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Well here my basic design for ele, tell me what you people think of it plz.
I will do a Scepter as main hand and a dagger as off hand, this gives me a good amount of aoe's and it gives me a short range to meduim range fighting abilities.
For support it gives me 2 heals and 1 regen, it gives me 2 skills that raise def. It also gives me a swiftness skill, for spd when needed.
For debuffs it really cool, 1 cripple, 3 burning, 2 bleed, 2 blindness, 1 chilled and 1 vilnerability.
However you may ask,"what about long range, I mean you a ele right."
Well I have this coverd, I will do a frost bow as a utility skill. Then you may ask,"well thats only 5 skill and will the summon weapons be that good?"
First most class's have only 5 skills per weapon so it cool, and trust me the Frost bow have really cool skills.
Like the normal skill with no cooldown, heals allies and damage enemies. The second skill is 8 sec cooldown and does damage as well as doing a 10 sec vulnerability on target. The third skill is 20 sec cooldown and makes a wall of ice that enemies cant get past, and any enemy that is on it when cast will freeze. Also you can shatter this skill, and do damage to anything that been froozing by it are is near it. 4th skill cooldown is 15 secs and it a aoe also, which also cast chilled on people it hits. 5th skill cooldown is 20 secs as well. It a aoe and it cause confusion on any it hits.
So I say it a good weapon for a long range weapon.
For my main heal skill, I will be using the one that also gives me a buff.
The other two utility skill slots I have down to cleansing fire, Armor of Earth, glyph of storm, glyph of renewal, glyph of lesser elemental. So I got it down to 5 skills, but only 2 slots.
Lastly no ideal, what elite I will get.
So will you people might help me to pick which 2 utility skills I will do, and tell me what you think of this skill build.
IF there any flaws in it are something.
I'll tell you my personal experience that might or might not have been from playing the beta.
The highest burst damage skill you've got on the elementalist is the secpter #2 skill on earth attunement. You also get a toon of survavilaty with the secpter, specially if you go with a focus aswell, scrap the dagger, either build it 2 daggers or just don't use dagger at all. Frost Bow is kinda crap aswell
This was some of the highest burst spec I could make, while still keeping a toon of survivability.
Basically you do this
Fire attunement: You plan to change attunment at this point, so might aswell fire some cooldowns like fire shield, and put up a flame wall (this is what you really want), also if the target is somewhat not moving to much use dragons tooth and Switch fast to air attunement
Air Attunement: At this point if your target wasnt moving much, the dragon's tooth is about to hit, and you dont want him to move/dodge out of the way, so use skill #5 and knock him down, then if he has ranged attacks you can use #4, if not just skip it and blind him, because you are changing attunments soon, and might aswell waste all the small cooldowns.
Use skill #2 and and change to earth attunement.
Earth attunement: This is the mother of bursts, if you managed to make the target vulnerable with lighting, it just does ridiculous damage, use skill #4 or #5 if you are in trouble, to either become invulnerable or remove all conditions, if not just use skill #2, this will give you a rock armor, symbolized by 5 rocks hovering your head, you can launch this 5 rocks in under one seccond and do between 1.6k-3.5k damage with each of these rocks, depending on target vulnerability and if you crit or not (you have somewher around 55% crit with this build), if you manage to combo it with the previous set flame wall, it doesnt bleed+burning+fire damage, reaching up to 4k a hit with each of these rocks if target is vulnerable.
Top it of with Arcane Blast from utility skills if you need, and use more blinds to get out of trouble
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Sorry no way will I do that build, to me it boring and dont like it at all.
However thanks for trying to show me some new info.
my build is a lot funnier, at lest from my own maybe exp.
You can also try to combine the casting in the frooze to max the damage, when the cooldown is about to begin but still not complete to the point where the global procedure would not be affected nevertheless, of course provided the enemy would not, in retaliation, minimaze the effect wether his casting is retro blasted or not.
Haven't been able to try it thoroughtly, though.
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Anyone know if the cooldown for conjured weapons is initiated immediately upon the conjuration of the weapon or immediately after you consume its final charge and/or swap it out?
Conjure weapons cooldown is 60 secs, but it summons 2 and each can be use 15 moves before they go away.
Plus it will be my long range weapon so not like I will spam, I will switch weapons once monsters get close. Plus I will get a trait that add 10 moves to the weapon. So 25 skill I be able to use per summon weapon, and since it takes 60 secs to cooldown. I seen that before I can even use 25 skills the 60 secs will be over. So I be able to resummon it right away if needed.
I knew all that. But my question still stands: does the cooldown time initiate after the final charge is expended or immediately upon conjuration. You seem to be assuming that the cooldown countdown begins as soon as you conjure the weapon, which would then allow you to possibly reconjure the weapon fairly soon after you cast your 15-25 spells because there would only be a few seconds left on the cooldown timer. However, if the cooldown timer does not initiate until your final charge is expended, then you must wait a full 60 seconds without your ranged weapon every time.
It may also be that once you swap out a conjured weapon, you cannot swap it back in until its cooldown is reset. So there may be more decisions to make than you suspect. Hence my question, to which I would still appreciate an answer from anyone who has tried it and knows
like I already said as soon as you cast it, it starts to cooldown. with 25 skills it takes over 60 secs to cast them.
Trust me, unless they change it this is how it is.
That is all well and good, however this is the first instance of future QQ where all the fanbois want their class to be competitive and be able to play it EXACTLY how they want.
I think every casual player should be prepared to play in the most effective means possible or understand you might get your but kicked over and over again against people that are playing that way.
Why do you think, that there is a spesific build that is the best. If there is then I guess ArenaNet have failed.
P.S. ive been rank top 10 in pvp,,, in multy of mmos.
Cross fire, in ghost mode,,, ,,,, Domo,,,,flyff,,,,last chaos,,,,s4 league,,,, among others.
Even in strict holy trinity games like Domo,,, there style multy different builds per class that is good at pvp,,, just in different ways.
Ive already seen over 9 builds for ele in gw2, that would all be good if use right.
However I like the build I have here the best.
If the game have anything in common with the first game there will be at least a few builds that are so good that people wont kick you from a group.
If there just is a single way to play a class effectively ANET have failed with the game.
And some of these good ways will take some time before people figure out. You have figured out one good way to use the class and that ain't bad in the short time you most likely tried the game but trust me when I say that otyhers will figure out a bunch of other ways to handle the class.
If yall honestly think that there wont be one build that is competatively better than the rest you are out of your minds. For those of you that like to talk up how good you are at pvp (need more ePeen?) then you are fooling yourself thinking that every class, every weapon, every trait line, and every play style (DPS, Support Control) will be balanced then all I can say is Jesus Christ wtf are you smoking?
Putting up a thread saying here is my build, and the OP's response to responses being "that is nice, I like my play style" or ppl that QQ about "I dont wanna attument swap, QQ" just need to get that while you have options and while you have choices to play the game how you want doesnt mean that it is Anet's job to make sure how you want to pay is the most efficent or effective means of playing, at least in PvP (which if being pushed into an eSport min/maxing will happen).
Now, I am not saying that some classes wont be competative, because I am sure that they all will be. However, that does not mean they will be competative in PvP and small skirmish WvW with the play style an individual person wants to play. It just will not happen. I seriously doubt they will or could make every weapon and even every trait line for every class competative in PvE, structured PvP, and WvWvW. It just won't happen, because even when devs retune a class/ability it is never perfect.
@OP in terms of attuments and wanting to be a "water elementalist" I am sorry but you and the others that feel that way will most likely not be accomodated. The same thing is happening to Guardians, every new build more focus and changes revolve around the F1, 2, and 3 virtures because the devs want it to be a part of the class. Which is why the profession is called ELEMENTALIST and not Pyromancer or Aquamancer and so forth. The comparison made to Avater: the last air bender was incredibly spot on, and that is why the devs make it where you need to switch between, 1, 2, and even 3 attunments and why you CAN"T weapon swap in combat. I get that you do not like it, but that is the evident direction they are taking the class given the changes we have seen between press betas.
at least someone in this thread gets it.
Anyway, took me 12 hours of fine tunning to try and get a spec were I didn't get mauled in structured pvp and could still do some damage.
When I died 4 times in a row to an elementalist and saw on the kill table that "Hurl Rock" had done 10k damage to me, i decided it was time for a change from daggers
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Well they are trying the balance all of the builds so a coondition vs precision vs power builds will all be competative source. Still each build will have its strengths and weakness. Coondition builds should be good against armor since it ignores it. The downside is it takes awhile to stack up bleeds, a bleed stack can be remove with one spell. Burns and poison do not stack in intensity all cooditionals take awhile to do its damage. Power builds are good against low armor targets but against high armor targets should negative most of your damage. Crit builds work against low hp and deal bonus critcal damage but crits are unreliable even if you go all precision and have 70% to crit you may not crit when you need to.
Elemental elites discussion on gw2guru. Fiery sword looks like it is the worst elite atm its damage looks low, I have not seen enough videos of it to see how it works. Tornado is a good utility elite for AE and crowd control. Finally, Glyph of Elementals seems to be the best for dps/support since players tend to ignore the elementals.
All builds in the game are viable, you just have to know how you've specced your character and how play to those strenghts. It's not about best builds anymore because Anet has designed the game in such a way that, the only time you will flop, is if you don't know what you're doing AT ALL.
This is not a game.
I don't think daggers was the problem, I think your defence was a bit on the short side. May be you should have tried speccing for high defence but still keeping damage. All my builds are either, high health with damage or high defence with damage or if you're doing something cool, high defence, health and crits.
This is not a game.
If you said it and I missed it, I apologize. But I reread everything you wrote, and until this very post, you did not clarify my particular question. So either you did not answer me, or you tried to but your grasp of english--which seems to be your second language (this is admirable, not a bad thing)--prevented you from properly communicating your answer. Either way, this is good news
On a side note my argument is that they can't make everything viable. But I do believe they will make each class and apparently each dps style viable. Which if that is their limit I'm sure they could do that. Just don't expect to be able to play exactly how you want.