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Man, was I crushed. SOooooo looking forward to this game and ... urg. Have you seen the gameplay trailers? Read the posts?
Engineers. Remember Engineers? Laying mines, setting up spitfire turrets, trying to hold a tower all on your own? Classic! Grabbing a stealth suit, sneaking up to a group of enemy snipers and plopping a spitfire right next to them? FUN!
PS2 Engineer? Spitfire turrets have been replaced with a static turret you have to man to use. Guess what happens when you build a turret and then stand there to use it? You are dead in 2 seconds. Damage is crap to boot.
AP Mines? Nope. Engineers can repair stuff, that is about it in PS2. They took everything fun out of being an Engineer and tossed it out the window.
I"m guessing Smed had something to do with that. "Fun? Can't have that!"
Yup its Battlefield Online not Planetside 2...
They had tried that manned turrent crap in Planetside 1 and it was a freaking death trap... As soon as you got in the thing everyone in the world was shooting decis and Empire AV at your immobile arse..
And now your tellin me no more ap mines? WTF?....
I already knew that cloakers were screwed out of the fun of being engys, but not even engies got there tricks of the trade!?
Correct me if im wrong but most games when they make a new version give you more toys to play with, not take them away....
Freaking SOE....
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Having played PS1 since beta and throughout I can say that engineers were WAY over powered, and having played some of the CB for PS2 it makes more sense to me, much more balance then PS1 , there's no way a single class should be able to hold down anything by itself makes no sense.
Well at least you can play BF then because PS2 is fun as hell!
Also, BETA.
now that beta NDA has realize the game is bare bones beta right?
you know what ignore the beta word
engineers as of now, and with current certs listed
tank mines, prox mines, C4 , able to repair max and vehicles, distribute ammo to your troops., and the manned turret is not weak.
Welcome to a BETA.
Sorry you are bummed OP but i highly doubt Smed does anything but sit in his mansion counting his money.He will pop around meetings then off to sip cappucino.
It is really hard to know if the system designers are free to try things out or if the producer has full control.
My opinion is that your idea of the previous Engineer was not too good,being able to walk right up and drop down damage on 3 players undetected is not very good game play.However i also don't like the idea of manned turrets.Sounds to me like a messsed up designer.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Funny, because it's closed beta and nearly half the things for classes have not been enabled for use. The engie doesn't have all their toys for beta testers to use. This is a true closed beta, not a pre sneak peak at a game calling itself beta.
Wow this is the worst OP I've read in a while, very ignorant. The Engineer DOES have a lot of tools and skills (Certs) at their disposal, half of them, if not more, aren't currently available in the game yet.
They just gave us sticky grenades and land mines recently but before that all we had was the turret. Not to mention everything gets upgraded somehow and we aren't sure how that's going to go either.
The game is in BETA, as a lot of others have stated, the OP has no clue what the game will be finally but so far I have fun with the engineer and I can surely defend a base by myself with the mines, grenades and turrets I have at my disposal a lot better than a sniper can.
same old lame. 'but its in beta' excuse.. we've all heard that sooo many times before. But the reality is, PS2 has removed a lot of the things that worked very well in PS1, and no matter how many times you spin the whole 'but its beta' thing, unless they add that kind of gameplay on release, the game will bomb.. badly.. even if its a F2P game, because SOE doesnt have any credit in the 'give it a chance' department, if they don't get it right, they are hosed.. period. and open plan bases, and stripped down skill trees etc, just arent going to cut it. And yes, we know its a Beta, but if they are getting it wrong in the Beta, they are going to continue to get it wrong when it goes live.. so they need to start listening to their players.. for a change.
Actually, I didn't say they would be adding a bunch of features I was simply pointing out that some features that we know will be there (i.e. Engineer skills) are currently slowly being added. The egineer has a lot of Certs that are there, but that are not available yet.
Not saying that PS2 will be just like PS1, but PS2 has a lot going for it and the specific example the OP gave about how the engineer lacks skills is just wrong. The engineer, which is what I play, is a very playable and fun class, but a lot of our CERTS just aren't in the game yet. Tank mines, stealth suit, not to mention others just aren't available to be purchased as an active cert in the beta yet. They are however visually shown as possibilities just not implemented yet. I would guess, they are slowly implementing these certs so that they can test a few at a time (which actually makes sense).
The only thing that the OP complained about that is semi truth is the Turret having to be manned instead of unmanned, however he/she does complain that they are weak and really unless they are in beta they are wrong. I've been killed a lot manning my turrets but I've also done a lot of killing as well, they have a lot of purpose and aren't immediate targets as the OP stated and have been upgraded nicely lately with better shields for the player.
So yes, the Beta test is working as intended and they are slowly releasing new aspects of the game. I wasn't a huge PS1 fanboy so maybe I'm missing something, but so far I can do instant action and almost always spend a couple hours of my life in constant battle which to me is fun.
Falike, always look at the OP's name. It's pretty much a safe bet around here that if the name starts with "mmo" the person is either a troll or far less versed in the topic he chose to discuss than he thinks he is.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
List of Engineer Cert's:
So no, no stealth suit for Engineers, but an Infiltrator will be able to hack consoles, so you can sneak in as an Infiltrator, hack a console, switch your build to Engineer, drop some mines around then switch back to Infiltrator - assuming the console doesn't switch back to unhacked after a certain time of course.