is a site to discuss massively multiplayer online roleplay gaming. While users are encouraged and permitted to use our Off-Topic forum to discuss real life and non-MMORPG gaming, threads concerning sensitive subjects such as religion, politics, or ethics may be locked or deleted if determined out of hand by the moderator staff.
This thread is entirely about ethics of gaming companies banning sex offenders from online games. Reading comprehension 101.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008. is a site to discuss massively multiplayer online roleplay gaming. While users are encouraged and permitted to use our Off-Topic forum to discuss real life and non-MMORPG gaming, threads concerning sensitive subjects such as religion, politics, or ethics may be locked or deleted if determined out of hand by the moderator staff.
This thread is entirely about ethics of gaming companies banning sex offenders from online games. Reading comprehension 101.
Shall we go back and quote your references to political parties and religions?
In Canada, it is riskier for me to rape a dog than to rape a child. (Yet our government wants to pass SOPA-like laws to protect children from predators, yeah right)
The US laws making sex offenders are quite pathetic. A 17 yo can date a 16yo, but, behold 1 year later, the now 18 yo becomes a sex offender. LOL people vote for that kinda stuff too.
Here is why: The more laws they have in place, the more people they can send to jail so they can make them work for free in "rehab programs" cutting the jail term by a few years. This is the American-way of a concetration camp, like those in North Korea. Privatization of jails is yet another step towards a return to slavery.
Look at what your government does, don't listen to what they say. Want it to change? Get involved, join your local pirate party.
I thought I was a conspirasy theorist.
What's funny is he doesn't even live here, that would be like me trying to comment on what it is like in South Africa or Carrying on about the blood diamond conflict....
Silly canadians eh?
Added: Will say this, conspiracy theories aside, why everyone is carrying on with the whole 15,16,17-21 age crap is beyond me. We all know that isn't who they are speaking about when they passed this.
Also if we as parents did our jobs, and you know did some parenting, instead of dropping our kids off at the mall at 15 alone every friday and sat night, (I do not do this btw) then a lot less little girls and boys would be getting raped behind dumpsters.
We are quick to say burn them at the stake, (though I do think pedos and rapist need to be shot in the public street) parents could prevent most of what happens by just being parents, the amount of parents out there who just let thier punk kids do whatever in the hell they want is staggering.
Because someone who lives in Canada has never lived in the United States. Who would want to live elsewhere right? Especially when the immigration officer tells you to learn America's national language, Spanish. I just chose to get the fuck out.
That is pretty racist of you there neo... specially since last time I checked our national language was still english.
You don't like Mexican Amercians?
The word racism implies that there is more than 1 human race. Not wanted to deal with retards in official positions has nothing to do with ethnic hate. It simply aided in breaking down illusions set up by the people around me at that time.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008. is a site to discuss massively multiplayer online roleplay gaming. While users are encouraged and permitted to use our Off-Topic forum to discuss real life and non-MMORPG gaming, threads concerning sensitive subjects such as religion, politics, or ethics may be locked or deleted if determined out of hand by the moderator staff.
This thread is entirely about ethics of gaming companies banning sex offenders from online games. Reading comprehension 101.
Shall we go back and quote your references to political parties and religions?
Go ahead, but keep them in context. They were entirely on topic, even though one was more of a reply to the usual childish mockery. You have been more off-topic than anyone else in this thread, FYI.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
In Canada, it is riskier for me to rape a dog than to rape a child. (Yet our government wants to pass SOPA-like laws to protect children from predators, yeah right)
The US laws making sex offenders are quite pathetic. A 17 yo can date a 16yo, but, behold 1 year later, the now 18 yo becomes a sex offender. LOL people vote for that kinda stuff too.
Here is why: The more laws they have in place, the more people they can send to jail so they can make them work for free in "rehab programs" cutting the jail term by a few years. This is the American-way of a concetration camp, like those in North Korea. Privatization of jails is yet another step towards a return to slavery.
Look at what your government does, don't listen to what they say. Want it to change? Get involved, join your local pirate party.
I thought I was a conspirasy theorist.
What's funny is he doesn't even live here, that would be like me trying to comment on what it is like in South Africa or Carrying on about the blood diamond conflict....
Silly canadians eh?
Added: Will say this, conspiracy theories aside, why everyone is carrying on with the whole 15,16,17-21 age crap is beyond me. We all know that isn't who they are speaking about when they passed this.
Also if we as parents did our jobs, and you know did some parenting, instead of dropping our kids off at the mall at 15 alone every friday and sat night, (I do not do this btw) then a lot less little girls and boys would be getting raped behind dumpsters.
We are quick to say burn them at the stake, (though I do think pedos and rapist need to be shot in the public street) parents could prevent most of what happens by just being parents, the amount of parents out there who just let thier punk kids do whatever in the hell they want is staggering.
Because someone who lives in Canada has never lived in the United States. Who would want to live elsewhere right? Especially when the immigration officer tells you to learn America's national language, Spanish. I just chose to get the fuck out.
That is pretty racist of you there neo... specially since last time I checked our national language was still english.
You don't like Mexican Amercians?
The word racism implies that there is more than 1 human race. Not wanted to deal with retards in official positions has nothing to do with ethnic hate. It simply aided in breaking down illusions set up by the people around me at that time.
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
1. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens.
2. A person: the extraordinary humans who explored Antarctica.
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of humans: the course of human events; the human race.
2. Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character regarded as distinguishing humans from other animals: an act of human kindness.
3. Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses, imperfections, and fragility associated with humans: a mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.
4. Having the form of a human.
5. Made up of humans: formed a human bridge across the ice.
Yeah I was pretty sure we were part of the Homo Sapien Species, not the Homo Sapien Race.
See we have many "races" inside of our "species".
All I want to really know is... Where do you get it, and how much of it you take a day?
No one really disagrees, the disagreement mostly revolves around how a sexual offender is defined. Like some said, having gay sex in some states makes you a sex offender, no matter the age. However, how about your nephews parents actually being parents and watching what goes on while online? Logging systems exist too, so why would you even trust the state to protect your nephew, are they better parents than his parents?
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
No one really disagrees, the disagreement mostly revolves around how a sexual offender is defined. Like some said, having gay sex in some states makes you a sex offender, no matter the age. However, how about your nephews parents actually being parents and watching what goes on while online? Logging systems exist too, so why would you even trust the state to protect your nephew, are they better parents than his parents?
^ back to being sane again,
This is actually a good point, I agree with this 100%
Considering what it takes to be a registered sex offender this is pretty stupid. If you were caught by a cop, getting a bj from your girlfriend behind some bushes in a park a late evening then you become a registered sex offender. That's just one out of many ways one can get on that list. Not every sex offender is a child predator
Something tells me you know exactly how false this statement is, so I will leave it at that. As for the OP, I do not have a problem with the state doing this. Unfortunately, it is so easy to work around that it will basically be useless and almost impossible to enforce except after the fact of a predator getting caught again.
Take that scenario and make it two gay men having sex and yes, they would be registered as sex offenders. They also get their names smeared in the local news paper so they are likely to lose their jobs and any standing in the community they might have had. Lord knows, we gays already get automatically painted as pedophiles, despite the fact that the majority of pedophiles are indeed straight.
In Canada, it is riskier for me to rape a dog than to rape a child. (Yet our government wants to pass SOPA-like laws to protect children from predators, yeah right)
The US laws making sex offenders are quite pathetic. A 17 yo can date a 16yo, but, behold 1 year later, the now 18 yo becomes a sex offender. LOL people vote for that kinda stuff too.
Here is why: The more laws they have in place, the more people they can send to jail so they can make them work for free in "rehab programs" cutting the jail term by a few years. This is the American-way of a concetration camp, like those in North Korea. Privatization of jails is yet another step towards a return to slavery.
Look at what your government does, don't listen to what they say. Want it to change? Get involved, join your local pirate party.
I thought I was a conspirasy theorist.
What's funny is he doesn't even live here, that would be like me trying to comment on what it is like in South Africa or Carrying on about the blood diamond conflict....
Silly canadians eh?
Added: Will say this, conspiracy theories aside, why everyone is carrying on with the whole 15,16,17-21 age crap is beyond me. We all know that isn't who they are speaking about when they passed this.
Also if we as parents did our jobs, and you know did some parenting, instead of dropping our kids off at the mall at 15 alone every friday and sat night, (I do not do this btw) then a lot less little girls and boys would be getting raped behind dumpsters.
We are quick to say burn them at the stake, (though I do think pedos and rapist need to be shot in the public street) parents could prevent most of what happens by just being parents, the amount of parents out there who just let thier punk kids do whatever in the hell they want is staggering.
Because someone who lives in Canada has never lived in the United States. Who would want to live elsewhere right? Especially when the immigration officer tells you to learn America's national language, Spanish. I just chose to get the fuck out.
That is pretty racist of you there neo... specially since last time I checked our national language was still english.
You don't like Mexican Amercians?
The word racism implies that there is more than 1 human race. Not wanted to deal with retards in official positions has nothing to do with ethnic hate. It simply aided in breaking down illusions set up by the people around me at that time.
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
1. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens.
2. A person: the extraordinary humans who explored Antarctica.
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of humans: the course of human events; the human race.
2. Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character regarded as distinguishing humans from other animals: an act of human kindness.
3. Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses, imperfections, and fragility associated with humans: a mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.
4. Having the form of a human.
5. Made up of humans: formed a human bridge across the ice.
Yeah I was pretty sure we were part of the Homo Sapien Species, not the Homo Sapien Race.
See we have many "races" inside of our "species".
All I want to really know is... Where do you get it, and how much of it you take a day?
Are you claiming that you are 100% of 1 race, that never, in your ancestral history, none of your ascendants ever breeded with someone from another race? That is a bold and dilusioned statement to make. As soon as there is a mix, you no longer belong to that race, you are not a new race and are therefor considered part of the human race. I believe that it is simply not possible that it never happened. If you can provide proof, go ahead, but no one has delivered yet. Through my own reasearch, although I appear caucasian, I have 4.5% of me amerindian (without counting their ancestors), therefor, I am not really caucasian, since I am unpure.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Considering what it takes to be a registered sex offender this is pretty stupid. If you were caught by a cop, getting a bj from your girlfriend behind some bushes in a park a late evening then you become a registered sex offender. That's just one out of many ways one can get on that list. Not every sex offender is a child predator
Something tells me you know exactly how false this statement is, so I will leave it at that. As for the OP, I do not have a problem with the state doing this. Unfortunately, it is so easy to work around that it will basically be useless and almost impossible to enforce except after the fact of a predator getting caught again.
Actually, depending on what state he's in, that may not be false at all.
As others in this thread have already said, some states will classify you as a sex offender for all sorts of petty nonsense that has nothing to do with sex.
There was a case a couple years ago about a 17-18 year old who streaked at his high school graduation ceremony, (ran naked through the ceremony as a prank). Because there apparently were some young children at the ceremony, the streaking teen was potentially facing charges of exposing himself to minors. If convicted of that, he would then have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. I don't know what ended up happening but I remember it made the news because many people thought that was far too harsh.
This touches on a larger problem in the US (and probably elsewhere) where the function of law and the criminal justice has gradualy moved away from being an instrument of justice and moved to be a technical enforcement system of an increasingly arbitrary set of rules and regulations. Combined with an ever increasing and restrictive body of legislation, you end up with a situation where virtualy every citizen could be technicaly considered a "criminal"....simply for running afoul of some arbitrary piece of code..if anyone caught them or bothered to enforce it.
The origional conception (and execution) of the Justice system was brilliant. The criminal laws were relatively minimal and dealt mostly with truely serious offenses. Furthermore those who stood in jeopardy of conviction of serious convictions were provided with the ultimate defence of a trial by a jury of thier peers.
This trial by Jury was conceived of as the final defence against tyranny and arbitrary justice. The Jury was empowered not just to judge the case based on the facts and the letter of the law but also upon the ideal of justice itself. If the Jury felt that law itself was unjust or the application of it was unjust in a particular case due to the circumstances of that case, they could vote to aquit the accused. Thus no matter what the Legislature, and Court might wish....if you couldn't find 12 honest and impartial citizens who would agree you did something need not worry about facing conviction. This principle is called "Jury Nullification" and it was embraced as an important aspect of our origional justice system.
While "Jury Nullification" is still technicaly allowed today....current Court practices have all but eliminated it. Judges are forced to instruct Jurors that they may only consider the plain and simple facts of the case and not issues of justice or whether the laws themselves are being justly applied to the case at hand given the circumstances.... and remove any Jurors who give any indication that they might be willing to consider anything other then a robotic application of the exact letter of the law (as opposed to the spirit of the laws intent or issues of justice). The Voire Dire process, further serves to eliminate any Jurors who might be inclined to critical thinking. Mandatory sentincing and lack of judicial leeway in application of the law further compounds the problem.
On top of this, the system is so overloaded, that accused people sometimes must wait years for thier trials (sometimes while serving in prison, if they can't make bail...regardless of the fact they have yet to be convicted of anything) or under other serious imposition of thier rights and privilages as citizens. Sometimes people face longer punishments and impositions WAITING for a triel then they would had they simply plead guilty. The system is setup to process people as quickly as possible by getting them to Plea Bargain....rather then concern itself with determining true guilt or innocence.... and many people unfortunately take that Devil Bargain...not really understanding the full ramifications of pleading guilty to a technical offense.
What we end up with a system that serves no one well. People guilty of relatively innocious or purely technical violations which really don't match up with the spirit of what a law is intended to achieve end up being lumped in with true predators and branded for life and subject to entirely arbitrary restrictions.... and the truely dangerous predators end up with a revolving door system of justice that allows them to continue to do harm to society...because not enough resources are availble to concentrate on them due to the system being swamped with more innoccous offenders who may be guilty of technical violations but are generaly harmless.
We really need to start applying some common sense to our justice system....and not be afraid to let citizens and jurors to act as they origionaly were intended to act. Afterall...we are supposed to be a government OF THE PEOPLE...and the most important aspect of government is the administration of Justice.
more surprising, lower down the list, the Pirate Party received 7.4% of the votes, outperforming the Greens. The original Pirate Party was formed in Sweden by Rickard Falkvinge, to fight censorship (especially online censorship) and seek copyright and patent reform. It evolved from the same organization that also developed The Pirate Bay file sharing website.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
___________________ Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
um, yeah a 21 year old with a 17yr old is considered rape. and the 21yr old would be considered, and is a predator. the 17yr is a minor.
this is true in the US? Or does it depend on state?
wow, didnt know that. In the UK this would be perfectally legal.
yes 18 is legal adult age.
Depends on the state what is considered statutory rape. In Michigan 17 is the age of sexual consent, other states its 18 some it is 16. Just depends on the state.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
Humerously enough, this is perfectly legal in NY as age of consent is 17.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
Maturity is relative. It's possible for two people of that kinda age range to be compatible. I met my current girlfriend when she was 18 and I was 24. If I started dating her a few months earlier, I'd be legally lumped in with people who molest and rape babies and toddlers.
Or for a less clear boundary...consider a dating couple, both 17. He turns 18 a few days before her, and they are seen out in public just being a couple. Maybe kissing, or just hugging. Somneone calls the cops, they find out he's an 18 yr old dating a minor, and next thing you know he's labeled for life as a sexual predator.
Sounds ridiculous, but by the law it's entirely possible.
Or here's another one. You go out drinking one night. It's late, you're walking home, you gotta pee. You're drunk and a moron, so you duck behind some bushes. A cop notices you and arrests you. You had your junk out in public son, so you're obviously a sexual predator. You're not allowed near a school pretty much for life, because you peed on a tree at 2am and the only person that saw you was a bored 30-something or older cop.
The law as it stands does little to protect children from predators and too much to vilify people who commit lesser acts.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
how old are you? 4 years age difference is seriously very small, even at that age range, especially when comparing male vs female maturity levels. Really, men and women of the same age are mismatched mentally until at least age 30. Guys generally mature slower, refuse to take responsibility, and just generally act childish for much longer. I'm a guy, I can say this.
The age difference and 90% of what's considered statutory or predatory is cultural. Even in america, 50 years ago things were much different. It was not unheard of for a 17 year old to marry a man in his mid to late 20s. My grandfather, one of the few members of my family who wasn't a dipshit, had 12 years on my grandmother, who was 17 when they met, no kidding. They remained married their entire lives, over 60 years. Not saying everything was rosie, but when is it.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
how old are you? 4 years age difference is seriously very small, even at that age range, especially when comparing male vs female maturity levels. Really, men and women of the same age are mismatched mentally until at least age 30. Guys generally mature slower, refuse to take responsibility, and just generally act childish for much longer. I'm a guy, I can say this.
The age difference and 90% of what's considered statutory or predatory is cultural. Even in america, 50 years ago things were much different. It was not unheard of for a 17 year old to marry a man in his mid to late 20s. My grandfather, one of the few members of my family who wasn't a dipshit, had 12 years on my grandmother, who was 17 when they met, no kidding. They remained married their entire lives, over 60 years. Not saying everything was rosie, but when is it.
Edited because I can't make what I am thinking make sense in a forum post. In essence I agree with this 100%.
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
Humerously enough, this is perfectly legal in NY as age of consent is 17.
Regardless, I believe that it would pretty damn easy to get around anything like this. Like I said in a previous post, this is nothing but political pandering on the part of NY politicians hoping to get re-elected. People get scared by the media and allow this money and time to be wasted. New York has been doing stuff like for a few years now. They deleted a few thousand offenders Facebook and Myspace accounts 2009. They have required email addresses for any offenders.
What's silly is that absolutely nothing is stopping the offender and going out and making a new account with a fake name.
I love this quote from the ag of NY:
"Together we are making the online community safer for our children, not allowing it to become a 21st century crime scene"
It's the state's job to make the internet safer? Do these children have no parents? Who is buying them xboxs and computers and online games?
Hmm, good or bad depends on your definition of "sex offender".
Looking how anal (no pun intended) sex offenses can be in the US I don't think this is such a great idea. Not sure about this but I once read an article about a 21ish year old guy having a normal relationship with a 17 year old girl and that making him a sex offender as well. I think that is slightly draconic, but whatever ...
They should only restrict this to the actual "predators", who have been convicted for stalking and trying to groom minors (or worse).
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
Humerously enough, this is perfectly legal in NY as age of consent is 17.
Regardless, I believe that it would pretty damn easy to get around anything like this. Like I said in a previous post, this is nothing but political pandering on the part of NY politicians hoping to get re-elected. People get scared by the media and allow this money and time to be wasted. New York has been doing stuff like for a few years now. They deleted a few thousand offenders Facebook and Myspace accounts 2009. They have required email addresses for any offenders.
What's silly is that absolutely nothing is stopping the offender and going out and making a new account with a fake name.
I love this quote from the ag of NY:
"Together we are making the online community safer for our children, not allowing it to become a 21st century crime scene"
It's the state's job to make the internet safer? Do these children have no parents? Who is buying them xboxs and computers and online games?
Welcome to America. We stopped expecting parents to take care of their children about 30 years ago.
And while it's obvious pandering, any time you let a law like this through you create a precedent, and someone can use that to build a worse one, and a worse one.
Maturity is relative. It's possible for two people of that kinda age range to be compatible. I met my current girlfriend when she was 18 and I was 24. If I started dating her a few months earlier, I'd be legally lumped in with people who molest and rape babies and toddlers.
Or for a less clear boundary...consider a dating couple, both 17. He turns 18 a few days before her, and they are seen out in public just being a couple. Maybe kissing, or just hugging. Somneone calls the cops, they find out he's an 18 yr old dating a minor, and next thing you know he's labeled for life as a sexual predator.
Sounds ridiculous, but by the law it's entirely possible.
Or here's another one. You go out drinking one night. It's late, you're walking home, you gotta pee. You're drunk and a moron, so you duck behind some bushes. A cop notices you and arrests you. You had your junk out in public son, so you're obviously a sexual predator. You're not allowed near a school pretty much for life, because you peed on a tree at 2am and the only person that saw you was a bored 30-something or older cop.
The law as it stands does little to protect children from predators and too much to vilify people who commit lesser acts.
I've gone over this before. There isn't a good or acceptable reason for why a twenty-something, or older, is having sex with a teenager. You can't cite a small pool of interaction if you live in the United States of fucking America. You can't cite maturity here either as it is much more pronounced in that age group within a space of one year than in other age brackets.
That other little scenario you described, about pissing in bushes, isn't exactly helping you. At all.
___________________ Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien
I am betting this thread gets locked real soon
This thread is entirely about ethics of gaming companies banning sex offenders from online games. Reading comprehension 101.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
actually i wish they would do this everywhere
my 10yo nephew just started playing this year.
Shall we go back and quote your references to political parties and religions?
The word racism implies that there is more than 1 human race. Not wanted to deal with retards in official positions has nothing to do with ethnic hate. It simply aided in breaking down illusions set up by the people around me at that time.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Go ahead, but keep them in context. They were entirely on topic, even though one was more of a reply to the usual childish mockery. You have been more off-topic than anyone else in this thread, FYI.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPArac·ism
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
1865–70; < French racisme. See race2 , -ism
Related forms
rac·ist, noun, adjective
an·ti·ra·cism, noun
hu·man (hymn)
1. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens.
2. A person: the extraordinary humans who explored Antarctica.
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of humans: the course of human events; the human race.
2. Having or showing those positive aspects of nature and character regarded as distinguishing humans from other animals: an act of human kindness.
3. Subject to or indicative of the weaknesses, imperfections, and fragility associated with humans: a mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.
4. Having the form of a human.
5. Made up of humans: formed a human bridge across the ice.
Yeah I was pretty sure we were part of the Homo Sapien Species, not the Homo Sapien Race.
See we have many "races" inside of our "species".
All I want to really know is... Where do you get it, and how much of it you take a day?
No one really disagrees, the disagreement mostly revolves around how a sexual offender is defined. Like some said, having gay sex in some states makes you a sex offender, no matter the age. However, how about your nephews parents actually being parents and watching what goes on while online? Logging systems exist too, so why would you even trust the state to protect your nephew, are they better parents than his parents?
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
^ back to being sane again,
This is actually a good point, I agree with this 100%
Awwww, man!?! I leave for a potty break and come back to this?
Can't we go back to pictures of Darkpony as a child? That fits the theme of this thread, doesn't it?
Wait! That was a different thread, and it kinda makes me look bad, doesn't it?
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Take that scenario and make it two gay men having sex and yes, they would be registered as sex offenders. They also get their names smeared in the local news paper so they are likely to lose their jobs and any standing in the community they might have had. Lord knows, we gays already get automatically painted as pedophiles, despite the fact that the majority of pedophiles are indeed straight.
Are you claiming that you are 100% of 1 race, that never, in your ancestral history, none of your ascendants ever breeded with someone from another race? That is a bold and dilusioned statement to make. As soon as there is a mix, you no longer belong to that race, you are not a new race and are therefor considered part of the human race. I believe that it is simply not possible that it never happened. If you can provide proof, go ahead, but no one has delivered yet. Through my own reasearch, although I appear caucasian, I have 4.5% of me amerindian (without counting their ancestors), therefor, I am not really caucasian, since I am unpure.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Actually, depending on what state he's in, that may not be false at all.
As others in this thread have already said, some states will classify you as a sex offender for all sorts of petty nonsense that has nothing to do with sex.
There was a case a couple years ago about a 17-18 year old who streaked at his high school graduation ceremony, (ran naked through the ceremony as a prank). Because there apparently were some young children at the ceremony, the streaking teen was potentially facing charges of exposing himself to minors. If convicted of that, he would then have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. I don't know what ended up happening but I remember it made the news because many people thought that was far too harsh.
This touches on a larger problem in the US (and probably elsewhere) where the function of law and the criminal justice has gradualy moved away from being an instrument of justice and moved to be a technical enforcement system of an increasingly arbitrary set of rules and regulations. Combined with an ever increasing and restrictive body of legislation, you end up with a situation where virtualy every citizen could be technicaly considered a "criminal"....simply for running afoul of some arbitrary piece of code..if anyone caught them or bothered to enforce it.
The origional conception (and execution) of the Justice system was brilliant. The criminal laws were relatively minimal and dealt mostly with truely serious offenses. Furthermore those who stood in jeopardy of conviction of serious convictions were provided with the ultimate defence of a trial by a jury of thier peers.
This trial by Jury was conceived of as the final defence against tyranny and arbitrary justice. The Jury was empowered not just to judge the case based on the facts and the letter of the law but also upon the ideal of justice itself. If the Jury felt that law itself was unjust or the application of it was unjust in a particular case due to the circumstances of that case, they could vote to aquit the accused. Thus no matter what the Legislature, and Court might wish....if you couldn't find 12 honest and impartial citizens who would agree you did something need not worry about facing conviction. This principle is called "Jury Nullification" and it was embraced as an important aspect of our origional justice system.
While "Jury Nullification" is still technicaly allowed today....current Court practices have all but eliminated it. Judges are forced to instruct Jurors that they may only consider the plain and simple facts of the case and not issues of justice or whether the laws themselves are being justly applied to the case at hand given the circumstances.... and remove any Jurors who give any indication that they might be willing to consider anything other then a robotic application of the exact letter of the law (as opposed to the spirit of the laws intent or issues of justice). The Voire Dire process, further serves to eliminate any Jurors who might be inclined to critical thinking. Mandatory sentincing and lack of judicial leeway in application of the law further compounds the problem.
On top of this, the system is so overloaded, that accused people sometimes must wait years for thier trials (sometimes while serving in prison, if they can't make bail...regardless of the fact they have yet to be convicted of anything) or under other serious imposition of thier rights and privilages as citizens. Sometimes people face longer punishments and impositions WAITING for a triel then they would had they simply plead guilty. The system is setup to process people as quickly as possible by getting them to Plea Bargain....rather then concern itself with determining true guilt or innocence.... and many people unfortunately take that Devil Bargain...not really understanding the full ramifications of pleading guilty to a technical offense.
What we end up with a system that serves no one well. People guilty of relatively innocious or purely technical violations which really don't match up with the spirit of what a law is intended to achieve end up being lumped in with true predators and branded for life and subject to entirely arbitrary restrictions.... and the truely dangerous predators end up with a revolving door system of justice that allows them to continue to do harm to society...because not enough resources are availble to concentrate on them due to the system being swamped with more innoccous offenders who may be guilty of technical violations but are generaly harmless.
We really need to start applying some common sense to our justice system....and not be afraid to let citizens and jurors to act as they origionaly were intended to act. Afterall...we are supposed to be a government OF THE PEOPLE...and the most important aspect of government is the administration of Justice.
offtopic but yes i read recent news about that party
more surprising, lower down the list, the Pirate Party received 7.4% of the votes, outperforming the Greens. The original Pirate Party was formed in Sweden by Rickard Falkvinge, to fight censorship (especially online censorship) and seek copyright and patent reform. It evolved from the same organization that also developed The Pirate Bay file sharing website.
EQ2 fan sites Female Male
Link to Legal ages all over the world, put up the male one for the butt pirates out there.
I know what your all thinking "You boys like Mex-i-co? Yee- Haww!."
What the fuck does a 21 year old see in a 17 year old, exactly? Sex offenders are exactly what they all are and this is a good move by New York. It should have been done before.
Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien
Depends on the state what is considered statutory rape. In Michigan 17 is the age of sexual consent, other states its 18 some it is 16. Just depends on the state.
Humerously enough, this is perfectly legal in NY as age of consent is 17.
Maturity is relative. It's possible for two people of that kinda age range to be compatible. I met my current girlfriend when she was 18 and I was 24. If I started dating her a few months earlier, I'd be legally lumped in with people who molest and rape babies and toddlers.
Or for a less clear boundary...consider a dating couple, both 17. He turns 18 a few days before her, and they are seen out in public just being a couple. Maybe kissing, or just hugging. Somneone calls the cops, they find out he's an 18 yr old dating a minor, and next thing you know he's labeled for life as a sexual predator.
Sounds ridiculous, but by the law it's entirely possible.
Or here's another one. You go out drinking one night. It's late, you're walking home, you gotta pee. You're drunk and a moron, so you duck behind some bushes. A cop notices you and arrests you. You had your junk out in public son, so you're obviously a sexual predator. You're not allowed near a school pretty much for life, because you peed on a tree at 2am and the only person that saw you was a bored 30-something or older cop.
The law as it stands does little to protect children from predators and too much to vilify people who commit lesser acts.
how old are you? 4 years age difference is seriously very small, even at that age range, especially when comparing male vs female maturity levels. Really, men and women of the same age are mismatched mentally until at least age 30. Guys generally mature slower, refuse to take responsibility, and just generally act childish for much longer. I'm a guy, I can say this.
The age difference and 90% of what's considered statutory or predatory is cultural. Even in america, 50 years ago things were much different. It was not unheard of for a 17 year old to marry a man in his mid to late 20s. My grandfather, one of the few members of my family who wasn't a dipshit, had 12 years on my grandmother, who was 17 when they met, no kidding. They remained married their entire lives, over 60 years. Not saying everything was rosie, but when is it.
Edited because I can't make what I am thinking make sense in a forum post. In essence I agree with this 100%.
Regardless, I believe that it would pretty damn easy to get around anything like this. Like I said in a previous post, this is nothing but political pandering on the part of NY politicians hoping to get re-elected. People get scared by the media and allow this money and time to be wasted. New York has been doing stuff like for a few years now. They deleted a few thousand offenders Facebook and Myspace accounts 2009. They have required email addresses for any offenders.
What's silly is that absolutely nothing is stopping the offender and going out and making a new account with a fake name.
I love this quote from the ag of NY:
"Together we are making the online community safer for our children, not allowing it to become a 21st century crime scene"
It's the state's job to make the internet safer? Do these children have no parents? Who is buying them xboxs and computers and online games?
Welcome to America. We stopped expecting parents to take care of their children about 30 years ago.
And while it's obvious pandering, any time you let a law like this through you create a precedent, and someone can use that to build a worse one, and a worse one.
I've gone over this before. There isn't a good or acceptable reason for why a twenty-something, or older, is having sex with a teenager. You can't cite a small pool of interaction if you live in the United States of fucking America. You can't cite maturity here either as it is much more pronounced in that age group within a space of one year than in other age brackets.
That other little scenario you described, about pissing in bushes, isn't exactly helping you. At all.
Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien