Slow down there, mate, I wasn't attacking your position nor actions, merely clarifying that, despite your entirely well-intentioned cause, it remains key-farming. That's all, nothing more. My post may have come off a trifle harsh and, if so, rest assured, that was not my intent.
I just tend to rankle when these things happen and apologists posts crop up, such as Dezy35's (also not a personal attack). Next thing you know we have people "saving" keys for all manner of things, aye? "I got a bunch to save them from the farmers... because it's more fair that way, I'll give them to people who deserve them... because I have multiple accounts... because x/y/z couldn't make it... because... because... because..."
One person, one key.
Again, that was not a personal attack. As I wrote, I can both understand and appreciate why you took more than one. I'll even concede that, at times, the well-being of a friend must come before the good of a stranger.
Thank you, Dreadlore, ever so much. I, and countless others no doubt, would have missed this entirely had you not pointed it out. Very cool, indeed.
The only thing I really have left to contribute, at this point, is that MMOBomb is also giving away keys for two unique pets. At present the keys have all been claimed, but they plan to release more within the week.
I am missing week 4 of 3..... I know, i wasnt informed of a fourth pet so i didnt camp. If anyone has a spare, PLEASE share. please message it to me... I will love you forever, want kungfu panda! ;o(
mmobomb giveaway is dumb i waited for the countdown till last sec and what happens refresh to load page but i did that for an hour still nothing yeah i should give up too....
mmobomb giveaway is dumb i waited for the countdown till last sec and what happens refresh to load page but i did that for an hour still nothing yeah i should give up too....
Slow down there, mate, I wasn't attacking your position nor actions, merely clarifying that, despite your entirely well-intentioned cause, it remains key-farming. That's all, nothing more. My post may have come off a trifle harsh and, if so, rest assured, that was not my intent.
I just tend to rankle when these things happen and apologists posts crop up, such as Dezy35's (also not a personal attack). Next thing you know we have people "saving" keys for all manner of things, aye? "I got a bunch to save them from the farmers... because it's more fair that way, I'll give them to people who deserve them... because I have multiple accounts... because x/y/z couldn't make it... because... because... because..."
One person, one key.
Again, that was not a personal attack. As I wrote, I can both understand and appreciate why you took more than one. I'll even concede that, at times, the well-being of a friend must come before the good of a stranger.
In short: no apologies necessary.
6176 keys remain, as of this post.
Thank you, Dreadlore, ever so much. I, and countless others no doubt, would have missed this entirely had you not pointed it out. Very cool, indeed.
The only thing I really have left to contribute, at this point, is that MMOBomb is also giving away keys for two unique pets. At present the keys have all been claimed, but they plan to release more within the week.
any chance that some one isn't using or has an extra week 1 and/or 2 key? I got one of the 3rd week but missed the other 2.
PM me please.
i missed 1 and 2 also so slow logging in. any one with an extra would be appreciated.
I am missing week 4 of 3..... I know, i wasnt informed of a fourth pet so i didnt camp. If anyone has a spare, PLEASE share. please message it to me... I will love you forever, want kungfu panda! ;o(
Just thought you should know, in six hours, mmobomb plans to release the Golden Radama keys.
trying to get one of the keys from mmobomb and its not fun... its hard to get them... grrrr
yeah i cant even get the site to load too many people i guess lol i want the lama so bad waa
Trying for that pet too! QQ
and people complain about the giveaways on this site. MMOBOMB is a bomb
it's such a pain, THIS pet would be worth paying 10mil kinah for just because the effort is ridiculous
Grabbing pet keys from this site was pretty easy. MMOBomb, why am I bothering? -_-
The Golden Radama should have been made an Aion Magazine exclusive pet, that way the distribution of it would have been fairer.
i agree or it could be in th black cloud market this is rediculas all this effort i prob want even get it
I'm just about to give up. The time I wasted trying to get a key could have been put to better use by taking a nap. x_x lol
I can farm approx 400k to 1 mil in 45 minutes, I can't even make it onto their webpage after that amount of time! lol
mmobomb giveaway is dumb i waited for the countdown till last sec and what happens refresh to load page but i did that for an hour still nothing yeah i should give up too....
i had the same last night
request timeout
database error etc
500 internal server etc
can u give me one please.. please send to my email address --
please i need a key
Hello, can u send me, my email is
This thread needs to be closed. are the generous folks that give the keys out. Watch for their thread concerning pet giveaways.
Please delete this thread