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I noticed one thing in the last BWE and that is the level indicator left of the xp bar.
Because this game downlevels you if you become too high level for the area you are in. I never noticed this for a long time, mainly because I was trying to complete all the objectives in the area I was in.
So if the indicator says (3) 10 it means you are level 10 but you have been delevelled to 3 because that is the level of the area that you are in.
But you never notice this because the area will still be challenging. This is good in my eyes but can be a bit confusing, especially for critics of the game who are expected to be pushed on to a new area (which doesn't happen).
Yes some have cried about this already.
this is just part of the no hand holding that ANet has done. you are free to move on if you want but do not have to.
also it makes it so low lvl zones do not get left behind and if hyou been playing for a long time and are of a high lvl and a friend joins you can go play with them and stil feel like you are doing something.
I'm still interested in seeing how easy a level 10 zone will seem as a level 80. I'm betting it'll be easier than a level 10 in a level 3 area, but still be challenging.
It'll be extremely easy. I was level 26 when I finished the majority of content in the first two human areas (not including events that didn't trigger while I was there) and started exploring Norn area from top to bottom. In the starting Norn area, I was able to rush into huge groups of mobs, drop a Chaos Storm and own them with a Mind Wrack spike, where doing the same when I was ~actually~ that level would have only taken maybe half their HP, and I would died from all the damage I was taking. And that was just in the mid level 20 range, let alone level 80s with all their traits and gear.
If you look at your character sheet the next time you're in beta, you'll see your actual scaled down damage values. There's a number, and then another in parenthases. Those are both your native strengths and the scaled down versions. People don't realize that, even when scaled down, your traits and gear still make you far more powerful than you were prior.
The only thing that takes an unavoidable hit are your HP values, to prevent you from full out dominating during large events. That was pretty much the only time my Mesmer went down, because of all the aggro from the higher damage output.
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This could be really good. One of the worst things I saw 1-20 in Rift was how bored lvl 50's would ride through all the starter zone Rifts and close them all faster than the lowbies could run to them. Imagine if Rift had this same concept.
A couple points.
First, even if the game doesn't guide you to content your level if you are still doing lower level areas while being downscaled, you aren't suffering much XP or reward wise, as XP and loot scale based on your true level, with only a slight downgrade.
Second, Eric Flannum, the Lead Game Designer for GW2, commented after the first Beta Weekend Event that they are still tweaking the effects of level scaling and have heard the concerns from some testers that the current scaling values didn't keep lower level zones as challenging as players would have wished when they revisited lower level areas with higher level characters.
With a larger portion of fans apparently favoring a scaling system that keeps as much content as possible viable, hopefully this will be successfully worked out before release.
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Now to me that was one of the best things about Rift.
I'm not sure it will do much for the immersive quality of the game world. The point about being lvl 50 is that you can go back and farm and kill stuff you couldn't kill at lower levels. That payback and farming in low level zones has always been a benefit of levelling in mmos all the way back to EQ, it's the reward for being a much higher level than the mobs. It's also nice to enjoy a zone without being aggroed on all the time. If every zone drops you back to a challenging level where's the progress?
I don't mind the sidekick and mentoring system in other games, but a zone wide drop in level? Do you also lose all the skills and powers from those higher levels? Come play in this zone and be crippled? Hmm....
I think if it's a case of going back and playing with friends then it should be an opt in sidekick system as opposed to a zone wide imposition. So then you can either choose to aid your friend at their level or aid them because you are far tougher.
Then every1 will choose to not sidekick down, because they can 1 shot mobs so easily to help their friend and ruin every1 else's fun.
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If you haven't go play rift and stick around the first zone rifts, you will undoubtedly soon experience a max level completely wiping the event infront of your eyes with 0 effort. I'd say that's not much fun at all and I do not wish the same to happen in GW2!
I hope they don't plan to make it like this, and this is just a tweaking issue. But i had the same feeling with my Ele, when i was going in an heart zone of maybe 10level less, and i could almost one shot the mobs with the Dragon's thooth skill.
I'll rather have the game feel like a world, even if my character can't face roll anything, rather than having the game cut in useless zones and feel so godlike.
No you keep all your skills and traits - only the level and stats are somewhat downscaled, though you'll still be quite a lot stronger than you were when you were in the level range of the content.
I'm not sure how one shotting mobs to help friends can ruin anyone elses fun. Since most of the games try to imitate fantasy worlds, all of them have vastly more powerful characters alongside weaker allies (Gandalf and Aragorn with the Hobbits?). Nothing wrong with having very tough friends along to help in my opinion.
I do play Rift and honestly that was never a massive issue for me at low level. There are dicks in every game, i'm sure they will find a different way to be dicks in GW2.
But my experience in Rift is also frustratingly struggling with Major Rifts at low level and having higher levels come and help out and closing it together. That was fun. It cuts both ways.
That sounds better.
I think someone mentioned it earlier but i'd pressed Post before reading.
Ever thought of other players might need to kill these mobs as well? It happenes all the time in other mmo games.
WOW: The Most Well Known Non-Free Non-Browser Client-Based 3D Fantasy MMORPG In Some Parts of the World.
rember how the game works you get something for doing something if some one come and and one hit all the mobs you did nothing so you get nothing.
i did one event that was just about over when i got there i got like 100exp for the event i stay around and waited for the event again and did form start to end and got like 400exp the more i did the more i got.
so see if some one come to and event and start to one hit all the mobs they are not olny taking away from there friend but others also
Thing is, it can, and it has. I see your point, but the thing is, that IS the norm for other games. I dont want to sound like some kind of ass saying "if you dont like it bugger off to your game", but like you said, that is how it is in rift. They are trying something different. You might try it and find you actually do like it. You might not. No harm no foul. I would bet money that unless you actually tryed NOT to have fun, you could easliy get $60 worth of fun out of this game, and then find out if the down leveling is too much of a turn off to continue.
Basicly I am saying, Like it or not, gotta respect them trying something a little different.