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Let me start out by saying I'm absolutely loving Diablo 3.... Right now I'm in act 1 of nightmare - level 36
I've had zero issues with the client personally
Now.... I've been searching the official blizzard Diablo 3 forums and other places... there are so many people who havn't been able to play the game do to incompatible video cards, driver issues, client issues, memory leaks, massive server lag (I've been experiancing this... 200 - 300 latency all day), On the asia server there are reports of characters being deleted with no explainations....
This is why blizzard needed to do WAY more with their Beta test... it was so restricting and minimal.
Now I understand that they didn't want to ruin the story by opening up the full game to the public... but it is absolutely necessary in the test process to allow people to explore and abuse the WHOLE game during beta to release a polished product.
From what I've PERSONALLY experianced the game is a 10/10 but others would clearly say otherwise... and based on their posts... I don't blame them.
What do you guys think?
Very depatable in my opinion.
Most of the issues people are having are not related to the actual gameplay and story, so I don't see how testing the whole storyline would have prevent these problems any more than the beta testing they did do.
Most of the issues are coming up because so many people are trying to cram onto the game servers at once and they aren't holding up to the strain. The number who can't run the game because of video card issues etc is going to be pretty small and you will always get a few people in this situation with PC gaming because no game can be designed to work on 100% of PCs with no issues because there are so many variables in specs, software, etc that can effect a game running smoothly.
The Enlightened take things Lightly