... not hording and having 4 fucking houses like the guys who are so afraid of there being a wipe. Right now, regardless of how much grind you put in, you are not going to be able to own a dozen people by yourself. That would only be possible if there is going to be a wipe. 12 vs 1 isnt realistic anymore but it was fun while it lasted.
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Its the ganking you get for the ganking you got
if I ran the game, i'd wipe it, and give DF2.0 free to everyone who bought the first game.
I would agree to a wipe if they wipe every so often without warning and absolutely random.
They should wipe DF 2.0 sometime after a month too and delete all chars even.
For random and often wipes !
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
I guess I am "the other side". I play DF on and off but the lack of a skill cap bothers me along with a few other things.
If they actually make a new game like they say then there should not be a wipe at all .. simply start a new server and wait for the old one to die out.
To be fair to old players I could seem them giving them skill points to spend etc based on their old characters though.
Personally I would love to see the game start over again because I only have some casual playtime invested.
If they started a new fresh server with a skill cap, even of the current version, I would resub - I guess they figure that is the "other side" purly from a "new customer" perspective but companies often forget about losing their old customers this way. They must feel that the game could do better with a reboot than it is now. Time will tell I guess.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
That sounds a bit odd and rather risky. After all do we play mmos for our characters.
If they do it they risk losing many players.
A wipe in DF is a good thing. Every single player that played it for more than a month has exploited in someway to a varying degree. Why whinge about it since keeping old toons is going to result in the same low pop anyway. Exploited max skill chars 1v10'ing people makes people quit, not hard too see that isnt a good thing if you actually want the game to succeed.
I unsubbed from DF because of the impending server wipe.
They need to do the server wipe ASAP, then I might consider re-subbing.
I dont think all current subscribers would mind a wipe. For sure there will be those that prefers a blank slate.
But you are somewhat right because me as a currently non paying subscriber prefer a wipe. Matter of fact I wont be returning for DF 2.0 unless there is a wipe.
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At the same time they would increase their chances of getting new paying customers. So the choice is not all that easy...
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did they release DF2010 yet? i think not. lol