If at all possible I would very much enjoy a CBT Key. I absolutely enjoy the game and would not let it go to waste. Thank you in advance! (Pm if possible. If not, I will be watching thread)
It's kinda sad that I know I will get to play TSW again this weekend, and possibly headstart the following weekend- but after playing a few days ago this is the ONLY game I desire to play. Diablo III is collecting dust, i still have a few days left on TERA trial but uninstalled that heap yesterday.
argh, i tried it 1 minute after posted to no avail! who snatched this key? *scold
congrats above
I would be happy if anyone has a spare CBT key to PM me. Will ofc remember you for any future keys to other game I would recieve!
If at all possible I would very much enjoy a CBT Key. I absolutely enjoy the game and would not let it go to waste. Thank you in advance! (Pm if possible. If not, I will be watching thread)
A closed beta key for someone. Have fun!
Thank you I know a lot were going after it i won this one.
Congratz! I hope I can snag one. I am very excited about the game and am very hungry to play it haha.
I lolve the people, who barely registered just for this, but I guess it's commendable they at least drop by and say thanks
Here's one key, i'll post another one later....so one person doesn't take two!
arrrgh! haha. I've been refreshing this thread for the past hour and I keep missing the keys by 1 min! Blah. Congratz to whoever got it!
Welcome to MMORPG.COM and BETA KEY PVP !
Missed it, I tried around 30 seconds after the post.
The winner should have the courtesy of at least dropping by
Are you serious ? XD
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
Here's the other key:
gl and hf!
LOL, I was busy looking at the lovely lady in the pic above so I wasn't refreshing the page...
Same. Sad Panda Face.
"Good, honorable gamers will continue to fit the bill for the poor and lower classed people. It's just a sign of the times." ~ Anonymous. Lakexeno.com
LOL, Oh well. I will keep checking the thread, but look at it this way. The "everyone can play" beta weekend is this weekend... so it could be worse.
It's kinda sad that I know I will get to play TSW again this weekend, and possibly headstart the following weekend- but after playing a few days ago this is the ONLY game I desire to play. Diablo III is collecting dust, i still have a few days left on TERA trial but uninstalled that heap yesterday.
3 days of TSW closed beta or bust.
Had to sign up. TY
Sorry to the others, gl
Thank you!
I didn't realize I had to choose upgrade my existing account or add key to new one. ARGH I was too late lol
Arghhhh, the code passed then I didn't realise I had to choose create a new acc or upgrade the one I had lol.
I am so NOT on a roll Thanks for sharing though, sooner or later I shall prevail!
Oh for real!? Hell yea.
You brightened my day good sir.
"Good, honorable gamers will continue to fit the bill for the poor and lower classed people. It's just a sign of the times." ~ Anonymous. Lakexeno.com
Thanks for the post Spartan!
GRRRR. I went and checked the code 30 seconds after you posted. haha. i was 30 seconds to late!!?!
You sir, are my alltime favourite person right now
TYVM !!!