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Well, the buisness suits who run blizzard have come out with what a lot of us know...D3 has no endgame and should only be played through once or twice at most, and here is their offical txt on the matter:
"We recognize that the item hunt is just not enough for a long-term sustainable end-game. There are still tons of people playing every day and week, and playing a lot, but eventually they're going to run out of stuff to do (if they haven't already). Killing enemies and finding items is a lot of fun, and we think we have a lot of the systems surrounding that right, or at least on the right path with a few corrections and tweaks. But honestly Diablo III is not World of Warcraft. We aren't going to be able to pump out tons of new systems and content every couple months. There needs to be something else that keeps people engaged, and we know it's not there right now.
We're working toward 1.0.4, which we're really trying to pack with as many fixes and changes we can to help you guys out (and we'll have a bunch of articles posted with all the details as we get closer), and we're of course working on 1.1 with PvP arenas. I think both those patches will do a lot to give people things to do, and get them excited about playing, but they're not going to be a real end-game solution, at least not what we would expect out of a proper end-game. We have some ideas for progression systems, but honestly it's a huge feature if we want to try to do it right, and not something we could envision being possible until well after 1.1 which it itself still a ways out."
It's no WoW folks...we all need to move on from it acording to Blizzard.
Does that mean D3 is a fail... feel free to discuss folks
Your conclusions are so fail I dont know how to respond...
There is absolutely nothing in the blue text to support anything I marked red. In fact, more is mentioned to counter your statement than confirm it.
Hmm ... a SP/MP action RPG that last me for more than a month .. i will count that as a success.
Of course it has no end game. It is not a MMO. Why do people think games need to last forever?
I just think it's funny. They try to spin it like it's an epiphany of some sort. How much do they lie to themselves... That's not the type of game they made. The fact that they are still trying to patch in launch features like PvP offers me zero hope that Blizzard will ever be the Blizzard I revered long ago. This ego stroking over a game they think is more than it is or was ever designed to be makes me wish the new owner institues mandatory drug screening.
how about since they posted that the blues have been silent the masses on the diablo 3 forums are getting so wound up that they are at a digital feeding frenzy. The only thing that is gonna save Diablo is going to be PVP and If blizzard was smart and wanted to make more money they would offer pvp tournments and prizes. And oh yeah fix their game.
The fact of the matter is that Diablo 2 gameplay was good when it first came out. For a company of Blizzards funding to assume that the same gameplay can fly in the current gaming industry is a amateur mistake and not becoming of the ten ton gorilla.
This game should have been priced at $20 given what they really offered. Harder difficulities and item grinds gameplay became old when Blizzard decided to do it with WoW year after year after expansion after year. The wheel is broken, please fix it.
Ummm everyone knows a good game needs endgame regardless of its genre. Endgame and PvP, thats what makes a game good.
I love snails.
I love every kinda snail.
I just want to hug them all, but I cant.
Cant hug every snail.
It is not like the game is not selling. They sold 6.5M (excluding WOW annual pass) in the first week so probably they are already in the black.
I don't think anyone needs to "save" diablo 3. People should just play it for what it is .. a fun hack-n-slash that last for a while.
That's not enough for Blizzard though. They have to keep the servers running for a long time with it being an online only game or face the customer PR wrath. They also have yet to sell an expansion for the game. All of this current mode is to ensure an expansion sells. They still are feeling out the RMAH for future inclusion in products. And lastly, I'm sure that bottom line is blurry from rebates and charge backs.
I don't care if the game is great or awful, Blizzard's implementation on this game has been horrible in almost every area.
diablo 3 is total crap. I played it for about 10 minutes. What a peice of shit game.
A Hack&Slash doesn't have viable "endgame".
Oh wait.
It's a Hack&Slash.
Old news but yeah, they treated this game like it was WoW lite with a RMAH. Disappointed big time.
Grim Dawn, the next great action rpg!
I truely feel that they had no idea what to do with Diablo 3 at all. It's been 12 years since 2, at least 4 years since they began developement, and it's on its 3rd month of being released. Yet still all the game has is one extremely quick (boring/straight forward) storyline. Also no reason, in it's current state, to even play through all the difficulties, except to make blizz money via auction house, which is the dumbest edition to any game I have ever seen.
Viable end game? That assumes that it was a viable game to begin with.
The whole thing is just a naked cash grab and nothing more. It's an awful game using a beloved IP designed around the RMAH. By far the worst $100 I've ever spent in my adult life. I would have shipped it off and gotten a full refund if it weren't for the buddy keys I gave away when I opened it and I'm honestly jealous of everyone who managed to get a refund for that piece of shit in a white box.
Yes, I'm mad. I hope the entire company tanks for creating this piece of shit, and that the lead(s) never work in the industry again. Oh, and that whoever decided to switch from making quality, long-lasting, replayable games to making the game equivalent of a low-quality Gucci knock-off gets acquainted with the business end of a fast-moving bus.
Man that's so sad, I loved the endgame in previous Diablos. Rivalled Bejeweled's.
Here's what i'm hearing in this thread:
1: it doesn't need saving because selling a large quantity = quality automagically.
2: it's not an mmo and therefore doesn't need a quality end game or pvp to succeed.
3: the game is hack and slash so it doesn't need an end game. (despite the obvious and entirely too short storyline)
All of which are logical fallacies and have nothing to do with the reality of the problems with this title.
1: it was released way too early
2: it wasn't given enough content for the main arch story
3: it wasn't given enough randomization and side questing to do to take players off the beaten path
4: with blatant greed blizzard focused on the RMAH and in an effort to control the market before launch of the rmah they suddenly changed the drop rate on items even from bosses nerfing them into oblivion
5: despite their claims the new talent system does not work and brings nothing fun to the table that D2 had
6: they tried to let this game ride solidly on nostalgia alone.
at some point the rest of you will catch up and realize just how right we are when we say these things. meanwhile, we await to see what they will do with this title to fix the issues if those of us who are waiting are playing at all at that point.
You shouldn't use the big words if you don't know what they mean. Every single point in your post is an opinion presented as truth.
You might want to have your 'hearing' checked then, because no one in this thread (other than you) has said anything even remotely like this.
Straw Man arguments make your position look weaker, not stronger.
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Eh, if it had actually provided progressively harder difficulties which farmed progressively better items which let you make it to the next step up, I would probably still be playing it.
But it didn't actually do that is one of the game's main problems. (Although if D3 is a "failure", then please ship more failures, game companies, because I had a blast for the moderate length of time I did play it.) Instead what we got is a game which was too easy for the early game (no difficulty options) and deadend at Act 2 inferno's massive difficulty increase, leaving you to farm Act 1 Inferno. Then they "fixed" the difficulty increase but openly posted numbers indicating that farming Act 1 repeatedly seemed mathematically superior for earning items (instead of, logically, the hardest content you can tackle always providing the best rate of rewards.)
It's definitely something Blizzard struggles with. Even WOW's XP system is hurt by it (you level way faster against super easy -2 level mobs than you would if you challenged yourself with mobs 2+ above your level.) But to be fair, the entire MMORPG genre struggles with balancing rate of reward with challenge (CoX is the only MMORPG I know of to make it worthwhile to challenge yourself.)
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
No Blizzy, this is Diablo, not WoW.
You don't need endgame.
You need replayability, DIablo 3 has none.
Not an MMO people, it's a single player game. They tend to have a start, a middle and an end, not some ongoing treadmill. That's the reserve of MMO's. Why is anyone surprised by this?
Always thought the endgame was the RMAH buying and selling.
On one hand I understand ppl who say "wait a min, WTF we need endgame in a singleplayer game?"
On the other hand, it's a forced always online connection without ANY multiplayer options other than co-op. Unless they added the PVP, or battle arena maps, or just about anything else besides the RMAH.
Like I've said many times, not a diablo veteran so I dont' know how it went down in D1 and 2 but this is 2012 so I suspect it should have at least what the earlier versions had.
Skyrim does not have end-game and yet millions of people playing it for months and over 100 hours. Blizzard making excuse for not having enough content in the first place and they blame it on not having a viable end-game for players to do.
Comparing to Skyrim, D3 content is very tiny and re-playing skyrim from starting were more fun than playing D3 repeating the same tiny content but on different difficulties.
Well, at least you gave it a solid try! Way to go champ!!
Once upen a time a small company created one of THE most epic games of all times.
Rock and Roll Racing
Warcraft 1 - 2 - 3
Vanila World of Warcraft
Then the small company turned into a suit full of hungry money wolf's.
Payed services made sure server popualation became unbalanced and realm transfer made sure that if your server was dying out you got 3 options, pay 25 euro a char to leave that server, stick in a ghostown, or /quit.
They gave Blizzards leadership to the wrong people who have no hearth for games, but only think in terms of profit.
After TBC expansion i realy started to notice a diffrence in Blizzard attitude and design choices.
It was once the best gaming studio on earth, Blizzard = Electronic Arts now.
Arcade money grabbing rapers.
Ashame tough, it was one of the last good studio's.