Yup. Real fans dont let other fans play crap even if it shares the IP name.
SWTOR would of been good to wait another year and actually put in some content, you know basic stuff that msot F2P MMO's even release with such as dungeon finder and end game content. Theres a reason why SWTOR gets bashed and it isnt because we're not Star Wars fans. The game is an incomplete mess with designers who lie through their teeth and bloviate like a Washington Politician.
Playing: GW2 Waiting on: TESO Next Flop: Planetside 2 Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
But I couldn't even get past the first 8 levels in TSW.
Lol...couldn't get past the first eight levels eh? How interesting...
You do realize you just showed everyone you haven't even actually played TSW by that right?
As for the OP, who knows? Plans with HK and the planet they plan on unveiling were in the pipeline before the game even released. All that info was leaked on Darth Hater many months ago. Really this proves nothing either way.
I feel bad too. Because I love the atmosphere of TSW. But compared to first 5 levels of City of Heroes combat, or 5 levels of WoW combat, or 5 levels of SWTOR combat, or even the first level of Left for Dead the combat in TSW was very stiff. When people are fighting they don't move like that. It was very hard to get used to. I loved the story though. But unfotunately there was so much forced combat in between the story parts and I did not enjoy the combat so...
If they revamp the combat animations to show more action, dodging, injured flinching, leaping, leaning, posturing, crouching, collision feeling, off-balance recoil, etc then I'd subscribe in a heartbeat. TSW reminds me a lot of the Left 4 Dead series, very cool atmosphere. The mission bosses also looked epic.
Let me get this straight OP: one video of one new companion shows that there is nothing wrong with SWTOR? I would say: you are statisfied very quickly, in fact in all these months they barely added any new content if you compare it to RIFT or even a game like DCUO in there first half year. Unless they announce a major new expansion with a lot of improvements to the game, I don't think SWTOR will fare well against the competition of TSW and GW2. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game and I wish it to go well, problem is that Bioware didn't innovate enough with their game and that's why it cannot compete with new MMOs that did innovate.
Let me get this straight OP: one video of one new companion shows that there is nothing wrong with SWTOR? I would say: you are statisfied very quickly, in fact in all these months they barely added any new content if you compare it to RIFT or even a game like DCUO in there first half year. Unless they announce a major new expansion with a lot of improvements to the game, I don't think SWTOR will fare well against the competition of TSW and GW2. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game and I wish it to go well, problem is that Bioware didn't innovateenough with their game and that's why it cannot compete with new MMOs that did innovate.
DING DING DING we have a winner. The key and operative word being Innovate. The issue SWTOR had in the months leading up to release was the game was a a shallow version of WoW, or a WoW clone if you will. As Colin Johanson of Anet and GW2 fame put it so elegantly. If you try to build a great MMO in this age, it better be innovative and not take the path of least resistance and make games that are similar to others.
Playing: GW2 Waiting on: TESO Next Flop: Planetside 2 Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
First off, I know full well that the vast majority of users here at MMORPG.com are pretty anti-SWTOR and anything anyone says pro-SWTOR is devolved into a "lol @ fanboi" fest. So let's skip the prelude and get right to it: Yes, I am a fan of Star WArs. No, I have not played all of the mass effects, dragon ages. I've played both KOTOR's and out side of these games, I know little of Bioware. Hell, I didn't like ME and DA: Origins was meh. So I'm a Star Wars fan, much more than a BW fan (if at all). So let's lay that to rest right now.
Back in the heydays of E3 2009 and 2010, we can vividly remember our giddy excitement of the cinematic trailers released by Bioware, who had contracted Blur Studios for three of them, at a few hundred thousand dollars a pop. Now, with a massive marketing campaign for Battlefield 3 causing a massive drain on EA over the last year and a half, coupled with SWTOR's massive budget, it stands to reason that a video of this nature being released post-launch and well into the game's life cycle seems a sign that the game is far from dead or peril. In fact, it shows that game has promise. I know what you're thinking, but seriously. Hold off on the rabid hate for just a few more minutes.
You see, if an investment is losing ground, or money in a way that shows little or no signs of recovering, then a company (any right minded company) would call it quits, and stop investing to let the product run it's course and eventually die. Or pull the plug out right and cut it's losses immediately. Well, as we can see SWTOR has had some serious issues over the last six months or so, however many of these are being resolved, better late than never. Server populations are stabilizing and things appear to have hit a stable period and with moderate growth on a couple of servers (despite all of the vitrol and hate on these forums).So, that might be why EA and Bioware are still willing to put thousands of dollars into a couple minute trailer on a companion character that likely cost more than most of us make in a year.
Quite simply put: you're wrong. The game is not over, and those of you who were crying and screaming about SWTOR not being SWG or WoW or not-WoW, you're clearly not as informed as you might think. The facts speak for themselves that the game is far from the "gloom and doom" end that all of you people are predicting. They are still dumping loads of capital, man hours and cash into this game and that should speak for itself.
Let the haters hate it makes me smile
the fact that all na servers are constant FULL red and orange-red for the eu server everyday also proof that swtor is doing well
still 1mil sub active i wonder how that alone makes swtor a failure lol.
haters gonna hate now now excuse me haters i have some operations and hutball to do.
They are only FULL because they have just merged servers. Given time, they will soon be dead again.
SWG got shut down when the servers were on the rise, and content was still coming, and SOE were actually working on the game. EA/Bioware stated at launch or before that they already had years of content already written.
Active servers + "new" content does not mean game is still operating strongly, and can still be shut down. The shut down of SWG has put doubt on those thoughts of security.
If the game sustained the 2 million, that content would already be in game, and by next year or the year after we wiould have started seeing new content developed after launch, but now that it has failed all content will be gradually spoon fed into SWTOR.
If you enjoy the game, then just play it as much as possible now, before it closes, but prepare yourself that it will shut down soon, as it is very frustrating for a game to shut down, when you have not done everything it has to offer, and if SWTOR does shut down, EA only usuallty gives 1 month notice and not 6 months (although the 6 months could have been due to LA). If it does not shut down then bonus!
For calling people claiming 'fan boi' out you sure respond a lot with fan boi speech and bashing anyone who does make a point.
The video doesn't show anything at all. It could easily of been done before hand, videos are often done several months in advanced and worked upon, stuff doesn't just get made one day and released. A good example is to look at rift. Their expansion was anounced just recently yet it has so much content already showcased for it. That work was done way before hand that it could be just talked about and shown off. You can't claim the video to be a sign that they aren't in peril just as much as someone could use that video to say they are in peril.
Do I think SWTOR will become a powerhouse MMO? No. Will it be a massive failure? No, at least in EA's eyes they made profit (which is all they care about, but thats another thing we won't go into why EA should go bankrupt with SoE and hopefully allow good games to be released again) and they do have some player base. SWTOR is and will always be considered a mediocre game. Chances are it will probably be compared a lot with Warhammer. It tried pushing story and it just fell flat. With secret world taking the reigns and delivering new content and story in a way people are finding more engaging, its just being outdone even further.
The only thing I've seen for sure is that they have laid off a lot of staff that they themselves did not want to. This indicates that at a minimum the game is not performing as well as they want or expected it to financially.
In the world of capitalism unless you are way up there in the corporate ladder you don't really know anything about how a company or a project is doing and I would think the last few years with situations like enron and AIG etc... would show us that. And really, if they spent even half as much this project as people claim, I think sink or swim they would be willing to spend a little more.
I don't know who said swtor was going to shut down permanently but, I'd love to see a link from any respectable source or any news source at all that has said this.
"Han shot first." Well, it does matter if you're building characters. In one scenario, you are displaying a character that isn't your normal "good guy". It is a guy we know will shoot first and not even bother to ask questions later, mostly because he's smart and already knows the deep shit he's in.
In the other scenario we have a guy who is shooting second. A guy who isn't quick enough, who got lucky the other guy was a horrible shot. A guy we know will wait until he is affronted. We have a character who is not the same as scenario number 1. To go even further, the Han who shot second is the one that is mostly portrayed in the EU books, which is not necessarily a good thing.
Either way, I'm not a Star Wars fanatic to the end, I have my limits to how far I will follow a franchise or anything else I like. For me, I had to cut my emotional ties a while ago. I don't think it's a bad thing to NOT be a fanatic, period.
Anyone who saw any gameplay footage should have known what they were getting into. I've never been fooled by game trailer CGI like most people, usually. Actually, I remember most gamers wondering why they weren't just making a KOTOR 3 or a CGI movie with Blur.
This "you people" thing is getting way out of hand, just blaming random groups of people for stuff is crazy talk. Also, judging from the "Who cares if Han shot first grow up and enjoy the franchise" comment I'm not even sure I should be replying to this thread.
A trailer is not made out of thin air, you don't know when the trailer was made. It could have been made before release.
What a cop-out. So you refuse to admit that it just could have quite possibly been made recently? As in post-launch? Gee, sounds awfully convienient to ignore things that don't conform to a specific agenda.
[mod edit]
Sebber stated it 'could' have been made before release. Which leaves open the other possibility... that it was made recently. (Ill leave out made in the future or never made! lol)
Do I think SWTOR will become a powerhouse MMO? No. Will it be a massive failure? No, at least in EA's eyes they made profit (which is all they care about, but thats another thing we won't go into why EA should go bankrupt with SoE and hopefully allow good games to be released again) and they do have some player base. SWTOR is and will always be considered a mediocre game. Chances are it will probably be compared a lot with Warhammer. It tried pushing story and it just fell flat. With secret world taking the reigns and delivering new content and story in a way people are finding more engaging, its just being outdone even further.
Mediocre? Are you serious? Can you name an MMO currently released besides WoW that would be above this "mediocre" status? I'm very curious.
Edit: Final Fantasy MMO is $9.99 for the box on Amazon lol. Just something I randomly stumbled across after I posted this
Mate I gave up months ago trying to have rational conversations with people about SWTOR on these forums.
According to Gator and he's friends games been dead for months, and they won't budge on that stance, no matter what evidence you might bring to that discussion.
Just leave them to it I say, if you enjoy it go and play.
You can see from the graphs that there is a resurgence of full servers, most likely owing to the recent server transfers, but that is starting to fall once again.
I really don't understand how someone can say that TOR is doing ok after looking at this. No matter how you spin it, it's certainly not a good indicator.
*looks at clock* It's 2 am, on a Thursday, with no expansion released yet... Compared to WoW it might not look as good as it could. But compared to any other MMO? Maybe I just don't get it. SWTOR has it's faults and it's virtues but what other MMO are you comparing it to?
First off, I know full well that the vast majority of users here at MMORPG.com are pretty anti-SWTOR and anything anyone says pro-SWTOR is devolved into a "lol @ fanboi" fest. So let's skip the prelude and get right to it: Yes, I am a fan of Star WArs. No, I have not played all of the mass effects, dragon ages. I've played both KOTOR's and out side of these games, I know little of Bioware. Hell, I didn't like ME and DA: Origins was meh. So I'm a Star Wars fan, much more than a BW fan (if at all). So let's lay that to rest right now.
Back in the heydays of E3 2009 and 2010, we can vividly remember our giddy excitement of the cinematic trailers released by Bioware, who had contracted Blur Studios for three of them, at a few hundred thousand dollars a pop. Now, with a massive marketing campaign for Battlefield 3 causing a massive drain on EA over the last year and a half, coupled with SWTOR's massive budget, it stands to reason that a video of this nature being released post-launch and well into the game's life cycle seems a sign that the game is far from dead or peril. In fact, it shows that game has promise. I know what you're thinking, but seriously. Hold off on the rabid hate for just a few more minutes.
You see, if an investment is losing ground, or money in a way that shows little or no signs of recovering, then a company (any right minded company) would call it quits, and stop investing to let the product run it's course and eventually die. Or pull the plug out right and cut it's losses immediately. Well, as we can see SWTOR has had some serious issues over the last six months or so, however many of these are being resolved, better late than never. Server populations are stabilizing and things appear to have hit a stable period and with moderate growth on a couple of servers (despite all of the vitrol and hate on these forums).So, that might be why EA and Bioware are still willing to put thousands of dollars into a couple minute trailer on a companion character that likely cost more than most of us make in a year.
Quite simply put: you're wrong. The game is not over, and those of you who were crying and screaming about SWTOR not being SWG or WoW or not-WoW, you're clearly not as informed as you might think. The facts speak for themselves that the game is far from the "gloom and doom" end that all of you people are predicting. They are still dumping loads of capital, man hours and cash into this game and that should speak for itself.
This is based on the assumption that "if" EA were to decide that SWTOR is dead in the water and not going to succeed on the level they hoped for they would completly stop development for the game and any and all advertising and marketings, which includes trailers.
Now what made you come to this conclusion shows your complete lack of understanding of business. EA and BW has spent MILLIONS on swtor and you think that spending more making and marketing a new trailer is too much and going too far for a failed game? I think not. EA will continue to throw money at this game for a while yet and that proves nothing about the state of the game.
Remember SWG? Sony were throwing money at that in the last 12 months of its life and they KNEW it was going to die due to the release of SWTOR.
In conclusion your silly arguement is silly and you childish replies to people in this thread are mostly hypocritical.
If you continue to make sweeping statements like you know what everyone everywhere thinks about a certain topic then I am going to shout at you. It easy to type 'I think this is the worst game ever' Rather than the 'This is the worst game ever'
You can see from the graphs that there is a resurgence of full servers, most likely owing to the recent server transfers, but that is starting to fall once again.
I really don't understand how someone can say that TOR is doing ok after looking at this. No matter how you spin it, it's certainly not a good indicator.
There are inconsistencies between the data, why is this? The Euro top pop server on one is light on another?
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
This is based on the assumption that "if" EA were to decide that SWTOR is dead in the water and not going to succeed on the level they hoped for they would completly stop development for the game and any and all advertising and marketings, which includes trailers.
Now what made you come to this conclusion shows your complete lack of understanding of business. EA and BW has spent MILLIONS on swtor and you think that spending more making and marketing a new trailer is too much and going too far for a failed game? I think not. EA will continue to throw money at this game for a while yet and that proves nothing about the state of the game.
Remember SWG? Sony were throwing money at that in the last 12 months of its life and they KNEW it was going to die due to the release of SWTOR.
In conclusion your silly arguement is silly and you childish replies to people in this thread are mostly hypocritical.
This ^.
Simple truth of the matter, this was a hugely expensive project in which a lot of large investors were part of. They are going to milk the profits off this for as long as they can before shutting it down. Releasing a trailer? Is probably one of the easiest things they can do to milk profits.
That trailer (little over 1minute of CG), probably cost them roughly 30,000$ to make. Hell, depending on rates they could've probably gotten it for cheaper if they rate pinched the artists (which happens a lot). They will make that money back in a week, no question. That's a ridiculously easy investment to make, considering that the amount of hype they can potentially generate from it will net them no less than 100,000$, but more realistically it'll probably get them at least a million. Think people can do the math on that.
I mean Legandary weapons and Free-to-Play are on the horizon. BW said we are looking into F2P a while ago and Leganday weapons are confirmed. Meaning it will be yet another massive grind to get these weapons or spend money thru a cash shop to get them quickly. It will soon be a B2W kinda game. The difference in seasoned pvp'ers and new players is too big, solution = Cash shop.
The reason why BW doesn't give out an specific dates is because they can't. It depends on how large the team is and that depends on the numbers of subscribers or the businessmodel they have. (i.e. 2 waves of lay-offs).
I would have preferred they didn't spend so much money on eye candy cinematics, but here rather on playable fun content.
Don't forget that they will lose lots of subscribers next month. The ones that took a subscription plan of 6 months when the game came out (myself -> free 60 days + 6 months) and the massive amount of players that will switch to GW2.
Btw i tried the SWGemu, but it isn't the same. SWG had his time in it's peroid of glory, nowadays we have been spoiled by far too much eye candy so we are much more demnading.
A new video for any game neither shows its success or its peril. All it is, is a marketing gimick (one of many) used to advertise to (potential) customers.
Lets go off swtor for a second. I want to play Planetside 2, am I excited by any of the videos or do I judge the game's success on the videos. No I do not, it will only be when I get to play it will I decide if it is "in peril" or if the game has enough play factor for me to continue.
A new video for any game neither shows its success or its peril. All it is, is a marketing gimick (one of many) used to advertise to (potential) customers.
You summed up what I was going to say very nicely.
Hk-51 sprites have been in the game since closed beta. You could get him on closed beta in hoth tell they took it out for open beta. Only thing that we know is brand new is the cgi trailor. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=78070
Only 12 US servers are not locked out of the original 123 servers. The Fatman and Jung Ma servers populations are now in the range where they could also merge those 2. All of the locked servers will be forced to merge and will be deleted from http://www.torstatus.net and SWTOR Server list when that happens.
With the retention rate of 9% of the total population based on 123/11=9 Rounded up. People are not just saying that signs are bad. They actually are bad. I know poeple love the games that they are playing, however you have to accept the facts how they are. What new is being created? Nothing except some weapon/armor sprites. I'm sorry but this is the truth, and they only need about 10 people to do everything in the new patch. Sometimes skeleton crews are a good thing, however i'd definatly be surprised if SWTOR still had 400k active subscribers.
A new video for any game neither shows its success or its peril. All it is, is a marketing gimick (one of many) used to advertise to (potential) customers.
You summed up what I was going to say very nicely.
It really is amazing how poor some people's logic is.
What? You quoted me but I do hope you aren't actually referring to me.
Yup. Real fans dont let other fans play crap even if it shares the IP name.
SWTOR would of been good to wait another year and actually put in some content, you know basic stuff that msot F2P MMO's even release with such as dungeon finder and end game content. Theres a reason why SWTOR gets bashed and it isnt because we're not Star Wars fans. The game is an incomplete mess with designers who lie through their teeth and bloviate like a Washington Politician.
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
I feel bad too. Because I love the atmosphere of TSW. But compared to first 5 levels of City of Heroes combat, or 5 levels of WoW combat, or 5 levels of SWTOR combat, or even the first level of Left for Dead the combat in TSW was very stiff. When people are fighting they don't move like that. It was very hard to get used to. I loved the story though. But unfotunately there was so much forced combat in between the story parts and I did not enjoy the combat so...
If they revamp the combat animations to show more action, dodging, injured flinching, leaping, leaning, posturing, crouching, collision feeling, off-balance recoil, etc then I'd subscribe in a heartbeat. TSW reminds me a lot of the Left 4 Dead series, very cool atmosphere. The mission bosses also looked epic.
Let me get this straight OP: one video of one new companion shows that there is nothing wrong with SWTOR? I would say: you are statisfied very quickly, in fact in all these months they barely added any new content if you compare it to RIFT or even a game like DCUO in there first half year. Unless they announce a major new expansion with a lot of improvements to the game, I don't think SWTOR will fare well against the competition of TSW and GW2. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game and I wish it to go well, problem is that Bioware didn't innovate enough with their game and that's why it cannot compete with new MMOs that did innovate.
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/DING DING DING we have a winner. The key and operative word being Innovate. The issue SWTOR had in the months leading up to release was the game was a a shallow version of WoW, or a WoW clone if you will. As Colin Johanson of Anet and GW2 fame put it so elegantly. If you try to build a great MMO in this age, it better be innovative and not take the path of least resistance and make games that are similar to others.
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
They are only FULL because they have just merged servers. Given time, they will soon be dead again.
SWG got shut down when the servers were on the rise, and content was still coming, and SOE were actually working on the game. EA/Bioware stated at launch or before that they already had years of content already written.
Active servers + "new" content does not mean game is still operating strongly, and can still be shut down. The shut down of SWG has put doubt on those thoughts of security.
If the game sustained the 2 million, that content would already be in game, and by next year or the year after we wiould have started seeing new content developed after launch, but now that it has failed all content will be gradually spoon fed into SWTOR.
If you enjoy the game, then just play it as much as possible now, before it closes, but prepare yourself that it will shut down soon, as it is very frustrating for a game to shut down, when you have not done everything it has to offer, and if SWTOR does shut down, EA only usuallty gives 1 month notice and not 6 months (although the 6 months could have been due to LA). If it does not shut down then bonus!
Star Trek Online - Best Free MMORPG of 2012
For calling people claiming 'fan boi' out you sure respond a lot with fan boi speech and bashing anyone who does make a point.
The video doesn't show anything at all. It could easily of been done before hand, videos are often done several months in advanced and worked upon, stuff doesn't just get made one day and released. A good example is to look at rift. Their expansion was anounced just recently yet it has so much content already showcased for it. That work was done way before hand that it could be just talked about and shown off. You can't claim the video to be a sign that they aren't in peril just as much as someone could use that video to say they are in peril.
Do I think SWTOR will become a powerhouse MMO? No. Will it be a massive failure? No, at least in EA's eyes they made profit (which is all they care about, but thats another thing we won't go into why EA should go bankrupt with SoE and hopefully allow good games to be released again) and they do have some player base. SWTOR is and will always be considered a mediocre game. Chances are it will probably be compared a lot with Warhammer. It tried pushing story and it just fell flat. With secret world taking the reigns and delivering new content and story in a way people are finding more engaging, its just being outdone even further.
The only thing I've seen for sure is that they have laid off a lot of staff that they themselves did not want to. This indicates that at a minimum the game is not performing as well as they want or expected it to financially.
In the world of capitalism unless you are way up there in the corporate ladder you don't really know anything about how a company or a project is doing and I would think the last few years with situations like enron and AIG etc... would show us that. And really, if they spent even half as much this project as people claim, I think sink or swim they would be willing to spend a little more.
I don't know who said swtor was going to shut down permanently but, I'd love to see a link from any respectable source or any news source at all that has said this.
"Han shot first." Well, it does matter if you're building characters. In one scenario, you are displaying a character that isn't your normal "good guy". It is a guy we know will shoot first and not even bother to ask questions later, mostly because he's smart and already knows the deep shit he's in.
In the other scenario we have a guy who is shooting second. A guy who isn't quick enough, who got lucky the other guy was a horrible shot. A guy we know will wait until he is affronted. We have a character who is not the same as scenario number 1. To go even further, the Han who shot second is the one that is mostly portrayed in the EU books, which is not necessarily a good thing.
Either way, I'm not a Star Wars fanatic to the end, I have my limits to how far I will follow a franchise or anything else I like. For me, I had to cut my emotional ties a while ago. I don't think it's a bad thing to NOT be a fanatic, period.
Anyone who saw any gameplay footage should have known what they were getting into. I've never been fooled by game trailer CGI like most people, usually. Actually, I remember most gamers wondering why they weren't just making a KOTOR 3 or a CGI movie with Blur.
This "you people" thing is getting way out of hand, just blaming random groups of people for stuff is crazy talk. Also, judging from the "Who cares if Han shot first grow up and enjoy the franchise" comment I'm not even sure I should be replying to this thread.
[mod edit]
Sebber stated it 'could' have been made before release. Which leaves open the other possibility... that it was made recently. (Ill leave out made in the future or never made! lol)
[mod edit]
Mediocre? Are you serious? Can you name an MMO currently released besides WoW that would be above this "mediocre" status? I'm very curious.
Edit: Final Fantasy MMO is $9.99 for the box on Amazon lol. Just something I randomly stumbled across after I posted this
Mate I gave up months ago trying to have rational conversations with people about SWTOR on these forums.
According to Gator and he's friends games been dead for months, and they won't budge on that stance, no matter what evidence you might bring to that discussion.
Just leave them to it I say, if you enjoy it go and play.
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
*looks at clock* It's 2 am, on a Thursday, with no expansion released yet... Compared to WoW it might not look as good as it could. But compared to any other MMO? Maybe I just don't get it. SWTOR has it's faults and it's virtues but what other MMO are you comparing it to?
This is based on the assumption that "if" EA were to decide that SWTOR is dead in the water and not going to succeed on the level they hoped for they would completly stop development for the game and any and all advertising and marketings, which includes trailers.
Now what made you come to this conclusion shows your complete lack of understanding of business. EA and BW has spent MILLIONS on swtor and you think that spending more making and marketing a new trailer is too much and going too far for a failed game? I think not. EA will continue to throw money at this game for a while yet and that proves nothing about the state of the game.
Remember SWG? Sony were throwing money at that in the last 12 months of its life and they KNEW it was going to die due to the release of SWTOR.
In conclusion your silly arguement is silly and you childish replies to people in this thread are mostly hypocritical.
If you continue to make sweeping statements like you know what everyone everywhere thinks about a certain topic then I am going to shout at you.
It easy to type 'I think this is the worst game ever'
Rather than the 'This is the worst game ever'
There are inconsistencies between the data, why is this? The Euro top pop server on one is light on another?
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
This ^.
Simple truth of the matter, this was a hugely expensive project in which a lot of large investors were part of. They are going to milk the profits off this for as long as they can before shutting it down. Releasing a trailer? Is probably one of the easiest things they can do to milk profits.
That trailer (little over 1minute of CG), probably cost them roughly 30,000$ to make. Hell, depending on rates they could've probably gotten it for cheaper if they rate pinched the artists (which happens a lot). They will make that money back in a week, no question. That's a ridiculously easy investment to make, considering that the amount of hype they can potentially generate from it will net them no less than 100,000$, but more realistically it'll probably get them at least a million. Think people can do the math on that.
I think we all know were the game is going.
I mean Legandary weapons and Free-to-Play are on the horizon. BW said we are looking into F2P a while ago and Leganday weapons are confirmed. Meaning it will be yet another massive grind to get these weapons or spend money thru a cash shop to get them quickly. It will soon be a B2W kinda game. The difference in seasoned pvp'ers and new players is too big, solution = Cash shop.
The reason why BW doesn't give out an specific dates is because they can't. It depends on how large the team is and that depends on the numbers of subscribers or the businessmodel they have. (i.e. 2 waves of lay-offs).
I would have preferred they didn't spend so much money on eye candy cinematics, but here rather on playable fun content.
Don't forget that they will lose lots of subscribers next month. The ones that took a subscription plan of 6 months when the game came out (myself -> free 60 days + 6 months) and the massive amount of players that will switch to GW2.
Btw i tried the SWGemu, but it isn't the same. SWG had his time in it's peroid of glory, nowadays we have been spoiled by far too much eye candy so we are much more demnading.
A new video for any game neither shows its success or its peril. All it is, is a marketing gimick (one of many) used to advertise to (potential) customers.
Lets go off swtor for a second. I want to play Planetside 2, am I excited by any of the videos or do I judge the game's success on the videos. No I do not, it will only be when I get to play it will I decide if it is "in peril" or if the game has enough play factor for me to continue.
You summed up what I was going to say very nicely.
OP... Here Here
Hokey religions are no replacement for a good blaster at your side.
To the original poster.
Hk-51 sprites have been in the game since closed beta. You could get him on closed beta in hoth tell they took it out for open beta. Only thing that we know is brand new is the cgi trailor. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=78070
Only 12 US servers are not locked out of the original 123 servers. The Fatman and Jung Ma servers populations are now in the range where they could also merge those 2. All of the locked servers will be forced to merge and will be deleted from http://www.torstatus.net and SWTOR Server list when that happens.
They just fired even more staff from BW Austin from the SWTOR video game staff, while transfering other people to different projects trew the company.http://www.gamezone.com/products/star-wars-the-old-republic/news/more-swtor-layoffs-reported-as-executive-producer-leaves-bioware
The EA company has already given a press release saying they were focusing less on SWTOR because it was not performing as it should be.http://www.mmofringe.com/forum/17-Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic/26734-SWTOR-Not-one-of-EAs-Top-Priorities
With the retention rate of 9% of the total population based on 123/11=9 Rounded up. People are not just saying that signs are bad. They actually are bad. I know poeple love the games that they are playing, however you have to accept the facts how they are. What new is being created? Nothing except some weapon/armor sprites. I'm sorry but this is the truth, and they only need about 10 people to do everything in the new patch. Sometimes skeleton crews are a good thing, however i'd definatly be surprised if SWTOR still had 400k active subscribers.
What? You quoted me but I do hope you aren't actually referring to me.