Hello all!
First of many patches incomming. More very soon!!
1.Added a lot of new characters to the valid-chat text - Some issues still there but improved.
2.Fixed socket issues for several NPCs that were not holding weapons correctly.
3.Fixed armored axe wielding minotaur animations.
4.You can no longer spam the stable and get a messed up UI.
5.Fixed speak for town criers.
6.The Potion Ticket Vendor has been fixed.
7.Chapliains in keeps should now correctly work. Might have to be replaced in some cases, ask for gm assistance if issues arise.
8.Splitting stacks now works as intended.
9.Fixed an issue with AI line of sight.
10.Fixed issues with AI not correctly using their follow offset.
11.Minotaur now regenerate more HP.
12.Sound volume for Megnaton now reduced.
13.Fixed an issue with pets trying to stand on top of you resulting in a hilarious headspin type of behavior. Improved.
14.Fixed issues with equipping while mounted.
15.Removed equipment restrictions when mounted.
16.Fixed a weapon switching crashes.
17.Removed the gate from Fabernum (didn't work as intended)
18.Fixed several issues where you wouldn't see players in the correct mounted/unmounted state.
19.Fixed "undefined" in petinfo.
20.Fixed issues that made it so that some loot items never ended up in their lootbag.
21.Enlarged serverside collision of some animals to avoid having them run into you when fighting.Improved.
22.Fixed several issues with humanoid animations (bandit floating when attacking etc.)
23.Fixed tutor interaction strings.
24.Gathering tutors should now work again.
25.Fixed a couple of broken chat channels.
26.Fixed whispers to work as intended.
27.Possible fix for the mount crashing.
Probably because Rohn already posted it in the Awakening thread.
And, here are the patch notes for the next patch:
UPDATE: OK so we've found a couple of issues which means we're going to take more time on this update (sorry). To be clear and let you all know so you're not wasting your time waiting we think it's going to beseveral hours at least from now (10:57 GMT) . Thanks
Reduce skill now works correctly.
Fixed issues with the yell command.
Fixed another mount loading crash.
Old jungle horses should now correctly convert.
Added a lost gate in Tindrem.
Knockdown for mounts has changed. You now need to be at least 80% of the mounts max speed and the mount must be in boost mode.
Fixed a couple of issues with strange characters crashing chat.
Fixed issues with skills not updating correctly in the UI unless you relog.
Book timer now correctly comes back on relog.
Fixed an issue with offhand weapons having a strange arch.
Fixed an issue where the armor of your horse wouldn't correctly be shown when you mounted it.
Dismounting a pet will no longer visually remove the armor of the pet.
Open Bags in the pet equipment window now works correctly.
Thanks all! Especially to the Focus Group who are testing and not playing!
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Why the surprise??? This "expansion" is the same quality we've grown to expect from Starvault. (poor)
The most recent patch notes were posted today:
Thorax projectile effect now correctly works.
Fixed a couple of Insectoid sound fx issues.
Moving items directly from equipment into a bank no longer causes the item to go invisible.
Thievery tutor typo in name fixed.
Reagent typos fixed.
Fixed issues with "swapping" items in the inventory/bank.
Fixed several issues with UI causing item(s) desyncing.
Stacking items should now be more responsive.
Attribute locks now correctly reflect the state of the attribute.
New pickaxes now look like pickaxes (checking this)
Fixed a couple of wrong channel messages for guilds.
Pressing use should no longer remove the crosshair when AlwaysTarget is true.
Max sell for each broker with no skills increased to 7.
Fixed minor issues with trade broker items not correctly showing up upon server restart.
Toggle pet window correctly labelled in key binds.
Bull Horse spawner now correctly spawn the correct horse.
Max tax days changed to 15 (incorrect info in previous notes).
Fixed magistrates not correctly updating their owned guild.
Fixed issues with towns not correctly pushing tower AOE.
Treasurers no longer have an upkeep.
Keep priests should now correctly be able to rez you again.
Fixed several issues with "game" messages.
Fixed issues with new AI not correctly seeing player houses as valid ground.
Fixed an issue where mounted players wouldn't be stopped 100% of the time by a palisade wall.
Mounted players should now be able to ride on bridges again.
Max inventory weight for pets is now correctly used.
Fixed several issues with the treasurer.
Made some optimizations to the skill tree to avoid hiccups when the tree is closed but skills update.
Terror birds are now hunters.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Hmmmmm- Maybe I am missing something here but has there even been a Patch yet? Interesting there are notes which have been posted and yet no Patch (That I am aware of) as of yet- Should we not wait until there actually IS a Patch, then see WHAT is fixed before jumping the gun and claiming these things were fixed in a "patch" which nobody has downloaded nor seen ?
Or am I missing something?
Is it normal to release Patch notes and then offere no patch for hours? Just curious.
EDIT: LOL I got my answer- The Patch is in a "que"
Per Sebastian :
This is how CDN works:
1. We upload files to it.
2. Files are put in a queue.
3. When it's our time our files will be uploaded, depending on length of queue this might take (apparently) up to 5hours.
What we normally do is call em up, tell them to please push us forward and they have been really nice with doing that, but today we can't get a hold of anybody. In 15 min our files will be auto-pushed. Shortly after that you should get them.
We will be changing the way we patch based on today, I crossed my fingers and uploaded 5 before the push hoping that it wouldn't take to long...I failed.
I do not even get this at all- But more "explaination" from the "experts"- Anyhow, lets wait and see what is fixed (and what gets broken even worse) before we post about what has been fixed.
Patch is evidently more than 5 hours late- Patch notes though, and "posts" telling us about these fixes are RIGHT ON TIME...early in fact. I love it when success is claimed for these fixes before anyone has tested them. =P
I will take a stab in the dark and guess they are using third party servers as they cant afford hosting their own (many companies use third party) which uses said queue system. Nothing too weird, but they should probably have noted that in patch notes.
from what i understand the testers protested agaisnt the release pleading for a further 2 months of development but the devs for whatever reason couldnt wait an additional 2 months.
One of the main reasons though why i think bugs get through is that the testing server is very much a work in progress, it does not mimic the live server completely since it has alot of additional code and other systems working on it that are wip or are currently on hold. So any changes that use code from the additional content or code will obviously not translate well once moved to live server.
samething happened at release, all the palyers in beta insisted that MO remain in beta for at least 3-4 more months but the game released early and was one of the worst mmo launches on record.
Not saying the game is bad, just that SV have terrible judgement on when to release content for the game.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Your right Death-
But its far mnore shady than that. Sv released KNOWING it wasnt ready (at Beta and with the Latest Patch) . SV wanted a bump in subs before the stockholder meeting and figured they would get it even though the Xpac wasnt working nor ready. THEN they figured most would continue to "support them" with multi subs while they fix the Xpac and get ready to start hyping the nexrt "big thing coming"
So far this has been the pattern.
thats true, but the reason is to keep the game going, they have to impress the stock holders to keep it running so if waiting 2 more months would result in game being canceled before hand then i dont think its shady. Its just survival. I also dont think that the luanch has greatly increased subs at all. I think most people were more cautious about an MO content update thanks to previous experience.
The main issue is that at launch they ruined their chances by not delaying rleease a few months to iron out the game breaking issues present. This in turn resulted in a terrible reputation for the game and financial difficulty down the line. I honestly think that with awakening they really are on the verge of closing it down and they really couldnt wait much longer to release. I also think the hype and promises by henrik meant that SV felt under pressure to release the game in a timely manner as close to the original release date as possible. Afterall missing the release by 7 months would of made them look terrible and i think the subs were getting so low they were worried about running out of funds. But in turn releasing a half baked expansion is doing the same. Many of the changes just do not seem thoguht out at all its evident that the developers do not play the game and in many ways the expansion is hurting the activity of the population and many wont resub unless they see the changes and fixes they want.
I also think that the hype and Yes saying of the developers and gms has resulted in a wide amount of interest from previous players all exicited about different promised features of which they had a habbit of just saying yes to jsut about everything people asked. Meaning many thoguht all their MO dreams where coming true with stuff like guard armor lootable, more mobs flying mobs water based mobs, fletching, etc etc. Also talking about content that isnt even planned for awakening has back fired with many community members confused asking were is xxx? i subbed for xxx? and to be answered with oh that was never coming in awakening but a future patch, or with no reply and just assuming it is coming in a hotfix which it was never promised for awakening.
In the real world SV could not deliver all the planned features they promised and it really isnt any surprise. But what surprised most of us was jsut how broken Awakening utrned out to be.
If SV do manage to fix all the issues with awakening and tweak the content to apease the majority of the community then theres a good chance MO will finally feel like a released game. But it took months to get dawn to a workable state and even now certain features dont exactly work properly from that epxansion so it just doesnt seem realistic that awakening will ever be fully working before the games demise.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Notes for the next patch have been released:
SV presents our latest patch. We already have visibility of the next one for the test server (first thing tomorrow) so please any feedback from the community on these fixes, much appreciated.
Fixed issues with mobs spawning in the air.
NPCs should now move back to their original spot much more quickly.
Fixed some issues with the roaming of the ai that made them pick bad spots to move to.
Fixed a client crash when refining without adding all the materials.
Fixed message issues with refining.
Refining should now correctly work again.
Armor benches in houses should now work.
Weapon benches in houses should now work.
Bow Benches in houses should now work.
Shield Benches in houses should now work.
Place workbenches is now working correctly using the new UI.
Added more cooking vendors.
Updated rotation on a couple of vendors.
Domination now correctly levels up.
Taming now correctly levels up.
Fixed a UI crash with pets.
Fixed crash when mounting a mount and having other pets.
Fixed issues that made it so that you no longer could create axes. (still some work to do here)
Fixed issues where you couldn't snoop more then once without relogging.
Moving a banked item on top of an inventory item or in reverse.
Fixed another issue with item swapping from bank to inventory.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
And, another set of patch notes has been released today.
Fixed all book icons.
Archery from mounts should now correctly work again.
Clicking the book icon in the lower right will now also show what book you are reading.
Whispers are no longer parsed using ghost parse.
Player keep rename to keep.
Player_House renamed to house.
You can now safely use the new transfer house functions to transfer your house.
You should now be able to sell illegal items to those who want them.
Fixed several icons.
Food effects will now show up in the tooltips it's currently the raw numbers but this will be changed in the future.
You can now correctly use all the slots in potion making given that you have the skill for it.
The quick-menu that comes up when you R something that can be used for several skills should now work as intended.
Changed skill up for taming and domination based on the creature level to use a mod-factor instead of the level of the creature as the input xp.
You should now be able to use all valid items when refining.
Fixed yet another mount crash when mounting a horse.
Fixed name of a librarian from zoo to crafter.
The rare collector in Tindrem should now correctly open a vendor window.
Starting swords should now correctly have an icon.
Torches should now have their correct icon.
Guild chatting no longer gives off a "invalid command"
Fixed several issue with the guild chat.
Guild commands should now work as intended again.
Guild chatting no longer show 2 entries when you talk.
Sorted some UI issues with bags and banks.
Fixed issues where items in banked bags wouldn't correctly calculate their item count.
Size of pickaxes have been decreased.
Increased the aggro drop on all AI.
Rebalanced a ton of mobs.
By popular demand female Tindremic commoners are now in the game (more female npc to be added later).
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Because the live client is actually their testing client.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
The last patch prior to Awakening was in 2011.
No, Lahuzer is correct. It was due in April, which was delayed until August. That's 4 months.
Since Awakening's launch, they've been putting out pretty effective patches very rapidly.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Try reading what Hancakes wrote one more time. Slower this time. Bah lets take it together. Awakening was supposed to go live on April and instead went live on Augoust. Thats 4 months delay. Maybe you, Lahuzer and Realnaste are cool with that fact but i m not since i cancelled my subscriptions right after TC patch which was worthless to my taste and untill now i ve lost the will to play the game. Latest patch before Awakening was TC which went live around November-December od 2011 if i remember correctly. So the last patch before Awakening went live in 2011 which is kinda sad and its the main reason for the low population together with the habbit of SV to deliver broken content.
there were small patches between TC and awakening patch. Mostly to do with housing and fixing dupes.
Im so glad awakening didnt releae in april lol it doesnt work 4 months later.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
You ve got a valid point right there. But still no one can be asked to play a game with absolutely zero content, broken PVP, non existant PVE, laughable AI and totaly frustrating UI and pay a sub for 8 months with the promisse that all those issues will be adressed. Not that Awakening fixed any of those issues and if you ask me i would be willing to wait another 8 months if Awakening was going to do all that and if it wasnt supposed to be absolutely broken as it is.
tbf i logged in recently with the recent patches and the game is much much better than before. I think its playable now and at this rate a few weeks and it will be everything the players hoped.
except tindrem which needs some serious work.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.