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I am a housewife whose son insists I cannot play this game because I am too old at 51. I tried and I am presently just learning to play the second tutorial and I suck.
Some background I am an Everquest player from when it launched in 1999 who has played almost every MMORPG and I have played Starcraft 2 and Dawn of War and Warcraft 3 ,just a bit of the latter. I know my RTS knowledge is quite small but this is just to give you an idea of how I play. I bind all my skills on a G700 mouse when I play MMORPG and I have pvped mainly in WoW bgs. I enjoy playing support in City of X I played controller with heal secondary of shielding MM or a straight out priest in WoW. I however PvPed in WoW as a shaman and druid.
I enjoyed watching the gamspot DOTA 2 vids and that was how my interest got sparked to LoL. However I am quite afraid my son might be right. I want to try a support role so in your opnion how should I work to my goal and which character should I buy with my points to help me get to a support role and will support be easier for me to play in LoL or should I try ranged dps like ashe.
Theres a ranking system called "ELO" they use. Good is relative to the ELO youre at. You may be good at lower levels, or bad at higher levels. The idea is that there are crazy good people that they try to seperate from the mediocre people.
Not saying youre bad, its definately a fun game. But there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of REALLY BAD players out there. Hopefully youll raise above them and learn to play decently.
Top support so far are Blitz, Alistar, Nidalee, and healers like Sona/Soraka. The best supports are ones with CC and a type of heal for the carries. As a support your job is to NOT kill any minions, let the carry get them all. You just poke at the enemy with spells and/or heal your carry as they poke them. Playing AD/AP carries are significantly different playstyle than support.
Good support items generally include auras to buff other characters (Aegis of the Legion) or activatbles (like "Shurelya's Reverie" or "Locket of the Iron Solari")
Hi there, I am a Leauge of Legends player and I hope to give you some good advice. First off, I would recommend playing against the AI. [Play game, Co-op, summoners rift, beginner]. The AI is bots (not real players) so its good practice to play against them although they are no substitute for real players, but you should practice on them, get a feel for some of the champions that you'd like to try.
Next , you shouldn't focus on one role such as support, because as you become higher leveled and play against other players, you will need to have practice with all types of champions because whatever role your group needs. MOBA games are very different in this aspect in that you don't have only one primary champion.
As to what champions you wish to buy... I have some advice. These are all very cheap champions and some of them are "recommended" by Roit games as well.
Annie: She is a mage dps who hits very hard but very fragile.
Ashe: You already know, also very fragile.
Jax: He is a meele/magic bruiser. He is more tanky than above two but does less damage.
Yi: He is a meele dps, but also very fragile.
Soraka: Good support class, can heal, can restore mana to allies, can silence enemy for short time and also decent damage.
These are all the ones I can think of right now, but just check your profile > champions and filter out what you want and see how much they cost. Another advice I can give you is don't buy tier 1 or tier 2 runes as they are a waste of money. By the time you can buy tier 3 runes, you will hopefully know what purpose runes serve and make an informed desicion.
One of the above posts mentioned elo. In LoL there are 3 main types of gameplay. One is a normal game which is player versus player, another is bot game which is player vs AI and the last one is ranked game. This ranked game you need not worry too much about because you can't participate in it till you are level 30 (Roit's way of making sure everyone on equal playing feild).
I would recommend playing bots for a while until you are familiar with champions etc (ex: how to play them, how to fight against them etc). Then when you feel you are ready, try some normal games, don't worry, the matchmaking system will put you against players of your same level, so you won't be at an disadvantage in terms of runes or masteries. Be careful though, normal games and ranked games can be very depressing. I've had players who use no brain whatsoever, had players trolling, had players who had very slow reaction times ( they walk by enemy champion ) Anyway I hoped this little guide helped you and hope you have fun
Funnily enough my son is pretty good at it but I suck at it like you. I tend to prefer simple elegant games of the 'simple to learn a lifetime to master' variety. LoL is a game of knowledge, lots of knowledge there is a vast number of bits of 'stuff' that you need to learn it seems. Counter x23 with j48 unless you are in the bottom lane and one of your opponents left trouser legs is rolled up.
I enjoy complexity but LoL just didn't really jive with me.
Just focus on playing Co-op vs AI for now and use that to learn the ins & outs of your champion(s). It will also help you learn when is the best time to engage and disengage. And keep doing it until you can consistently beat Intermediate bot matches without dying, or just dying once or twice. Heck, I don't think I even touched the PvP side of things until I was summoner level 18.
As for champion choice, start off buy playing easy to use champions top learn the basics of the game with, then pick one that suits your paystyle. Do that by trying out as many champions as you can, available during the free weeks. I personally learnt the basics of the game with Master Yi, because he was cheap and easy to use. I then learnt how to play ranged and use skill-shots with Sivir. Then I got Ahri because she suits my playstyle.
Learn ALL the champions' skills. (Don't worry about that, it comes naturally.)
Watch videos and read some guides. (
Play play play. Leave your comfort zone champions every once in a while. Try different lanes. etc.
Its a very viral game you just have to get a feeling for. And don't worry about ELO, thats basically your win/lose ratio in ranked games...
I don't know why someone even brought up ELO in this thread, when it doesn't even matter at this point. Heck, I consider myself to be a reletively good LoL player, yet I have no ELO to speak of.
I tried Sona cos she was free and all and I really am bad at playing her was a disaster died like 4 times in a bot game then I tried Garan the melee guy also free and did way better , even managed 6 champ kills . So I bought Master Yi instead of a support champ.
I really like the game .
Glad you're enjoying it. If melee is your thing then last week was a good week for you, since it had Tryndamere (an easy & forgiving champ to get to grips with). There's also Olaf & Volibear, but for now stick with Master Yi & Garen. Mobafire is a good starting spot to find basic builds.
I actually came into the thread to recommend Sona, it's a shame that you didn't have a good time playing her. It is helpful to learn the abilities of all of the characters so that you know what to watch out for. Playing a tankier champion (instead of a fragile champ like Sona) gives you a more little leeway to make the mistake of getting too close to an enemy champion who is dangerous enough to kill you. After you get a little more used to the game, I hope you do give support another try.
One very very important thing to remember is that kills and deaths are not a good indicator of how good you are at the game, especially when playing a support role. If your death is a sacrifice that allows someone else on your team to get away or secure a kill on the enemy carry, that's a trade in your team's favor. Support champions shouldn't be getting kills—in fact, it's not a stretch at all to say that a 0/6 Soraka is probably doing a better job than a 6/6 Soraka.
If you ever want to quickly find out the abilities of a champion that you're playing again, search for Champion Mini on Ciderhelm's YouTube channel. Among other things, he does these mini 30-second videos that quickly explain how to play against a certain champ.
Right now though the champion I love to play is Heimerdinger who is an absolute blast to play. I have so much fun he is a riot and very , very good at pushing a lane. Only problem is when I read up about him I saw he is not liked in ranked games. Deemed a feeder and often considered a burden as he has no escape mechanism and gets ganged up on and killed very early and often . So sad was thinking of buying the little bugger.
I think I will get Morgana next then as I enjoy the gameplay of mage more than I did Master Yi for some reason I seem to suck at it but need more practice before I can decide. I might get better with practice with Yi. I could not decide between Twisted Fate and Katarina for my next or damnit I might just get Heimerdinger anyway.
About Sona I just did not understand how best to play her and I think random matches do not really exploit her abilities and I ended up with very little money too and dying and hardly getting any last shots as I left that to the carry. I did not understand her 'Q' was an attack really coupled with her passive and actually can kill quite well until after a bot Sona killed me twice in a game.
I watched a few videos on how to play Master Yi I get it now how his 'q' works. Wow what a difference to last hits and money that made. Suddenly I am number 2 in minion killed count. This game looks deceptively easy until you start playing it and the AI rocks I mean the AI on the bot that is really play well. I love how they group up and gank you when you are in the middle lane by coming up the side of the river. Of course real people will be ten times worse to face but right now these games with AI are very good in fact they play better than the AI in normal MMORPG games. The controls you know the click to move since I am a WASD person took some getting used to and map awareness which is something I am still picking up but am beginning to like the game even more .
My next buy I have Morgana and Master Yi now , I was thinking of either buying Orianna ,Le Blanc or Irelia but I will wait till I can try them for free. I am also considering Annie or Ryze. Ryze probably will be a definite. I really enjoy Morgana and was thinking another mage. My son says for me not to consider any of the 6300 ip ones as they will be too hard for me.
Yeah, I cannot stress enough how important map awareness is in LoL and warding is a vital part of that. Eventually you'll use it to learn the patterns of the bots you face and able to predict when they will gank and anticipate where they will pass through. Then once you're able to utilize that skill in a player vs player match, you'll frustrate the enemy because of how hard to gank you are and you will be able to counter gank and get some easy kills.
Morgana is an excellent champ. So good in fact that she's banned in most ranked games for some reason. As for the rest of the champs you mentioned:
- Orianna is quite finicky to use and you definitely must wait for a free week to try her, because chances are you won't like her play style.
- Le Blanc is a one trick pony. Has a ridiculous burst combo that can almost guarantee a kill, but that's pretty much it and after that burst combo she's pretty much useless for 20-30 seconds.
- Irelia is my go to champ for top lane. Played her for the 1st time during the recent free week and fell in love with her immediately. Even when built with mostly defensive items she can kill almost any champ in the game, when played well. Better nerf Irelia.
- Annie... I haven't played her that much but she's scary. She's cheap so buy her if you want.
- Ryze is a faceroll champion. I personally found him incredibly easy to play, thus boring.
That's all and one champion to consider if you feel like trying support, but don't like feeling like a healbot, then go Blitzcrank.
I need some advice on one other thing. It is about the camera. My son says that I have to let the camera be free you know where if you hit the edge of the screen your view moves there instead of me in the center. Presently I use the little rectangle on the mini map to see what is going on but he says I can never be any good unless I let the camera be free. I cannot play like that it makes me a little sick and I get a headache I cannot focus well and I am making a tonne of mistakes trying to play like that. Does that make such a huge difference or can I keep doing what I am doing ? I do not think I can play with the camera free I might as well give up now.
The other thing is I am wondering by trying really hard I managed to kill 6 champions yesterday with Master Yi but it is so hard for me to manage it and one person who was playing Le Blanc on another game killed 43. The gap is so huge ,I know it cannot be the champion because someone else who played Master Yi managed a high number too. Does the fact that they have a level 30 with full runes and masteries make that big of an impact on their powers. I hope to eventually get somewhere I can also see numbers like that but who am I kidding huh . Well anything you might wish to share will be graetly appreciated and thank you Master 10k for indulging me.
With reagrds to the camera... the free camera really does make a difference, because it allows you to keep an eye on areas, much easier, than with a locked camera. Like let's say there's a support nidalee or a blitzcrank in a bush and you know that they can kill you or pull you in. You would want to keep your camera, so that you can always see the bush, without having to go next to it. Also not playing with a free camera will make certain champions unplayable (anyone with a long ranged ultimate like Ashe or Kog'maw).
As for the importance of runes... Yes runes are signiciantly important in the early stages of the game as they can mean the difference between getting a kill or having your target escape with 50hp. Only recently I decided to play a bot match with a newbie friend and removed all my runes just to be fair. I played my best champion (Ahri) and I barely got any kills myself. Whereas this week I played Cho'gath for the 1st time and got well over 20 kills. Worst thing is that you should not buy any runes until you are level 20 and can get Tier 3 runes. Tier 1 & Tier 2s are a waste of IP.
BTW... What's your summoner name?
Agreed. It's best if you do not spend any IP on Tier 1 or 2 runes. When you do get access to Tier 3, this page makes a very good reference. Most runes are not worth using; stick to the ones that he designates S-Rank or A-Rank.
I would not say that playing with an unlocked camera is absolutely necessary, but it grants you a major advantage. If you can get used to it, I highly recommend it.
Getting dozens of kills against bots is somewhat influenced by runes and individual champions, but it's mostly a matter of confidence. When you know everything about the capabilities of your enemies, and the capabilities of the champ you're playing, you can simply commit to every fight that's going to end in your favor. A human player can get "zoned" by a skilled opponent: they will stay a certain distance away from that opponent, because they know that they won't escape alive if they get any closer. Bots have no concept of staying away from a fight that they're guaranteed to lose. So it's easy to rack up unlimited kills once you know that you can beat them in a straight up fight.
I was just wondering: since I played LoL, the number of Characters more than doubled. Now, I guess to be really good, you don't have to know just the ins and outs of your own character, but you also have to know the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents. Over a hundred opponents. With different builds. Doesn't that basically make the game less and less newbie friendly?
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Not quite because it depends on the player. I started playing LoL when Lulu was released (I think she was like the 95th champ). It took me about 2 weeks to get used to the mechanics of the game, and 2 months to get used to my small pool of champions and a large number of champions I'm frequently up against. It really just takes time and the willpower to keep playing, when people call you a feeder, up until you stop being a feeder.
Yes the comments are very harsh and that is putting it mildly. I think I will be stuck in bot games forever .I have no confidence to go against real people. I have only improved very slightly but I do ignore the comments and a lot of times they are not directed at me even but they are disconcerting to read. However I understand thick skin and all and am still trying.
I did learn a lot and am still learning. I really am very grateful for all the advice and genuine help.
The League of Legends community is quite terrible. I would suggest finding a group of players who would accept you, even if you are just starting out. If you want, feel free to add me. My name is Sir Wigginbottom on the game.
I could teach you a thing or two, if you would like.
The game takes a ridiculous amount of practice to be good at. Even when you get the tricky mechanics down - there are sooooooooooooo many dynamics to consider.
Picking the right champs, counter picking champs, whole team comps - what they do and how to counter or deal with etc.
If I were a betting man I'd answer the topic with "no, probably not" but, that doesn't mean the game can't be fun. If you play normal mode games - you'll still get called everything in the book but, people shouldn't be getting too bent out of shape.
If you attempt ranked games - people will get seriously and majorly bent out of shape.
A good way to learn some stuff is to go to and watch some of the pro players play. Some give game commentary which is extremely helpful.