www.TBWgaming.com Planetside 2 Recruitment Open
The Black Watch is now accepting new members in preparation for Planetside 2. TBW plans to have significant participation in PS 2's beta. Our goal is to become a major force within PS 2 by utilizing the established infrastructure and organization that we are known for in all of our games. TBW is accepting recruits from all walks of life ranging from casual to hardcore-noobs to vets. We are students, family men and women, military veterans, and working class people. Above all, we are passionate and excited about Planetside 2. Our leadership team is experienced, mature, understanding, and will be in constant contact when out of game via the iOS and Android PS 2 app. We plan to have full API integration with our website which is constantly updated. The outfit is organized into multiple divisions: Mobile Infantry, Armored Calvary, and Fleet Support. We understand that real life is your first priority and no member will be left behind due to goings on in the real world. We are a player driven community and hope you will consider joining our ranks. If you are an exceptionally outgoing and helpful individual, we also hope you consider pursuing our officer program. We look forward to having you fight side by side with us. Apply for membership at www.tbwgaming.com About The Black Watch
The Black Watch is an established multi-gaming community. We are a mature, tight-knit and easy going group. Our members are friendly, helpful, and range from casual to hardcore. We are accepting of anyone who shares our core values of teamwork and community. We have active groups in World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Diablo 3. Planetside 2is our next major venture. In each game we have the same goal: To build a thriving community and to establish ourselves as a respected and positive force within the game. Whether you have been gaming for years or if this is your first outfit, TBW welcomes ALL who share a passion for gaming in a productive environment. Elitists need not apply.
Although we strive to push the edge of content in every game we enter, we also understand that real life always takes precedent over the game. YOU dictate your playtime and your play style. We have members in every US timezone as well as some in EU.
The Black Watch Offers:
-An established, active, and helpful membership-
-Competent, fair, and experienced leadership-
-Voice Comms (Ventrillo and Mumble)-
-Regularly scheduled operation groups-
-Active and informative forums-