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so i switched realms

ok i just switched realms from hib to alb on merlin and i find that hib people on that server are a whole lot nicer IMO i asked for some help about how to raise chars where to hunt and all i got in response was comments like what a newb. So could any1 help me out who plays on that server and realm i wont be playing during the weekends but i will be on the weekends so if you could help me out could you just leave your charicters name, thanks in advance


  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Member UncommonPosts: 1,528

    Generally speaking, Hibs are the 'nicest' realm.  It might be because so many more people play on the Alb side.  But anyway Hibbies rule image

    Don;t play on Merlin though.  I am on one of the clustered servers.  It totally rocks. 

  • SnowalkerSnowalker Member UncommonPosts: 15

    If u want nice ppls try a low populated server

  • punkrockpunkrock Member Posts: 1,777

    just dont go to mid merlin nothing but a@@ holes on that side


    hibs: nice very nice

    Alb; its 50/50 with them

    Mid: alot fo a@@ holes that i have seen


  • LILLIPPA328LILLIPPA328 Member Posts: 331

    YALL ARE SO DAMN RACIST!!! ::::20:: I think its funny though how ppl take bout the game race's like theyre real life....i love it!!THE WORLD NEEDS MORE!! IVE GONE NUTS ::::31:: ::::18:: !!!!

    **Like to talk about Video Games?Go to Veiwers Pick Forums...


  • ShadadShadad Member Posts: 33
    i have to agree, i mostly only play mid mlf, but sometimes i go to alb or hib whatever server seems right at the time, and hib realm people overall seem more helpfull ? dont know y but oh well there it is lol, ( ** Still only Mid for me less screwing around :P ** )
  • Neith_EnderNeith_Ender Member Posts: 10
    Mid Merlin is the only way to go haters, your just pissed because my bonedancer owned you somehow.
  • KallistiKallisti Member Posts: 10

    In my experience Mids tend toward elitist type - the realm is probably one of the tougher to do well in but the classes are very good. Its also possible to build utterly uber 8v8 gank groups and that tends to breed a sense of eliteness, "My group/guild is more important than the realm" sort of attitude.

    Albion tends to attract the newbies since you can immediatly work out what a Wizard, Cleric, Paladin etc are going to be about, whereas a newbie looks at mid and hib and things "wtf is an eldritch, animist, bonedancer or a runemaster?". Albs tend to fall into multiple categories. you get the elitists, you also get good cooperative palyers and you also get the utterly useless and unhelpful morons.

    Hibernia is to many people "easy-mode" Their classes are very powerful and there are some very good camp spots that allow easy xping.

    Its also very server dependent, and now an additional complexity is server clusters...

    Kallisti CollidesWithTrees - Legendary Fletcher & Minstrel TL
    Kallora DancesWithTrees - RR5 Psycho-Friar

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