MAN WHEN FIRST SAW WORLDOFWARCRAFT IM LIKE NO WAY. BUT THEN WHEN I GOT IT BAM!!! I AM NOW ADDICTED!!! i dont go to school sometimes to play. I play more than I sleep and eat. Now I am A loner when i go to school. I may sound like a failure to some. Or a guy whose getting his 15$/months worth. What do u think of WoW?
I mainly play on the weekends and I hardly have time over the weekdays.
I wouldn't say I was addicted because I don't really have that kind of personality. I play for a good deal of time when I get the chance, though.
Jatez -- Question Everything -- Jate
If your skipping school to play WoW....then you are definitely having a problem. If you were sick, and played it for some of the day, well thats a different story, because I've done that before. I play usually only during the weekends because after school I'm just too damn tired. 8hr+ for me.
Now judging from your profile you're only 13, but you've already recognised that you may have a possible addiction if your skipping classes to play WoW. Heck, I skipped the occasional class - no biggie - and I skipped PE [physical education] for 3 years but if playing is interfering with your school-work, your familial and social (friends) commitments, if all your spare-time is wrapped up in playing WoW then I'd say that you have a problem.
There is nothing wrong with playing MMOGs but you need to achieve a balance. If playing WoW had created an inbalance in your life, where other areas, significantly school, are starting to suffer, then you need to re-balance your life. Trying cutting the hours that you play WoW. Treat the game like a reward i.e. play only after you have done your chores (including your homework in a diligent fashion i.e. not rushed). Maybe step outside and do an outdoor activity.
I would be worried that youre burning yourself out by playing the game so much, not to mention the physical toll on your eyes. Try to enforce breaks in your gaming and make it a part, not the whole of your life.
Whatever you do, dont fall behind in school. Whatever you may think of it, it is far better to have opportunities that come from getting good grades than not being able to do things because of a poor GPA due to playing WoW.
If you could tell us honestly how many hours you play in a full week (separate the week from the weekend) then you can see whether or not the game intereferes with other areas of your life. The fact that you posted is an indication that you're concerned about how much you game. I'm glad to see that you recognise that you may have a problem. The first step in learning to deal with a problem is by first recognising that you have one.
Hopefully, you'll be able to scale back your time on WoW and perhaps even get a fresh lease of life.
P.s. When I played a hardcore session of EQ (note: 'hardcore' has a different meaning in EQ terms - I was never hardcore), I had to take a week or two out of the game. It just burnt me out. I could never play 8 hours a day + AND work!
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
I think 49 hours of playing a game in one week is more then addiction. Unless your playing time as shown on your play counter is accurate. Remember a normal work shift per week is 40 hours
I can't even admit how long I played this game today, I feel ashamed.
I have been playing 5 hours this weekend really cracking down trying to get closer to level 60. Right now i'm almost 51 but damn, this game get's boring after a while.
STILL ADDICTED. CANT LEAVE COMPUTER. EYES GOING BAD. USED TO BE 20/20. Now I am wearing 200degree glasses. TOO FUN. 3 Lv 60 characters.
huh.. Am i here at the right class? the wow addicters group, right? ) !? Signed.
I'm definitely NOT addicted. I play between 7 and 10 hours a week (less than that lately), and if I have to play for more than an hour or 2 at a time (like when my husband gets us into a group for an instance that ends up taking longer than expected), I end up falling asleep in my chair or fantasizing about all the housework I could be doing.
I do have a lot of fun playing for short sessions, but it is not something I can do for hours on end. THIS IS A GOOD THING... I was an EQ addict once upon a time, and I am really glad I have reached a point that I can balance a game with a real life.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Is it me?
Or is WoW the new drug EVERYONE is using?
Blizzard did it. They have so mutch money they can SWIM in it!
It like being a drug dealer, when you got someone hooked,
they can't stop, and you got customers forever.
And yeah, I am addicted!
Cheers! I'm out ::
Skipping school just to play a game is a silly, silly thing to do :P
It'll bite you in the ass in the future.
Looking for something new.
Aww what is this? You guys invest waaay to much damn time into video games. Go to the gym, workout, play some football with friends, go see a movie. If you were to die tomorrow would you want to die knowing that you spent your last day playing WoW nonstop instead of with friends and family?
Must play WOW....must never stop WOW....WOW is life....WOW is EVERYTHING!!!! *laughs hysterically, and goes back to lv 60 warrior to mindlessly run through BRD instance for the 14,365 th time.
(/sarcasm off)
Actually there are studies showing that long term daily exposure to CRT monitors can create diminished vision, and in rare cases cause cataracts. The radiation from CRT moniotors is the culprit of this problem. The studies are not complete, but this is the direction they are going. If you plan on playing hours and hours a day, then get an LCD monitor.
As for the genetics thing, that just isn't true. No one in my family wears glasses (except reading glasses that my 75 yo grandfather bought from Walmart). I have 2 brothers. Neither of them really use computers other than to work, check email, and browse the www for a bit. I on the other hand spend at least 10 hours a day on the computer either gaming, programming, working, browsing, email, playing with the kids, etc. I must wear glasses. I have gone through 2 different strengths in 5 years. Now my vision isn't horrible or anything, but enough to wear signs and books are blurry.
sounds like you guys need to settle down and perhaps play some guild wars when it comes out
we all know theres too much grind in WoW to spend our last day playing it