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Ok was werid when i just checked my account i have 43 left and ealier this morning i only had 13. My guess was something to do with the long GM chat in in live support. Pretty much I wanted to change my payment type from credit card to paypal and set up my plan to the 6month for 60 dollar plan. However when i go to manage sub and edit payment method it only askf or credit card. So after liek almost 1hr in live chat XD the GM cancelled my current plan and sent me a link to the sub plans offered and I brought the 6 month one. All worked out yaya =D but now i have 30 days extra o.o (coz while i locked in to the 6 month plan i don't get charged until my current sub ends) so I guess GM give me 30 day for free for all the trouble o.-? if so epic support =P but I guess most people already knew that =P Just want to rub in my free 30 days that may or may not just be an error but I want to think on the bright side =D
Always look on the bright side of life......
Lol lucky you.
I've seen some people post pics of the live support they are pretty awesome.
One guy accidentally looted an item and couldnt give it to his friend so the GM got the item and sent it to his friends mailbox. I was surprised.
This made me curious so I checked out and I also have 30days free.... :O maybe everyone got it? And I'm on EU server btw.
I'm on NA