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Rift is a game that's been out for over 1yr. now and I've been seeing many comments saying, "People still play this game?', here are the top 3 reasons why people still play Rift.
1. Rapid content updates Rift has been out for only 14 months and they've already had 8 major patches and a expansion announced. While SWTOR has been out for 6 months and has had only 2 major patches. When Rift was out in the first 6 months they've had 4 major patches meaning Rift is working 2x faster then SWTOR.
2. Great Endgame Many reasons why people have quite SWTOR has been because of endgame. Endgame determines how long the game will really hold you. So what is Rifts endgame, they have... 8 raids (4 major raids) 10 dungeons (all playable on expert mode, and more difficult modes) 4 chronicles (solo duo dungeons) Instant adventure (instanced grouped quests), and the regular Rifts and Invasions.
3. Beyond leveling Rift has a system called, "Planar Attunement" this feature lets you level in a whole new way. With all the experience you get by doing Rifts, Invasions, Raids etc. It turns into; lets call it "Attuenment Points" which you can spend on to make your character stronger. ( Planar Attunement is avaliable at lvl 50 only)
These are only 3 reasons why people still play Rift, put your opinions down below on what you think on the topic.
I like to be able to just go out into the world and start a raid rift with my friends and guild.
The artwork in the game is very well done in my opinion.
Artifcats are chill and keep me searching for them.
The puzzles are interesting. The one in Stillmoor took me a while because the bats wouldn't go in their cages.
I'm playing the trial and at level 10 I've already done a couple of rifts. And I have to say that I am really enjoying myself. People talk about Tera's graphics, but I think Rift's are as good if not better. Very fun game so far....
I still play Rift. I like how you can be doing something one second and the game totally changes the next when an invasion comes or something else. I'm almost never doing the same thing hour to hour.
Rift is a good game.
The issue is many of the readers on this site are sick and tired of the classic themepark formula.
So it gets more of a negative opinion overall on this site.
If you ever read what ciritics write about RIFT its always good.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
It is interesting looking at the OP post history (all 15 of them) how they all are about Rift or against SWTOR.
So basically this is a Rift vs SWTOR the thread. I played Rift for about 2 months and have not looked back at that game. I have played ToR the whole time it has been out and it has just about the same amount of major Raids and Instances as Rift, to my dislike. ToR has it's issues but it is not as bad as people around here make it. People had doomed this game from the moment it was announced, so it is no suprise that it's not pulling WoW numbers. I for one do not see why devs and players feel that an MMO has to have 10s of millions of players. Back in the 90s a MMO was glad to have 10k players, and in comes WoW to upset the balance of things, and on a side note Rift is in the same boat as ToR. At least EA/BW has the balls to post their sub numbers whether that be real or fake. I havent seen sub numbers for Rift since that game been out, but than they hide behind the private company bit. So they do not have to disclose that information.
Except, by the time SWTOR hits the 6th month mark it will have had 3 major content patches.
Instead of worrying about SWTOR a fan of Rift should be worrying about why their retention is so poor.
1. the opinion I think is overall positive on this site, compared to what most games get
2. critics write nothing but good things about swtor too
Just comparing them
I wasn'nt attempting to write this so people like Rift better I was just comparing the two.
LOL i wish i was paid, I'm just giving out my opinion.
The real top reason why people still play Rift is: new people. Most people like Rift but are bored after 2-3 months. They leave. New people take their place.
The expansion may change this for a short while, because people will return to try the new content.
The problem of Rift is that its end game content and combat system are not good enough to retain subscribers very long, while replayabilty of Rift is very poor.
It takes one to know one.
That is your opinion but not fact.
Combat isn't fluid enough and the lore/voice work is so grabass and cheesy it feels like a daytime television soap opera turned fantasy.
They're a good company, and of the games released since that other game came out Rift is still the better.
Yeah i was wavering in thought up untill about a month ago, whether this was the right game to keep investing time into, having played from start and enjoyed it most of the way, after the good news i can safely say it is. After about a year and a half of game release, there tripling the game world? that is totally awesome, also seeing as there only adding 10 levels its most likely most of the world will be for endgame, which makes things a hell of a lot better.
I new this game was the one to play, currently the best mmo out at the moment is: RIFT
And thats a fact, if anyone else disagree's with that one simple fact then what they say is just a belief, true belief may become knowledgte in their eyes, but the truth, that is rift, is a whole nother story.
I notice that your account date started the same month............ (edit by me) don't want to imply anything fishy.. lol
rift might be a good game but still loseing players most servers are just has empty as SWTOR with some guilds merging just to be able to do a 10-20 man raid but for content rift wins hands down my self i just can not get into the game i keep trying
losing people, hell im actually signing up to play it along with SWTOR, STO, and SWGemu
Pre-ordered and maintained a sub ever since. I play maybe 10 hours a month but it's some of my happiest gaming time every month.
Can't recommend it enough. It came out at the height of anything even remotely WoW-esque which hurt the initial opinion. However, it was a great refinement of MMORPG mechanics and has been a huge success for Trion. Kudos.
cause they like the game i guess?:)
havcnt tried th game yet but will as soon as i can afford a new comp
It's a good game + 3 factions pvp coming soon + new xpak on the horizon.
PigEye McNasty
My reasons for resubbing to rift(today).
1. GW2 Beta, while incredibly fun, felt very alien to me in many of its mechanics. Made me realize that while i might be a bit tired of the plain old holy trinity gameplay, its still something im very comfortable with.
2. It gets great support by trion. I find it hard to get into dead/dying games, like vanguard or WHO. I don't dislike them, infact i would probably enjoy them but if i don't see a dedicated team behind the game it seems like a waste of time. Part of the fun in MMOs for me is the constant renewal they get with updates and patches, its really mandatory for me to even consider paying a sub.
3. Its a very complete game, instances, raids, BG, LFG tool, BGs and dynamic world events. SWTOR, all gloom and doom aside, is still a very young game with quite a ways to go if it wants to compete with rift or WoW purely on features.
4. I agree with the basic design decisions of the game. Like how they try to implement 3 faction pvp etc. Im not saying the way they do it is the holy grail, but its a way i can get behind. Opposite would be the changes blizzard plans with MoP, or the overly strong focus on cinematic VO story in SWTOR. Doesn't mean the game is dead to me, but if i don't agree with the decisions the devteam makes im alot less likely to play their game.
I have loved Rift since the beta and I've been a paying customer but I am starting to get tired of it.
Mainly because of one reason: Balance!
Rift has 32 souls that can be combined in all sort of ways and most people can live with some slight inbalance with a system like that.
But now after a year you can understand that Trion has no idea how to balance the souls after 8 patches of nerfs and buffs.
The problem is now that the nerfs and buffs have been over the top in most cases meaning that some souls have been awsome one month and the worst the next, and after a year it still that more than half of the souls s u c k s and a few is totally awsome!
Rift doesnt have 32 souls when it comes to pve raiding or high end pvp, it more or less have about 10-12.
Rift is one of the better mmo out right now (as far as themeparks go anyway). I really enjoy being hunted by NPCs (makes the game feel least more so than others which I know isn't saying much). I'm still looking for than game which really feels alive. You know, the one where when it rains, things actually get wet. When it storms, we really have lightning, that really strikes the ground (or other stuff) and is can catch fire. A game that has fog, fog that really rolls in. Their are hundreds of games and each one has it's own great feature. Someone just needs to bring them all together. Untill then, I guess Rift it is unless someone can tell me of this great game I seek.................maybe I should just learn and create it myself...........waiting on a billion dallor company to do it may never happen.
I enjoy Rift. I have been playing for 3-4 months now. I guess it does get a little boring at times, but what MMO doesn't? There is always new content so it is pretty decent. You have to raid to enjoy the game. If you don't raid... the game will suck. Personally I only play MMOs to raid, so I'm ok with that.
There are people in my guild who have been playing since release and other people who have been playing for over a year, so the statement about how everyone quits after 2-3 months is totally false. Personally I have already been playing longer than that and have no intention of quitting soon. I enjoy the raiding.
I am really looking forward to the expac. I am excited about the new soul each class will get. That will really make the game interesting.