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If you are over 25 and playing WoW on the european servers, you might like to come and join us at The Older Gamers (TOG). We are a friendly, easy-going, large and ever-expanding well established community of mature game players. Founded in Australia, we now have in excess of 3400 members, from all over the globe, playing a variety of games. Within TOG there are already four WoW-Guilds set up on the US-servers with many hundreds of active players. Information about what is going on is to be found in our member forums.
Now it is time to stretch our reach into the good old continent called Europe. We are recruiting players for a new World of Warcraft Guild, tentatively titled "The Old Grudge" (Horde) on Deathwing server & "The Old Garrison" (Alliance) on Dunemaul. We do not have any requirements about the race or class you choose, or how many hours you are able to put into the game.
So, if you are looking for a relaxed, mature group who focus more on the enjoyment of gaming with our peers rather than necessarily being the first to level out, then consider joining our community, and look up our homepage at If you decide to join The Older Gamers, be sure to check out the Euro WOW Forums (in the WoW Memberforum after you got set up by one of the Admins.
It's an exciting time when a large MMORPG like this one is released, and it's even more enjoyable to be part of a good community from the start.
We also now have a RP guild on Earthen Ring