the combat animations never have bothered me. quite frankly i have never noticed a difference between this and other mmos. maybe its because i havent played a mmo with a avatar in a couple of years but quite frankly i love the ability to use spells and abilities while moving. so if combat animations are a bit different for that reason, its worth it.
respec--- im against the idea personally mainly because it isnt needed. I can live with a one respec per character option though. say after you get 500 ability points, which is enough to make a good deck with outer wheel abilities, the game gives you one free respec just in case you messed up. I can live with that although i still feel it is unneeded.
overall this is the most fun ive had in a mmo in a long time. btw people are generally helpful in quests because if you have to kill a named mob and someone else is killing him, all you have to do is tag him to get credit also for the most part, some are not like this but most are. cuts down waiting on respawns.
I think the fact that ya can not just log in and p00wn everything and be handed everything keeps the less mature players away. Great game so far no easy mode, breath of fresh air.
I understand the reason for lack of respec, but I'm with you in thinking that there should be be some kind of limited option. Not an option that would effectively make players have "all decks, all the time", but perhaps a "once a month" respec that could basically be used if you've build a deck and just totally don't enjoy it.
It is relatively fast to accumulate new points, but still.. i'm approx 3 weeks into the game and my weapon skills are only at QL9 and i have no outer wheel endlines yet. So if i wanted to switch to a totally different build of equal effectiveness.. (like - switch from DPS to a healer), it would probably take me another 3 weeks. I think that is acceptable if it's going to be an ADDITIONAL build to my current one. But if i - for example - HATE the build i've ended up with... waiting 3 weeks to change is a bit rough and may lose Funcom some players.
Personally, i do a lot of research and theorycrafting, so i tend to not end up in those situations. But I wouldn't be surprised if many of the more casual players do. Plus, you don't know what you don't know. If you've set up a Hinder deck and you get all your stuff to level 10 and invest tons and tons of points, then find out that Hinder is useless at endgame.. well.. you're screwed.. and waiting a month to redo an effective deck kinda sucks.
I don't think it would break the game in any way to let people respect some or all of their AP once a month. People need at least 5 workable decks to play the game, so switching your APs once a month won't take away from the need to still have an investment in many diverse skills.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Tried: AO,EQ,EQ2,DAoC,SWG,AA,SB,HZ,CoX,PS,GA,TR,IV,GnH,EVE, PP,DnL,WAR,MxO,SWG,FE,VG,AoC,DDO,LoTRO,Rift,TOR,Aion,Tera,TSW,GW2,DCUO,CO,STO Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall Currently Playing: ESO
anyone who has played the game to the later zones will testify just how unnesserssary respecs are. in translyvania your earning upto 100 AP's an hour. it gets to the point you dont know what to spend them on anymore. respecs would mean that by the time you get to the end zones youve already tried all the builds you want which means you got less motivation to play the game.
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Suzie, there IS a way to respec.. however you need to do it a special way.
Before you buy an ability, go to your training room in your faction hub. While inside the training area you can buy/reset as much as you want. Once you leave the choices are perminent.
Also you CAN meet up with your group (at least get to the closest Anima Well) by right clicking their name and going to Meet Up.
Meet Up literally works almost anywhere. You can be in London and Meet Up with people in Egypt or wherever. It's super handy and really easy to get close to people.
However for that convienance you need to discover those Anima Wells.
respecs would mean that by the time you get to the end zones youve already tried all the builds you want which means you got less motivation to play the game.
There is no way that a limited respec such as "once a month" would result in what you're describing. I don't think anyone is looking for respecs for the purpose of "trying builds at endgame", but it's more for fixing screw ups or adjusting builds EARLY in the game. Like you said, as you get deeper into the system, these become irrelevant anyway.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Tried: AO,EQ,EQ2,DAoC,SWG,AA,SB,HZ,CoX,PS,GA,TR,IV,GnH,EVE, PP,DnL,WAR,MxO,SWG,FE,VG,AoC,DDO,LoTRO,Rift,TOR,Aion,Tera,TSW,GW2,DCUO,CO,STO Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall Currently Playing: ESO
While inside the training area you can buy/reset as much as you want.
This is not true. You can't buy or reset as much as you want. You can only buy whatever your current unspent APs allow and your unspent APs are limited to 175 (iirc). This isn't enough to try out even the cheapest pre-designed deck (i think cheapest deck is around 250 APs.)
This is nice for testing out whether the next ability in the tree is worth it, but it doesn't really help you decide whether you're going to like the build or deck that you're going to spend 350 APs to build.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Tried: AO,EQ,EQ2,DAoC,SWG,AA,SB,HZ,CoX,PS,GA,TR,IV,GnH,EVE, PP,DnL,WAR,MxO,SWG,FE,VG,AoC,DDO,LoTRO,Rift,TOR,Aion,Tera,TSW,GW2,DCUO,CO,STO Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall Currently Playing: ESO
Once you get to Egypt/Transylvania you can't spend AP fast enough.I'm playing a couple hours a day and maxing out my AP. I hope they don't put any kind of respec in. You can go to the training area and try out skills then refund your need to blindly spend points.
My main gripes are, I think everyone should have an out of combat rez, and I'm not a fan of how they went about agartha or the area transportation, I like meeting up as an idea but it doesn't pan out like you want it to most of the time. In a way like in swtor when a guildie asked for help you were like um ok, but in your mind you thought about the 8 loading screens it would take. I also wish the gear/role management was better.
My main gripes are, I think everyone should have an out of combat rez, and I'm not a fan of how they went about agartha or the area transportation, I like meeting up as an idea but it doesn't pan out like you want it to most of the time. In a way like in swtor when a guildie asked for help you were like um ok, but in your mind you thought about the 8 loading screens it would take. I also wish the gear/role management was better.
Well, you can go to any location in the whole game right from Agartha. It would take only 2. Not to meantion there're shortcuts you can take to travel faster i guess
I think the game is built FOR casual players. I'm at the endgame, story and quest wise and it only took 2 weeks. For casual players this will take much longer and be worth the monthly fee. For me, it's not. I don't raid and I don't repeat dungeon runs ad nauseum in my MMOs. Usually I reroll or do the alternative stuff like fishing, cooking, alternate achievements, housing, collections and so forth and sadly, this game does not have any of those currently to keep me playing. Hopefully they add them, but until then I'm not resubbing.
On the issue of the skill wheel. I'm torn between liking making builds and aiming to complete decks and not having a steady role to fill or steady dps build to use when soloing. For me, I like having a class choice or just using one type of weapon for the entirety of my game. I prefer the way FFXI does it, you level up jobs and mix and match, but you are basically set to that role for that job until you level them up. This game makes me feel like I can't focus basically. For those who like that great, for those like me who just want to RELAX and have fun, the way mobs react to certain just too frustrating for me to enjoy. Again, that's just me.
Community is ok. I find Cabals are pointless right now and are overglorified extra chat rooms. There is no real incentive for joining any. Again, I have to wonder why no one copies EQ2s guild system. It is phenomenal. I think Rift is the only one that comes close to copying it. TSW could do with a nice Cabal upgrade to Cabal housing, stats, leveling, perks, whatever. Something more than what it currently is.
I see these type of "at the endgame" and frustrated posts. I think this shows why this is a niche game. This is a game that I don't think is for casual players as much as a game that is meant for people who want to enjoy a game casually. This is a game meant to enjoy the lore and get into the stories. Not a game of "I grouped with my friends and flew threw the content so what do you have for me now" crowd. I expect to see people not do a subscription because this isn't like other MMOs.
I don't have a problem with the combat. I have used the Fusang PvP to get some extra AP though.
I don't mind no respec and hope it never happens.
I don't mind no rez but I would not hate one being added if there was a huge timer to be able to do so again.
Valid arguments. There are players that will have finished the current ability wheel by the end of the month. I worry about long term viability with Secret World. A signifigant portion of the population rushed through all the content already and even monthly updates won't be enough for them... and yet this is a problem facing every single MMO past, present, and future.
Not every single MMO. Pre-WoW MMO's didn't have the problem of people rushing through the game, lol. I think it took me 2-3 years before I finally maxed out a character in DAoC.
I'd say the game needs a redefinition of what, 'hardcore', and , 'casual', means, becasue this is a game designed for a hardcore fanbase.
Why? Becasue only the hardcore are gonna persevre with the broken investigation quests. It's not a value on time it's a value on whether you buy into the concept enough you can stomach quests getting broken depending on what, 'phase', your in, or if someone in the area screwed it up just before you got there. It was a mistake IMO to throw so many red herrings into a game that's marketing itself to typical MMO players. Like another review said, you don't know half the time if your in the wrong or the games playing up again.
So I'd say the game is for the hardcore, not those who put hours into it, but those who are really into the setting and can put up with usual problems.
Lack of resurrection is a major plus in this game, resurrection dumbs down everything where in TSW you need to plan your fights and consider how to actually fight the boss instead of plough in blindly. I find the incessant need for players to demand such features shallow and short sighted. Additionally much of TSW content is only accessible while dead, imagine the griefing if you get rezzed against your will? But it seem the writer hasn't even played the basics of the game or would know this to be the case.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I have multiple times soft-grouped to do some content that is just a bit too hard for my character. Sometimes because I had the wrong build, or because of a bug (which I noticed they fixed in the next patch a few days later).
I have created a group for Polaris on a weekday morning and after a little bit I am just missing a tank and one of the players I had recruited said he could tank - a bit. Thank you flexible build system. It worked out very well and after we were done with the epic last fight one of the players wanted to group up in Savage Coast to do some questing.
I have also asked for help on some investigation missions and got 4 tells within 10 sec. So yeah, the community is very helpful.
Respecs MAKE no sense in this game, your character is not capped and can learn all abilities, and there is no XP devalvation -- there are no "PERMANENT" mistakes that you could possibly do.
anyone who has played the game to the later zones will testify just how unnesserssary respecs are. in translyvania your earning upto 100 AP's an hour. it gets to the point you dont know what to spend them on anymore. respecs would mean that by the time you get to the end zones youve already tried all the builds you want which means you got less motivation to play the game.
I am still in savage coast, running about 4/5 instances daily, I currently have 56 APs sitting un allocated because I have all I need for a QL5/6 Healing and tanking build at the moment...
As someone pointed out earlier, its impossible to break your toon....all it will do is make you play a tad longer to gain the 1-20 APs you spent incorrectly, and correct your error.
Respecs are pointless in a game where you can eventually gain every skill it offers.
That, or follow one of the pre set decks they offer...
All of this really should have been mentioned in the review....this is a tad dissapointing
The main issue I got with the skill wheel at the moment, is that some abilities don't have numbers in the tooltip, well at least in Chaos Tree. They just say "high damage" etc. Makes it harder to pick and choose skills.
And while I do not agree with full respec, something like what Anarchy Online originally had, may not be too bad. That was it allowed you to reset one ABILITY (or perks as they were known in AO) every 72 hours. That would make total respecing unviable, but it would allow people to reset an ability they just bought and didn't like twice a week.
The main issue I got with the skill wheel at the moment, is that some abilities don't have numbers in the tooltip, well at least in Chaos Tree. They just say "high damage" etc. Makes it harder to pick and choose skills
That can be changed in the ability window settings....hit K, and put a check in the box "Show detailed ability descriptions"
Like many of the reviewers gripes, a lot of player issues are actually "non issues"..if anything, Funcom doesnt spell everything out, so a lot of times what count for "bugs" or missing functionality, is actualy lack of user awareness, for better or for worse.
"The one troubling aspect about combat that I have discovered, however, is the unforgiving nature that the Ability Wheel embodies. We are encouraged to discover new ways to combine skills to make the most effective use in combat. We are encouraged to create new and unique builds to use interchangeably depending on a given situation. Believe me, I want to experiment and discover new ways of putting my skills together to make my character more useful or a more brutal killer. Yet I hesitate. Players are penalized in a way, for making poor or less-than-optimal decisions when it comes to point allocations. If a player makes a poor choice when spending points, there is no way to go back and fix it. There is no respec in The Secret World. To get more points, you simply have to keep playing. That may not bother some folks, and I know with Funcom decided on the system, but it still bothers me."
I agree and have complained about the low amount of SP we get, since beta. We could try more weapons, more builds. As it is now, it you don't like your choice, you have to start over. I think Funcom may be surprised when it's time for subsciptions to start and many players will leave. The fanboys won't agree, but Funcom's bottom line is financial.
While inside the training area you can buy/reset as much as you want.
This is not true. You can't buy or reset as much as you want. You can only buy whatever your current unspent APs allow and your unspent APs are limited to 175 (iirc). This isn't enough to try out even the cheapest pre-designed deck (i think cheapest deck is around 250 APs.)
This is nice for testing out whether the next ability in the tree is worth it, but it doesn't really help you decide whether you're going to like the build or deck that you're going to spend 350 APs to build.
My post was accurate but you're confused when I said "as much as you want." I meant this in the terms of the AP you already have. Obviously you can't buy every ability in the game while in the training room.
Her point was somehow nerfing yourself early in the game. This doesn't include 350+ AP builds.. it's ones that have very few AP that you can easily store and test... or testing ONE ability you aren't sure about, which is mostly what she's talking about.
the combat animations never have bothered me. quite frankly i have never noticed a difference between this and other mmos. maybe its because i havent played a mmo with a avatar in a couple of years but quite frankly i love the ability to use spells and abilities while moving. so if combat animations are a bit different for that reason, its worth it.
respec--- im against the idea personally mainly because it isnt needed. I can live with a one respec per character option though. say after you get 500 ability points, which is enough to make a good deck with outer wheel abilities, the game gives you one free respec just in case you messed up. I can live with that although i still feel it is unneeded.
overall this is the most fun ive had in a mmo in a long time. btw people are generally helpful in quests because if you have to kill a named mob and someone else is killing him, all you have to do is tag him to get credit also for the most part, some are not like this but most are. cuts down waiting on respawns.
I agree about the community in TSW.
I think the fact that ya can not just log in and p00wn everything and be handed everything keeps the less mature players away. Great game so far no easy mode, breath of fresh air.
Allowing respecs would defeat the entire purpose of the skill wheel. Respecs are irrelevant in a game where one can eventually acquire every skill.
No resurrect ever! Resurrect is for skill-less "leet" players in WOW
Learn to play
This from someone who is a pretty casual untalented player and is usually the first to die
I understand the reason for lack of respec, but I'm with you in thinking that there should be be some kind of limited option. Not an option that would effectively make players have "all decks, all the time", but perhaps a "once a month" respec that could basically be used if you've build a deck and just totally don't enjoy it.
It is relatively fast to accumulate new points, but still.. i'm approx 3 weeks into the game and my weapon skills are only at QL9 and i have no outer wheel endlines yet. So if i wanted to switch to a totally different build of equal effectiveness.. (like - switch from DPS to a healer), it would probably take me another 3 weeks. I think that is acceptable if it's going to be an ADDITIONAL build to my current one. But if i - for example - HATE the build i've ended up with... waiting 3 weeks to change is a bit rough and may lose Funcom some players.
Personally, i do a lot of research and theorycrafting, so i tend to not end up in those situations. But I wouldn't be surprised if many of the more casual players do. Plus, you don't know what you don't know. If you've set up a Hinder deck and you get all your stuff to level 10 and invest tons and tons of points, then find out that Hinder is useless at endgame.. well.. you're screwed.. and waiting a month to redo an effective deck kinda sucks.
I don't think it would break the game in any way to let people respect some or all of their AP once a month. People need at least 5 workable decks to play the game, so switching your APs once a month won't take away from the need to still have an investment in many diverse skills.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
defo no respecs pls.
anyone who has played the game to the later zones will testify just how unnesserssary respecs are. in translyvania your earning upto 100 AP's an hour. it gets to the point you dont know what to spend them on anymore. respecs would mean that by the time you get to the end zones youve already tried all the builds you want which means you got less motivation to play the game.
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Suzie, there IS a way to respec.. however you need to do it a special way.
Before you buy an ability, go to your training room in your faction hub. While inside the training area you can buy/reset as much as you want. Once you leave the choices are perminent.
Also you CAN meet up with your group (at least get to the closest Anima Well) by right clicking their name and going to Meet Up.
Meet Up literally works almost anywhere. You can be in London and Meet Up with people in Egypt or wherever. It's super handy and really easy to get close to people.
However for that convienance you need to discover those Anima Wells.
There is no way that a limited respec such as "once a month" would result in what you're describing. I don't think anyone is looking for respecs for the purpose of "trying builds at endgame", but it's more for fixing screw ups or adjusting builds EARLY in the game. Like you said, as you get deeper into the system, these become irrelevant anyway.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
This is not true. You can't buy or reset as much as you want. You can only buy whatever your current unspent APs allow and your unspent APs are limited to 175 (iirc). This isn't enough to try out even the cheapest pre-designed deck (i think cheapest deck is around 250 APs.)
This is nice for testing out whether the next ability in the tree is worth it, but it doesn't really help you decide whether you're going to like the build or deck that you're going to spend 350 APs to build.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
My main gripes are, I think everyone should have an out of combat rez, and I'm not a fan of how they went about agartha or the area transportation, I like meeting up as an idea but it doesn't pan out like you want it to most of the time. In a way like in swtor when a guildie asked for help you were like um ok, but in your mind you thought about the 8 loading screens it would take. I also wish the gear/role management was better.
Well, you can go to any location in the whole game right from Agartha. It would take only 2. Not to meantion there're shortcuts you can take to travel faster i guess
I see these type of "at the endgame" and frustrated posts. I think this shows why this is a niche game. This is a game that I don't think is for casual players as much as a game that is meant for people who want to enjoy a game casually. This is a game meant to enjoy the lore and get into the stories. Not a game of "I grouped with my friends and flew threw the content so what do you have for me now" crowd. I expect to see people not do a subscription because this isn't like other MMOs.
I don't have a problem with the combat. I have used the Fusang PvP to get some extra AP though.
I don't mind no respec and hope it never happens.
I don't mind no rez but I would not hate one being added if there was a huge timer to be able to do so again.
Not every single MMO. Pre-WoW MMO's didn't have the problem of people rushing through the game, lol. I think it took me 2-3 years before I finally maxed out a character in DAoC.
Still not convinced. Guess I'll have to wait when it goes F2P.
I'd say the game needs a redefinition of what, 'hardcore', and , 'casual', means, becasue this is a game designed for a hardcore fanbase.
Why? Becasue only the hardcore are gonna persevre with the broken investigation quests. It's not a value on time it's a value on whether you buy into the concept enough you can stomach quests getting broken depending on what, 'phase', your in, or if someone in the area screwed it up just before you got there. It was a mistake IMO to throw so many red herrings into a game that's marketing itself to typical MMO players. Like another review said, you don't know half the time if your in the wrong or the games playing up again.
So I'd say the game is for the hardcore, not those who put hours into it, but those who are really into the setting and can put up with usual problems.
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
Lack of resurrection is a major plus in this game, resurrection dumbs down everything where in TSW you need to plan your fights and consider how to actually fight the boss instead of plough in blindly. I find the incessant need for players to demand such features shallow and short sighted. Additionally much of TSW content is only accessible while dead, imagine the griefing if you get rezzed against your will? But it seem the writer hasn't even played the basics of the game or would know this to be the case.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
"That may not bother some folks, and I know with Funcom decided on the system, ..."
should be:
"That may not bother some folks, and I know why Funcom decided on the system, ..."
I have multiple times soft-grouped to do some content that is just a bit too hard for my character. Sometimes because I had the wrong build, or because of a bug (which I noticed they fixed in the next patch a few days later).
I have created a group for Polaris on a weekday morning and after a little bit I am just missing a tank and one of the players I had recruited said he could tank - a bit. Thank you flexible build system. It worked out very well and after we were done with the epic last fight one of the players wanted to group up in Savage Coast to do some questing.
I have also asked for help on some investigation missions and got 4 tells within 10 sec. So yeah, the community is very helpful.
Respecs MAKE no sense in this game, your character is not capped and can learn all abilities, and there is no XP devalvation -- there are no "PERMANENT" mistakes that you could possibly do.
I am still in savage coast, running about 4/5 instances daily, I currently have 56 APs sitting un allocated because I have all I need for a QL5/6 Healing and tanking build at the moment...
As someone pointed out earlier, its impossible to break your toon....all it will do is make you play a tad longer to gain the 1-20 APs you spent incorrectly, and correct your error.
Respecs are pointless in a game where you can eventually gain every skill it offers.
That, or follow one of the pre set decks they offer...
All of this really should have been mentioned in the review....this is a tad dissapointing
The main issue I got with the skill wheel at the moment, is that some abilities don't have numbers in the tooltip, well at least in Chaos Tree. They just say "high damage" etc. Makes it harder to pick and choose skills.
And while I do not agree with full respec, something like what Anarchy Online originally had, may not be too bad. That was it allowed you to reset one ABILITY (or perks as they were known in AO) every 72 hours. That would make total respecing unviable, but it would allow people to reset an ability they just bought and didn't like twice a week.
That can be changed in the ability window settings....hit K, and put a check in the box "Show detailed ability descriptions"
Like many of the reviewers gripes, a lot of player issues are actually "non issues"..if anything, Funcom doesnt spell everything out, so a lot of times what count for "bugs" or missing functionality, is actualy lack of user awareness, for better or for worse.
Susie Ford:
"The one troubling aspect about combat that I have discovered, however, is the unforgiving nature that the Ability Wheel embodies. We are encouraged to discover new ways to combine skills to make the most effective use in combat. We are encouraged to create new and unique builds to use interchangeably depending on a given situation. Believe me, I want to experiment and discover new ways of putting my skills together to make my character more useful or a more brutal killer. Yet I hesitate. Players are penalized in a way, for making poor or less-than-optimal decisions when it comes to point allocations. If a player makes a poor choice when spending points, there is no way to go back and fix it. There is no respec in The Secret World. To get more points, you simply have to keep playing. That may not bother some folks, and I know with Funcom decided on the system, but it still bothers me."
I agree and have complained about the low amount of SP we get, since beta. We could try more weapons, more builds. As it is now, it you don't like your choice, you have to start over. I think Funcom may be surprised when it's time for subsciptions to start and many players will leave. The fanboys won't agree, but Funcom's bottom line is financial.
My post was accurate but you're confused when I said "as much as you want." I meant this in the terms of the AP you already have. Obviously you can't buy every ability in the game while in the training room.
Her point was somehow nerfing yourself early in the game. This doesn't include 350+ AP builds.. it's ones that have very few AP that you can easily store and test... or testing ONE ability you aren't sure about, which is mostly what she's talking about.