Outfit Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5 w/ daylight savings)
Outfit Rating: R (this is an adult outfit)
Detailed Outfit information:
The Vanu Rangers is an organized and teamwork oriented outfit. We have a long history in Planetside 1 as well as our core playing together in other games while we waited for Planetside 2. Now that beta is around the corner we are going to be looking to open up to new members who want to get in on the ground floor of the return of the Vanu Rangers.
Our outfit will give players the opportunity to truly get involved in an organized and fun environment. We specialize in airborne infantry tactics and have both and air and ground division. We will be focusing on organized tactics between these divisions and small unit tactics. This is not an outfit where a way point will be set and then you will be left to find your own way. We will organize movements and transport for maximum combat effectiveness.
If this sounds like the kind of outfit you are interested please go to our website
http://www.vanurangers.com and check out our Charter and Organization then sign up for the website and fill out the short recruiting form.
Planetside 2 Empire Choice: We should let you know that we are still not 100% decided on our empire at this point. We are waiting for beta to start before we make a final choice on empire for Planetside 2.