I'm with you OP. I spent 30 hours in the game and never had a single moment where I felt I was having fun. Sure, the environments can be okay, the cutscenes are great, and the skill system rocks, but the entire game feels dated and boring. You would have to pay me to log back in.
wait wait so you spent 30 hours in a game where you did not have any fun?
Thats like somone pissing on you and you not moving out the way..
Well to be fair....if he would have said he came to that conclusion after an hour someone else would take him to task over that.
Seems he gave it an effort.
Just his taste in games sucks :P
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I'm with you OP. I spent 30 hours in the game and never had a single moment where I felt I was having fun. Sure, the environments can be okay, the cutscenes are great, and the skill system rocks, but the entire game feels dated and boring. You would have to pay me to log back in.
wait wait so you spent 30 hours in a game where you did not have any fun?
Thats like somone pissing on you and you not moving out the way..
Well to be fair....if he would have said he came to that conclusion after an hour someone else would take him to task over that.
Seems he gave it an effort.
Just his taste in games sucks :P
For those who dislike games that are different, theres like 100+ games out there that all do stuff the same...so at least having that taste in games isnt hurting his gaming ability...so hes got that going for him....which is good.
I think a lot of people find learning a painful and unfun activity, which i can see a lot of players getting turned off by a game that tosses it up a bit and forces you to learn new mechanics and pay attention ect.
I would love to help the OP understand why I play TSW, but I can't. Everyone's tastes are different, for me it's just plain FUN. I don't know how long I will play it or how long it will remain fun. I believe we all play it because it's fun for us. If it's not your taste, nothing anyone can say will change that.
I accept MMO's are made a particular way....always....I'm ok with that.
As well as,
Fps are all similiar
Single player RPG's are all similiar
RTS are all similiar
Games are games, different stories, different graphics, but in essence all games are what they are. You either enjoy that genre or you don't. Really, I'm ok with that. Playing with my friends and guildmates and enjoying the setting are all that really matter to me.
OP's computer sucks, end of story. Upgrade your calculator or whatever you use for gaming and then come back and say its bland. this game has by far the most immersive environment and storyline i've encountered in an mmorpg (on par with gw2).
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Why do you care? I think the game is fun so I play it. I like the story, the ability wheel, and the setting. Tell me some games you play and I'll ask you why you play them. [mod edit]
[mod edit]
I suspect the OP is a very thinly veiled attempt to bash the game despite the fact that he stated otherwise. [mod edit] If someone told me they liked Battletoads for the SNES I wouldn't try to understand why because it makes absolutely no difference. I don't read reviews or listen to critics. I go try something for myself and decide if it is something I will enjoy. Imagine that. A human who is capable of independant thought. Do you know why I don't try to understand other peoples choices in something as insignificant as video games? Because it does not matter in the slightest. It is far too subjective to be of any use to me.
[mod edit]
This statement is simply not true... Many of the online games out there today have features that are similar or share some kind of common ground. To say it does not matter is what is inane, it is not necessarily 'all' subjective, much of it is based on some kind of factual argument such as, "they use bars in the game and I don't like to see buttons, or a mini-map, or whatevers." or "The combat involves standing still and is based on a percentage roll to see if you actually hit rather than actually aiming." That's what these forums are for if you haven't noticed.
"Do you know why I don't try to understand other peoples choices in something as insignificant as video games?"
To take your stance on your question that's a stupid question. Who cares? Seriously, if you don't like that people "post" on these forums go somewhere else and save us the eyesore of reading your crap.
GW2 didn't impress me all that much yet many people rave about it. Different strokes and all that. I'm enjoying TSW a lot and its the best MMO I've played in years.
I refuse to by into any statement that TSW is the best game they've played in years, but I'm glad you like it!
TSW is the best themepark MMO I've played since pre-NGE SWG, and that's like 8 years ago...
I dunno why people wanna keep bringing EA into it.All EA did was publish it not the first company who has had another gaming company publish there game out.Turbine did it a few years ago and SOE released a expansion for them.
I don't understand how anyone plays entirely instanced games and pretend they're MMOs.
Much less Funcom WoW clones.
I loved instanced based coop games. I don't care what name you want to give them. I wouldn't even need a mmo if there were great 4 player coop RPG's. That said, I can dig a good "traditional" MMO. FWIW, the list here at MMORPG, many aren't traditional. Not sure why we have to be so narrow in scope. I tend to apprecaite many varieties if they are done right.
I dunno why people wanna keep bringing EA into it.All EA did was publish it not the first company who has had another gaming company publish there game out.Turbine did it a few years ago and SOE released a expansion for them.
I actually need help understanding why people DON'T play TSW, as it's the most feature-complete and different MMORPG out there (comparing launch quantity/ quality). It's just Guild Wars 2 fanboys being jealous that a better game came along to steal their precious thunder.
Lot of people think they want to play an MMO but they really just want don't want to seem like lonly poeple as they single player games. So they play these new "mmos" where people play the same game by themselves at the same time.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
Now on the other side of the coin, I have been begging them to make a game for real gamers again, something that takes a brain to play, TSW is a pretty good attempt at creating a game for real gamers, by real I mean geek gamers, the smart people. I mean so far I have had to learn morse code, and binary just to get past a few quests, and Im barely into the game.
You actually learned binary and morse code? Sorrow's sexy AND smart. Nice. I just downloaded an app on my phone that read morse code and went to this site for the binary. I guess I'm an underachiever.....
Well, it's "Impressive" for me mainly because of the Storyin this game, and it is amazing. Most of us are bored of the predictable fantasy orc/elf crap and want something new. If you're playing MMO's just to grind your way to the top for bragging rights, well then that's your cup of tea. But, most TSW players that I know of including myself, loves a good story within the game and Ragnar and his team of writers at Funcom has done an amazing job with this game. Gameplay wise, sure there are the conventional MMO mechanics, but what sets this game apart from the rest for me is the way things are carried out. It's a game meant to be played at a much slower pace.
Another thing I find different is the Ability Wheel. 7 Actives and Passives from a pool of 500+ to pick from and find the perfect synergy for, is unique and challenging in it's own way. Beats the usual hack & slash skills from other MMOs no?
I think it's a fun and challenging game, it offers a different take at least for how story is presented. It also offers entertainment for those that want a more adult oriented story. While this game can be frustrating at times, the mechanics clunky, and does not deviate too far from MMO norms when it comes to gameplay, it is uncompromising in presentation. It does not dumb down any part of itself and understands and is not going for the entire MMO gaming population.
Why do you care? I think the game is fun so I play it. I like the story, the ability wheel, and the setting. Tell me some games you play and I'll ask you why you play them. [mod edit]
[mod edit]
I suspect the OP is a very thinly veiled attempt to bash the game despite the fact that he stated otherwise. [mod edit] If someone told me they liked Battletoads for the SNES I wouldn't try to understand why because it makes absolutely no difference. I don't read reviews or listen to critics. I go try something for myself and decide if it is something I will enjoy. Imagine that. A human who is capable of independant thought. Do you know why I don't try to understand other peoples choices in something as insignificant as video games? Because it does not matter in the slightest. It is far too subjective to be of any use to me.
[mod edit]
This statement is simply not true... Many of the online games out there today have features that are similar or share some kind of common ground. To say it does not matter is what is inane, it is not necessarily 'all' subjective, much of it is based on some kind of factual argument such as, "they use bars in the game and I don't like to see buttons, or a mini-map, or whatevers." or "The combat involves standing still and is based on a percentage roll to see if you actually hit rather than actually aiming." That's what these forums are for if you haven't noticed.
"Do you know why I don't try to understand other peoples choices in something as insignificant as video games?"
To take your stance on your question that's a stupid question. Who cares? Seriously, if you don't like that people "post" on these forums go somewhere else and save us the eyesore of reading your crap.
Omg come on seriously? We play it because it is the newest thing out there atm and we are bored to death with every aspect of every thing.
But seriously there are times I hate TSW and times I love it. The game definately has a challege factor, but on the other side of the coin the game mechanic and core design are flawed beyond belief.
1) The game launched WAY too early, and NO I refuse to entertain those people that claim every game releases with bugs give them time they will get it fixed. We are 20 years into this industry, there are no longer any excuse why any game should EVER release in the state TSW is in now. IF they can fix the game " IN TIME " then they should fix the game on thier time, not on my time. Many games have released in recent years with clean nearly flawless clients, the days of " ALL games release buggy " are done and over and yes players are starting to prove that to developers, take SWTOR as an example, and sadly TSW will be another example simply because they do not have time to " fix " the game eventually. August 25th will be here before you know it and then the nomads will be moving on to a new game.
2) Mini bosses easier than yard trash surrounding them, should never be the case, but in TSW many of the " elites " and random minibosses, are way easier to kill than any of the yard trash mobs around them.
3)Gah drawing a blank on what its called atm, clipping? When the terrain is not put together right in some places? Anyway tons of that in TSW, maybe not so much walking down the main roads, but off the roads there is a lot of it.
4)One of my big issues as it has been going on since the industry began and every developer should know to address it before release... audio or video memory leak.. basically when sound or audio files do not unload from memory cache when you move into a new area, eventually bogging down your game and system.
5)The fact they release a game with a place holder character creation system, they knowlingly admit it is horrible and that they intend to eventually replace it and give us all 1 free makeover for our characters.. WTF!!! I mean seriously I play MMO's and RPG's to IMMERSE myself into my character to forget my life and become someone else for a little while. WHY would any SERIOUS game developer ever release a game they knowingly admit is crap or flawed??
Now on the other side of the coin, I have been begging them to make a game for real gamers again, something that takes a brain to play, TSW is a pretty good attempt at creating a game for real gamers, by real I mean geek gamers, the smart people. I mean so far I have had to learn morse code, and binary just to get past a few quests, and Im barely into the game.
All in all I would rate the game as loaded with potential, but how many damn times do we say well that game had potential too bad they screwed it up.
This 1000x THIS. Great post. I played TSW for the last 2 BWEs, up until lauch, and then quit within a week. While I do understand posters posting about how they enjoy the game, I had more annoyances with the memory leaks, and the random drops in framerate in certain areas, only to go back to the same spot later, and have my FPS up again. Then again, I really didn't notice these issues until the last BWE.
I really didn't enjoy the skill wheel. To those who wish to party-it-up, by making custom characters, more power to you. I always did enjoy class picking in other MMOs, and just learning to adapt to it, or pick something else, after all, you are roleplaying.
Some may argue that TSW is better than class professions, because you can build the character your way. From what I've played, read others' posts about, and heard; this leads to picking many bad builds, getting frustrated, and having to build another deck. This is why I enjoyed class professions, over the build you design, and hope it works. On the other hand, I am glad to see others do enjoy character custom building, it's just something I am not interested in, after trying it in TSW.
In all honestly, I can't see how people play this game. I want(no sarcasm at all) someone to enlighten me on how they can play this. Funcom+EA turns me away as it is, but I played the beta and the game was so bland and unimpressive I can't grasp at why some people are gravitating to it. I wasn't struck by it's visuals, clunky movement and character animations or quest system. People are saying that the skill system is innovative, I see no inovation in the Trinity, only a new perspective. I dont mean to bash anyone who plays it, it's your cup of tea then by all means share with me something you find good in the game that I can check out, but for me a game with this level of quality shouldn't be released in 2012. I expect something like this from 5 years ago. But I seeing how well EA loves their consumer base I can't see this game ending will in the next few months. I'm really trying to see the diamond in the rough because I notice alot of people are getting into it, but then again there is that "new car smell" effect things can have.
It's not a bash thread nor I don't expect to bash or be bashed, I just want a real and honest understanding at how some people can use the word "impressive" with this kind of game.
no-one should ever have to convince you! lol dont buy it!! play GW2!!!!
Now on the other side of the coin, I have been begging them to make a game for real gamers again, something that takes a brain to play, TSW is a pretty good attempt at creating a game for real gamers, by real I mean geek gamers, the smart people. I mean so far I have had to learn morse code, and binary just to get past a few quests, and Im barely into the game.
You actually learned binary and morse code? Sorrow's sexy AND smart. Nice. I just downloaded an app on my phone that read morse code and went to this site for the binary. I guess I'm an underachiever.....
lol you just seek attention.... begone!! for some dudes who dont get any, they may bite at some of the shit you post, but overall, you dont make sense.... bye
Now on the other side of the coin, I have been begging them to make a game for real gamers again, something that takes a brain to play, TSW is a pretty good attempt at creating a game for real gamers, by real I mean geek gamers, the smart people. I mean so far I have had to learn morse code, and binary just to get past a few quests, and Im barely into the game.
You actually learned binary and morse code? Sorrow's sexy AND smart. Nice. I just downloaded an app on my phone that read morse code and went to this site for the binary. I guess I'm an underachiever.....
lol you just seek attention.... begone!! for some dudes who dont get any, they may bite at some of the shit you post, but overall, you dont make sense.... bye
What the hell brought that on? Psycho much? After playing Anarchy Online for years, I remember the community being far less rude than you are being. And I think you're mistaking me for one of those YouTube brats you sexist piece of crap. Why is it when a female jokes around on a forum she's an attention whore and when a guy does it...oh it's cool. Go to hell, scumbag.
I play it personally, because it's fun. In addition to the points others have brought up (like story, environment, genre, skill wheel, etc) I have another reason that really put TSW in my heart. I play with two other people usually. This is the part that hooked me...we each had the keys to pass certain quests. It's like real life, in that different people have different strengths and weaknesses... <Edit - cut out the last part of this, because it was a different train of thought.>
For example, one of my group was a literature major and is very non-linear in her thinking. She's been invaluable in solving some of the investigation quests. The other has perfect pitch hearing, and she used that to figure out the solution to a quest where the sound of the keystrokes to a numeric keypad were recorded. I'm good at spacial awareness and noticing things that seem out of place. With the way that TSW works where some items don't become interactable until you're right on top of them, that's a key element of getting clues.
I've never seen another game reward differences in the PLAYERSin such a way and it made the dynamic of our group that much more incredible. If you know another game that does this, please let us know...I'd love to see more like this.
I play it personally, because it's fun. In addition to the points others have brought up (like story, environment, genre, skill wheel, etc) I have another reason that really put TSW in my heart. I play with two other people usually. This is the part that hooked me...we each had the keys to pass certain quests. It's like real life, in that different people have different strengths and weaknesses...in this case, put in by game developers.
For example, one of my group was a literature major and is very non-linear in her thinking. She's been invaluable in solving some of the investigation quests. The other has perfect pitch hearing, and she used that to figure out the solution to a quest where the sound of the keystrokes to a numeric keypad were recorded. I'm good at spacial awareness and noticing things that seem out of place. With the way that TSW works where some items don't become interactable until you're right on top of them, that's a key element of getting clues.
I've never seen another game reward differences in the PLAYERSin such a way and it made the dynamic of our group that much more incredible. If you know another game that does this, please let us know...I'd love to see more like this.
I couldn't agree more with this...but no. I don't know any other games that do this. When you see it in action, it is a spectacle to behold and once it has you, you're hooked. And well, if you don't have any particular talents then you still have incredible stories to ply your mind with.
the answer is that the game is NEW. everytime a game is new some people starting the Hype and some starting the Whine... after the 1 month free-sub the hype comes down (most whiners are already gone so...)and you can see some more objective reviews and opinions.
In all honestly, I can't see how people play this game. I want(no sarcasm at all) someone to enlighten me on how they can play this. Funcom+EA turns me away as it is, but I played the beta and the game was so bland and unimpressive I can't grasp at why some people are gravitating to it. I wasn't struck by it's visuals, clunky movement and character animations or quest system. People are saying that the skill system is innovative, I see no inovation in the Trinity, only a new perspective. I dont mean to bash anyone who plays it, it's your cup of tea then by all means share with me something you find good in the game that I can check out, but for me a game with this level of quality shouldn't be released in 2012. I expect something like this from 5 years ago. But I seeing how well EA loves their consumer base I can't see this game ending will in the next few months. I'm really trying to see the diamond in the rough because I notice alot of people are getting into it, but then again there is that "new car smell" effect things can have.
It's not a bash thread nor I don't expect to bash or be bashed, I just want a real and honest understanding at how some people can use the word "impressive" with this kind of game.
Maybe you could help me understand why anyone would want to be forced into liking something they tried and didn't like? As someone who tried, and didn't like, whisky, I wouldn't dream of asking anyone to convince me. The simple fact is, it's never going to appeal to everyone. And what a bland world it would be if we all liked the same stuff.
Well to be fair....if he would have said he came to that conclusion after an hour someone else would take him to task over that.
Seems he gave it an effort.
Just his taste in games sucks :P
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
For those who dislike games that are different, theres like 100+ games out there that all do stuff the same...so at least having that taste in games isnt hurting his gaming ability...so hes got that going for him....which is good.
I think a lot of people find learning a painful and unfun activity, which i can see a lot of players getting turned off by a game that tosses it up a bit and forces you to learn new mechanics and pay attention ect.
I would love to help the OP understand why I play TSW, but I can't. Everyone's tastes are different, for me it's just plain FUN. I don't know how long I will play it or how long it will remain fun. I believe we all play it because it's fun for us. If it's not your taste, nothing anyone can say will change that.
I accept MMO's are made a particular way....always....I'm ok with that.
As well as,
Fps are all similiar
Single player RPG's are all similiar
RTS are all similiar
Games are games, different stories, different graphics, but in essence all games are what they are. You either enjoy that genre or you don't. Really, I'm ok with that. Playing with my friends and guildmates and enjoying the setting are all that really matter to me.
This about summs it up.
OP's computer sucks, end of story. Upgrade your calculator or whatever you use for gaming and then come back and say its bland. this game has by far the most immersive environment and storyline i've encountered in an mmorpg (on par with gw2).
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
This statement is simply not true... Many of the online games out there today have features that are similar or share some kind of common ground. To say it does not matter is what is inane, it is not necessarily 'all' subjective, much of it is based on some kind of factual argument such as, "they use bars in the game and I don't like to see buttons, or a mini-map, or whatevers." or "The combat involves standing still and is based on a percentage roll to see if you actually hit rather than actually aiming." That's what these forums are for if you haven't noticed.
"Do you know why I don't try to understand other peoples choices in something as insignificant as video games?"
To take your stance on your question that's a stupid question. Who cares? Seriously, if you don't like that people "post" on these forums go somewhere else and save us the eyesore of reading your crap.
[mod edit]
Fine, but why?
I dunno why people wanna keep bringing EA into it.All EA did was publish it not the first company who has had another gaming company publish there game out.Turbine did it a few years ago and SOE released a expansion for them.
I loved instanced based coop games. I don't care what name you want to give them. I wouldn't even need a mmo if there were great 4 player coop RPG's. That said, I can dig a good "traditional" MMO. FWIW, the list here at MMORPG, many aren't traditional. Not sure why we have to be so narrow in scope. I tend to apprecaite many varieties if they are done right.
Because EA brings the Funcom name up some.
I actually need help understanding why people DON'T play TSW, as it's the most feature-complete and different MMORPG out there (comparing launch quantity/ quality). It's just Guild Wars 2 fanboys being jealous that a better game came along to steal their precious thunder.
Lot of people think they want to play an MMO but they really just want don't want to seem like lonly poeple as they single player games. So they play these new "mmos" where people play the same game by themselves at the same time.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
You actually learned binary and morse code? Sorrow's sexy AND smart. Nice. I just downloaded an app on my phone that read morse code and went to this site for the binary. I guess I'm an underachiever.....
story... yeah worked for swtor
[mod edit]
As an aside, I play TSW because the immersion level is superior. TOR had story, but no immersion.
Ohhh He mad???
Yeah he mad....
Zookz1: 1
Morv: 0
This 1000x THIS. Great post. I played TSW for the last 2 BWEs, up until lauch, and then quit within a week. While I do understand posters posting about how they enjoy the game, I had more annoyances with the memory leaks, and the random drops in framerate in certain areas, only to go back to the same spot later, and have my FPS up again. Then again, I really didn't notice these issues until the last BWE.
I really didn't enjoy the skill wheel. To those who wish to party-it-up, by making custom characters, more power to you. I always did enjoy class picking in other MMOs, and just learning to adapt to it, or pick something else, after all, you are roleplaying.
Some may argue that TSW is better than class professions, because you can build the character your way. From what I've played, read others' posts about, and heard; this leads to picking many bad builds, getting frustrated, and having to build another deck. This is why I enjoyed class professions, over the build you design, and hope it works. On the other hand, I am glad to see others do enjoy character custom building, it's just something I am not interested in, after trying it in TSW.
no-one should ever have to convince you! lol dont buy it!! play GW2!!!!
lol you just seek attention.... begone!! for some dudes who dont get any, they may bite at some of the shit you post, but overall, you dont make sense.... bye
What the hell brought that on? Psycho much? After playing Anarchy Online for years, I remember the community being far less rude than you are being. And I think you're mistaking me for one of those YouTube brats you sexist piece of crap. Why is it when a female jokes around on a forum she's an attention whore and when a guy does it...oh it's cool. Go to hell, scumbag.
I play it personally, because it's fun. In addition to the points others have brought up (like story, environment, genre, skill wheel, etc) I have another reason that really put TSW in my heart. I play with two other people usually. This is the part that hooked me...we each had the keys to pass certain quests. It's like real life, in that different people have different strengths and weaknesses... <Edit - cut out the last part of this, because it was a different train of thought.>
For example, one of my group was a literature major and is very non-linear in her thinking. She's been invaluable in solving some of the investigation quests. The other has perfect pitch hearing, and she used that to figure out the solution to a quest where the sound of the keystrokes to a numeric keypad were recorded. I'm good at spacial awareness and noticing things that seem out of place. With the way that TSW works where some items don't become interactable until you're right on top of them, that's a key element of getting clues.
I've never seen another game reward differences in the PLAYERS in such a way and it made the dynamic of our group that much more incredible. If you know another game that does this, please let us know...I'd love to see more like this.
I couldn't agree more with this...but no. I don't know any other games that do this. When you see it in action, it is a spectacle to behold and once it has you, you're hooked. And well, if you don't have any particular talents then you still have incredible stories to ply your mind with.
the answer is that the game is NEW. everytime a game is new some people starting the Hype and some starting the Whine... after the 1 month free-sub the hype comes down (most whiners are already gone so...)and you can see some more objective reviews and opinions.
Maybe you could help me understand why anyone would want to be forced into liking something they tried and didn't like? As someone who tried, and didn't like, whisky, I wouldn't dream of asking anyone to convince me. The simple fact is, it's never going to appeal to everyone. And what a bland world it would be if we all liked the same stuff.