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So 57 now and well only dungeon i haven't go through at the lvl 58 and 60 ones but i thought i give some people who just started a few tips on the dungeon i have done. Btw these lvl ar ethe mini lvl to que for them, beside SN and SM i don't suggest doing them at the mini lvl requirement.
Bastion of Lok (lvl 20)
Nothing speical, tank and spank mostly. The first boss is lot harder than the last boss lol. Only Tip is to clear out the last room before starting the finally boss or they are all going to aggro your party when you start the last boss.
Sinistral Manor (26)
Same as before you can pretty much tank and spank the entire dungeon. Tip is for speed run you can run past all the mobs and just climb up the ladder and they will reset. You don't have to kill the dutchess but you have to kill the duke. For the final boss if you pull it ot the small room outside when it runs to summon, wait for it to come back and the adds will not follow. If you think your lancer is good, your lancer should leash the boss when it turns toward the center. Sorc should try to root it and healer should try to sleep it.
Cultist's Refuge (35)
Also pretty simple, the room with Barrels, first room to the right, there is a neat trick for it. So break the barrels in the center, have your lancer taunt them, than turn them to the barrel to next to the door to the next room with the archers. Get in the middle behind the barrel, face it and hold block. No no one else should attack or heal so not to take aggor. Wait for all the mob to get close to the tank than block up the barrel. This should take out all the mystic and leave the archer almost dead. First boss have some werid aggro thing where if you loss aggro you don't get it back for a period of time. To unlock the bonus boss you have to finish story line quest at lvl 37.
Necromancer Tomb (41)
Now the fun starts, for this dungeon all the boss are on the outher rim, the inner part are just trash mob for some quest but most people skip. So first boss is surround by spikes, and this boss will run around to EVERONE, healer my god don't heal unless you have to please. Also when the mark above the spike turn yellow means they are about to go up, the boss will run to the center so thats a sign as well. Second boss moves around a lot with its attacks even if tank has aggro so becareful. Third boss moves around a lot too, watch out when it stick its sword in the group, it place an aoe that can't be blocked so don't stand there. Last boss will summon 3 times, the summon are those things in SM that does lighten around them but doesn't move. First summon is at the outer rim along the wall ignore them. Second summon ismuch closer kill them so you have room to fight the boss as it move a lot, And thrid summon is even closer, but if you wipe out second summon taking out the third isn't an issue.
Sigil Adstringo (45)
Don't even try... just don't. this was one of the 58 dungeon brought down and its almost impossible for most people because its designed to require people with enchanted gears but i guess will go over my experience. Everything up to the last boss is doable. The second to last boss is a bit annoying, there is 2, one of the will shoot these green ball, your dps WANT TO GET HIT BY IT. It stacks and give you more dmg and attack speed. When it summon this mushroom thing it heal it so kill it ASAP. Last boss... omg.... when it say darkness over its head get the fuck away from it because its aoe is large and stuns. But thats not the hard part, it will summon and only way to get rid of it is to dps down the crystal it spawn, There will be 2 crystal spawn total and after that is a dps race. It su mmon these thing that move closer and closer that do massive aoe. If you can't kill the boss by the time they get close your party is dead, once they stat aoeing you, you won't be able to move. My party made it to 4.5% before we wiped... so ya Q_Q So far only one group i know manage to barely dps it down and kill it.
Golden Labyrinth (48)
Fun Fun Fun, you want to start off going to the most left lane and go up, the mobs will target your ranged dps/healer first for some reason. I taunt and 5s later they are all on the sorc/healer... just how they work. First boss is a kuma which many of you should have seen in celestial hills and the new intro. Well this move moves a tons lol, its jump is always double jump so watch out, it will also target healer/range dps with a secondary ranged attack that will 1 shoot many cloth class so my god watch out and dodge. Second boss is like the final boss in SM but it walks in the middle and summon a clone, it has much lower hp so you can kill it pretty fast. Thrid boss is 2 mobs, the 2 headed dog will summon 4 of itself but they are weak so just hold aggro while quickly dpsing them down. Final boss is a gaint, and well ya attacks are HUGE and will push the tank around a lot so don't stop moving lol.
Akasha's Hideout (48)
To do this dungeon you HAVE to have a potion from Golden Labyrinth, like every boss in GL drops it. I think its call holy potion of protection or something. The dungeon give you debuff that lower dmg and attack speed by 70%, use the potion give you protectionf or 2hrs. First boss is a golem, not hard. Second boss is the final boss in island of dawn =D we finally see him again ^_^. Than the boss after that is like the bonus boss in Cr, however it has an extra huge aoe and move lot more. Also when it goes to the middle it summon 2 of itself and all 3 of them does the new aoe. Last boss is this crab like thing? it summon massive minons but there are 4 barrel you can use to kill them i guess but i never used them.
Akasha's Hideout Hard(48)
Don't try, the gear required to do it is not worth it consider you out lvl the gear too quickly.
Ascent of Saravash (52)
Like Sigil just don't but if you want here is my more detailed guide.
Saleron's Sky Garden (53)
Omg this dungeon was VERY fun lol. I find the rooms between the bosses harder than thes bosses.... lol. So each room has different test that starts once you break the crystal. The test are all very similar, all of them require you to dps down 1 specific mob to end the whole thing. So first room is simple, just minon and 1 large head monster pretty obvious what to do. F. From here on i can't remember the room order but i'll descrbile them do you know what to do, O ya the room with mobs you can just skip them, besure run by through the openings. So one room summon bunch of ads and a priest mob and a boss mob. The key is to kill the boss asap and end it, but the priest heals REALLY fast and HITS hard. The priest does a ball attack and hits really hit really fast so best thing to do is kit the priest around while party kill the boss. Other room you get 4 stone that spawn mobs endlessly, there is one mob with red armor, the healer's job is to use target heal to get aggro and just run large circle around the room. Lancer grab the red mob and everyoen dps down as fast as you can. Other room have a stone in the center and it summon 2 than 2 more mobs, just pull mob to side and tank while dps take out crystal. I think last one is there are 2 mobs 1 large and 1 small. There are 4 lazer around so avoid them. Focus the big one because if you kill the small one it summon 2 more and i'm guessing it multi b y 2? idk never kill those 2 yet. So i think thats yet for room so for bosses. irst boss room so far is random? i goten 2 different boss so far, one is the duke form SM and other is... i can't remember but ya lol some boss you already fought before. Second boss is a gaint, and it summon 2 basilisk at around 30% hp. Thrid boss is also random, i gotten 2 different type so far. One was simple and one was harder. The harder one is one that comes with 4 ads, if you kill all 4 ads they respawn. So guildie told me trick is to keep 1 alive but honestly they die too fast to keep them alive so i just tank them all and just kill the boss that way. Last boss is a the wryvern thing, the dragon that walks on its legs... and that boss wins at not standing still lol. It will summon 2 set of laser along the edge of the circle and it will make you randomly if you get hit by it. During the fight there chance it drop a key to go to the bonus boss which is a dragon, pretty standard if you know dragon's attack pattern.
And thats yet so far i'll add
Suryati's Peak
Ebon Tower
Kelsaik's Nest (normal and hard)
Labyrinth of Terror (normal and hard) o i tried it at 57 tonight got rapped after first boss. So kinda burned out and called it a day.)
Ok i went and did it today at lvl 59 =D i found out my gear score was under the recommend lvl lol and goin in at 59 with 58+ party was MUCH better. The dungeon is a maze, there are 3 bosses and a final boss. pretty much beside the first and last boss you can skip the other 2 because you have to go out of the way around to get to those bosses when you can take a short cut from first to last boss. First boss is a .... space ship ish boss? is the best way to describle it. Only thing to watch out for is when it say this monster is using a ranged attack. When you see it you want to huge the boss as if its your most loved one to not get one shooted. Aside from that nothing interesting. Other 2 boss pretty standared as well. Last boss basically tank on right or left side. Middle will have waves of fire coming at you every now and than that will 1 shoot you. So if boss go to middle DON'T FOLLOW. And thats yet, drop on the first 3 boss are horrible, last boss weill always drop few gold but its T11 lvl 58 stuff.
Balder's Temple (normal and hard)
Fane of Kaprima (Normal)
Did Fane of Kaprima with guildie today after hitting 60, did it twice and man was it fun. This dungeon makes other dungeon i done so far look like a joke (ok beside sky gardan that was epic too) But in this dungeon all 4 boss fight have their unquie mechanic that you need to know. So might be a bit long but well help you not wipe when you run =D Well not wipe as much lol we knew and still wiped good amount of time.
First boss, what happen is through out the fight some guy standing on a tower will fly down and nuke the ground basically. It will say something about melting the rock beneath your feet and jump down do an aoe that wipe your party. To prevent this you have to desotry a pillar right as it flys down. what you want is to lower it to 1-3 hit from been destoried, and watch for the guy through out the fight, thats 1 person's job in this fight. Do that and rest is tank and spank.
Second boss is a crab boss in a enclosed room. The edge of room will be fill with spikes coming out of the wall. the side of the room will have 2 hole each, and ever now and than one side will have 2 pillar pop out the hole and will 1 shoot you if it hits. So watch out for the text on the screen and watch which holes are spinning to know where to stand to not get hit.
Third boss......the hardest boss in the dungeon.... no joke this shit rapes -.- Its a lancer mob on every single type of powerboost you can think of. It its like a truck, lvl 60 lancer hit me like 10-20k easy per hit and i got 50k+ hp. Cloth are going to get 1 shooted no question asked. The mechanic is after lossign 20% hp so at 80/60/40/20 it will summon a portal, EVERY (healer too) go dps it down. The down side is if 2 melee as too close you drain each other's mana as as debuff but just dps it down before it summons. The summon hurts and if it does summon, dps the tower down than focus on the summon. Second at around 70 and 30% mob will spawn in the room to the side. Have 1 dps prefer like i think slayer/warrior to take out 1 of the mob in there. Don't bring boss down to 60/20% before the dps comes back or else you will not have enough dps!!!. Also if that dps doesn't kill something fast enough you will see TONS of red circle that will drop ice on you and do tons of dmg. look for the least overlapped area to only get hit once.
Last boss... it moves around ALOT and it flys -.- but the one thing to note is that after 50% it will do this pattern. A pillar will appear, the boss will run to the pillar and do an aoe. Than the boss will chain everyone to him. When he chains you should see a worm pop out of the ground, after your out of the chain run to the worm asap, (don't kill it) the worm will turn in to like a tower, if your next to the worm you get trap inside (a good thing) if your outside make sure to get behind it. The boss will fly around and do a massive aoe that will KILL ANYONE not inside or behind that worm/tower thing. up side is the worm will leash 1 person in your party at random too so 1 person is always safe. On my first run the boss glitched on the mechanic, at liek 9% it had 2 worms, and than at 3.5% it had no worm so we just stool there and got 1 shooted -.-
Hope this helps for anyone who haven't tired them yet or who are havingi some trouble with it ^_^ freel free to ask anything about the ones i have ran already. Hopefully hit 60 tomorrow or monday and start some seriously dungeon span on all of them XD man guildie already lvl 60 with t12 +6/9 stuff already Q_Q
Should prolly use the correct names of the Dungens....just saying
Ops so used to calling the first dungeon secret base but all the other ones i copy and pasted from EME's site so doubt they are wrong lol.
Very nice summary. Just one thing to mention. After reading your post, I feel strange that my sorcerer passed SA (lv45 dungeon) neatly on my first run with someone explaining the fight to us (it's an instance matching group). None of us is higher than lv47 and we were never close to wiping. So maybe if you know how to do it it's not that difficult.
Like i said last boss is a dps race, i had my guild explain the whole run as well. We did perfctly fine till the last part where we couldn't dps it down fast enough and than the summon pretty much wiped the party. I mean if you got high enough dps you can kill it before it summon the last of the ad that do the aoes, but once they are summoned and start attacking there is almost nothing you can do as its so fast you be constantly hit till you die =
Bump added two more dungeon.
Good post Rez, glad you are enjoying yourself, Balders temple and Kelsaik are my favorite though and I see you haven't gottten to either. Sky Garden is the prettiest though and I only like Kelsaik for the difficulty lol.
Looking forward to your reviews on those two.
We did wipe the 2nd time we did SA on the last boss due to this enrage issue.
Our zerker died :-(
we went back in and cleared it without him dying no real issues...
Any way the reason I wanted to post was this... the club I got out of SA is FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR better than any other weapon I've seen 6 levels later... It heals for 2-3x's more than the level 50 gold I just recieved from a quest reward.
My Zerker friend had an axe drop that has 20k block value, which his old one only had 5k block value... it has more block than the end game axes...
So the gear is VERY amazing here... perhaps too amazing.
Still going ot get stumped by story line gear when you get to 60 =P I just rush past it now starting to farm my 60 dungeons ^_^ man fun stuff lol XD