Sadly, the thing that keeps WoW around and unfaced seem to be the overhyping gaming communities. Many of them yell diffrent stuff at any Expansion (WoTLK-player ), but actually only manage to show their total refusal to read the basics... Kung Fu Panda has nothing to do with pandas and monk's coming to WoW.
Blizzard tries to keep the game fresh, while suprising and overdoing the last Xpac. Taking any ingame race would be just copying the last one (Goblins and Worgens), and most importantly, would make "Vanilla" players uproar. And because of no new class they decide to include one, and make it new(-ish). Monk does change things enough...(Still Click & Numbers, sorry fanboys)
The Asia influence is partly due to Blizzard not using those themes, but it also is a bow to asian players. Anyone who watches the news regarding WoW might notice some issues with China...
Pokemon... I have nothing to counter it But it is just a mini-game, and therefore not a big deal
I'm agreeing with the community things, whenever i come back to WoW there are always friendly and cheerful people in my guild
Other games rarely achieve this,again, partly because of the hype. There will be more casual players, and more negative b*tches = when someone asks something they will be shot down in flames.
IF any MMO gets variety of players, who are helpful and friendly game will form a community.
All this BS about WoW killing actualy makes decent or better quality MMO's rarer, since there is that little fear of being named "WoW killer of 20XX"
So, i might've written a too long and offtopic message so the main points:
1.Pandarians and Monks aren't connected to Kung Fu Panda-series in anyway (maybe easter eggs somewhere ?)
2. Asian style and Pokemon are because it's something that Blizzard hasn't and needs to do.
3.Community=Players, Good Community=Long living game
(English isn't my 1st language, errors and such are likely )
Meh...I played the original WOW and went back after each expansion, but atleast right now I don't even feel a twinge of desire to return. The panda thing does not call to me.
I bought each expansion on release and played them for a couple of months. MoP offers nothing interesting to me. I think the only think to get me back at some point is a B2P model or maybe a Burning Legion expansion where we go to finish them off at their homeworld. They are the only baddy left that's interesting.
Is Diablo3 going to change consumer expectations? I mean, ignoring PvP and raiding for a moment, D3 takes the concept of spending your life on a gear grind with lots of sounds and animations and perfects it. Going back to WoW, don't players notice the sheer amount of time you spend holding the W key, waiting for something to happen, how monster fights are uniform aggro-and-grind? In short, one main thing that makes WoW addictive is now in competition with a more addictive version of the same gameplay. How will this competition alter WoW? (or am I just wildly overestimating the impact in my imagination?)
The reason I like D3 type games more than WOW is that WOW puts up false barriers to progression. Once you finish a raid you have to wait a week to try it again. You also have to schedule time out of your night to group with other people to get the best gear. Neither appeals to me anymore.
Originally posted by Xstatic912 @ Valua Well said, the mere fact Gw2 is free, that the main fact why it won't hurt wow sub numbers.
I hate that naive approach. How many people play two MMOs at the same time? Not a lot if at least one of them has a subscription. Sub free MMOs can certainly take subscribers away from sub based games. People don't have infinite time to play and casual players can't really make progress playing two at once.
Lots of people unsub to WOW to play other MMOs for a while. they just have a crazy churn rate, and they don't release separate US/EU sub numbers. that means we don't know how many actual monthly subbers have left only to be replaced by pay as you play asians in their totals.
Wow is not bad. it's just a game for little kids now. the simple talent trees the complete dumbing down of all content and mechanics.
I think it's still a good game for kids. my nephews were playing wizrd 101 but my sisters gonna let them play the panda expansion since they love kung-fu panda and po
This post just depressed me since it confirms my feeling that WoW is becoming more and more just a ridiculous kiddie game.
World of Warcraft has been the undisputed king of MMOs for many years but for the first time in its history, WoW is facing competition the likes of which it has never seen. In today's WoW Factor we take a look at that and how Mists of Pandaria might make a big difference in helping WoW keep its top spot. Read on!
from 2009 is 2nd and from april 2012 is 3rd
after world of tanks and 2nd life
fan of SWG, XCOM, Defiance, Global Agenda, Need For Speed, all Star Wars single player games. And waiting the darn STAR CITIZEN
Meh...I played the original WOW and went back after each expansion, but atleast right now I don't even feel a twinge of desire to return. The panda thing does not call to me.
4 AAAs in the past 2 years that were all missing something pushed me back.
Wow is not bad. it's just a game for little kids now. the simple talent trees the complete dumbing down of all content and mechanics.
I think it's still a good game for kids. my nephews were playing wizrd 101 but my sisters gonna let them play the panda expansion since they love kung-fu panda and po
This post just depressed me since it confirms my feeling that WoW is becoming more and more just a ridiculous kiddie game.
I left the game for the reasons he stated. After making my rounds, I realized that 75% of the big names released in the last two years simplified/dumbed down, streamlined beyond where WoW went.
I'm glad people are still finding a reason to log in, but this is the first expansion I won't be playing. I wasn't even interested in Cata, my guild was just going on ahead and I didn't want to get left behind.
Sadly, the thing that keeps WoW around and unfaced seem to be the overhyping gaming communities. Many of them yell diffrent stuff at any Expansion (WoTLK-player ), but actually only manage to show their total refusal to read the basics... Kung Fu Panda has nothing to do with pandas and monk's coming to WoW.
Blizzard tries to keep the game fresh, while suprising and overdoing the last Xpac. Taking any ingame race would be just copying the last one (Goblins and Worgens), and most importantly, would make "Vanilla" players uproar. And because of no new class they decide to include one, and make it new(-ish). Monk does change things enough...(Still Click & Numbers, sorry fanboys)
The Asia influence is partly due to Blizzard not using those themes, but it also is a bow to asian players. Anyone who watches the news regarding WoW might notice some issues with China...
Pokemon... I have nothing to counter it But it is just a mini-game, and therefore not a big deal
I'm agreeing with the community things, whenever i come back to WoW there are always friendly and cheerful people in my guild
Other games rarely achieve this,again, partly because of the hype. There will be more casual players, and more negative b*tches = when someone asks something they will be shot down in flames.
IF any MMO gets variety of players, who are helpful and friendly game will form a community.
All this BS about WoW killing actualy makes decent or better quality MMO's rarer, since there is that little fear of being named "WoW killer of 20XX"
So, i might've written a too long and offtopic message so the main points:
1.Pandarians and Monks aren't connected to Kung Fu Panda-series in anyway (maybe easter eggs somewhere ?)
2. Asian style and Pokemon are because it's something that Blizzard hasn't and needs to do.
3.Community=Players, Good Community=Long living game
(English isn't my 1st language, errors and such are likely )
I bought each expansion on release and played them for a couple of months. MoP offers nothing interesting to me. I think the only think to get me back at some point is a B2P model or maybe a Burning Legion expansion where we go to finish them off at their homeworld. They are the only baddy left that's interesting.
The reason I like D3 type games more than WOW is that WOW puts up false barriers to progression. Once you finish a raid you have to wait a week to try it again. You also have to schedule time out of your night to group with other people to get the best gear. Neither appeals to me anymore.
I hate that naive approach. How many people play two MMOs at the same time? Not a lot if at least one of them has a subscription. Sub free MMOs can certainly take subscribers away from sub based games. People don't have infinite time to play and casual players can't really make progress playing two at once.
Lots of people unsub to WOW to play other MMOs for a while. they just have a crazy churn rate, and they don't release separate US/EU sub numbers. that means we don't know how many actual monthly subbers have left only to be replaced by pay as you play asians in their totals.
i agree - a new conflict with Sargeras would have me returning
EQ2 fan sites
This post just depressed me since it confirms my feeling that WoW is becoming more and more just a ridiculous kiddie game.
from 2009 is 2nd and from april 2012 is 3rd
after world of tanks and 2nd life
4 AAAs in the past 2 years that were all missing something pushed me back.
I left the game for the reasons he stated. After making my rounds, I realized that 75% of the big names released in the last two years simplified/dumbed down, streamlined beyond where WoW went.