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Hello all.
I'm currently looking for beta's to sign up for that are not already open but will be soon so i can get some testing experience, Am currently beta testing the matrix online but my computer does not allow their support page to show from an unkown reason to the mxo support team, so unfortunately not able to submit bugs properly. So if anyone has some hints or information on which games are soon to be excepting beta testers please post here. Have seen lots of discussion about mourning and am going to look into that and the other beta's shown on this site, but prefer to get into an open beta as soon as it opens so mostly looking for beta's that will be opening in a short time to come, joining a beta half way through has a pointless feeling about it.
Also interested to know what games you have all beta tested and what you thought of them?
- Tyrant
Do you like text-based games?
Yea ive never played any text based games either.........send me a nice link of one thats has a trial or somethin so i know how those games go.... u dont gotta send the link if u dont feel like it tho. im not beggin for anythin
Oh god I've tested everything from Ultima Online back in 1996, anything I could get my hands on sence and currently KAL Online, ROSE, and Planeshift right now. All of the current ones I'm disappointed in, and many of the past ones as well. Ultima Online screwed it up for me and have yet to find anything worthy of replacing it.
I went to EB Games yesterday and got the pre-order for Guild Wars which I've been testing for several months now, and am quite happy with. Although, thats still a month or so off, so I been trying this damn Eastern style MMOG's and am ready to pull my hair out. There the same damn thing! Not much variaty, not much different, same old monster bashing, level up as fast as you can, etc...
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother, then I think back about UO and look ahead to Guild Wars. I've also been waiting ever so impatiently for Darkfall Online, and still carring around a broken heart over WISH.
Sigonyth: Desert Eternity will soon come into beta tests, I think. Game is worth interesting so maybe this will interest you.
currently downloadin doonline. open beta to.
EDIT-- I just realised this might be the wrong section LOL (sorry) :P
I think Archlord beta signup is due to start any day now.
Use a font we can actually read properly next time :P
Arwen Zildjian
hi if you are looking for a new beta test archlord is now signing people up for the new beta test get to the beta by clicking on the following link
Geewhiz 27 Rogue EQ
Gollywhiz FFXI HUM/SUM/NIN Carb
hihi SOON TO BE LOA!!!
do you like red text much? GAH! Go throw that red text in the grave it belongs in, and once you want to speak normally, I shall help you.
Lord of the rings Online is currently in sign-ups for beta (but i dont think there is gonna be any pvp there) and a MUST play when it comes out is Warhammer Online
Now when you are saying text based games you mean MUD? in telnet? if yes i use to play for about 3 years Clandestine Mud (if you googled it you will find the site) and its pretty good but i wanted more,i wanted graphs,image
i hope i helped you ...but dont even bother trying Legent Of Ares...there are better games to spend your time.
Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
I longed for her beauty
Yet from dust, she returned
The dream, an enigma.... silent
If anyone knows a Korean / Eastern developed game that seriously breaks out of the mold they all seem to come from, let me know. I gave up on them a long time ago.
Warhammer Online is going to have a beta ready hopfully this summer or fall.
Sign up for the new letter to get a chance to beta test.