I hope you have your client downloaded. I started mine this morning and when I left for work it still had over 13 hours to go.
if you played the previous beta weekend you dont have to re-download a new client, it updates the old client automatically. If you didnt have the old client then...... ouch!
"... from Friday at 12:00 PM PST to Sunday at 11:59 PM PST..."
I hope you have your client downloaded. I started mine this morning and when I left for work it still had over 13 hours to go.
Try turning P2P sharing off and checking if your download speed is being capped, it's in the launcher options.
The file size though is about 23.4gb.
if you played the previous beta weekend you dont have to re-download a new client, it updates the old client automatically. If you didnt have the old client then...... ouch!
Frogtown. In the top right of the launcher click on "Launcher Settings" then turn P2P OFF.
This will dramatically increase your DL speed.
And yes...I already have the client downloaded since last week and it looks like there was just a small patch since then...so I should be good to go!
I started mine last night thinking it may be done by noon today. Download stopped at 33%!
Oh well, 6 hours to go now if it doesnt mess up anymore.
Thanks for the tip. I'll try that when I get off work. :-)