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I just heard about PoE today for this first time. So I headed over to the website and created an account. After realizing teh game was still in closed beta I noticed a link about supporting the game and clicked on it. I paid the 10$ for the Closed Beta key and the 100 store points and began downloading the game.
I have put in only about 2 hours so far and I am already very excited. This is like a perfect sequel to Diablo 2. I tried Diablo 3 and thought it felt WoWish. But Path of Exile is amazing. It brings back the old DIablo feel and sound, and mixes it with a modern art and graphic realization. I dont know how long I will be playing this game or how seriously since I already purchased Tera and GW2. But I feel my 10$ was money well spent and definitly worth giving up a couple Starbucks coffees.
This game is what Diablo 3 should have been. If you were dissapointed by what you experienced in the D3 beta give this a try, I really hope it gets enough support that it can surpass that POS Blizzard is passing off as part of the Diablo franchise.
Ha ain't seen nothin' yet. Neo. Wait until you're at least 20-40 hours in...things only get better the further you go along! I've been playing/testing for about a week and a half, now. I had gotten in on the public stress test weekend, a few weeks ago was completely impressed with everything I saw, and had to drop my $10 in as well.
You may already know this, but only the first two Acts of the game are playable, but you once you complete them, you can play them on higher difficulty settings. If you're an altaholic, it's a real treat to try out all the available classes and see what makes them tick. So far, I have a Ranger, Marauder, Witch, and Duelist, but the Witch is my favorite so far. Gonna maybe roll a Templar this weekend...we'll see.
Any1 got a beta key?
Played the D3 beta weekend with multiple characters and I can confirm that POE is a lot better than D3...
POE is what D3 should have been and its simple as that instead blizzard decided to jump in with cartoon graphics totally killing the atmosphere the old games had... not that D3 is bad but POE is better in nearly every way except for the story but that will probally get sorted.. POE jsut reminds me of what this type of rpg should be like..
So I agree with the OP this is worth chucking $10 at any day of the year.. i went for the $15 pack so i could get the digi version of the sound track as some of the music is really cool.. again somthing D3 is lacking..
More like PoE is just a good vehicle whereby people can hate on Blizz. To say this game is better than D3 is ridiculous. Either no comprehension of what makes a game good or they never played D3 (which they havent). I played the beta also and there is just nothing that makes it anywhere nearly as compelling as D3.
Its might be worth your 10 bucks (or more. some have donated 1000 bucks) if you cant afford D3 and keep your fingers crossed it stays afloat.
I bought into the POE beta a week or 2 ago ( $10 pack ) and must say I enjoy it. Its something to keep an eye on for sure. But honestly with D3 and TL2 coming very soon it will probably lose some potential players to those games.
We havent had any decent hack and slash games for several years now. Then we have 3 coming up fairly close together. I will probably play POE some, but I am most interested in TL2 and then D3.
Spending $10 on POE is a great deal for entertainment value, especially if your missing a hack and slash game. And in many ways its better than D3.
Just my 2cp
I cant recall the sound track being any good at all in D3.. dont get me wrong combat sounds are really nice but not the soundtrack..
Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel validated in your crusade for Diablo 3 I guess. It must kill your ego to see other people enjoying something that you seem to despise. I've played both, and it's no contest for me - PoE is the superior product in my eyes.
The sooner you come to the realization that your opinion isn't the gospel, the better.
Your opinion of a gaming companies situation isn't being "realistic". What exactly do you know about them and their plans, or even their overall financial situation, apart from what they've made known? I'm sure you're not anymore enlightened than the rest of us.
Fallen Earth was also an indie developed game, and aside from going through some rocky transitions, is still running strong (better than ever even) with their new F2P hybrid system. The population seems very constant from what I've observed and it's considered a niche game, so there's a bigger market for gamers like us than you might care to believe. That's only one example.
If you really wished it well, you wouldn't make condescending, troll bait posts like that in the first place. Yeah, I've made several comments in the Diablo 3 forums, but it's normally only to rebuke mis-information or biased attacks on a game I happen to think doesn't get the credit it deserves - I even give D3 credit for what I feel it does right. I don't, however, make posts that do nothing but attack the quality and well-being of a game simply out of spite or because I think my opinion somehow out-weighs other's that don't share my own. That's more than I can say about several of the posts I've seen made by you in recent days.
You've played like a quarter of the first act on the lowest difficulty setting, you know that, right?
Agreed. I'll admit that I get a bit too personal at times but in the end, I acknowledge the fact that people have different tastes and that's just how it is. That said, I've stated my mind about my feelings on D3, so I don't plan on posting over on that board much anymore.
In a situation like this, where two games are competing in a similar market, conversation of the two typically tend to degrade down to a "I'm right and you're an idiot" slugfest on both sides. I'm done with taking part in that atmosphere.
If you had actually read what I wrote, you'd see the "rocky transitions" part of my post. I'm well aware of what it went through, but the fact remains, it's still around, it's F2P, and it's still going strong. Obviously, an indie developer is at a loss in just about every way when going into an endeavour like this, but that's more the reason why I respect them over a company like Blizzard, who despite being able to pour countless resources into a mainstream title like D3, came out with what I feel is a lackluster product, even next to an indie developed game like PoE or FE.
I also disagree that without steam FE would have failed, as it had a decent sized population even before it started being sold there, but I'm not getting into that here.
So yeah, you can continue to recite your "doom and gloom" speak towards any game that doesn't get your seal of approval, that's cool. I'll keep on playing underdog games like FE and Istaria that I feel are far superior to many of those polished pieces of sh*t that are backed by million dollar investors. If they bite the bullet then whatever, I'll enjoy and support them while they're here.
Well, in all fairness, it's his opinion, and I happen to agree with him. Perhaps he could have elaborated a bit more, but regardless, he's entitled to feel that way he wants about it.
That might be the general inclination here on the mmorpg forums, but from what I've seen on the official forums, they don't seem any more hateful than any other gaming community. I doubt the D3 community is all that different in itself. I've seen more than a fair amount of hate-mongering towards PoE from the D3 crowd as well.
That said, I'm also sorry for personal attacks that I throw in my posts from time to time. I think this is a situation where we just need to agree to disagree and call it a day.
Well said guys, and I think that totally swayed the atmosphere to a better one at least in this thread. I think we just need to remember we all like the genre and hope to make it better via respectful opinions and criticism.
Getting back on topic though, I liked PoE for what it's worth. The skill tree is a little nuts, but it's growing on me. That has to be the most elaborate skill traits/talent tree ever. I liked Diablo 3 a lot more though and May 15th couldn't come too soon. The more I play of PoE, the more I recognize it needs a lot of work still but it nails some key areas of an ARPG to make it fun for me. A part of me is saying I might not ever login to it again once D3 is available, but we'll see. The PoE devs are clear that it has a long way to go so I have to respect they know it and are working hard on it. When some of the D3 fans get bored between expansions, PoE might be the perfect alternative as it continues to improve and upon it's release.
I refuse to pay them for something I can't try. Give me a trial version that really sells it to me and then I'll decide. The skill tree is interesting, but everything else looks dated and the art direction is horrid. That doesn't mean it can't be fun as Minecraft looks horrible but is super fun. I've just not seen anything that screams "pay for me".
The fact that most POE proponents say D3 sucks, based on a small taste, only pushes me away from POE. I don't claim that POE sucks because I haven't played it.
Action RPGs are not as exclusive as MMOs seem to be. It's really easy to bounce from one ARPG to another and still have fun. It's a tough market though as Titan Quests developers went under and they made a pretty good game. Not having something like BNET was a big reason.
Just finished my first taste of the public stress test. I am impressed, and I didn't think i would be. Seems to play like GW! in that you only see other players in the camps/cities. Heavily instanced. But a lot of fun, imho. I tried the witch and did well - got to the fetid pool and then things beat the crap out me... got to remember I am lightly armored and need to hit and run away. I like it.
Edited for this: I have not played D3 and so am not comparing D3 and PoE. I like PoE. Whether or not I like D3 will depend on if i get to try it and see for myself. If you have played both and like 1 over the other - cool... but don't trash other people for having other opinions. My opinion.
Currently bored with MMO's.
I've had a chance to reach level 7 in the stress test as a Marauder. It didn't grab me in the way the D3 beta did. The mobs and environments are uninspired and the combat was really boring. The inventory space is tiny but the stash is huge. the relative scarcity of item ID scrolls was a turnoff.
In order to group with someone else you have to /invite them. They have no games to join and select from. The passive tree is just like FF, which is fine but it's just a passive tree.
On a whole I'd rate it just below Titan Quest in terms of fun factor and way behind TL and D3. Their F2P is a selling point, but considering they compete against B2P games that's not a HUGE issue. As of right now, if I could only choose between TL2 and POE I'd grab TL2 without a doubt.
It definitely feels like a step back for the genre.