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Since 1 week im going out with my girlfriend... she told me that she love me... then told me that she love me for live. But there is something im suspecting... Maybe im crazy but i dont think so. She always hug other guys and at school i rarely see her ( i dont know why she dont want )...Thats pissing me off... Today i've know of 2 of her friend think im ugly but my Gf told them she love me because i respect her and im not like other guys ( I know how to really love and not always sex ). I saw her only once today. Now i just called her for talking and she wasnt even listening. I was telling her that i was searching her in school with some friend and i didnt find her... She answered that: I have a life and im all around just try to find me... Im not crazy i think.. she just dont love me anymore i think. I dont know what to do... i love her and suspecting alot. Some friend told me that she like another guy but my gf say no its only you since i go out with you. Anyone can help me before i kill the next guy who pass next to me ? Oh and sorry for my bad english.


  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    umm well how old are you?
    like 15?
    talk to your girlfriend about hugging other dudes... thats not cool in my book
    man you guys have been going out a week and she said she loved you and know your not even talking in the halls?? thats different ::::12::
    most of the time friends are just being gay about that kinda thing unless its like a best friend
    just remember theres always other people out there and dont worry about if people say your ugly and stuff!::::28::

  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239

    ya wanna know the truth????? love before the age of 20=divorce.

    dude my x was sort of totally crazy, but a nice girl who would talk to me on the phone. and we went out a lot, but she never said "i love you".

    personally i think ur gf is totally nuts to say that after a week of going out. MAYBE if u had grown up together as kids and stuff. but if not shes totally nuts. most people confuse strong feeling of emotional,mental, and physical attraction to love. and this is why the divorce rate is at 50%. dude the fact is that Love only happens once a lifetime, and dont miss the oppurtunity, but make sure it is the actual thing. not just attraction.

    give me more details and i can help.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    well if hes only in high school as it sounds
    then marriage isnt even an issue
    shes just being a regular girl who isnt happy with what shes got
    if she doenst like you any more try to move on to new and better things
    "its better to live and loved then to not loved at all"
    dont know who said that!

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    16 friday... I talked to her about hugging other guys and she said she would stop.. but she continue... In the halls i cant find her... today i saw her only once and it was this morning.. she gived me back my Polar and kissed me then showed me to her friends.  I know i dont have to worry about people who say im ugly... all i want its my GF ( she is 14 in sec 1 ).
  • MalicusMalicus Member Posts: 307
    If you want her to keep "loving" you dump her and make it public(or at least threaten it)...lets say on the grounds of hugging other guys. If she doesnt cry and make a scene then well she was lying or confused and basically imo is a waste of time. If she does get upset take her back on your terms. Take the high road and use psychology thats my advice. Good luck
  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239

    dude my X and i had a funny relationship. one time her twin sister pretended to be her, and apparently my X thought this was "funny", but i figured it out by the way she moved was totally different, the way she walked. i am one of those people who can tell whos approaching by sound, so i figured it out and called my gfs cell phone and low and behond it was on her. and not on her twin sister who had fooled me. they both had two different numbers u see.

    then apparently my X thought i was "special" for being able to figure this out, and thing sgot even weirder.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    Basically, if you have a problem with her, no matter what age or whatever it is, if its reasonable, yet she still continues...just find yourself a new woman. Its all about communication. I've learned that the hard way.

  • punchlinepunchline Member Posts: 544

    Originally posted by Vampyr
    dude my X and i had a funny relationship. one time her twin sister pretended to be her, and apparently my X thought this was "funny", but i figured it out by the way she moved was totally different, the way she walked. i am one of those people who can tell whos approaching by sound, so i figured it out and called my gfs cell phone and low and behond it was on her. and not on her twin sister who had fooled me. they both had two different numbers u see.
    then apparently my X thought i was "special" for being able to figure this out, and thing sgot even weirder.

    i dont think thats possible my good friend

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67

    Tomorrow i will not go see her or anything.. not even call her.. if i dont see she tried to communicate with me i will understand and tell her its finish directly in school: I was really loving you ... I would have do anything for you. I dont have even limits and i would have always respect you! Go search somewhere else i dont think you are the one for me.


    All i want would be one who would really love me and not dump me like all my ex...

  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239
    lots of things are possible. i have sensitive hearing, so i can tell the difference in footsteps. anyone can be trained to do it. it has mainly to do with how far apart peope's feet are when they walk, how fast they walk, how hard their feet hit the ground. if u watch carefully this is different in every person. try it and ull actually notice a difference, i got the idea from forensics, they can actually guess who made what footprint by what i described even if its a different shoe. then i learned how to do it, but certain things can throw u off, like mud.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    Oh and im french and she is too... ( just for say.. )
  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    Dr. Phil - Cmk, I'd just go and see how she acts for the next week or so. Give the love another week! Just tell her again that its bothering you and she how she acts the next couple days.


    that's what I'd do.

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    If i send someone talk with her... maybe it will more work than with me. And if i dump her she will lost some of my friends
  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    Communication is key. Just go and talk to you instead of your friend.
    Easier. Simplier.

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    I've tried... she is not telling me everything like she does to my friend.
  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    Oh yeah, honesty is the second key. shes saying different things to your friend than what she is saying to you?


  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239
    one word my friend. Contacts. just ask her friends, her friends freinds, etc. they will know things it wont be 100 percent reliable, but sometimes it pays off.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    Like the thing about the other guy she loved right before i say yes to her about going out with her. She is telling me that she have me now and there is only me.. and my friend say she still love the other guy.
  • Iceman12321Iceman12321 Member Posts: 992

    Nevermind what I said before.
    Start out new.
    Get yourself a new woman.

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    Damn another 6 month to 1 year to wait.. i dont have chance heh
  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087

    it sounds like she's a fairly young girl. my opinion is that she's still into hormones and probably doesn't truly love you. go up to her and cut her down for no reason and see how much she loves you. true love (love for life) lasts for life even in the bad times. i'd say she'd still like flirting with other guys but probably respects you the most (though she could end the relationship at any moment). at any rate, dont believe anything i say, just consider it.

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    Ok so i will wait max till wednesday to see what will happen then i will drop her off i f i dont have any answer of her till there because i will not try to contact her or anything. And yea its true what you say... im older than her too. Eh damn i refused to another girl just for her too and its too late now.
  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087

    Eh damn i refused to another girl just for her too and its too late now.

    that's not bad at all. it shows you have quality of character. you should take pride in that.

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

  • CmkslivtCmkslivt Member Posts: 67
    I cant say im nice etc... im normal and i know how to love... i even have a web site with french poems i did and wrote myself ( 101 wrote ) about love... my life. Love sucks damn
  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087
    The last girlfriend I've had was when I was three. Very first and very last. I still remember that her name was Joline and I believe she had black hair. But, I gave up on serious relationships a while back and now I acknowledge that I actually have grown independent of any relationship beyond friendship. It still would be cool to have the perfect girlfriend, but I'm not going to go searching for one. The truth is that I'm content being alone since I'm usually too tired for any other lifestyle. Being a loner is a little hard sometimes but I'd much rather be alone than feel like I had some bonding obligation to another person. image The human mind is very adaptable, but if you've got the energy for a relationship - go for it.

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

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