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CRS is back to begging for cash again to keep paying DOC his wage or something like that.
Jesus guys, just hang the damn thing from the rafters already....
They failed to get "kickstarter" running because it was a break neck, knee jerk last ditch effort to save jobs.
They've let go several employees to save money and gone to "volunteer" programmers and graphics guys.
Now, they are on another "beg for money site" asking for advertising help.
After their PR man and lead game developer tells all of us that WWIIOL has never been in the BLACK and cannot be.
Oh yeah, Rafter is gone isn't he?
Another HORRIBLE idea from xoom.
Terrible idea. STOP BEGGING FOR MONEY!!!!!!!!
Their facebook page is filled with requests to "save the game" you must lower your sub rates and it falls on deaf ears.
They ban you if you request it on the games forums.
With the low playerbase it isnt worth $10.00/month for me. In its heyday (which I never saw) with thoudands of people online all the time in a constant battle I would pay $15.00/month no question.
$17.99 to play essentially alone is not my idea of fun. Personally he should drop the sub to around $5.00 (I know....) because that way a more people would be willing to play which is the only thing which could help this potentially stellar game. I love the concept but both times I tried the game I was alone all the time. =/
and now another worthless announcement from xoom the blind pr guy
more free play options and subscription PACKAGES
NO PACKAGES!!!!!!!!!!!
Is every employee there a yes-man or something?
Could you imagine how much money and life they could bring back into this game if they just lowered the rates to a very affordable price? Here are some example prices: $9.99 for the month-by-month plan / $24 for the 3 month subscription / $42 for the 6 month subscription / $72 for the 12 month subscription.
Then do as you plan and make some advertising campaigns while hoping your diehard fans gain interest on popular gaming related sites such as Reddit (well, certain subreddits).
It is great that they finally plan to do some advertising, though. That has long been due. But you're kidding me.. you're actually going to do this while the prices are at $17.99? What!? Are you serious!? These new players you're going to attract will log in and say "they want $17 for this..?" So now you're back to square one.. wasting not only your time and effort but the player's money as well.
Like they said a lot of people are interested and a lot of people do try this game out. But they quit and never subscribe (as they note) not because they dislike WWIIOL or the "niche" playstyle but instead because they're not getting the "MMO" experience this game is supposed to offer. They get in-game and see the lack of a population and note the subscription plans and laugh.
It's just a shame they don't hear reason from players outside of the diehard fanbase. Of course they think the current subscription rates are "worth the price".. these are biased WWIIOL enthusiasts who've been playing since the beginning who probably purchased builder plans and view WWIIOL as "more than a game." They honestly probably wouldn't mind spending $60 a month. These people don't make up your entire gamebase.. well, I guess technically they do because not many others plays at the moment.
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Begging for money whilst, have a $18 A MONTH sub fee? cringe worthy for any company to do that, Right now theres 19 people online for Axis, yes it's an intermission,but by god, how can you call it an MMO where there is no massively in WW2 OL
Theres more fighting in their forums between CRS and the community then player vs. player in game.
Most people sub for the off topic section of the forums to try to help the game. A lot of those don't even have the computers to handle the game anymore.
Typical WWIIOL. Handful of diehards coughing up big money for NOTHING. CRS releasing twisted data to try to trick people to come back or stay.
STILL COSTS $17.99 per month.
OR Sign up for this ugly mess for a whole year and get a couple dollars off (also known as the pre pay so we can waste your money option)
Please lower the montly sub to 10 per month this 18 dollar month sub is killing the game
Free to play is ok an all but to ask nearly double the premium price of ANY other Game that we pay to play for access to all equipment is retarded and it WONT WORK
Listen to the community .....LOWER the monthly sub and RE-HAUL the HC and YOUR TOE Bull-crap before it chases your hard core supporters away for good ...time is a wasting
What is with the commenters on the recent developer update? Are they Rats in disguise? Do they delete sobering posts? I mean how can those people be so naive to actually think free-to-play rifle accounts is the solution to all their problems?
This is exactly the people I'm talking about. The yes-men constantly reaffirming every poor decision the Rats make by telling them how great their plans are. Wake up, Rats. These are dillusional diehard fans who are looking for any kind of bone and telling you only what you want to hear.
Oh, you're going to see an influx of greentags alright... but good luck getting them to subscribe.
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^ I know, the commentors are always nauseatingly positive. (ie: GFJ CRS!!!! Great news! WTG! w00t!). A literal visual representation of sycophanticism.
Hmmm...righto....<5 hatrs circle jerking in a mire of "omfg they wtfsploded my game" vs how many people supporting CRS....yeh...everyone hates CRS and you are all right
Thanks for putting me straight on that - NOT!
I mean, people are welcome to there views but there are still more people who have played this game for many many years and are still playing it. For an MMO thats pretty f*cking good. I see STOR is struggling after how long?
If that should tell you something it should tell you that WWIIOL is unique and is still, for now, on its journey. But, as you all know, life is not certain so I await with bated breath where this game goes next. I'll leave you guys to hate and come and check back on how youre all seething in a few weeks time.
Yeah, well, if you have to beg for money from the handful of people left in the game that's saying a lot.
Numbers in game (real paying customer numbers not false/misleading numbers that CRS uses compiled from people visiting thier site or starting a free play account and never paying a dime) speak quite a bit more loudly than any of us "haters".
Yes, the near dead game says it all.
Wait a second, you are comparing WW2 OL to STOR which still has between 500k-1 million subs! how many has WW2OL? 1k at best? I'm not a part of the "hatrs" (haters) I wanted to give money to CRS but couldn't and after investigation I did, found out it's a bug ridden mess with a septic playbase. You sir, are a classic example of that!
It's ok though I've given my money to more deserving projects,enjoy your dieing game with such bad attitude.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
That's a good question...
This is why every chance at trying to revive it has failed. It's the people who are so blindly wanting this game to succeed they'll believe in any idea they come up with.. and those who disagree are just haters and trolls whose opinions shouldn't even be listened to. No matter how harsh the criticism may be it doesn't mean it's not constructive or any less valid.
Though the real harm here is when their efforts do fail instead of admitting fault they instead reassure them with "It's not your fault! Keep up the good work! This game is just too niche right now! It's such a unique experience it absolutely justifies the price!"
You know what those people are called? They're called enablers.
It's just when you see someone screw up time and time again and then have them ask for more money so they can try it one more time you can't help but get both pissed and upset.
Saying this game has been active for all these years doesn't really hold any water -- especially when for what seems majority of those years they've been in financial despair. But, hey, there's a lot of people supporting CRS... the game is healthy, RA was a huge success, development is being put into the game, steady stream of updates are being implemented, etc. We're just a handful of trolls. Misery love company, right? Oh, right. That's not true at all.
I mean, really.. when you stop and think about it.. since none of the above is true it's proof that a lot of more people feel this way (or else they'd be playing, right?). These people are just not vocal. That is to say - A.) They don't care enough to put in their effort into what they deem is pointless cause, B.) They moved onto different games, C.) Their posts get removed, D.) They're locked out of the forum because it's only for active subscribers, E.) They aren't able to comment on the developer updates because it's on an approval based system, F.) All of the above.
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I don't know how many are "supporting" CRS. But few are actually playing their product. I was on for about two hours yesterday afternoon and there were only about 50 people playing Axis. Pretty evenly divided between Oost and Havelange.
Stopped begging for money but having false voting and spamming of the steam area is a joke too. Nice they can block people from speaking the truth there too. CRS is just like a dictatorship.....and they shall fall just like those governments have.
I sure hope they fail terriblely. No i mean worse then thay already have. Losers.
From the Steam Greenlight page.
[quote]Thousands of players on ONE inter-connected server[/quote]
Maybe they should slap an asterisk at the end of that BS statement to clarify they mean 1000 total logins during a one week period. Even at its peak the game did not have THOUSANDS online simultaneously. I dropped my 2 subs over a year ago but I still drop in from time to time with a freebie account to see it's doing and 50vs50 is not far from the truth. You get the enablers here saying "oh I don’t know what you’re talking about dude there's lots of people online when I play" but they are either new players or vets living in denial. Whatever floats your boat I guess. WW2OL thrived when the server pop hit critical mass but those days (and how I miss them) are long gone and will never return.
At this point the game solely exists to put food on Doc and Killer's table. They know there’s no chance of luring back in-mass the once loyal day 1 players and so they’re reliant upon the enablers and noobs to keep the lights onagree!
Back in the day it was a full out fun game, but CRS slowly killed off the playerbase by dumbing down the product.
However as the years went by, you could see DOC enticing players with a magic carrot, and many bought into the BS. I still don't understand why players still put up with the ego-laden Rats. Pull the damn plug on the game already.
Hit it on the head. They can't even get over 1% on Steam Greenlighting