I'm male so my opinion doesn't apply to your question, but I find that the level of acceptance for the sexualization of 8 year olds to be disturbing.
I find it disturbing that your mind instantly turns to sexual thoughts when you see Elins.
I never even thought such a thing until people started talking about it on these forums. I just thought they were another "cute small race" like Tarutaru from FFXI. Do you find Tarutaru sexual too?
Honestly they just look like faerie folk.
You took what he said and twisted it into something he clearly wasn't saying.
Nuu, I took what he said, and gave my opinion on it. If he thinks they're being sexualized, then he obviously sees something sexual about them.
If not, he can tell me what he really meant since he would know better than you.
I don't understand how Tera has recently prompted a pegi 13 rating for EU however having half naked, boob flying, pre adolescent characters are acceptable? Theres something very off with this concept.
As I aluded in a prior post, I cannot comprehend anime other than it is a style of art that is popular in Asia. So wether this is a case of typical anime art style or simply showing more skin in order to appeal to wider audiences remains to be seen.
I totally agree about the Elin: it seems a gift for pedofilies.
so pedophiles get off on part divine incarnations of what some goddess thought represented beauty and peace in some imaginary world? Being 1000+ years old i woulda thought Elins are a little too old for most mmorpg gaming Pedophiles but then not having that problem i cannot say for sure..
If someone sees this race as 8year old girls then that person has some issues...in context who knows what the designer was thinking..maybe he was being a total perve but then again maybe he was just going with the lore handed to him to potray.
Apart from Elins who seem to bring out dark thoughts in most (which is why maybe people are so upset about them..guilt or something) but lets be realistic - Sex = $$$$ and for the most baywatch girls will bring in more profits than umm a local Slavic all womens shottput hurling team (unless it comes to the olympics i guess)
Several newspapers have reported this and not just about TERA alone, but in regards of these type of Asian games.
There are plenty of female discussion forums (a norwegian one where my gf reads frequently for example) where TERA gets flamed to death.
If you think that the vast majority of female gamers here in the west think that games like TERA are perfectly acceptable, then you are sorely mistaken.... especially since the vast majority of female characters in these MMO's are controlled by male players.
"Many Men Online RolePlaying Girls" isn't just a funny acronym... it's just a fact.
1) Several, many, all of them, plenty, etc... Doesn't answer to my question, it is just generalization.
2) What newspapers in which country?
3) A norwegian female discussion board is not the press nor politcs of vaious countries.
4) I said i perfectly understand the reasons why women don't like this kind of characters and i even share some of them.
5) I don't see how the fact the males play those character influence our discussion
6) It's a fact, yet it doesn't prove how politics and newspaper are all over it.
The female players in your guild are most likely young teenage girls that are getting indoctrinated by this crap, feeling that this is perfectly normal and acceptable and how woman should be portraited.
There is a good reason why the press and even politics in various countries are all over this! Especially regarding these type of Asian games always seem to have the need to include child like races in their games, that have an obvious appeal to pedofiles and sicko's!
*insert frail, grandpa voice* ;
"Back when I was a youngster, them girls were all covered up decently with long dresses and covered their hair outside. Nowaydays they walk around with BARE ARMS ALL THE WAY UP TO THE ARMPITS!
It's unhygeenic, I tells you, and they might catch a cold that way too! Not to mention their dresses showing off them calves and whatnot, that's just asking for trouble ... "
^ just to illustrate how perception as well as taste and fashion shift almost every decade. We are BOUND to have "moral" objections to what the youth of the upcoming generation thinks is acceptible.
In the end we all get born in our birthday suits and every judgement regarding the "correct" way to cover ourselves up is simply cultural and prone to change.
If a western developer had done the same designs or something close I can bet you a dinner right now that I wouldn't be seeing the same amount of overreactions.
Ehh...... appearently people have all forgotten about TRION's MMO RIFT?
The first iterations of female avatars and armor received a lot of heat from female gamers and TRION ended up making "adjustments" in the end to better suit their Western audience.
If a western developer had done the same designs or something close I can bet you a dinner right now that I wouldn't be seeing the same amount of overreactions.
Ehh...... appearently people have all forgotten about TRION's MMO RIFT?
The first iterations of female avatars and armor received a lot of heat from female gamers and TRION ended up making "adjustments" in the end to better suit their Western audience.
I thought Asha Catari was tastefully hot. She wasn't draped in a trench coat, but it didn't seem like they were trying too hard to sexualize her.
The female players in your guild are most likely young teenage girls that are getting indoctrinated by this crap, feeling that this is perfectly normal and acceptable and how woman should be portraited.
There is a good reason why the press and even politics in various countries are all over this! Especially regarding these type of Asian games always seem to have the need to include child like races in their games, that have an obvious appeal to pedofiles and sicko's!
*insert frail, grandpa voice* ;
"Back when I was a youngster, them girls were all covered up decently with long dresses and covered their hair outside. Nowaydays they walk around with BARE ARMS ALL THE WAY UP TO THE ARMPITS!
It's unhygeenic, I tells you, and they might catch a cold that way too! Not to mention their dresses showing off them calves and whatnot, that's just asking for trouble ... "
^ just to illustrate how perception as well as taste and fashion shift almost every decade. We are BOUND to have "moral" objections to what the youth of the upcoming generation thinks is acceptible.
In the end we all get born in our birthday suits and every judgement regarding the "correct" way to cover ourselves up is simply cultural and prone to change.
LOL I was went to a supermarket yesterday wearing a tank top, nobody noticed except a old couple they looked at me then looked at me again...like I was crazy. I don't wear tank tops alone a lot so thats why I noticed.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt "Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
No, that's just YOU being sexist. Of COURSE you like boobs hanging out all over the place, you're a man. If we insisted that in our games men's penises would be swingin' in the wind all the time, I bet you'd not want to play that game. You wouldn't want to look at male character's dicks. So who's being hypocritical? What's good for one is good for all? No, it doesn't work that way. Women just get exploited.
And the highlighted statement isn't at all sexist itself is it?
You might also want to take a look at the Castanic and High Elf men. They have a number of armor models that show them bare chested with their unrealistically ripped abs. I would post an example but it makes me feel so used and exploited.
I totally agree about the Elin: it seems a gift for pedofilies.
so pedophiles get off on part divine incarnations of what some goddess thought represented beauty and peace in some imaginary world? Being 1000+ years old i woulda thought Elins are a little too old for most mmorpg gaming Pedophiles but then not having that problem i cannot say for sure..
If someone sees this race as 8year old girls then that person has some issues...in context who knows what the designer was thinking..maybe he was being a total perve but then again maybe he was just going with the lore handed to him to potray.
Apart from Elins who seem to bring out dark thoughts in most (which is why maybe people are so upset about them..guilt or something) but lets be realistic - Sex = $$$$ and for the most baywatch girls will bring in more profits than umm a local Slavic all womens shottput hurling team (unless it comes to the olympics i guess)
Isn't it the same answer that all of the "metal thong" threads get?
There are as many opinions about them as there are female players, guys need not express their opinion.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Ehh...... appearently people have all forgotten about TRION's MMO RIFT?
The first iterations of female avatars and armor received a lot of heat from female gamers and TRION ended up making "adjustments" in the end to better suit their Western audience.
You ever notice how no one raises a fuss when muscle-bound half-naked dudes appear in video games?
For different reasons. One of them being that we have a much larger problem at hand and another being that muscle-bound dudes is a widespread male ideal while looking like a surgically modified hooker is not a widespread female ideal.
Because if the argument is Elin i can agree they are bad taste, I wont' scream they are for pedofiles / sicko's / maniacs because it's just stupid generalization, but i'll say they are bad taste in my book.
If we are talking about high elves, humans and castanics armors, isntead, there is space for discussion.
Thankfully my wife is amused and not offended by such , and someone who understands fantasy games overall.
I find this usually explains most of the types who get upset or offended over this sort of thing.
[mod edit]
^^ This.
You do know that those Castanics live in a materiarchal society right? Meaning that the females of the race are the ones in charge.
The Elin are immortal and was given that look to them by their goddess as a gift and most of them in the game are over 500 years old.
As for the armour you people take it to far as BioWare said about ME3 its art just leave it at that. If you think its porn you got serious problems.
That would all be fine in the name of "art", if I wasn't convinced that TERA was a game using every bullshit excuse to market their game. It is easy as hell creating lore to justify your market decisions.
Female gamer here, married to another female gamer.
We both love the art, and both think that although it is slightly sexualized, it is not offensive. The Elin are not children. Neither of us see them as such. My spouse actually prefers them over other races, she likes cutesey, but she is also a former Loli, having stopped only because the clothing was too damned expensive.
No, that's just YOU being sexist. Of COURSE you like boobs hanging out all over the place, you're a man. If we insisted that in our games men's penises would be swingin' in the wind all the time, I bet you'd not want to play that game. You wouldn't want to look at male character's dicks. So who's being hypocritical? What's good for one is good for all? No, it doesn't work that way. Women just get exploited.
And the highlighted statement isn't at all sexist itself is it?
You might also want to take a look at the Castanic and High Elf men. They have a number of armor models that show them bare chested with their unrealistically ripped abs. I would post an example but it makes me feel so used and exploited.
Good, I'm glad. I don't want to see it any way. I don't like men in that way, so....doesn't bother me. And yes, my comment about men was sexist, and mostly accurate, thank you for noticing.
You assumed I was straight due to my comment about the male anatomy. I'm not. I have a lot of respect for women and don't think it's necessary for them to be paraded about naked to see their real beauty. I also don't think seeing women naked in a GAME is the best place for that lovely vision. A game is a game and played by people of all ages including children who do not need yet ONE MORE PLACE to see women as only sexual objects.
To me it's a matter of respect, not prudishness. There is a time and place where naked is GREAT! However, I don't believe that is in a game, particularly one played by a broad demographic.
Ok, so all in all they liked the graphics feeling. I'ld like to understand if TERA's authors did well with they artwork or missed the point and got a disturbing effect. I thought this because you have to admit the female characters are quite explicit.
As far as I'm concerned, all of the anime, high heels, low-cut skirts crap misses the mark.
But apparently anime-porn in MMOs is where it's at these days. Pathetic.
After seeing what the females look like in Tera I wouldn't play it no matter how good it was. It wasn't made for me, a female to play anyways.
Wholeheartedly agree here; all the cutesy crap and the overuse of sex appeal in the game is a turn off. I could almost get into TERA if it wasn't for those elements...and the crappy, boring leveling process. Then again I am biased, all it takes is one bunny eared asian sex doll character in a game and I know it is not for me.
Nuu, I took what he said, and gave my opinion on it. If he thinks they're being sexualized, then he obviously sees something sexual about them.
If not, he can tell me what he really meant since he would know better than you.
I don't understand how Tera has recently prompted a pegi 13 rating for EU however having half naked, boob flying, pre adolescent characters are acceptable? Theres something very off with this concept.
As I aluded in a prior post, I cannot comprehend anime other than it is a style of art that is popular in Asia. So wether this is a case of typical anime art style or simply showing more skin in order to appeal to wider audiences remains to be seen.
so pedophiles get off on part divine incarnations of what some goddess thought represented beauty and peace in some imaginary world? Being 1000+ years old i woulda thought Elins are a little too old for most mmorpg gaming Pedophiles but then not having that problem i cannot say for sure..
If someone sees this race as 8year old girls then that person has some issues...in context who knows what the designer was thinking..maybe he was being a total perve but then again maybe he was just going with the lore handed to him to potray.
Apart from Elins who seem to bring out dark thoughts in most (which is why maybe people are so upset about them..guilt or something) but lets be realistic - Sex = $$$$ and for the most baywatch girls will bring in more profits than umm a local Slavic all womens shottput hurling team (unless it comes to the olympics i guess)
1) Several, many, all of them, plenty, etc... Doesn't answer to my question, it is just generalization.
2) What newspapers in which country?
3) A norwegian female discussion board is not the press nor politcs of vaious countries.
4) I said i perfectly understand the reasons why women don't like this kind of characters and i even share some of them.
5) I don't see how the fact the males play those character influence our discussion
6) It's a fact, yet it doesn't prove how politics and newspaper are all over it.
*insert frail, grandpa voice* ;
"Back when I was a youngster, them girls were all covered up decently with long dresses and covered their hair outside. Nowaydays they walk around with BARE ARMS ALL THE WAY UP TO THE ARMPITS!
It's unhygeenic, I tells you, and they might catch a cold that way too! Not to mention their dresses showing off them calves and whatnot, that's just asking for trouble ... "
^ just to illustrate how perception as well as taste and fashion shift almost every decade. We are BOUND to have "moral" objections to what the youth of the upcoming generation thinks is acceptible.
In the end we all get born in our birthday suits and every judgement regarding the "correct" way to cover ourselves up is simply cultural and prone to change.
My brand new bloggity blog.
You ever notice how no one raises a fuss when muscle-bound half-naked dudes appear in video games?
Ehh...... appearently people have all forgotten about TRION's MMO RIFT?
The first iterations of female avatars and armor received a lot of heat from female gamers and TRION ended up making "adjustments" in the end to better suit their Western audience.
I thought Asha Catari was tastefully hot. She wasn't draped in a trench coat, but it didn't seem like they were trying too hard to sexualize her.
LOL I was went to a supermarket yesterday wearing a tank top, nobody noticed except a old couple they looked at me then looked at me again...like I was crazy. I don't wear tank tops alone a lot so thats why I noticed.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
All superheroes to date (comics). Tights, bulges, every muscle fiber being shown...*fans self*
L2P TERA combat:
And the highlighted statement isn't at all sexist itself is it?
You might also want to take a look at the Castanic and High Elf men. They have a number of armor models that show them bare chested with their unrealistically ripped abs. I would post an example but it makes me feel so used and exploited.
All die, so die well.
Physical attraction is not based on backstory.
Isn't it the same answer that all of the "metal thong" threads get?
There are as many opinions about them as there are female players, guys need not express their opinion.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Yup, I remember.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
For different reasons. One of them being that we have a much larger problem at hand and another being that muscle-bound dudes is a widespread male ideal while looking like a surgically modified hooker is not a widespread female ideal.
Ok guys can we decide the argument of this topic?
Because if the argument is Elin i can agree they are bad taste, I wont' scream they are for pedofiles / sicko's / maniacs because it's just stupid generalization, but i'll say they are bad taste in my book.
If we are talking about high elves, humans and castanics armors, isntead, there is space for discussion.
^^ This.
You do know that those Castanics live in a materiarchal society right? Meaning that the females of the race are the ones in charge.
The Elin are immortal and was given that look to them by their goddess as a gift and most of them in the game are over 500 years old.
As for the armour you people take it to far as BioWare said about ME3 its art just leave it at that. If you think its porn you got serious problems.
THIS THIS THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. *enters rage mode*
That would all be fine in the name of "art", if I wasn't convinced that TERA was a game using every bullshit excuse to market their game. It is easy as hell creating lore to justify your market decisions.
I don't understand why this makes people rage. Well whatever, in ten years this will mean nothing or less than today.
Compare what women used to wear just 10-20-30-40-50 years ago.
Female gamer here, married to another female gamer.
We both love the art, and both think that although it is slightly sexualized, it is not offensive. The Elin are not children. Neither of us see them as such. My spouse actually prefers them over other races, she likes cutesey, but she is also a former Loli, having stopped only because the clothing was too damned expensive.
Good, I'm glad. I don't want to see it any way. I don't like men in that way, so....doesn't bother me. And yes, my comment about men was sexist, and mostly accurate, thank you for noticing.
You assumed I was straight due to my comment about the male anatomy. I'm not. I have a lot of respect for women and don't think it's necessary for them to be paraded about naked to see their real beauty. I also don't think seeing women naked in a GAME is the best place for that lovely vision. A game is a game and played by people of all ages including children who do not need yet ONE MORE PLACE to see women as only sexual objects.
To me it's a matter of respect, not prudishness. There is a time and place where naked is GREAT! However, I don't believe that is in a game, particularly one played by a broad demographic.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Wholeheartedly agree here; all the cutesy crap and the overuse of sex appeal in the game is a turn off. I could almost get into TERA if it wasn't for those elements...and the crappy, boring leveling process. Then again I am biased, all it takes is one bunny eared asian sex doll character in a game and I know it is not for me.
This game always reminds me of the child prostition stories from second life.