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Gaming is serious business these days and many of us spend a lot of time so doing. But there are certain things that we, as players, should be mindful of to keep a healthy balance in life. See what we mean in our latest Pokket Says column and then let us know what you think in the comments.
First off, I want to point out that it is extremely important that you eat properly when you play video games, especially if you play games as often as I do. It can become too cumbersome to have something that requires silverware, so it is better to stick to hand foods (hot pockets, pizza rolls, JIMMY JOHNS, you get the idea). Not only that, but you'll want to make sure it is on a disposable plate. Getting up and going to the kitchen can be quite a pain in the middle of the raid, so it is better to just be able to throw it away.
Read more of Hillary Nicole's Pokket Says: How to Maintain.
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Missed all the fapping in this picture.
5:24pm Playing.
7:26 Fapping
12:02am Eating
2am Fapping
2:15am Playing
3am Fapping
3:20am Playing
4am Fapping
4:30am Playing
5:35am Fapping
6am Playing
6:49am Fa....lling asleep.
A comfortable chair that won't give you swamp ass.
Keurig k-cups ftw.
Are we dating the same woman ?!?!?!?!....Mine will watch Keping up with the Kardashians, then bitch about me playing a video game.......
Pokket, in that quote is the perfect suggestion for your next article.
"How to convince the girlfriend to share the passion for gaming" aka "How to nerdify your gf". I'm sure your insights as a girl could save some of us men countless of those horrible hours of sleeping on the couch after gaming nights or even worse - cuddling to make up!
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
lol @ casual gamers
Microwave, Keurig Machine, Hot Pockets, K-Cups, a few gallons of water, and wireless headphones for when your bladder is going to explode. You're golden (hopefully not literally)
Healthy lifestyle? I really hope no one thinks sitting in front of a computer for hours on end is healthy. It is fun though and that is what matters in the end.
My wife is in the same boat, but it's Project Runway. Then she'll spend, literally, HOURS on Facebook, Pinterest, and blogs everyday, and still manages to complain about me spending a few hours on the weekends gaming.
I've tried countless things to get her to game with me, but for some people it just isn't, and will never be, an option. As much fun as it would be read an article about the topic, I don't believe there's any way to convince someone to find joy in an activity that doesn't interest them in the least.
The best suggestion I can think of, if gaming with you partner is important to your relationship, is to find and date someone who games in the first place.
Except the sugar supplement in diet soda is linked to cancer from prolonged consumption.
Exactly why I intend to play GW2, between cycling, gym and P90X as well as my 2 little girls and my job, I just don't have the time to commit to gaming as entertainment.
People should find the game to fit the lifestyle not the lifestyle to fit the game.
If you can't/won't then as sad as it sounds to most replace the processed crap you have at hand and your energy drinks with dun dun dun fruit and ginseng or such like based bars or drinks. The rare occasion I do game into the wee hours I find nothing better than a green tea or ginseng tea than a coffee that will give you a short term pick up but only leave you worse.
Is that next bit of EPIC gear really worth a heart attack by 40.
I Pokket. Too funny XD
Edited: because I can be dumb and condescending when I don't mean to be :b This is better.
Just a quick note on this - it's actually a common misconception. Feel free to check out the FDA official reports.
You'll be hard pressed to find a reliable study that shows the current substitute sweetners are linked to cancer when used during prolonged periods in moderateion.
lol this.... I work at a place where it is 43 ladies and myself as the only dude.... when I first told them I was a gamer... everyone told me that I was wasting my time. So I asked them what they did at home for entertainment.... and almost everyone answered reality TV...... -_-