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As the title says.. i've been wondering it for a little while.
How is Rift doing? Healthy numbers? Still making money?
I've heard a bit about an expansion (..or updates?) for it here and there, but it seems like the clamor and hype has quieted down to a low rumble.
Apologies that i'm a bit too lazy and un-knowledgeable to find this information for myself. Just wondering if any of you have heard anything.
Are people just enjoying the game quietly and keeping to themselves, or has it turned into another stale, old-news fad thats already passed by?
You can play for free up to 20th level if you want to look into it.
Beyond that I don't know how it's doing. I think their website has server population graphs and such as well.
Whats the PVP like at level 20?
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When a games subs fall to between 50-75K then you are talking a switch to F2P. Usually a good move as you can get the casual crowd back somewhat and push the numbers back up.
Depends I guess.
If Rift made its money already they could just keep it in their niche forever, or lower the rate to $5 without ever going f2p.
EA does the same, which is a pity for daoc and uo.
If they plan on making Rift F2P, they will likely time it correctly as to get the maximum number of players, their are alot of games releasing this year.
Id say sometime in Q3 this year if they were planning.
Don't see any other dev managing to put out the same amount of content and updates as RIFT, which is a big part of why I'm back in it. Not just content updates, but new features and world events too.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
Consider how it is doing, I'd almost be pushing that it would be a good deal of time. I really don't know many games that have a raiding environment as good as rift (personal opinion obviously, but its one I'm sure many agree on) and Trion has done a good job at keeping a loyal player base.
I honestly think that Rift stands of chance of staying P2P longer then even WoW. A rather big declaration I know but its been showing a great deal more promise and has seemed to gain more actual support then 'nostaligia' support.
I can make a big wager that SWTOR will be going F2P way before Rift.
Same response you guys gave 9-1 year ago. When WoW goes F2P then maybe I might say it is time for Rift, but as long as people keep paying $15 + cash shop for content once every 7 months it takes a set of balls to cry for Rift to go F2P.
So drop the double standard and go along now.
Well if the OP doesnt feel like paying for this game and the developers dont feel like working for free...i guess hes SOL on this one.
Sucks how that works.
Its a shame that your employed but $0.50 a day is a game breaker for you.
Personally i wouldnt want to touch a game that i didnt feel the developers should be compensated for making, which is why i dont play Rift.
Sub numbers dropped once TOR launched, then the game has been growing again since then...will probs drop again and then grow i should think.Some shards still get server queues and content updates are still coming every 1-2 months, they also said they have a huge PR plan for later this year.
Rift has a good few more years.
Trion has also hinted at an expansion. Depending on how tha tpans out, The entire game itself could be redefined and if done right, Who knows. If done wrong......2-3 months later.
What double standard? Why do you have to bring up WoW all the time? The reason people say Rift will go f2p is it had a pretty pathetic first year in retention regardless of whatever numbers you want to throw out about 100 million or all this content. Its certainly not a disaster like AoC, VG or WAR, but be realistic here.
Oh and when MoP launches this summer the amount of content WoW had added since Rift's launch will dwarf Rifts, and Rift doesnt have an expansion anytime soon to even those odds.
Nobody knows the real truth since Hartsman doesnt give numbers. However the 600k peak was in month one, and no reasonable person will say anything but decline up until january of this year. This decline caused the game to close over 2/3 of its servers, this is despite an unprecedented number of special deals, free weekends, and dirt cheap game prices.
After ToR there was indeed a period of growth, but it by the end of february at had leveled off and march and april saw a small decline (according to until the patch, which showed a slight bump, and they lost that bump this weekend (though partially due to the gw2 beta Im sure).
The most troubling sign for rift rght now is the natives are getting restless. Some of Rifts long time positive posters on their forums are getting bored and a common trend is 'right now Im just sticking around because I have faith in trion' or something similar. With TERA, TSW, MoP and GW2 all coming (most likely) by the end of the summer its not a good time for boredom.
Rift for now is 'doing ok', no more, no less but there are some negative warning signs.
They needed an expansion yesterday, not in 2013.
At least they're a pretty good company.
But if Rift was doing more than scraping by numbers would be published.