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well, months ago we could see BW wasn't responding in the forums anything, now we can see more activity and right now we can see arenet is a thieve if u think
and this problem abut the account have been hacking,
well i am just saying but i could see a better work in BW than Arenet
Oh noes.
Enjoy the ca$h $hop.
Bioware is truly the gaming hero we don't deserve.
I don't know why I'm nothering because this has threed has lock written all over it, but..
While any abuse of EULAs is bad, the bad Arenanet microtransaction reports popping up appear to be sensationalistic dur to it being attached sirectly to money instead of just time. (Although, in a sub based game, time is actually money as well)
My guess is that the claims are exaggerated, but it's hard to tell since there has little investigation or confirmation on these abuses. They also seem to be very few complaints against the preponderance of millions of satidfied customers, but we shall see.
So far the Anet ban hammer seems to be falling against people shouting tirads of obscenties in general chat. (Which common sense would tell you not to do despite the obsenity filter) and not allowing your charcter to be named N*gger D*ck McF*fggot.
There was also 4,000 people perma-banned for hording high end items from a blatant exploit. (Many of which were allowed to come back if they deleted the ill begotten gains) The developers were quick to act on the exploit and communicated with the playerbase through the same third party website you linked to.
Perfect, no. Championing the SWTOR customer service team as a stalwart champion of all that is good and holy, laughable.
I'm not going to make a pages long list of the complaints about the Bioware Customer service/ exploit action record, but here are a few highlights (lowlights).
Forum - DIng Dong Ban U
Illum - Map/ graveyard respawn camping - Imps all get end game PVP gear in a matter of hours instead of months, permantly destroying PVP balance. Rollbacks promised, then never delivered.
Illum- In lieu of PVP, days of kill trading allowed, further destroying PVP.
Exploration Bans. - Low level toons wander into a high end zone, banned.
GTN ban- I believe this was rumored to have bans handed out to people trying to use the GTN to make a profit. (Was this disproved?)
Dance eploit- Dance made toons invunerable, bans handed out before the explot was fixed.
More importantly, the game received millions of tickets which were answered with automated respones. People had tickets opened for weeks.
The general response about the CSR teams has been enormously negative.
The few reports of questionablef Anetscustomer service just ssem a bigger deal because although they are far fewer in number of complaintants, they carry the weight of the perma-ban or the scepter of involving cash.
Not that Bioware wasn't fun with their laughable perma-bans.
Since you brought up reddit, might as well end this in a memerific way. Let's not forget the "I am 12 and what is this? incident.
Anyway anyone want to guess an over/under till this thread is locked?
Why so cynical? Sure companies care about the bottom line, but they also care about the product they produce and the customers that use it.
Hokey religions are no replacement for a good blaster at your side.
They care about the product so it produces more money, and the customers so they spend more money ..
I see alot of game-quality promises and content update promises coming out of BioWare, but I don't see much action on their end. The graphics engine is inferior. The interface engine is fair I guess, but poor if you want to move windows around on the screen and have the system remember anything about where you like them (or have more than 2 flippin' windows open at once).
The customer service is abyssmal. Getting canned responses (sometimes not ever for the cause of the ticket) is not a good business practice. ... and the cause of this? Well the game was released in an unfinished state, generating millions of tickets, which even their India ticket centers couldn't handle. If they released a quality game, they would have had far fewer tickets.
Going back to caring about the product .. Microtransactions even for basic expected patches? .. While starving current players of new stuff over the past year? yeah ok, I'll choke that up with their recent 3rd promise for faster content updates.
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