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I don't think I like praying to a "god" in games. Forsaken World has prayer minutely and easily avoidable. Maestia Rise Of Keledus has excessive praying. EQ2 had something to do with choosing a "god" to serve if I remember right. Mabinogi had token churches which served no real purpose. Being a Judeo-Christian I sometimes get irked when I have to bow to a pretend omniforce. I think it's just me and not any poor reflections on the game or makers. Kinda like not wanting to squeeze the toothpaste in the middle.
As far as sex and violence, that I can never get enough of. Go figure.
So has any game offended you?
I'm a convinced atheist so never had this problem. usually people who gets easily offended by nudity and so on. follow into 2 categories. iether extreme Prudes or Hypocrits, with some double morals.
morality is also conditioned by society. the ones who makes the rules, of what is right, or wrong. are a minority so don't let myself being influenced but what some people think, live and let live.
There is hardly anything that mimics my real life in games, much less my religous beliefs.
I'm not my character and the game world isn't the one I live in, so there's only been one instance where I took issue with a games' approach to religion or morals. It was GTA, as I personally didn't care for playing a character that could only advance/progress by doing activities considered illegal in the game world. Wasn't anything that kept me up at night, though. I just stopped playing and went on to the next game.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
You don't mind virutally slashing a throat, or even shooting someone in the head....but praying to a virutal deity irks you?
Not really, the only one I could think of would be maybe Prototype.
I just don't think going around as a demon killing people is my thing, it's strange because I'm more than happy enough to do that in GTA . I think it's because it takes itself too seriously.
Yes I am believer.
Game is fiction and it does not offend me if there is fictional god and fictional praying or anything else religion wise.
Cause it is fiction.
I actually am of opinion that games and especially mmorpg's should ADD alot more religion stuff.
As long as religions are fictional (in mmorpg's. Solo games can have real religions). Well I would not care about adding real religions much, but it would just be too much and too much people would be offended and there would be possiblity of dangerous situations leaking to real life.
But fictional religions?
Bring it ON!
Only some of the latest money making scheme's have offended my moral's
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
I had a similar situation with GTA and Sain'ts Row. I have no problem playing a thug, running around in a thug world and killing other thugs, but GTA despite its obvious levity seemed to be to serious about pushing the 'Do Bad, Get Reward" thing.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
I'm not easily offended; however, I do remember when Assassin's Creed was first announced and being mildly offended by the premise of being a Muslim, running around killing Christians. Not doing better research after that initial gut-check caused me to not pick up the AC games until a few months ago. Now I can't get enough of them.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
no religion in game offends me. I grew up as catholic and stopped following religions years ago IRL.
In game religions should not be taken serious because most of the time they are not even accurate to reality, they just try to follow a pattern for the sake of having a purpose in the game.
Usually gods in games are real, so you can't compare it with reality anyway.
No but plenty of people in games have offended me.
Nawp. If anything I think they need to take off the kid gloves. You can explore religion, murder, rape, abuse, etc., in books and movies, but in an interactive environment people act like it should be off the table. "Games" as a word is a misgnomer, it's just another storytelling platform, it doesn't have to be a purely entertaining experience. Games have just as much potential to be a cathartic experience, if the populace would let them grow.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
As a born again Christain, and a old gaming dude from Commodor64 days, and having beta tested the very first online game (Meridian59 and then EQ) most games offend me. That developers feel they have to shove this down your throat. If some one wants the f-word or sex, or false gods thrown at them, thats ok, it's their choice. But something that always has confused me is why they couldnt make (in some cases) a version that simply left out the f bomb or blasphemy. But, alas, the world is turning into a cesspool and I have basically left my gaming hobby as people can be so foul mouthed it spoils the involvement or ambiance. Back in the day, people grouped and helped each other descover this new format of entertainment. Im not preaching or trying to make people adapt my views, just putting in my two cents. Beleive me, I have been down the road of debauchery, and hardly a sinless man (smile) Like I said, if none of this fallen morality bothers you, go for it. This is just a personal thing and speaking from my heart. Over the years I've seen the moral decay filter it's way into games, and it bums me out that I mostly have left the gaming hobby. (I still play Eve a bit) and also waiting for the day when something TOTALLY new hits my computer. I thought GW II might be that game but have a gut feeling it will simply be the same old same old. After Dark age Camelot, things went down hill. Please don't waste your flames on me, it's not worth it, as I said... Just a personal view point and eveyone has to define thier own code of honor
Ok everyone "game till you bleed" and have a "groovy" day... lol
King of the world
Never been offended by a game in that way. Maybe I could be offended if a game tries too hard at being offensive, to the point that it makes the game worse as a whole (hmm, sounded weird but yeah...). And serious stupidity in content or game design can probably offend me.
Though apparantly the Smite moba-game offended some hindu for having playable hindu gods or something, so some people are probably easier to offend I guess:
Yes, it could be a discussion of psychology rather than religion, huh?
I don't a video game ever offending my religion or morals. I'm not sure that a game capable of offending my morals would ever actually get produced. If it was produced, it certainly wouldn't be a mass market game.
I'm pretty sure it's because games are just games. They don't represent reality. In a game where I might lie, cheat, steal and kill throughout the entire game doesn't represent what I would actually do in real life if presented with the same situations.
There have been times when other players have offended me, but other players are real life.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Yes it is. If you wanna go with the hole god thing. Shouldn't you be doing something other then playing video games anyways.
Maybe it's the difference between how things are categorized as real or not. Prayer crosses some boundaries between real and imaginary*. So prayer in game could feel real, even though it's not.
* This all depends on a person's views on whether or not Prayer is real. The point is that praying in a game and praying in the real world can feel very similar to each other.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
In Rift, a bunch of RL friends decided to play Guardians, and one guy didn't join us because the Guardians "pray to false gods."
I've never personally been offended though, just like a book or movie has never offended me.
Diablo 3 pretty much did it a lot.
I thought that i had to be really stupid to buy that game (I did), at least that's the message from the game maker :
Hey buy our awesome game, you can play it while you does, you work for us but you pay us to work for us , just farm bi***.
I still think it's pretty offending. No ethic
Smite from hirezstudio is offending, they use mithological god which are actually real gods from existing religion.
Hinduism leader have send some request for hirez to stop it and hirez studio answered that in the future there will be even more of their gods in the game. I think it's pretty offending as well.
Some random post here or there say that some people are easierly offended than others, which was also offending.
Just because someone doesn't have belief or knowledge, it does not allow them to criticise what other may believe.
All those behavior are pretty barbaric and unethical, which is pretty much the some of our society, barbaric, unethical, untolerant and narcissistic. Consume and you'll be, other belief don't exist if you yourself don't believe in, so why respect any other things than what is not yours??
In DA:O I let my character have a certain romantic moment just so I could get an ahievement...
As a Satanist, I'm offended when demons are portrayed as evil creatures. They're really nice folks once you get to know them.