Game is for sure going to be done in a few months, but he needs our help getting the word out so he can find volunteer developers?! Way to waste all of our time with this video.
First off, this is ultimately EA behind the wheel. Considering the BF2 debacle and the reasons for shutting down Visceral Games and their single player Star Wars game, I highly doubt this will amount to anything. In fact, even talking about EA products just makes me wonder how much punishment some people are gluttons for.
Turns out, this game is supposedly being developed by a fan. That's really great and all, but I'm not sure he wants to keep that game title Star Wars 1313 unless of course he plans on giving the game away for free, lol.
fti: EA are NOT the only company that can develop Star Wars games. As part of the 10 year IP deal Disney retained the right of "Disney" itself to develop SW games.
In this case it would have been better to start a new thread, just sayin.
Yeah it would have been better to know going in it was a fan made thing that might not even materialze. I did say that I didn't know if it was real or not. I apologize wasn't trying to waste anyones time.
First off, this is ultimately EA behind the wheel. Considering the BF2 debacle and the reasons for shutting down Visceral Games and their single player Star Wars game, I highly doubt this will amount to anything. In fact, even talking about EA products just makes me wonder how much punishment some people are gluttons for.
Turns out, this game is supposedly being developed by a fan. That's really great and all, but I'm not sure he wants to keep that game title Star Wars 1313 unless of course he plans on giving the game away for free, lol.
Even free, Disney is likely to cease-and-desist him, as a "fan made" project generally yields an inferior product which can harm their brand.
Which is ironic, since Disney has all but destroyed the Star Wars IP for many of us.
Sounds like a cheap ass game to me and just another attempt to cash in on the IP brand. There is a reason developers aim for survival games,they want to give us a cheap ass game.Well the same goes here with their "underground" idea.So this tells me a bunch of linear lanes in dungeons.
This also sounds like the game will be very similar in design to that game we had about 5-7 years ago with the "underground theme""The Secret World" underground and gaited and mobs spawning out of thin air so a non persistent world. Yeah i wouldn't hold any hope for this game being good,i expect it to be just like TSW with tons of hand holding markers to guide you through some cheap missions.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
First off, this is ultimately EA behind the wheel. Considering the BF2 debacle and the reasons for shutting down Visceral Games and their single player Star Wars game, I highly doubt this will amount to anything. In fact, even talking about EA products just makes me wonder how much punishment some people are gluttons for.
Turns out, this game is supposedly being developed by a fan. That's really great and all, but I'm not sure he wants to keep that game title Star Wars 1313 unless of course he plans on giving the game away for free, lol.
Even free, Disney is likely to cease-and-desist him, as a "fan made" project generally yields an inferior product which can harm their brand.
It would be impossible for this guy to harm the Star Wars brand more than Disney already has.
EA are NOT the only company that can develop Star Wars games. As part of the 10 year IP deal Disney retained the right of "Disney" itself to develop SW games.
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
There is a reason developers aim for survival games,they want to give us a cheap ass game.Well the same goes here with their "underground" idea.So this tells me a bunch of linear lanes in dungeons.
This also sounds like the game will be very similar in design to that game we had about 5-7 years ago with the "underground theme""The Secret World" underground and gaited and mobs spawning out of thin air so a non persistent world.
Yeah i wouldn't hold any hope for this game being good,i expect it to be just like TSW with tons of hand holding markers to guide you through some cheap missions.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.