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I'm fairly new to exploring. I've only been doing it for a month, maybe a month and a half.
Last night I sent out a probe and found a signal. Then sent out more probes to try and get a stronger signal.
Pretty standard. Nothing out of the ordinary.
After the second scan, I started to pull in the range of my probes to get an even stronger scan.
But, while hitting the left mouse button to rotate the map, a loading bar appeared on my screen and went
away faster than I could read it. (Less than a second before it disappeared.)
After the loading bar went away, so did my probes. Does this happen to any one else? Does anyone have any idea what might have happened?
I asked in chat for ideas from other players. Someone thought maybe they timed out. So, I clicked on "reconnect" for my probes. Nothing appeared on the map. Could this be a bug?
I was just using basic probes, so not that expensive. Just annoying. I've been exploring for a little while now and this has never happened.
Anyhow, anyone have any ideas what could've happened?
Thanks in advance.
It's not about fighting, it's about balance. It's not about enlightenment, it's about balance. It's not about balance.
you've probably just let them expire and not realised
Scanning can be mesmerising at times
Another possibility, did you accidentally recall your probes back to your cargo bay?
Where's the any key?
No, I didn't accidentally recall them. I thought that too, at first. But, I checked my cargo. No probes in it. I was only on my 3rd scan, I think. So, I know I did not let them expire either. The past few nights I've been exploring and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I'm thinking it was just an odd fluke.
Thanks for the suggestions.
It's not about fighting, it's about balance. It's not about enlightenment, it's about balance. It's not about balance.
I think he accidentaly recalled the probes.
Keep on rockin'!
It sounds like you destroyed your probes.
"Lectroids? Planet 10? Nuclear extortion? A girl named "John"?
Basically what happened was they ran out of puppies. See everytime you hit scan a puppy is killed. So "DON'T DO IT!"
Those are my damn sigs anyway.
Life IS Feudal
OP: from your description of what you were doing, I can't really come up with a reason the load bar would have appeared unless you accidentally clicked the starmap button. But, that would have just changed the map and your drones wouldn't have moved, so I think after a month of exploration, you would know that ;-)
Perhaps while you were on the system map, where you see your probe locations, you may have drifted close to stargate and accidently clicked on the "Jump" button? that would have given you a load screen, and your probes would have disappeared as you would now be in a new system.
Anyways, yeah, honestly I can't say that there's any obvious reason for this to happen if it did, indeed happen the way to explained. Sounds like a bug/fluke and EVE has plenty, but not that I see on a consistent basis. I scan and do a lot of exploration and never has anything like that happened to me.