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So this thread isfor you to share what you want or are looking forward to play this year, online or not.
For me I bought Guildwars 2, Path of Exile , Diablo 3 and The Secret World and im also looking for the new Tomb Raider, Max Payne, Fallout and GTA V.
How about you ???
Other than that Diablo 3, TOR, and possibly GW 2 will be time sinks until then.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I already bought more than I thought I would.. (Guild Wars 2, All Gothic games, Sacred 2, Gotham City Imposters, Rayman Origins, etc.) and I'm sure quite some games will follow haha. Although I hope when Guild Wars 2 releases, my hunger for buying games will lay still for a while..
Will be purchasing GW2, Path to Exile, Torchlight 2, and Total War: Fall of the Samurai once I have the money.
Little forum boys with their polished cyber toys: whine whine, boo-hoo, talk talk.
For now Guild Wars 2 and maybe PtE or TL2 still not deside about those 2 games.
Im mainly sticking to GW2 i can't play to many games at ones i realy wanne fully experience and enjoy GW2(bought CE).
More this year than any other year EVER!
Dominus, World of Darkness, Arche Age, Guidwars 2 and Planetside 2... and Darkfall 2.0 XD
Buying for sure :
GW2, Neverwinter, Torchlight II, Diablo III, Borderlands II, EQ Next (whenever it comes out)
Thinking about (need to play it first / find the time lol) :
TSW ( I like the skill system ideas but from the videos I've seen it just needs more polish on the animations for the abilities and combat)
Not buying:
TERA (I tested TERA on one of the weekends, just wasn't my thing.)
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Already bought: Tera and GW2
Buying: Diablo 3, Torchlight 2, Assassin's Creed 3, Borderland 2
Not sure: Prototype 2, XCom, Darksiders 2
right away
legends of grimrock
torchlight 2
0x10c (if its out)
planetside 2 (if its out)
more orcs must die
then reviews / nda lifts pending
diablo 3
bioshock infinite
wait until its goty
mass effect 3
max payne 3
wont be out this year but looking forwards to next year
the zenimax mmo (tes meets daoc?)
world of darkness
One thing i can tell you is that Path of Exile is totally similar to diablo II but with a better skill system :P and it will be free :P
The only thing tha I have seen worth playing is GW2
Yeah it looks like a overall better pick, but dont tell any D3 player that =P
Some are on the wrong platform or just won't fit in, but all of interest for 2012:
GW2, Planetside 2, Firefall, Dust 514
Legend of Grimlock
Super T.I.M.E Force
Mark Of The Ninja
Banner Saga
Castle Story
Spy Party (assuming it finally releases)
0x10^c (alpha!)
Star Command
Fifa Euro 2012
Spell Tower
Probably going to buy dependant on reviews:
Guild Wars 2
Definately will buy:
UFO Enemy Unknown remake
Already bought through kickstarter donation:
Double Fine Adventure
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Ill be buying a fair few of the ones mentioned in the thread but oddly it's Borderlands 2 that has me salivating.
Only thing that's a must buy for me this year is GW2, but I think part of that is because I'm older and wiser. There are other games I want (here's looking at you, Atelier Meruru!) but GW2 is already going to absorb a good chunk of my time, school/life the rest of it. I usually just stick with one game at a time, these days.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
None. I don't plan to buy any games this year. This doesn't mean that I won't buy any games I just don't buy into the hype machine for any game anymore. When they release and are proven to be good by good player reviews or by me personally trying them I will buy but I refuse to plan to buy anything before release anymore. This attitude has saved me from countless gaming disasters in the past and will serve me well into the future.
I don't think World of Darkness, Archeage, and Planetside 2 are going to be coming out this year. I know Archeage hasn't released in Korea and needs to be localized/published for the west. World of Darkness was backburnered for EVE and from what I heard Planetside 2 is still in prealpha.
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I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
Planned to buy GW2 but bought TSW instead. I want to see the beta and if I don't like it will cancel my order.
I think I will wait on GW2 - just too much hype these days.
Lots of choices this year.
I pre-purchased Tera, The Secret World and Guild Wars 2. If it came out this year I'd buy Planetside 2 as well.
Games I should buy this year? probably none.
Already bought GW2, beyond that any game on a Steam $5 sale that catches my eye and if by some stroke of luck any further installment of Deus Ex HR comes out I will buy that on release as DXHR is the only single player game that I have actually been able to finish w/o getting bored or side tracked to something else.
Planetside 2
Wasteland 2
Shadowrun Returns
Dust 514
Bioshock Infiinte
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Guild Wars 2
Diablo 3
SSX (2012)
SSX (2012) a second time because it's greatness.
Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter and Secret World are all furst day buys for me.
After that then maybe EQNext or Blizzard's Titan. (yes I know they prolly wont be out but one can hope)
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
Dragon's Dogma
Guild Wars 2
The Secret World
Tomb Raider
Diablo 3
Assassin's Creed 3
Pandora's Tower
The Last Story
Guild Wars 2, Borderlands 2 this year, and hopefully Torchlight 2, maybe TSW. Was excited for Diablo 3 but now waiting with much more muted levels of optimism. Will continue to play the hell out of Dark Souls, Skyrim and probably even Kingdoms of Amalur
Next year though, Lost Planet 3, GTA V, Archeage (please pretty please!) Elder Scrolls MMO (ok not likely for next year, but.. soon). Planetside 2 (another maybbe for next year).
Remaining disappointed in handheld titles with not much grabbing me so far. Want to play more 3DS but damn, its a bit thin game wise (no, I haven't tried Kid Icarus yet, I'll get to it.) Still unsure about Vita, hoping its slow out of the gate like PS3 was and then takes off. To be honest, I don't know many titles to watch for the remainder of the year so suggestions are welcome