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Gehenna: join up before tomorrow's launch!

T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15

Gehenna plans to set up on the Ehmry Bay server, and will be active in every aspect of the game. Our goal is to become one of the server's premier guilds, a name that everyone knows, and the first guild you expect to see whenever our server scores a great victory in PvP or PvE. We are playing mostly in US timezones, but we are split pretty evenly between the east coast, west coast, and in between; we certainly aren't limited to US players, and invite members from anywhere. We play virtually all hours of the day and night, between us, so most players probably won't be lonely. And we invite players from all over the spectrum, from casual to hardcore and PvE to PvP (we're not very big on RP). We have a place for just about everyone. We only have a couple requirements.

-Members should be mature. We don't strictly have an 18+ requirement, but especially immature players, or loud and obnoxious kids will find themselves kicked out pretty quick. We expect that, in public chats, people will represent the guild well.
-On the other hand, you should be fairly laid back. We do not like to have a lot of draconic policies. For example, we don't limit cursing in guild chat (although it gets old if it's over the top), so people who are offended way too easily might not fit.
-Players should have a good sense of humor, but take the game seriously to a certain degree, too. Joking around in-game is great, but if we're fighting bosses or something we do want to make sure they get done right.
-Just be friendly and we'll all get along fine!

Gehenna's core of old-timers are mostly hardcore gamer types who have been gaming together in various venues for over 13 years. We have had a strong endgame presence in a couple different MMOs, especially FFXI and WoW, and we're now moving just about our entire core over to GW2. So there is definitely a place in Gehenna for hardcore gamers, the types who like to take on the toughest challenges a game has to offer. Our plan right now is to have regular guild events (hopefully the game will allow for us to do this on a regular schedule), where we tackle the most difficult PvE content available as a coordinated guild. We also want to have a strong presence in WvW and competitive PvP, so gamers with these interests will definitely be in good company.

At the same time, we want to encourage casual gamers to join up, as well. We don't have attendance requirements, so players with busy lives can feel at home; most of us are pretty busy, ourselves, so we can definitely sympathize when real life has to take priority, and that's just fine! We are really excited to bring in casual gamers who 1) want to get into the more hardcore aspects (we love to teach!) or 2) just want to stay casual. We're always down to help out our guildies, so don't be intimidated if you're on the casual side; we want you, too!

Please come check us out! Our website:

Also, please take a quick look at our guild policies on the public section of our forum before applying. You don't need to memorize them, just give them a once over to make sure everything sounds good.

We also use Ventrilo. A mic is not required, but use of Ventrilo will be for guild events, at least just to listen.

We're still working on getting all our members registered on the new website, but it's gradually coming to life. Any questions about our guild can be posted in our public forum, there, so don't hesitate to drop in, say hello, and ask any questions you might have. And then, fill out an application! And then, while we wait for the game to come out, feel free to join us on other games.

Thanks for reading, we hope to hear from you soon!


  • Half_Man_Half_ToonHalf_Man_Half_Toon Member Posts: 156

    can you tell me more about your history ? and where you guys big on WoW? and also how many members you guys had?

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15

    Sure, I can gladly say a little. Actually, it'll probably be a lot. I always write walls of text, so forgive me for that :D

    As far as our WHOLE history goes, a few of our core members stretch way back before MMO gaming, to a tabletop roleplaying group that formed while some of us were in high school. About 8 of us from that original group are still members of the Gehenna guild as we move from one online game to the next.

    In the beginning, we sort of dabbled in few different MMOs. Most of us tried Everquest for a little while, never got too into it. 5 or so of us played Earth & Beyond for a good long time, had a lot of fun with that. I know a couple guys played Star Wars Galaxies for a little bit, along with just a smattering of other games, nothing really series.

    Then most of those original 8 started playing FFXI together during its original US release, on the Lakshmi server. At that point, we weren't really looking to run our own guild (linkshell), so we joined endgame shells that were already up and running. The first really successful one that we joined was a dynamis linkshell, where we established ourselves as loyal members, one of us secured an officer seat, and we helped lead that ls to success. From that linkshell, we added a few to the group who would remain lifelong friends, who remain in Gehenna today (again, we weren't under that name yet). Hell, I even met my girlfriend there; embarassing, I know, but we've been living together for 6 years now. So what can I say, it worked :D  Most of us continued in that game for a very long time, finally ending up in our server's top endgame linkshell. That was where I personally developed my most hardcore endgame experience--FFXI's endgame demanded just a whole, totally crazy level of commitment to play at the highest level. I've never played a game quite that hardcore since, but I still feel like I developed a certain sort of MMO discipline there that I never lost, and a couple of us really tend toward the hardcore style, ever since those days.

    In the meantime, all of the original gang that didn't play FFXI instead played WoW, starting at launch. They jumped into raiding right away, running Molten Core in the early days (Earthen Ring server), and raiding at pretty much every tier that followed. They did that without the FFXI players for a couple years, and then when we FFXI people finally quit that game, most of us decided to join our buddies in WoW. That's where Gehenna, as it is known today, was really born as such, even though we had mostly been gaming together for years already. This was right at the very tail end of BC/beginning of WotLK. We formed a small guild just centered around us as a 10-man raid team. To fill out our numbers, plus adding a few backups, we recruited a few new members off the server, all of whom remain members of Gehenna and close friends who will be joining our guild in GW2. We raided in WotLK and Cata, often hovering right around 10th or so on our server, which I don't think is too bad considering that we only raided a couple nights a week; we were all among the top 5 most geared of our class, on our server, as we were doing heroic raids after they were introduced. I think we were server third to down Nef in tier 11.

    After Firelands we got sorta bored and quit WoW. Since then we've been hovering around, kind of dormant. Some of our guys tried out SWTOR (but I think they're all quitting it in favor of GW2), while some of us have just been kind of sitting around, playing a lot of MW3 and some BF3 in the meantime.

    So to answer your direct question, on WoW we weren't especially big. I mean, we were a pretty good raid team, but we kept our numbers pretty intimate (we liked to make sure every member got as much active raiding time as possible, so we didn't want to over-recruit). Near the end we did join another guild and acted as their sort of elite raid team, helping their other two raid teams to up their game by giving them strategy tips and filling in when they had absent people. But mostly we were small. Our raid team was our core 10, plus about 3 backups. So that's why we're trying to expand in GW2. Since there aren't limited-size raids and most events (dynamic events, world bosses, WvW) allow for massive teams, we're looking to develop a real presence for our guild, make a name for ourselves, and make plenty of new friends. The hope is that we can get the most out of this game by branching out and forming a tight knit community of our own with like-minded gamers. Our current membership is about 18 members, not all registered on the website just yet. We're expecting slow growth leading up to release, and then faster growth once the game goes live.

    Jeez, I ended up writing too much, sorry about that. I hope that sort of answers your question, and thanks for asking!

  • Half_Man_Half_ToonHalf_Man_Half_Toon Member Posts: 156

    Sounds like my type of Guild btw I have play games since 1986 of all sorts I already have somthing in common is that we love video games so I will register.

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    As the last beta approaches, to be followed by the launch, Gehenna is hoping to step up our recruitment. Our website has been quiet as our members play other games while waiting, but now that the release date is getting close, we're really hoping to beef up our numbers. So if you're looking for a guild that:
    1. You know is going to be active from day 1.
    2. Has a core of experienced (but friendly, non-elitist) gamers playing at virtually any hour.
    3. Will be able to get stuff done and help its members experience every aspect of the game, including its most challenging.
    4. Runs an active voice server.
    5. Likes to have fun in and out of game, including the occasional guild meet-up for beers, or a LAN party, or whatever else we feel like.
    6. Has endured for well over a decade.

    Gehenna would probably be a good place for you! If you're interested, please hit up our website and drop an application (no applications will be turned down up until launch, unless there are glaring problems). Give us a try; hell, if it's not for you, there's no hard feelings if you change your mind later.

    Hope to see you guys in Tyria, thanks for reading again!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15

    Another bump!

    Recruitment going well, if you're looking for a group to play with this bwe, or at launch, come check us out!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    Had some awesome WvW action on the first day of this last bwe. Captured Stonemist, and our squad spent virtually the whole day locking down key supply camps and holding points against much larger forces. Fun times!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15

    Gehenna continues to grow, and we're especially developing a community interested in WvW, although there are also some of us interested in getting into competitive spvp, as well. The beta was a great time, and we're looking to keep recruiting right up until launch, so if you're looking for a permanent home when the game hits, come check us out.

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    Beta might be down, leaving a lot of us kinda bored, but Gehenna's website is coming to life. We've got some good conversations going on in our forums about various game topics, and other stuff. Membership is growing pretty steadily. If you're still looking for a guild to call home on launch day, come give us a try! Don't be shy, we don't bite. Well, we do bite, but don't be a wimp. Nothing ventured...

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15

    6 am bump!

    Playing BF3 all night while you're bored and waiting for GW2 to launch = not bad.

    Joining an awesome guild so have other people to play BF3 with while you wait for GW2 to launch = much better.

    Having a kickass guild when GW2 actually does launch? = best.

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    Need some more people to come hang on our forums! Oh, and there's that little GW2 guild thing, too. But mainly the forums. Also, Vent. And games.

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    Numbers still growing, but we need more!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    Gehenna is planning to hit the ground running, right at launch. We're hoping to level in a few groups to keep the pace high, and move on to the toughest content in the game as soon as we can get there. A lot of people are gonna aim for the hardcore aspects, but thanks to GW2's sidekicking, we'll always be able to kick it with more casual guildies, too. So we've got plenty of spots for everyone!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    If you still need a guild before launch, now is a great time to join Gehenna. Our forums are very active, and our guildies are excited about the fast-approaching launch. Recruitment becomes more restricted after launch, so check us out now!

  • T-RoachT-Roach Member Posts: 15


    The game launches tomorrow!!! Finally, after so much waiting!

    If you don't have a guild yet, and need an awesome group of people to play with, come check out Gehenna! We are up to 50 members, and everyone is very active and excited for launch. This is your last chance to join Gehenna during open membership before the game launches. After tomorrow we will be switching to our standard 2 week trials for new recruits. So take advantage and join up now!

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