So the code never arrived and I called Gamestop 1-800 again today. After a bit of explaining on my part of what I have already done and went through, they gave me a code over the phone. I'm able to dl the client now (though on the beta site it shows it unavailable I found a link to the client on
I was able to login to the beta forums...and...yeah...happiness at last!
Geez, it's a shame you had to go through all that frustration just to get the code you should have received when you pre purchased the game.. But, the good news is you finally managed to get the code, DL the client, and can now post on the forums..
Rallithon Oakthornn (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
Ok now I'm very worried again. I did notice my receipt said pre-order (even though I paid in full and this reflected on my bank statement)...but, as you mentioned preorders do not guarantee you your CE copy. I did tell that damned clerk, Corey was his name (just in case I need to hire a hitman for him screwing me over Anyone need a little extra cash?), that I wanted a prepurchase. We did stand there for 20 or so minutes as he called other (just as oblivious) stores and they said they were out of prepurchase codes. I figured...fine I have it paid in full now and I'll just straigten it out with their HQ and/or arenanet over the phone the next day (I did similiar dances with Gamestop in the distant past so I knew the drill [store clerk isn't clued in/call the HQ and try not to rant in their ear]). But as it stands now, even though I (eventually) was able to get the correct code, my receipt does say pre-order. If I come in on launch day and I don't get the product that I paid in full on I will likely be filing my first ever lawsuit. For all I know they did this total f*** up on purpose if only to get people's money and invest and earn some interest off of it before they knew they would have to give the money (minus the interest they gained) back at our expense and loss (not getting the product I am expecting to get is a major loss to me).
Don't believe that happens? It does. It's why my job does not offer direct deposit. It means if I don't cash my check right away (wait a day or two) they get to handle the money in their accounts for that much longer which gives them *wait for it* extra interest which does add up considerably over time (even though they are just nickle and diming us in the short term)....
Ok, a bit on the conspiritorial side (even though I deal with this situation personally through my workplace) but if I do not get the CE that I paid for I will be having a look into it.
Edit: I don't know guys...what should I do? Call them again? Explain my worry? Sound all emo....go /wrist myself if they explain that I purchased a pre-order that will not guarantee my CE box?
Edit: I don't know guys...what should I do? Call them again? Explain my worry? Sound all emo....go /wrist myself if they explain that I purchased a pre-order that will not guarantee my CE box?
I would suggest going outside and getting some fresh air.
The next GW2 beta event hasn't even been annouced yet. It should work itself out by then. If it doesn't work itself out in the next or so I would get a refund and buy directly from Arenanet. You might not be able to get a CE version. However a few months down the road I doubt it will matter.
That's the risk you take when you buy a boxed version, i had an issue with gamestop awhile back and ever since i've been purchasing digital copies of games.
Never Preorder from Gamestop unless you just must have a boxed version that you can go pick up. Order digital online, or from,, hell anybody but Gamestop.
The 16y/o kids there can tell you everything you want to know about the next COD for xbox 360, but are clueless about anything PC related.
Edit: I don't know guys...what should I do? Call them again? Explain my worry? Sound all emo....go /wrist myself if they explain that I purchased a pre-order that will not guarantee my CE box?
I would suggest going outside and getting some fresh air.
The next GW2 beta event hasn't even been annouced yet. It should work itself out by then. If it doesn't work itself out in the next or so I would get a refund and buy directly from Arenanet. You might not be able to get a CE version. However a few months down the road I doubt it will matter.
Thanks "GW fanboi/girls are so easily baited" guy on your sound advice.
Ok, going out for some fresh air, not a terrible idea....but the fact remains...I have been wanting the CE so the earliest I was able to purchase it I did so. Unfortunatly I was out of the country on a Rotary trip handing out food and books to underpriviledged families in South America...there was absolutely no access to modern world amenities my entire month of April so as soon as I got back (well the very next day) I bought it (4/30) I am hoping desperatly that I get the CE that I have desperatly wanted since the announcement...though, to be honest I have wanted it since GW2 was announced years ago since I knew they would have a CE for the title. I rarely afford myself such luxuries but when I do I really depend on getting them, so pardon me and my extreme fan-girlism.
That's the risk you take when you buy a boxed version, i had an issue with gamestop awhile back and ever since i've been purchasing digital copies of games.
Never Preorder from Gamestop unless you just must have a boxed version that you can go pick up. Order digital online, or from,, hell anybody but Gamestop.
The 16y/o kids there can tell you everything you want to know about the next COD for xbox 360, but are clueless about anything PC related.
Problem I said at least a dozen times in this thread...I needed a box version...purchased the CE boxed version to be exact. Gamestop would have been my last choice if I had a choice at all as far as where I can prepurchse the moot point, unfortunatly.
That's the risk you take when you buy a boxed version, i had an issue with gamestop awhile back and ever since i've been purchasing digital copies of games.
Never Preorder from Gamestop unless you just must have a boxed version that you can go pick up. Order digital online, or from,, hell anybody but Gamestop.
The 16y/o kids there can tell you everything you want to know about the next COD for xbox 360, but are clueless about anything PC related.
Problem I said at least a dozen times in this thread...I needed a box version...purchased the CE boxed version to be exact. Gamestop would have been my last choice if I had a choice at all as far as where I can prepurchse the moot point, unfortunatly.
You can digitally download the game. I did and it worked fine when I played the beta
I know with the last beta, pre-orders did stop being accepted as the beta only wanted a certain number of pre-orders and that limit had been reached.
Since another beta has not yet been announced, Areanet may still not be taking pre orders until the new beta is announced.
I think you're smart to contact them directly and find out if the code you were given was valid for the next beta and pre-release.
At this point in time that's not the question that concerns me about my prepurchase. Maybe i should update my OP to reflect this...I got a working code (after 3 days of fumbling with gamestop) and I am able to login to the beta forums and go as far as the login screen in the client (I get the message that my account is prepared but there is no beta event currently).
No, my issue now is, I noticed that even though I paid in full my receipt does indeed say preorder. Paid in full but since it says preorder am I still guaranteed a copy of the limited CE (Collector's Edition)? Is Gamestop pulling a bit of a scam, selling copies they don't have to sell to make interest? What should I do? I go into greater detail about this in an earlier post in this thread at the end of page 2.
When I have bought from Gamestop and pre-ordered a game, and it was paid in full-having an access code and everything, I still had to return to the store to actually pick up the game. If the game released a day early to play it, the Gamestop stores had enough copies of the game on hand so that ,with pre-purchase receipt in hand, I was able to walk into the store and get my reserved copy of the game before retail release.
When I have bought from Gamestop and pre-ordered a game, and it was paid in full-having an access code and everything, I still had to return to the store to actually pick up the game. If the game released a day early to play it, the Gamestop stores had enough copies of the game on hand so that ,with pre-purchase receipt in hand, I was able to walk into the store and get my reserved copy of the game before retail release.
Hope this helps.
A little but the issue stands that I do not recall a previous title that had such discrepancies between preorder and prepurchase....and the fact this isn't your everyday game pick up...this is the CE version which is very limited...which I had to wait until the 30th to order when orders were open since the 10th of April.
From the GW2 Facebook feed from 4/28, not sure it will help:
If you paid in full and received a Pre-Order serial code by mistake, please contact your retailer to have this serial code converted to a Pre-Purchase serial code. If you did not pay for the game in full, you may contact your retailer to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase when you pay for the game in full.
Currently, GameStop still has Pre-Purchase serial codes available. If you purchased from GameStop and paid in full but received a Pre-Order serial code from them, please contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase. If you did not pay in full and you have a Pre-Order serial code, you can also contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase.
I would say gripe to Gamestop management. Like, corporate. Good luck OP. Sorry you had such a bad time. Gamestop really is terrible.
From the GW2 Facebook feed from 4/28, not sure it will help:
If you paid in full and received a Pre-Order serial code by mistake, please contact your retailer to have this serial code converted to a Pre-Purchase serial code. If you did not pay for the game in full, you may contact your retailer to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase when you pay for the game in full.
Currently, GameStop still has Pre-Purchase serial codes available. If you purchased from GameStop and paid in full but received a Pre-Order serial code from them, please contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase. If you did not pay in full and you have a Pre-Order serial code, you can also contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase.
I would say gripe to Gamestop management. Like, corporate. Good luck OP. Sorry you had such a bad time. Gamestop really is terrible.
I'm really actually pretty damned stressed I should be calling a 1-800-DONT-JUMP hotline stressed....&^*$^%^%# GAMESTOP!
If it's really stressing you out this bad, I'd go back to gamestop, demand a refund because your receipt says pre-order not pre-purchase, or demand they straighten it out. It's not good to get so stressed out over things, but I do understand your frustration.
GW2 must be ridiculously popular in the US then. I can't explain the lack of keys otherwise.
It's either super popular in the US or it's very unpopular in Europe or they simly had too few keys for the US compared to Europe. Everyone's still selling prepurchases keys in the UK - you can buy it from ArenaNet and Amazon. I don't understand why Amazon sells prepurchases in the UK but not in the US?
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
GW2 must be ridiculously popular in the US then. I can't explain the lack of keys otherwise.
It's either super popular in the US or it's very unpopular in Europe or they simly had too few keys for the US compared to Europe. Everyone's still selling prepurchases keys in the UK - you can buy it from ArenaNet and Amazon. I don't understand why Amazon sells prepurchases in the UK but not in the US?
Probably Anet isn't allowed to give Amazon US keys because of some exclusivity deal with some other company. Which would mean either Gamestop or Best Buy, both of which have MASSIVE reasons to hate Amazon.
I went to Gamestop to pre-purchace GW2. The clerk said I have the option to pre-order or pre-purchace and still get the BWE code, which I got from pre-ordering.
The fact that you did not get a code and the physical box should give you all rights for a full refund OR you can go ask the clerk if it's possible to get a rain-check and reserve a BWE code if they happen to get more before the next BWE. All of this info should be in thier records.
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
Last night (7p 4/30) I went to Gamestop and prepurchased the CE. I noticed my receipt said 1 day headstart and there was no beta weekend code. I asked the clerk, who was not at all knowledgeable about GW2 (actually had a nice discussion with him about what GW2 was about before the purchase was made), about my code. I explained to him that if I prepurchase I should have beta weekend access and a 3 day headstart and that he gave me the preorder code. Well, after some fumbling through his binder and calling another another (just as oblivious) store he made the claim that Arenanet has stopped giving out codes and/or they ran out of codes...??? I called them again just now since I came home last night and tried out the code and confirmed it was a preorder code that was not accepted since Arenanet isn't accepting preorder codes yet....As soon as Live Chat is up at 12p Central I will be talking to Arenanet because I cannot find on their site a cutoff date for the prepurchase. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I'm rather peeved.
It was said in the press, that there are no more codes left in North America. But this was like - 1 or 2 weeks ago?
And everybody was like "WTF its digital, how can they outsell?" - yes it happened. I assume for testing reasons or to maximize beta capacities or for whatever reason...
Well, this is my first experience with ANet ever - I have not played GW1 back in the days, was busy with another title - and they seem abit like Funcom to me... Promise things they do not stick to...
Fishy developers these days. Too bad I already pre-purchased and played that weak Beta Event...
Well we can put it on ebay anyway, if its like the current state, after release
I had a similar issue with my local Gamestop. The bottom line is that the pre-purchase program and pre-order program are NOT one-and-the-same and many of the retail employees are confused or just plain don't know the difference about the two.
If your receipt has 1 day head-start and nothing else on it, then you have a pre-order receipt. This is NOT what you want if you paid in full for the game. Kindly tell the Gamestop employee that this is NOT a pre-purchase receipt and that they rang the order up incorrectly. Note: You will need to go back to the retail store you purchased it from in order to correct the mistake. Gamestop cannot help over the phone or online.
In order for them to correctly ring in the pre-purchase, it is under a completely different SKU number and they will need to add "Backup" SKUs to the order for the bonuses. In total, my Gamestop receipt, once corrected, has three different SKU line items: 3 day head-start, beta (weekend?) access, and the in-game Heros Band (yes, misspelled just like that).
If the Gamestop employee does not understand the difference between pre-purchase and pre-order, or continues to insist you "will get the codes in email in a few days/weeks", ask to speak to a manager. This simply is not true and will get you nothing but sitting at home frustrated as another beta weekend rolls around and you're not in it.
TL;DR: Receipt says, "1 day head-start" = Pre-order Receipt says, "3 day head-start, beta access, Heros band" = Pre-purchase Phone & online Gamestop cannot help; go back to store and get it resolved.
GW2 must be ridiculously popular in the US then. I can't explain the lack of keys otherwise.
It's either super popular in the US or it's very unpopular in Europe or they simly had too few keys for the US compared to Europe. Everyone's still selling prepurchases keys in the UK - you can buy it from ArenaNet and Amazon. I don't understand why Amazon sells prepurchases in the UK but not in the US?
I recall reading something about a problem with the system used by amazon and that some local amazon's had a different system that could handle it.
Dude, you know way too much about this stuff. Spill -- you an ANet employee in disguise?
Nope. However, I am a sponge for information and details.
(Most of the info on Gamestop came from researching the issue when my friend had problems getting the pre-purchase key).
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Geez, it's a shame you had to go through all that frustration just to get the code you should have received when you pre purchased the game.. But, the good news is you finally managed to get the code, DL the client, and can now post on the forums..
Rallithon Oakthornn
(Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
Ok now I'm very worried again. I did notice my receipt said pre-order (even though I paid in full and this reflected on my bank statement)...but, as you mentioned preorders do not guarantee you your CE copy. I did tell that damned clerk, Corey was his name (just in case I need to hire a hitman for him screwing me over Anyone need a little extra cash?), that I wanted a prepurchase. We did stand there for 20 or so minutes as he called other (just as oblivious) stores and they said they were out of prepurchase codes. I figured...fine I have it paid in full now and I'll just straigten it out with their HQ and/or arenanet over the phone the next day (I did similiar dances with Gamestop in the distant past so I knew the drill [store clerk isn't clued in/call the HQ and try not to rant in their ear]). But as it stands now, even though I (eventually) was able to get the correct code, my receipt does say pre-order. If I come in on launch day and I don't get the product that I paid in full on I will likely be filing my first ever lawsuit. For all I know they did this total f*** up on purpose if only to get people's money and invest and earn some interest off of it before they knew they would have to give the money (minus the interest they gained) back at our expense and loss (not getting the product I am expecting to get is a major loss to me).
Don't believe that happens? It does. It's why my job does not offer direct deposit. It means if I don't cash my check right away (wait a day or two) they get to handle the money in their accounts for that much longer which gives them *wait for it* extra interest which does add up considerably over time (even though they are just nickle and diming us in the short term)....
Ok, a bit on the conspiritorial side (even though I deal with this situation personally through my workplace) but if I do not get the CE that I paid for I will be having a look into it.
Edit: I don't know guys...what should I do? Call them again? Explain my worry? Sound all emo....go /wrist myself if they explain that I purchased a pre-order that will not guarantee my CE box?
I'm really actually pretty damned stressed I should be calling a 1-800-DONT-JUMP hotline stressed....&^*$^%^%# GAMESTOP!
I would suggest going outside and getting some fresh air.
The next GW2 beta event hasn't even been annouced yet. It should work itself out by then. If it doesn't work itself out in the next or so I would get a refund and buy directly from Arenanet. You might not be able to get a CE version. However a few months down the road I doubt it will matter.
Never Preorder from Gamestop unless you just must have a boxed version that you can go pick up. Order digital online, or from,, hell anybody but Gamestop.
The 16y/o kids there can tell you everything you want to know about the next COD for xbox 360, but are clueless about anything PC related.
Thanks "GW fanboi/girls are so easily baited" guy on your sound advice.
Ok, going out for some fresh air, not a terrible idea....but the fact remains...I have been wanting the CE so the earliest I was able to purchase it I did so. Unfortunatly I was out of the country on a Rotary trip handing out food and books to underpriviledged families in South America...there was absolutely no access to modern world amenities my entire month of April so as soon as I got back (well the very next day) I bought it (4/30) I am hoping desperatly that I get the CE that I have desperatly wanted since the announcement...though, to be honest I have wanted it since GW2 was announced years ago since I knew they would have a CE for the title. I rarely afford myself such luxuries but when I do I really depend on getting them, so pardon me and my extreme fan-girlism.
I know with the last beta, pre-orders did stop being accepted as the beta only wanted a certain number of pre-orders and that limit had been reached.
Since another beta has not yet been announced, Areanet may still not be taking pre orders until the new beta is announced.
I think you're smart to contact them directly and find out if the code you were given was valid for the next beta and pre-release.
Problem I said at least a dozen times in this thread...I needed a box version...purchased the CE boxed version to be exact. Gamestop would have been my last choice if I had a choice at all as far as where I can prepurchse the moot point, unfortunatly.
You can digitally download the game. I did and it worked fine when I played the beta
At this point in time that's not the question that concerns me about my prepurchase. Maybe i should update my OP to reflect this...I got a working code (after 3 days of fumbling with gamestop) and I am able to login to the beta forums and go as far as the login screen in the client (I get the message that my account is prepared but there is no beta event currently).
No, my issue now is, I noticed that even though I paid in full my receipt does indeed say preorder. Paid in full but since it says preorder am I still guaranteed a copy of the limited CE (Collector's Edition)? Is Gamestop pulling a bit of a scam, selling copies they don't have to sell to make interest? What should I do? I go into greater detail about this in an earlier post in this thread at the end of page 2.
ive never had a problem with gamestop.
When I have bought from Gamestop and pre-ordered a game, and it was paid in full-having an access code and everything, I still had to return to the store to actually pick up the game. If the game released a day early to play it, the Gamestop stores had enough copies of the game on hand so that ,with pre-purchase receipt in hand, I was able to walk into the store and get my reserved copy of the game before retail release.
Hope this helps.
A little but the issue stands that I do not recall a previous title that had such discrepancies between preorder and prepurchase....and the fact this isn't your everyday game pick up...this is the CE version which is very limited...which I had to wait until the 30th to order when orders were open since the 10th of April.
From the GW2 Facebook feed from 4/28, not sure it will help:
If you paid in full and received a Pre-Order serial code by mistake, please contact your retailer to have this serial code converted to a Pre-Purchase serial code. If you did not pay for the game in full, you may contact your retailer to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase when you pay for the game in full.
Currently, GameStop still has Pre-Purchase serial codes available. If you purchased from GameStop and paid in full but received a Pre-Order serial code from them, please contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase. If you did not pay in full and you have a Pre-Order serial code, you can also contact GameStop to have your Pre-Order converted to a Pre-Purchase.
I would say gripe to Gamestop management. Like, corporate. Good luck OP. Sorry you had such a bad time. Gamestop really is terrible.
Follow this advice, but also contact AreaNet.
If it's really stressing you out this bad, I'd go back to gamestop, demand a refund because your receipt says pre-order not pre-purchase, or demand they straighten it out. It's not good to get so stressed out over things, but I do understand your frustration.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
GW2 must be ridiculously popular in the US then. I can't explain the lack of keys otherwise.
It's either super popular in the US or it's very unpopular in Europe or they simly had too few keys for the US compared to Europe. Everyone's still selling prepurchases keys in the UK - you can buy it from ArenaNet and Amazon. I don't understand why Amazon sells prepurchases in the UK but not in the US?
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Probably Anet isn't allowed to give Amazon US keys because of some exclusivity deal with some other company. Which would mean either Gamestop or Best Buy, both of which have MASSIVE reasons to hate Amazon.
I went to Gamestop to pre-purchace GW2. The clerk said I have the option to pre-order or pre-purchace and still get the BWE code, which I got from pre-ordering.
The fact that you did not get a code and the physical box should give you all rights for a full refund OR you can go ask the clerk if it's possible to get a rain-check and reserve a BWE code if they happen to get more before the next BWE. All of this info should be in thier records.
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
It was said in the press, that there are no more codes left in North America. But this was like - 1 or 2 weeks ago?
And everybody was like "WTF its digital, how can they outsell?" - yes it happened. I assume for testing reasons or to maximize beta capacities or for whatever reason...
Well, this is my first experience with ANet ever - I have not played GW1 back in the days, was busy with another title - and they seem abit like Funcom to me... Promise things they do not stick to...
Fishy developers these days. Too bad I already pre-purchased and played that weak Beta Event...
Well we can put it on ebay anyway, if its like the current state, after release
I had a similar issue with my local Gamestop. The bottom line is that the pre-purchase program and pre-order program are NOT one-and-the-same and many of the retail employees are confused or just plain don't know the difference about the two.
If your receipt has 1 day head-start and nothing else on it, then you have a pre-order receipt. This is NOT what you want if you paid in full for the game. Kindly tell the Gamestop employee that this is NOT a pre-purchase receipt and that they rang the order up incorrectly. Note: You will need to go back to the retail store you purchased it from in order to correct the mistake. Gamestop cannot help over the phone or online.
In order for them to correctly ring in the pre-purchase, it is under a completely different SKU number and they will need to add "Backup" SKUs to the order for the bonuses. In total, my Gamestop receipt, once corrected, has three different SKU line items: 3 day head-start, beta (weekend?) access, and the in-game Heros Band (yes, misspelled just like that).
If the Gamestop employee does not understand the difference between pre-purchase and pre-order, or continues to insist you "will get the codes in email in a few days/weeks", ask to speak to a manager. This simply is not true and will get you nothing but sitting at home frustrated as another beta weekend rolls around and you're not in it.
Receipt says, "1 day head-start" = Pre-order
Receipt says, "3 day head-start, beta access, Heros band" = Pre-purchase
Phone & online Gamestop cannot help; go back to store and get it resolved.
I recall reading something about a problem with the system used by amazon and that some local amazon's had a different system that could handle it.