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Having played quite a few mmo's i thought i would try Tera but one thing put me was the combat.not because it was bad,but because it was harder than what i was used to.
See i,m a click with the mouse guy.well i bought the game anyways and i have to say i,m getting beter and better at the combat.i probably die more times than most because i was used to clicking with a mouse.
What i,m wondering is if any you guys who normally click with a mouse have picked this game up and how are you getting along with the combat.i,m not the greatest gamer but i do try and i have to say that this game is making me play better than i thought i ever could,just interested.?
Keep at it, it will make you a better player overall in all MMOs. It'll be second nature in no time.
Make sure you sort your keybinds out properly. This is what I do in TERA:
Use 1-4 Z X for bottom 6
shift 1-4 Q E for top 6 (potions on Q and E)
Get your mount on TAB or something like that.
It works for me. Make sure you set up your chain skills properly to make it even easier to manage.
Doing something along those lines will make it a much better experience for you... and once you're used to it you won't want to click for main attacks in any other mmo ever again. It's more fun watching the action instead of the hotbar, plus you'll be better, faster, stronger.
u get better with time. also if u do your chains right u wont have to hit so many shortcuts. on my sorc way i have my chains i only havae to hit a shorccut probaly every 8 sec or so to start a new chain
I was always a clicker, but I came to TERA and picked up on it really fast...solo'ing BAMs isn't too tough, but higher level PvP gets hairy sometimes. I've got like 20 keys binded for skills and I misclick on the odd case because the PvP is really twitch reactions, it's tough.
But the ease I had getting used to it could be because I type 120WPM and have large it's probably easy for me as I can use a keyboard very well naturally so I just adapted that to the game, lol.
F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,1,2,3,4,5,6,TAB, Q,E,Z,C,X and space is what I have keybound lol.
I never understood why people click in mmorpgs XD for me clicking is always way slower because i have to move my mouse there and everything. Pressing and memorizing the hotkeys was so much easier for me than having to click XD Guess everyone starts outs differently. But ya more you play better you get as long as your willing to fix mistake. Dueling helps your overall pvp a lot, like i was so rusty after only PvE man i failed so hard in pvp but 10 duels later and i'm back in game =D
When i was in beta i HAD to use my 360 controller. There was no other way for me.
I couldnt stand using the mouse for how the game was made in regards to combat. I'm hoping GW2 allows controllers but then again i never had an issue being a clicker in regards to GW2 beta, but Tera? No way in hell could i click.
Different play style does not equate to a mistake. Let's turn it around shall we. I think people who use macros and keystrokes are just lazy, because they aren't willing to put in the effort to click hotbars. See how silly you make yourself look when you behave as if your way is the best way. It may be best for you, but don't be so arrogant as to decide what is best for others.
I think you misread what i said. I said you will get better if yoru willing to learn from your mistake, as in overall playing Tera you must be willing to improve not the fact that clicking is a mistake.
Depending on the skill, in other games, I usually use keyboard strokes with a few mouse clicks.
Since Bought a Naga I always use it and can actually be always looking at the screen instead of my hands.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Here's what you do:
Remap movement keys to sdf and e. This gives you more buttons around them to play with.
Remap all or most of your skills around these keys for easy reach.
Practice a little and you'll get the hang of it.
Easiest keys to remap and reach from these keys are r,t,f,g,c,v,b,z,a,q. If you need more, then `,3, and 4,5 are natural reaches.
I never got into shift-whatever because I don't like having to hit two keys for one action, and never really found a need to with 14 keys within easy reach for 14 abilities. You can even add more although the reaches will feel less natural to your hand. Like x,y and n.
You should never click in an MMO. Even in a game like WoW, it puts you at a disadvantage.
I learned this during the first year of WoW and have been remapping ever since. Playing feels much more fluid and you can actually watch the fight rather than watching your ability bar.
You really do need to remap for TERA, unless you want to get a gaming mouse.
I like Mouse1-forward, c-back, a-strafe left, space-strafe right, Mouse 2-block, Mouse 4-Jump, Mouse 5-Autorun, keybinds from 1-7, q-y, s-h, z-b and shift-modifiers on any of those buttons that I feel appropriate. Not saying these are the keybinds to use, but just posting b/c it follows the same logic as yours (opening more keybinds for comfortable availability). I keep my left hand on homerow naturally, just as though I were typing. But, this is what I've used for every game going back 2 decades lol.