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I haven't played a MMORPG since SWTOR and I quit that after 2 months because I couldn't stomach the quest grinding anymore. As a matter of fact, I loathe quest grinding so much I swore I'd never play another MMORPG with it in it. So why did I just buy Tera's collectors edition?
It was because of all the glowing reviews and first impressions the community gave here. Members who also hated quest grinding, but still fell in love with the game. The reviews and impressions have been mostly positive, which is different than how it's been for every MMORPG since I've started playing in the genre. Most highly anticipated MMORPG's have overwhelmingly negavtive reviews from open beta, even though those people still pick up the game.
So thanks everyone for your input and I'll see you in game.
BTW, what's the new PvP servers name for NA and what's the death penalty? Do you lose items, xp, or what? Also, is the political system in yet? If not, when?
Have fun and post back when you actually played it
I too, loath questing, i however choose for GW2 for now, but if Tera is as good as it sounds i might just end up playing them both ^^
Yeah, I really like the sound of what GW2 has to offer more than I do Tera, but there's a few things bothering me about GW2 that pushed me over the edge to buy Tera.
1. You can't play the way you want in GW2 without being at a disadvantage. For instance, I generally like playing melee characters with some ranged capabilities for flavor. However, the community adamantly says that to be most effective and not gimp yourself, you must use the weapon that best suits the situation. So if I want to cast some fireballs at range until they get close, and then whip out my swords, then I'm SOL.
2. Beta reports are saying melee is seriously gimped. They deal a lot of dmg, but you get killed almost instantly in PvE by aoe damage, and in PvP, since it's so ranged heavy, you're focused down first.
3. Cash shops. My views on unfair gameplay are different than the majority, I realize that, but if you're able to buy anything that gives you an advantage in the game, then I don't like it. Even xp boosts is unfair IMO, since it allows players to unlock skills sooner, since they'll be in level range to do whatever is necessary to get them, sooner, which gives them an advantage in PvP. You may be the same level, but the person playing with more skills and who has their Elite skills will be better. In the long run, it may not matter, but it'll matter the first couple of weeks to 1 month.
see you in game .
Tera so far is the first MMO that managed to make me hooked despite of been playing every CB.
i want to go to the level 35 dungeon as soon as the servers are back.
Glad you found a game you can enjoy. I'm one of those anti quest grind guys. I think I've done only three yellow quests and I'm almost 19. I get by on the main quest which auto updates at every step. I fill in the rest with good old fashioned hunting (yes I mean grind ) for guild rep, the per mob xp is great plus the combat makes it fun.
The new PvP server is Feral Valley. There is no player looting but a death can, and typically does, break a random crystal you have equipped which can be very valuable depending on which one breaks lol. Also, you have a stamina pool that effects your stats, HP, MP, etc. As you fight your stamina goes down and when you die it goes down by half I believe. If you in a war this can be tough since the only way to build it back up is by being next to a campfire... Tick, tock... Lol
Just not worth my time anymore.
1) Not really, You know you can switch weapons in combat right?, So you can start with a rifle/bow+arrow, then swithc out to your melee weapon? Oh and you have a large choice of weapons on each class . In Tera you appear to be limited to the weapon of your class. So ranger will always have a bow, bezerker always a large axe.
2) I never found an issue with being melee, if you don't overextend. In any zerg vs zerg any toon in the front will be focussed, in a small space melee have the advantage due to having double the hitpoints of a caster and much better armour. Alot of the elementalists are complaining they are way too squishy when melee reach them.
3) I'm assuming you haven't been in beta, since the cash shops don't offer any pay to win items, unless you count a saucy cooks hat as an advantage. You get all your weapon styles pretty early by using the weapon (like by level 5), the traits you earn by exploring, completeing challenges and some are given. You still have to spend the time going to those areas/doing those things. Elite skills are nice, but they're never an I win button.
It seems you're pretty sold on Tera anyway, which is odd considering you want weapon options, and you only have one weapon set to choose from for each class. I saw a post here about a cash shop being introduced in K-tera.
I am pretty sure you will love the game.
I also didn't wanted to try this game, but I am glad I did. Its the first MMO after a very long time that sucked me totally into it once again. Let alone the awesome true combat system, open world pvp with politics and drama instead of instanced battlegrounds with rankings and stupid points.
Most of my friend which actually played TERA are hooked so far - so I can really recommend it to you.
Currently playing: Archeage
Waiting for: Black Desert
I am loving Tera. No issues whatsoever with it. No bugs with it. Smooth.
I think the new NA PVP server is Feral Valley or something? Feral something... Death penalty is that you rez at the closest town, which sometimes is a good 5 minutes away from where you died.
Well the download finally finished (6 hours including update), and I logged into Feral Valley to create a character. I like the whole character creation process and there's a nice selection of classes. None of them are what I typically like to play (Hybrid), but I can get into a dual weilding or two handed sword class. I first tried the Warrior and was overwhelmed by all the abilities I had to learn before the fights, plus most of them were damage reductions and taunts. The abilities catered more towards tanking than sustained damage like I thought it was geared towards, so I rerolled a Slayer.
I wasn't bothered by the Prologue quests and quest boxes, because I knew they'd be there before buying the game. What I really wanted to check out before logging off was the combat that everyone was crazy about. Once again, I had a ton of abilities, all mapped to keys I never use in a typical MMORPG (I'm a clicker). Needless to say, I spent most of my time looking at the keyboard trying to find the F1-6 keys and 1-3 keys, so that I can use my abilities. My attention was barely on the combat taking place, because it was so ackward using the hotkeys while also trying to move with my WASD keys. I don't have that many fingers, lol.
So I'm not really crazy about the combat, but I was relieved to see that once I get to the Isle of Dawn, I lose all of those abilities. So maybe by the time I'm lvl 20 I'll be used to the controls. As of right now, I have no urge to log into the game, and I'm still constantly thinking about Leauge of Legends and playing the new champion I just unlocked.
Gonna go to sleep ( I work nights, so sleep during the day) and when I wake up, I'll force myself to log in and get some more playtime under my belt to see if the game grows on me. I'm hoping it does, because $60 isn't easy for me to come by.
For combat i've never used the WSAD keys and those around as i'm not comfortable with it. I use the arrow keys and bind the page up, delete and number pad keys to what i want to use. You can also change the hotkey ccombat button of spacebar to anything you want in the chained skills part. I also have a G300 logitech mouse which has 4 buttons ontop of the mouse which i can use. I use spacebar for mounting which i find easy too.
Just change the keys to what you feel comfortable with, then you'll get into the combat. It takes some getting used to but you will adapt over time.
Land of AKA Godzilla with Wifey
I remapped my hotkeys to Q, E, R, T, X, Shift Q, Shift E, Shift R, and Mouse 3, Mouse 4, Mouse 5, Mouse 6, and Mouse 7.
Hope that helps.
So far I have not had need of it but I plan to dust off my naga and bind right and left strafe to the mouse as well. Everything else fits comfortably on the keyboard. It's awkward like when learning to walk, but soon enough you'll be looking at the screen and not be playing cooldown tetris.
every time there must by someone need to mention gw2 in the tera forums.....
u want to talk about that warhammer clone then gtfo to your forums kkthxbb
I will assume that was sarcastic. . or that you didn't read the posts past GW2. you also realize you mentioned GW2? The cycle continues!
Strange that two new games that are just releaseing would be mentioned in the same thread :P (this was my sarcasm in case you were not being sarcastic)
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
I cannot get past the stupid looking over sized weapons so common with Asian themed MMOs.....thus I am running like hell away from this one.
However, you guys that like it more power to you and have fun.
That's karma for you.
I'm a unique and beautiful snowflake.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Nate you are on the same server as me and probably play the same hours.
We have an Aussie guild (Valkyrie) going that will probably play when you do.
Look us up and apply via the ingame guild finder if you are interested. Casuals are welcome (thats how I play).
Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe
You say that and yet your avatar is some rediculously oversized super armored guy with a rediculously huge sword.
The weapons are oversized for a reason, because when they move, everything they come across gets hit.
Plus, it's a fantasy game.
This is what I do. I play both, because they each satisfy different needs. You don't have to choose one or the other.
Just an update. I played for an hour today, and made it to level 5. The combat is more fun than traditional autoattack MMORPG's, but I still couldn't wait to log off and get back into League of Legends. While the game is kind of pretty, and the combat kinda fun, I'm just not drawn into the game yet. I admit that I've never cared too much about combat or graphics though, since my two favorite MMORPG's of all time were DAoC and SWG. To be honest, the game really looks and feels like a F2P asian game. Oh, and no one ever answers my questions on /area chat. Instead there's guild spam, gold spammers, and people arguing about Alienware computers.
I can really tell for sure quite yet, but let's just say the game does have challenging combat later on. Even if this is so, that's not enough to keep me playing. I'm more of a social gamer, meaning I prefer to play almost exclusively in a group like we did in MMORPG's pre-WoW. I honestly would rather not play MMORPG's at all that to play solo. Maybe that's why I've enjoyed LoL for two months straight now and haven't even gotten tired of it. Because it's always a challenge, everything about it is new to me (never played DOTA), and I'm always grouped.
If Tera does draw me in, then I'll definitely look into the Valkrye's guild. Until then, I'll just try and force myself to log in at least an hour a day.
Why don't you ask your questions here, maybe we can help. Unfortunately I'm on an EU server, so playing together is out of the question.
Oh, and starter island area chat has always been horrid for some reason.