Either way, I'll be in the game with you, but I'll have made a few dollars in interest off of that $60 by then -- maybe a bit more to spend in the cash shop than you
If I find GW2 to be anything less than the second coming of christ i'll be the first to start a thread and let everyone know. There's no reason to purchase the game ahead of time unless you want guaranteed play time during the beta weekends... but I do so there I am. :P
I'll probably be hating myself when you're all playing beta and I'm not
Maybe I'll pre-purchase at some interval later on, if they still offer that.
No, they don't come complete. They never do, because they are never complete. If they were ever complete, they wouldn't be a MMORPG. Are you new to this genre? Do I wish games would come complete? Sure. EVERYONE does. But you know what? These games are huge and take forever to build, so as long as it's "good enough" I'd rather play the game sometime sooner rather than later as long as it is "good enough" for me to forgive that which is not complete because that which is was worth the price I paid. Reality wants you to come back to it, seriously.
Asking people to pre order a game still under a heavy NDA is wrong. I mean ultimiately people will make their own call, but this has SWToR written all over it.
Wish I could say more..
Nobody really cares what you have to say.
The people that pre purchase did so knowing full well what they were getting themselves into. Nobody that pre purchase is a child most of htem are adults and they do so knowing full well what they are risking.
Also, a better analogy would be putting a down payment on a car(used) or house(not new). You might have a basic idea of how the house or car is, but you wont until a few weeks later.
I said people will make their own call and that's fine. Their money.
To further your analogy, do you buy a car before test driving it? Do you buy one based on select information when you know there's a lot that's still hidden from you? I sure wouldn't. Now we are only talking about a game here so less money of course, but the point is the same.
Either way, I'm still sticking to my guns and think it's wrong to ask people to buy your product when you are deliberately holding information back on it as well as not letting others share their thoughts on it.
So every game you have ever bought you have fully tested everything in it before doing so? That kinda seems impossible to me.
The concept we're talking about here is preordering a game that the company doesn't want information to get out about it yet. Doesn't that sound SWToR like to anyone here? Do you not think there is a reason perhaps they are doing that? I mean hey, by all means it's your money, knock yourself out. I'm just saying that I think its sketchy.
You might see where I was coming from to here if I was allowed to say I've been in beta for a while now, and defend my position a bit better, but I can't do that, which I think is very convienient for ArenaNet, and not so much for people they want to preorder their game. Ah well.. carry on.
No, they don't come complete. They never do, because they are never complete. If they were ever complete, they wouldn't be a MMORPG. Are you new to this genre?
I disagree with this point of view. A MMORPG can be finished and if they fail they have been to ambitous or unrealistic. You can set goal and simply finish them and you can do that with a MMORPG as well. If you decide to add other feature fine, but you could finish the initial product with the features you promised/planned.
Clearly some smaller bug could be expected, but nothing game breaking.
and yes to the car anologe I say again, even those have problem to point where a recall is needed because of risk. Houses can have bad plumming, leaking roofs and what not of it might even collapse.
Better to buy an unfinished game which is better polished than any other mmo at release and they will still work on it than to buy an unfinished game which will never be in good polished state... *swtor comes to mind* (I'm still pissed off for buying that junk)
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life." -------------------------------
No, they don't come complete. They never do, because they are never complete. If they were ever complete, they wouldn't be a MMORPG. Are you new to this genre?
I disagree with this point of view. A MMORPG can be finished and if they fail they have been to ambitous or unrealistic. You can set goal and simply finish them and you can do that with a MMORPG as well. If you decide to add other feature fine, but you could finish the initial product with the features you promised/planned.
Clearly some smaller bug could be expected, but nothing game breaking.
That is obvious. Now we are going to spend 7 pages defining what a "complete" MMO is and what isn't a "complete" MMO. lol
People buy tickets to concerts or sporting events in advance all the time. There is no way to guarantee they will have a good experience at these events. It may rain, snow or hail... it may be over 100 degrees at an outdoor venue... some jerk may pick a fight with you... the concert or sporting event may not even take place, as they can be called off for various reasons.
As far as I am concerned, prepurchasing GW2 is equivalent to buying "tickets" that will let me play when it is available.
I've learned it is impossible to "win" against this kind of "logic." I too purchased an unfinished game. I am confident that the money I spent was well spent. If it turns out to not be money well spent, that will suck. But oh well, that is life. I'd rather take a risk and get burned then never try anything new or never allow myself to be excited about something just because it MIGHT not be all I thought it was. Reality wants you to come back, seriously.
Yes, it is like buying anything, if you wait 3-6 months, something newer, better or cheaper will be out... I fall victim to this, i make good money, but I am frugal, and I probably read multiple reviews too much and sometimes maybe overthink things...
I am currently thinking of getting a new phone, as the one I have can connect to the internet, but its grandfathered in and I don't have to have a data plan for it...So thinking of changing it up, and spending the money...So I wonder if it will be worth it, and if I am going to do it, I want to get something very nice...So I have been waiting since the beginning of the year for the right deal/phone...Once one drops, a new one that is more shiney is in its place, and I go in circles lol.....People at work joke around about me being cheap...
Sometimes you just gotta do it....No product is ever complete/perfect... Maybe now that I 'wasted' money on 2 copies of GW2, I will go get that phone this week!
I still don't quite understand what the point of this thread is for. Doesn't it go without saying that you typically make purchases for products you are fairly confident in?
Nothing to see here, just fanboi being fanboi...................... If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
You scared me there. For a second I just saw ........ and I thought that you wouldn't use the word P2W but then it came!
I'm so happy everything is as it should be post after post after post. Oh crap I think I managed to accidently hit the block button
I still don't quite understand what the point of this thread is for. Doesn't it go without saying that you typically make purchases for products you are fairly confident in?
True, but some say that its wrong to have faith in Arenanet, because all devs are liars.
Asking people to pre order a game still under a heavy NDA is wrong. I mean ultimiately people will make their own call, but this has SWToR written all over it.
Wish I could say more..
Nobody really cares what you have to say.
The people that pre purchase did so knowing full well what they were getting themselves into. Nobody that pre purchase is a child most of htem are adults and they do so knowing full well what they are risking.
Also, a better analogy would be putting a down payment on a car(used) or house(not new). You might have a basic idea of how the house or car is, but you wont until a few weeks later.
I said people will make their own call and that's fine. Their money.
To further your analogy, do you buy a car before test driving it? Do you buy one based on select information when you know there's a lot that's still hidden from you? I sure wouldn't. Now we are only talking about a game here so less money of course, but the point is the same.
Either way, I'm still sticking to my guns and think it's wrong to ask people to buy your product when you are deliberately holding information back on it as well as not letting others share their thoughts on it.
When you buy a car used, what guarantee do you have that it wont break down in the middle of the road? the answer is you really don't have one. You might look at carfax for a hint, but there is no guarantee the car will still be running. Test driving doesnt always show problems until an extended amount of time.
It's good to stick to your gun, that why we have something called freewill. Whether its right or wrong its not really your concern or YOUR business, the people that pre purchase clearly don't mind doing it. They all did so knowing full well whatever happens, happens. I think people like you need to stop worrying about what ADULTS with freewill DO with their money and just worry about yourself.
LOL what's wrong with you man. I didn't say anything anywhere where I was putting people down. I was putting the company down. I said people can do what they want.. it's their money. You work for ArenaNet or something?
NO I don't work for Arenanet.
ALL I am saying is pretty much it not your place to decide how Arenanet decides to conduct their business and reward their fan loyalty. I am pretty much telling you, if you have an issue with the pre purchase don't worry about it, the people part taking it are not worried about it. AND nobody is forcing them to part take in the whole show and your feelings about the pre purchase are yours and yours alone and you shouldn't concern yourself with anybody but yourself.
Nothing to see here, just fanboi being fanboi...................... If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
Nothing to see here, just fanboi being fanboi...................... If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
Really, does it even matter? If $60 is that big of an issue, I would like to suggest eliminating your video game habit and either picking up a second job or spending your time increasing your education level or figuring out another way to make more money for the hours you work.
Nothing to see here, just fanboi being fanboi...................... If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
This is whats wrong around here. People thinking others should give a damn if they do or dont buy a game. I wipe my ass with your "three month test period." That goes for the other side of the fence as well, all those people who make it their personal mission to convert people.
Im not singling out this person either, you see this shit everywhere. Its like there is this holy crusade to make sure everyone buys GW2. Its getting a little rediculous around here lately.
I bought the game already, so no need to try and convert me.
Honestly, I don't blame them for that at this point.
Just look at how many people there are trying to make mountains out of molehills over just about anything they can find out about the game that can be spun in a negative light.
Even with the amount of info publicly available for this game, people are still distorting facts left & right (primarily for the negative). Hell, just look at the cash shop. Here we have a feature that's been announced for over a year now. They finally start working on it with the disclaimer 'it's very much a work in progress' and people are taking what limited info they can publicly dig up on it as a sign that the sky is falling and the game will fail.
NDAs server multiple purposes, and while I generally dispise NDAs (i have to deal w/ them ALL the time), for certain things they are sadly necessary. This is primarily due to human nature. Many people just can't handle the creation process of a game. They see a feature that isn't complete or doesn't look good enough and they freak out, instead of realizing that it's just part of the process.
Nothing to see here, just fanboi being fanboi...................... If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
This is whats wrong around here. People thinking others should give a damn if they do or dont buy a game. I wipe my ass with your "three month test period." That goes for the other side of the fence as well, all those people who make it their personal mission to convert people.
Im not singling out this person either, you see this shit everywhere. Its like there is this holy crusade to make sure everyone buys GW2. Its getting a little rediculous around here lately.
I bought the game already, so no need to try and convert me.
With so many on both sides emotionally charged about this game it's made for some fun (if not completely idiotic) forum PvP.
I'm pretty sure every MMO I've ever purchased wasn't finished when I bought it! Having to wait to play it is the only thing that's really different. I have pre-purchased expansions for LotRO, months ahead of time for the perks, so it wasn't much of a stretch.
Any other MMO to date, would have pre-purchased any of them? Probably not, but I have a lot of added faith in Arenanet and GW2 game design. A purchase was certain, I have the money now, so why not pre-purchase?
I don't think that prepurchasing an unfinished game usually makes sense but it did for me this time. I'd probably prepurchase diablo 3 (in fact, didn't people already do this by signing up for blizzard's annual pass thing?) since blizzard is fairly reputable, but I can't think of any other games that I'd do this for off the top of my head.
Atleast 95% of MMO games that have come out in the last 8 years have came out unfinished solely because they wanted your money from subscription fees as soon as they can get it. WoW was no exception here for those who think WoW is the greatest thing and have done nothing wrong ever.
Anybody who has bought a Capcom game, EA game, or a Blizzard game in the last several years has bought an unfinished game. It's nothing new in today's gaming world anymore unfortunately.
So, the question is: Why is it evil when other game companies do it, but awesome when ANet does it?
I've been asking myself that a lot recently, over a range of things (i.e. "P2W" cash shop, instanced PvP, EZ mode instant gratification 80s for PvP, easy fast travel, meaningless game world, etc).
Exactly, why? The answer is simple, fans of games tend to ignore quite a bit of truth and reality in order to justify their purchase.
We've all done it, just most refuse to admit it.
Please, please, Please
Tell me how this is the truth I.E Facts and not subjective, please enlighten me.
I really want to know what toilet you been getting your statements from.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
OK, couple things on my take on the whole "unfinished games" business.
1) To me, an unfinished game at launch is one where significant bugs render it unplayable or near enough to render play extremely uncomfortable. I expect tehre will always be a couple bugs in a game at launch. Why? I'm not stupid, I've done QA. No matter how crazy you test, you probably didn't thinkt aht wearing a green dress as a male dwarf on a thursday standing in that particular spot doing a /dance would cause the servers to crash. You never realized that if you stand at JUST the right spot, and spam a certain skill enough times, RNG will help someone walk through a wall and exploit a boss or something. Players ALWAYS find things you won't. And you won't ever find it all.
2) Please re-read the entire above paragraph. While I excuse SOME bugs, launches with serious lag issues, crashes, people falling through the world (WoW, Mortal Online, Everything Funcom has ever made, I'm looking at you...) is never acceptable at launch.
3) In addition, I consider it an unfinished game if a developer does not include features that were promised at launch, and either does not explain why, makes a BS excuse, or doesn't tell anyone until after the pre-orders all got paid for.
I don't consider GW2 so far to have fallen under any of those. I haven't seen any feature they told us would be there is missing, and I haven't heard of bugs that make the game unplayable, other than the occasional bad terrain or gimped quest. And it's early enough those CAN be fixed if they get on them.
Somehow people got it into their heads that since pre-purchase lets you into a couple beta phases, we're paying them to test the game, or paying them to play something unfinished. This is idiotic. I paid them for a game before seeing it; as a thank you, they give me a guaranteed beta spot instead of hoping I get picked like the rest of the dregs. Nothing more. I'll be the first to admit that's a gamble on my part, but I'll call it an investment. I'll put in some money in the hopes I get a product I personally am happy with. And if I am, awesome. If not...can't win em all. And if that product is something that for any reason doesn't appeal to others...that's their call. They can play it, or not, as they wish.
I'll probably be hating myself when you're all playing beta and I'm not
Maybe I'll pre-purchase at some interval later on, if they still offer that.
The concept we're talking about here is preordering a game that the company doesn't want information to get out about it yet. Doesn't that sound SWToR like to anyone here? Do you not think there is a reason perhaps they are doing that? I mean hey, by all means it's your money, knock yourself out. I'm just saying that I think its sketchy.
You might see where I was coming from to here if I was allowed to say I've been in beta for a while now, and defend my position a bit better, but I can't do that, which I think is very convienient for ArenaNet, and not so much for people they want to preorder their game. Ah well.. carry on.
I disagree with this point of view. A MMORPG can be finished and if they fail they have been to ambitous or unrealistic. You can set goal and simply finish them and you can do that with a MMORPG as well. If you decide to add other feature fine, but you could finish the initial product with the features you promised/planned.
Clearly some smaller bug could be expected, but nothing game breaking.
and yes to the car anologe I say again, even those have problem to point where a recall is needed because of risk. Houses can have bad plumming, leaking roofs and what not of it might even collapse.
Better to buy an unfinished game which is better polished than any other mmo at release and they will still work on it than to buy an unfinished game which will never be in good polished state... *swtor comes to mind* (I'm still pissed off for buying that junk)
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
I disagree with this point of view. A MMORPG can be finished and if they fail they have been to ambitous or unrealistic. You can set goal and simply finish them and you can do that with a MMORPG as well. If you decide to add other feature fine, but you could finish the initial product with the features you promised/planned.
Clearly some smaller bug could be expected, but nothing game breaking.
People buy tickets to concerts or sporting events in advance all the time. There is no way to guarantee they will have a good experience at these events. It may rain, snow or hail... it may be over 100 degrees at an outdoor venue... some jerk may pick a fight with you... the concert or sporting event may not even take place, as they can be called off for various reasons.
As far as I am concerned, prepurchasing GW2 is equivalent to buying "tickets" that will let me play when it is available.
Yes, it is like buying anything, if you wait 3-6 months, something newer, better or cheaper will be out... I fall victim to this, i make good money, but I am frugal, and I probably read multiple reviews too much and sometimes maybe overthink things...
I am currently thinking of getting a new phone, as the one I have can connect to the internet, but its grandfathered in and I don't have to have a data plan for it...So thinking of changing it up, and spending the money...So I wonder if it will be worth it, and if I am going to do it, I want to get something very nice...So I have been waiting since the beginning of the year for the right deal/phone...Once one drops, a new one that is more shiney is in its place, and I go in circles lol.....People at work joke around about me being cheap...
Sometimes you just gotta do it....No product is ever complete/perfect... Maybe now that I 'wasted' money on 2 copies of GW2, I will go get that phone this week!
If upon release, and 3 months after, there is no p2w in that cash shop I'll consider buying it.
You scared me there. For a second I just saw ........ and I thought that you wouldn't use the word P2W but then it came!
I'm so happy everything is as it should be post after post after post. Oh crap I think I managed to accidently hit the block button
True, but some say that its wrong to have faith in Arenanet, because all devs are liars.
NO I don't work for Arenanet.
ALL I am saying is pretty much it not your place to decide how Arenanet decides to conduct their business and reward their fan loyalty. I am pretty much telling you, if you have an issue with the pre purchase don't worry about it, the people part taking it are not worried about it. AND nobody is forcing them to part take in the whole show and your feelings about the pre purchase are yours and yours alone and you shouldn't concern yourself with anybody but yourself.
ignorance is strong with this one
Really, does it even matter? If $60 is that big of an issue, I would like to suggest eliminating your video game habit and either picking up a second job or spending your time increasing your education level or figuring out another way to make more money for the hours you work.
This is whats wrong around here. People thinking others should give a damn if they do or dont buy a game. I wipe my ass with your "three month test period." That goes for the other side of the fence as well, all those people who make it their personal mission to convert people.
Im not singling out this person either, you see this shit everywhere. Its like there is this holy crusade to make sure everyone buys GW2. Its getting a little rediculous around here lately.
I bought the game already, so no need to try and convert me.
My biggest concern is the NDA is still up..
Honestly, I don't blame them for that at this point.
Just look at how many people there are trying to make mountains out of molehills over just about anything they can find out about the game that can be spun in a negative light.
Even with the amount of info publicly available for this game, people are still distorting facts left & right (primarily for the negative). Hell, just look at the cash shop. Here we have a feature that's been announced for over a year now. They finally start working on it with the disclaimer 'it's very much a work in progress' and people are taking what limited info they can publicly dig up on it as a sign that the sky is falling and the game will fail.
NDAs server multiple purposes, and while I generally dispise NDAs (i have to deal w/ them ALL the time), for certain things they are sadly necessary. This is primarily due to human nature. Many people just can't handle the creation process of a game. They see a feature that isn't complete or doesn't look good enough and they freak out, instead of realizing that it's just part of the process.
The NDA will be gone for the next beta weekend that includes access for everyone who has prepurchased.
You can expect tons of new reviews as well as video broadcasting of live gameplay.
With so many on both sides emotionally charged about this game it's made for some fun (if not completely idiotic) forum PvP.
I have no concerns about my 60 bucks.
i do hope the game converts though
I'm pretty sure every MMO I've ever purchased wasn't finished when I bought it! Having to wait to play it is the only thing that's really different. I have pre-purchased expansions for LotRO, months ahead of time for the perks, so it wasn't much of a stretch.
Any other MMO to date, would have pre-purchased any of them? Probably not, but I have a lot of added faith in Arenanet and GW2 game design. A purchase was certain, I have the money now, so why not pre-purchase?
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Atleast 95% of MMO games that have come out in the last 8 years have came out unfinished solely because they wanted your money from subscription fees as soon as they can get it. WoW was no exception here for those who think WoW is the greatest thing and have done nothing wrong ever.
Please, please, Please
Tell me how this is the truth I.E Facts and not subjective, please enlighten me.
I really want to know what toilet you been getting your statements from.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
OK, couple things on my take on the whole "unfinished games" business.
1) To me, an unfinished game at launch is one where significant bugs render it unplayable or near enough to render play extremely uncomfortable. I expect tehre will always be a couple bugs in a game at launch. Why? I'm not stupid, I've done QA. No matter how crazy you test, you probably didn't thinkt aht wearing a green dress as a male dwarf on a thursday standing in that particular spot doing a /dance would cause the servers to crash. You never realized that if you stand at JUST the right spot, and spam a certain skill enough times, RNG will help someone walk through a wall and exploit a boss or something. Players ALWAYS find things you won't. And you won't ever find it all.
2) Please re-read the entire above paragraph. While I excuse SOME bugs, launches with serious lag issues, crashes, people falling through the world (WoW, Mortal Online, Everything Funcom has ever made, I'm looking at you...) is never acceptable at launch.
3) In addition, I consider it an unfinished game if a developer does not include features that were promised at launch, and either does not explain why, makes a BS excuse, or doesn't tell anyone until after the pre-orders all got paid for.
I don't consider GW2 so far to have fallen under any of those. I haven't seen any feature they told us would be there is missing, and I haven't heard of bugs that make the game unplayable, other than the occasional bad terrain or gimped quest. And it's early enough those CAN be fixed if they get on them.
Somehow people got it into their heads that since pre-purchase lets you into a couple beta phases, we're paying them to test the game, or paying them to play something unfinished. This is idiotic. I paid them for a game before seeing it; as a thank you, they give me a guaranteed beta spot instead of hoping I get picked like the rest of the dregs. Nothing more. I'll be the first to admit that's a gamble on my part, but I'll call it an investment. I'll put in some money in the hopes I get a product I personally am happy with. And if I am, awesome. If not...can't win em all. And if that product is something that for any reason doesn't appeal to others...that's their call. They can play it, or not, as they wish.