What about Metacritic? 3.4 with 1694 ratings. Harsh.
I was going to buy this game but by the 300th "Faggot blzrd pay2win actionhouse wowtard arena game 4 casuals lol failz" review on metacrtitc i changed my mind
It's complete bullshit. This game will be the most successful game of this year. Amazon cranked up the price of the game through the roof at 45 pounds because so many people are buying the game.
People will QQ now because of the problems with the launch. In 1-2 months when millions of people still play the game, they will just put it as a small negative highlight.
Also I looked at metacritic user score and I wasn't surprised at all. I hate that website with passion and everyone who reviews on it. To me they are all just one huge waste of internet space. I would say wait for critic reviews. To hell with user reviews They are so biased these days. Simply because of one thing, e.g. no offline singleplayer they will give it a 0
Originally posted by fascism
Originally posted by Kickaxe
What about Metacritic? 3.4 with 1694 ratings. Harsh.
I was going to buy this game but by the 300th "Faggot blzrd pay2win actionhouse wowtard arena game 4 casuals lol failz" review on metacrtitc i changed my mind
This clearly shows the mental capacity of the person reviewing the game.
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
It's complete bullshit. This game will be the most successful game of this year. Amazon cranked up the price of the game through the roof at 45 pounds because so many people are buying the game.
People will QQ now because of the problems with the launch. In 1-2 months when millions of people still play the game, they will just put it as a small negative highlight.
Also I looked at metacritic user score and I wasn't surprised at all. I hate that website with passion and everyone who reviews on it. To me they are all just one huge waste of internet space. I would say wait for critic reviews. To hell with user reviews They are so biased these days. Simply because of one thing, e.g. no offline singleplayer they will give it a 0
Originally posted by fascism
Originally posted by Kickaxe
What about Metacritic? 3.4 with 1694 ratings. Harsh.
I was going to buy this game but by the 300th "Faggot blzrd pay2win actionhouse wowtard arena game 4 casuals lol failz" review on metacrtitc i changed my mind
This clearly shows the mental capacity of the person reviewing the game.
So I have been enjoying the game enough when I have been able to play. Your right that people are raging over launch....Me too on that one. If you are going to allow for a single player (or solo play) experience contingent on a persistent connection it better darn well work from the get go. I don' care what other say this game is NOT an MMO but we have all the MMO launch woes without the MMO benefits.
I would be fine if they had some challenges with Co-op and PVP as long as I could play my single player game but I am not able to consistantly do that.
Will it be the biggest game and have a million players....maybe in PVP or multiplayer but certainly not in the single player mode. The game is too short and starts too easy. With expacs, maybe that could change. I never heard people saying they finished D2 in 12 hours.
So, as I said. I am liking that game and will finish it, and will likely play again with different characters and in hard mode but I won't be forgetting this terrible launch experience too soon and don't see myself playing it still in a years time.
This is my biggest beef with Amazon, anyone can post a review, they should make it so you can only review items you've purchased. reminds me way back when you could leave feedback for people on Ebay without buying from them, they finally figured out people used it as a way to boost feedback artificially.
To me at least, this just shows how stupid it is to take into account any of the user reviews at all. Although, I'm kind of wondering what the 12 3's had to say.
Those people reviewing it must have played PoE like I did. If I hadn't tried PoE, I would give Diable III a better score. But, after playing a game that I thought was somewhat superior, I can't bring myself to rave about Diablo III. It is a good game, but not worthy of anything above a 5 out 10...IMHO.
It is with great regret that I have to say this, but Diablo III epitomizes everything that is wrong with the current generation of gamers - gamers, who never had to learn things the hard way or actually work for their characters. Instead, they click re-roll/re-spec whenever things go wrong. Obviously the emphasis has been to please the masses - make a game that sells, regardless of how proud you are of it. At some point of the design process Blizzard became a game studio that saw things as they were and asked why, instead of being the studio that dreamed of things that never were and asked why not.
After seing WoW becoming a game for kids that just wanted action and had no attachment to their characters nor any interest in in-depth character customisation, I just knew this would be how Diablo would be. Blizzard is spitting on a genre by calling this an RPG, really.
Its fair enough that a lot of people can enjoy this, but during these years a huge group of RPG-gamers are being ignored because its easier to make money from kids than adults. Almost every game being developed by companies with decent budgets are overly simplified and lacking depth. It is all about being fast on your fingers and being easy to impress with visual effects and other shiny stuff.
I fully accept that this is entertaining for some people - though I fail to understand how it can be, but I think its utterly annoying that every bloody game with a decent budget is aimed at these peope. Even games in series that used to be above decent - Like Diablo.
Damn, I am glad I didnt support Blizzard by buying this game. First they ruin the MMORPG-genre by reducing WoW to a nobrain-actiongame (which is copied by all other semi-large companies) and now the Action-RPG genre is reduced to simple action aswell. They deserve nothing but being mocked.
this review right here. agree completely and it really hurts to say that.
This is the same thing that happened with Mass effect 3, everyone rated it and raged over the last 15 minutes of the game. Bottom line, people are stupid.
It was destined to get a low score due to people who hate one or more of the following:
1) That it doesn't have an offline mode
2) That it has a money auction house and/or that they take 15% and another 15% for paypal xfer
3) That it abandoned skill trees
4) That it wasn't made by the guys that made D2 (only partially true)
5) That it doesn't look like D2
6) Blizzard haters
The launch only made the non-offline mode crowd grow. I was pretty perturbed as well. I also wouldn't rate the game until I've beaten it on at least normal.
Most is just people raging over not been able to play and the lag when they playing by themselves. I got a friend key to play up to the first 10 lvl. I'll say if you like hack and slash you will like this. To me i prefer mmorpgs with open world rather than co-op, but i play it if i have a friend to play with but i defininally will never solo play D3. But thats just me, but ya overall game is good for what its built for.
It was destined to get a low score due to people who hate one or more of the following:
1) That it doesn't have an offline mode
2) That it has a money auction house and/or that they take 15% and another 15% for paypal xfer
3) That it abandoned skill trees
4) That it wasn't made by the guys that made D2 (only partially true)
5) That it doesn't look like D2
6) Blizzard haters
The launch only made the non-offline mode crowd grow. I was pretty perturbed as well. I also wouldn't rate the game until I've beaten it on at least normal.
Yep, pretty much all the above.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
The Hack and Slash aRPG game style isn't for everyone. The genre doesn't have mass appeal. I didn't like Diablo, or Diablo 2, or Titan Quest. There is just too much click and shoot monsters over and over and over and over. Some people like this but the majority probably don't. People will down rate games they don't like even if they are perfectly good games. A lot of WoW players probably wanted to try out D3 because they love Blizzard and didn't like the gameplay.
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now!
I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
It was destined to get a low score due to people who hate one or more of the following:
1) That it doesn't have an offline mode
2) That it has a money auction house and/or that they take 15% and another 15% for paypal xfer
3) That it abandoned skill trees
4) That it wasn't made by the guys that made D2 (only partially true)
5) That it doesn't look like D2
6) Blizzard haters
The launch only made the non-offline mode crowd grow. I was pretty perturbed as well. I also wouldn't rate the game until I've beaten it on at least normal.
Yep, pretty much all the above.
1 & 2 are the deal breakers, and their pretty much enough in themselves to guarantee that i will never touch the game.
I think this happened because of how they marketed their game. None of their spots showed any gameplay. I don't doubt that people who never buy games got this and were disappointed that it was a hack & slash and not a FPS or something lol.
Reading some ratings on Amzon in Europe where the game gets a 2.5 rating, most give the game low ratings due to beeing forced to be online and the problems with it i.e. maintenace, lags aswell the shop system. The negative rating is therefore a lot about their business modell but also critics about the value for money, missing game innovations....
Those people reviewing it must have played PoE like I did. If I hadn't tried PoE, I would give Diable III a better score. But, after playing a game that I thought was somewhat superior, I can't bring myself to rave about Diablo III. It is a good game, but not worthy of anything above a 5 out 10...IMHO.
I have to agree. After playing PoE I found Diablo 3 unsatisfying. Sure it has great graphics, and story. It just isnt as fun as PoE... and at the end of the day, that is why I play games, to have fun.
Wow I always heard diablo will be the next gen hack & slay, but I have never seen such a low rating on a game within a long time. I mean 3 out of 5 stars would be ok counting a lot of angry people in, but 2 stars tells the average customer its a crappy game. I mean I am not really interested in this hack & slay game, maybe if I am bored I will want to try it out... but does it really deserve 2 stars... is it the greediness of activision and the loss of the core people from blizzard maybe? The true Diablo creator are working on torchlight 2 anyway...
Just wow...
Don't believe what others tell you to believe. Form your own opinion. I tried the beta, didn't like it personally, and moved on. But that doesn't mean it's a crap game... just not one that I particularly cared for.
1. That you have to be online with a single-player-game all the time and that this creates problems with lag, server-maintenace, downtime, etc, should be taken into account. Even if many players overreacted too much to the bad launch, it is a bad launch and there is still reason to be concerned.
2. If one is not a Diablo fan, he or she may be not attracted to this game, because its gameplay just looks boring. Klicking with your mouse around you, killing everything that comes close to you and always looting - tendinitis incoming! Compared to games like Skyrim or Assassin's Creed this looks embarrassing. Ok, you want to play together with other people? Have a look at TERA, it has much better graphics and a much better combat-system than Diablo 3.
3. True fans of Diablo 2 will miss a lot of things. While Diablo 2 was an evolution of Diablo 1, Diablo 3 looks more like they took a few steps backwards. In more than decade of developement they could not come up with some good fresh ideas?
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
There's so much random BS circling DIII atm that will make people dislike it, I am really not going to take any reviews seriously at the moment.
Starting from people ignorant of how servers work, to people complaining about single player (which doesn't exist), to DII fanboys who think DII was the end-all be-all of Hack&Slashes, there's really too much garbage in any reviews (or posts on this forum) to get an accurate idea of whether DIII itself is or isn't actually a good game.
My personal experience with it, though, has been very positive so far.
and wow 2.0 will still have a horrible release .. they will never learn. why should they? They are billionairs.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity. I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
I was going to buy this game but by the 300th "Faggot blzrd pay2win actionhouse wowtard arena game 4 casuals lol failz" review on metacrtitc i changed my mind
It's complete bullshit. This game will be the most successful game of this year. Amazon cranked up the price of the game through the roof at 45 pounds because so many people are buying the game.
People will QQ now because of the problems with the launch. In 1-2 months when millions of people still play the game, they will just put it as a small negative highlight.
Also I looked at metacritic user score and I wasn't surprised at all. I hate that website with passion and everyone who reviews on it. To me they are all just one huge waste of internet space. I would say wait for critic reviews. To hell with user reviews They are so biased these days. Simply because of one thing, e.g. no offline singleplayer they will give it a 0
This clearly shows the mental capacity of the person reviewing the game.
Mission in life: Vanquish all MMORPG.com trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
So I have been enjoying the game enough when I have been able to play. Your right that people are raging over launch....Me too on that one. If you are going to allow for a single player (or solo play) experience contingent on a persistent connection it better darn well work from the get go. I don' care what other say this game is NOT an MMO but we have all the MMO launch woes without the MMO benefits.
I would be fine if they had some challenges with Co-op and PVP as long as I could play my single player game but I am not able to consistantly do that.
Will it be the biggest game and have a million players....maybe in PVP or multiplayer but certainly not in the single player mode. The game is too short and starts too easy. With expacs, maybe that could change. I never heard people saying they finished D2 in 12 hours.
So, as I said. I am liking that game and will finish it, and will likely play again with different characters and in hard mode but I won't be forgetting this terrible launch experience too soon and don't see myself playing it still in a years time.
This is my biggest beef with Amazon, anyone can post a review, they should make it so you can only review items you've purchased. reminds me way back when you could leave feedback for people on Ebay without buying from them, they finally figured out people used it as a way to boost feedback artificially.
Looks like they rated battle.net not diablo 3
Single player game you need to be online to play and maybe 12+ hours of actual content and the rest is a complete grind fest. TADA!
I like the breakdown.
5 star:
4 star:
3 star:
2 star:
1 star:
To me at least, this just shows how stupid it is to take into account any of the user reviews at all. Although, I'm kind of wondering what the 12 3's had to say.
Those people reviewing it must have played PoE like I did. If I hadn't tried PoE, I would give Diable III a better score. But, after playing a game that I thought was somewhat superior, I can't bring myself to rave about Diablo III. It is a good game, but not worthy of anything above a 5 out 10...IMHO.
this review right here. agree completely and it really hurts to say that.
This is the same thing that happened with Mass effect 3, everyone rated it and raged over the last 15 minutes of the game. Bottom line, people are stupid.
It was destined to get a low score due to people who hate one or more of the following:
1) That it doesn't have an offline mode
2) That it has a money auction house and/or that they take 15% and another 15% for paypal xfer
3) That it abandoned skill trees
4) That it wasn't made by the guys that made D2 (only partially true)
5) That it doesn't look like D2
6) Blizzard haters
The launch only made the non-offline mode crowd grow. I was pretty perturbed as well. I also wouldn't rate the game until I've beaten it on at least normal.
Most is just people raging over not been able to play and the lag when they playing by themselves. I got a friend key to play up to the first 10 lvl. I'll say if you like hack and slash you will like this. To me i prefer mmorpgs with open world rather than co-op, but i play it if i have a friend to play with but i defininally will never solo play D3. But thats just me, but ya overall game is good for what its built for.
Yep, pretty much all the above.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
The Hack and Slash aRPG game style isn't for everyone. The genre doesn't have mass appeal. I didn't like Diablo, or Diablo 2, or Titan Quest. There is just too much click and shoot monsters over and over and over and over. Some people like this but the majority probably don't. People will down rate games they don't like even if they are perfectly good games. A lot of WoW players probably wanted to try out D3 because they love Blizzard and didn't like the gameplay.
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now!
I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
1 & 2 are the deal breakers, and their pretty much enough in themselves to guarantee that i will never touch the game.
Eh, I think 4-5/10 is a fair score given how poor of a game it is in terms of quality.
Had this been released 10 years ago, it'd be a good game, but for todays standards it's rather poor in terms of nearly everything.
From graphics, to combat, to character customization it is absolutely mediore.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I think this happened because of how they marketed their game. None of their spots showed any gameplay. I don't doubt that people who never buy games got this and were disappointed that it was a hack & slash and not a FPS or something lol.
Reading some ratings on Amzon in Europe where the game gets a 2.5 rating, most give the game low ratings due to beeing forced to be online and the problems with it i.e. maintenace, lags aswell the shop system. The negative rating is therefore a lot about their business modell but also critics about the value for money, missing game innovations....
I have to agree. After playing PoE I found Diablo 3 unsatisfying. Sure it has great graphics, and story. It just isnt as fun as PoE... and at the end of the day, that is why I play games, to have fun.
Don't believe what others tell you to believe. Form your own opinion. I tried the beta, didn't like it personally, and moved on. But that doesn't mean it's a crap game... just not one that I particularly cared for.
1. That you have to be online with a single-player-game all the time and that this creates problems with lag, server-maintenace, downtime, etc, should be taken into account. Even if many players overreacted too much to the bad launch, it is a bad launch and there is still reason to be concerned.
2. If one is not a Diablo fan, he or she may be not attracted to this game, because its gameplay just looks boring. Klicking with your mouse around you, killing everything that comes close to you and always looting - tendinitis incoming! Compared to games like Skyrim or Assassin's Creed this looks embarrassing. Ok, you want to play together with other people? Have a look at TERA, it has much better graphics and a much better combat-system than Diablo 3.
3. True fans of Diablo 2 will miss a lot of things. While Diablo 2 was an evolution of Diablo 1, Diablo 3 looks more like they took a few steps backwards. In more than decade of developement they could not come up with some good fresh ideas?
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
There's so much random BS circling DIII atm that will make people dislike it, I am really not going to take any reviews seriously at the moment.
Starting from people ignorant of how servers work, to people complaining about single player (which doesn't exist), to DII fanboys who think DII was the end-all be-all of Hack&Slashes, there's really too much garbage in any reviews (or posts on this forum) to get an accurate idea of whether DIII itself is or isn't actually a good game.
My personal experience with it, though, has been very positive so far.
and wow 2.0 will still have a horrible release .. they will never learn. why should they? They are billionairs.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already