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And I blame!!
In all seriousness, the more I research this game, the more it is becoming my Holy Grail of MMO's. I feel like I have been waiting for a game like this my entire life. Now I struggle to enjoy the MMO's that I have because of what Archeage is proving is possible. I tend to avoid the hype train but in this case it is next to impossible not to based on the features alone.
To make matters worse, no western publisher yet or release date of any kind!
This is the game that will make the MMO's community really remember what was once possible and what immersion really is. I just can't bear to have to wait a year or two for it.
We need it now, the Theme Park ride is over!
I totally agree. I can not stop talking about it with my friends and people I game with.
Has any mmo EVER fulfill the hipe ?
I cants remanber one... pictures and vidoes always looks shiny
Haha awesome!
True but it hard to deny based on the features alone. As long as everything I have seen so far makes it in, that goes a very long way to fullfillment. Just when I thought that they couldn't add anymore unexpected cool stuff, I hear about foot prints, living/leveling/killable mounts, and god knows what the court/trial system will be.
No NDA speaks wonders too, I think they know what they have built and are being very smart in it's journey over to the west.
BTW- why is this thread being continually marked as spam, reading ftw!? I am giving extreme praise here!
Sadly I can't see it arriving in the west in the forseeable future
Exactly. I really don't see the game hitting Western shores until 2014. Maybe late 2013, but certainly not this year.
Every new game is the 'Holy Grail' until it's released, if you're liking what you read. I personally doubt it will end up delivering on the hype you're building in your mind already, and it won't even be out for quite some time.
I really hate when some people on this site say that reading up on the features of a game and seeing those working features within the game, equates to nothing but hype and that no game can ever end up achieving this "so-called" unofficial status.
I mean really. People are so jaded on this site.
Not really, people are not jaded they just love to defend and bash what they like and dislike. If i go by your posting history on any other game except GW2 i would say you are pretty jaded too. But that is not the right word for it.
I agree completely. I'm stuck with Mortal Online and all it's bugs until this game is released in North America, and that could take YEARS.. ahhhH!
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
find someone competent to publish it in NA and its all good
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
No problem for me to wait. My holy grail has been GW2 but I'm thinking the cash shop will desimate the game into a mushy WoW cataclysm clone with no challenge. This way I have something to look forward too! Archage looks awesome.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Nothing to do but put it on the back burner until some more news is announced.
CBT5 should be SOON(tm)
Well, we can hope so at least.
ArcheAge looks highly promising! I think it may best Tera once it is released! From the vids, the combat system looks like a much better improved Tera Combat for 1 thing. Anyways~ lets wait and see.
Yea I def can't wait for this game. Im hoping they are already doing inhouse translations for NA for when they do get a publisher though. Until this game comes out I know every other MMO I play from now until then is just a "filler" Hoping that TERA will keep me and my friends going a while. I am sure it will though as we love to pvp and love the combat system. Also I am a sucker for korean MMO's
This one is going to be pretty amazing and I can't wait. WTB a NA publisher announcement already though!
It's hard to wait when something looks and sounds this good. I'd love to play this game.
Still, I'm not removing this forum avatar, even though I will play GW2 or even some other MMORPGs while I wait
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
another on my list definately. I'd try to play it in it's native country but after seeing Yogscast set fire to their own house on accident I better wait for the English language version
the poster formerly known as melangel :P
Holy hell that is awesome!!! For some reason that only makes me want it more! skip to about the 6 minutes for the fire.
the poster formerly known as melangel :P
This is what EVERY game is in development. I remember when this entire forum was just about worshipping Aion and going hysterical over closed beta key giveaways.
True Uronksur. Very true. Before that was "insert game name here". Fine line between fanboy and hopeful and optimistic as well but so long as it's kept in perspective it's all good
the poster formerly known as melangel :P