Considering the way I have seen inflation go in...let me see....EVERY SINGLE MMO EVER. I beleive it starting this low is a good thing, the lower it stays like the longer before inflation takes its hold on this game.
Do everyone here argueing this is a bad thing even remember playing other games? inflation is always a problem, it cripples some games.
I won't deny this is due to the trading post being down pretty much since launch and the fact that everyuone has banked stacks of stuff to sell but that won't be the case forever.
stop being 'omg something that isnt the same in another mmo, mus be bad, kill it KILL IT' children and grow up, economies work themselves out, its supply and demand, you can't get ripped off if your not stupid. In the end the market and economy dictates the price of items, talking about it solves nothing.
If you continue to make sweeping statements like you know what everyone everywhere thinks about a certain topic then I am going to shout at you. It easy to type 'I think this is the worst game ever' Rather than the 'This is the worst game ever'
All I need from the auction is Large amounts of Jute mats for Tailoring, were talking hundreds just to get my crafting up to 50. But the lowest I could ever find is 56 copper for one single jute scrap ........ONE !
All I need from the auction is Large amounts of Jute mats for Tailoring, were talking hundreds just to get my crafting up to 50. But the lowest I could ever find is 56 copper for one single jute scrap ........ONE !
Am I missing something ?
Demand. You and half the other posters in here have to realize it as well.
On a normal MMO, you're only competing against your server for pricing. Now, you're competing against the entirety of the game for pricing.
Therefore, people want to rush their toons from 1-150 crafting and have money have lowball orders in. If you're impatient, you pay the premium. Conversely, there are so many people making 1-150 items that the market is saturated to the point where it probably is better to salvage items. For example, look at the iron prices. Iron has been selling from 4c-6c on a regular basis. Couple of us managed to pick it up cheaper because of people who werem't paying attention to what our orders were actually buying for. Our gain, their loss.
You obviously have not played at the higher levels the repairs and teleporting costs an insane amount of money nearly 4s to teleport and 1.5s every time you die. Weapons sell for 1.5s to the shop or in the AH to put it in perspective.
The only thing that may save it is the MMORPG economy inflation kicking in and in 6 months you will have so much more money that those costs wont matter, but as it is, you will need money unless you walk everywhere and never die. Cause they cost a small fortune over time.
Yeah, and you need money for legendary weapons and so on. You will of course come to a point when you dont need so much money since you bought what you need and only have to pay for keeping your gear up and a few teleports but it will take some time.
Personally I dont care that much right now, all my resources goes to my and other guildies crafting, all gear I dont need goes to salvaging for the same reason.
We are a rather small guild and needs to have our crafters keeping up with the players. On the plus side does this also need that we dont need to buy gear either since we craft it ourselves.
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
Nah, it is because most people havnt learned where to farm it yet. A few stuff is pretty hard to get in certain of the zones though and a few drop rathes can be changed.
If you want to farm totems as example you need to go to the norn area and farm Sons of svanir and other humanoid mobs there, it will yield a rather impressive loot. For the basic one farm them around Joras statue, I got 15 in 10 minutes there without even trying yesterday.
But that is the only of my places I will give you, dont want to dump the prices even more for the stuff I make.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Agreed, but they could up the droprate of the T1 stuff (0-50 crafting skill) a little without messing up the rarer high level stuff.
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Rare items? i am talking about most basic drops of fangs, totems, fins etc which are used for basic greens not even master work items. I am not talking about rare drops used for making rare items.
Originally posted by Loke666
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
Nah, it is because most people havnt learned where to farm it yet. A few stuff is pretty hard to get in certain of the zones though and a few drop rathes can be changed.
If you want to farm totems as example you need to go to the norn area and farm Sons of svanir and other humanoid mobs there, it will yield a rather impressive loot. For the basic one farm them around Joras statue, I got 15 in 10 minutes there without even trying yesterday.
But that is the only of my places I will give you, dont want to dump the prices even more for the stuff I make.
It all right i don't need locations, i already know few of those and there is already an interactive map up which shows location of all the drops.
Maybe its just a case of the economy starting its initial adjustments to the recently opened trade house... but most everything seems to be selling for just a copper more than a vendor sell price.
You'd make more coin selling the resources needed to make a finished good than the finished good itself. I was doing decent selling finished goods prior the opening of the market... but now, if this continues, it'll kill the gratification in gathering my own resources and selling finished goods to players.
phew... this threads been busy. Was at 4 pages when I first read it but didn't have time to respond and I wanted to.
I have to totally agree with you the pricing people are placing on some items is a total joke. They are just giving stuff away or charging WAY too much.
During the BWEs the trading post was well balanced and made common sense.
items level 0 - 4 were no more then 30 copper for blues
items 5-9 were from 35 to 99 copper increasing each level.
So forth and so on. This made logical sense and went with the amount of cash you has on you, which as we all know is more over time.
You should have enough money by using the TP and through all the other gaming systems to at min. make it to level 10 with enough money to get the triats book and new armor and weapons; with some copper left. Like I said at the very least, without having to leave your starter zone.
Some people make alot more. I know of very few who make less. That was due to the TP. I had to go to at least 2 starter zones to get the funds I needed to get the book alone. I crafted my armor and weapons.
Now I look at the prices on the TP.
12 copper for a level 12 item????????????????????????????
give me a break
I see this and 200 people selling it at this price. That item goes straight to my salvaging bag and becomes crafting material.
This item should be at least 1 silver. Masterworks maybe 2 silver at min.
I also don't like it when I see a level 0 and level 1 item listed for 5 silver. Who has 1 silver on their first charcter? I don't mean l alts. I mean their first character. No one. That is unfair to them to try and exploit someone for a starter weapon or armor.
All I know is that someone needs to wake up and start wanting to get some money without exploitation.
I mean look at the cost for some recipes for items crafters can make. Several to hundreds of gold just to get the recipe. No one will want to craft except for themselves at this rate. How many people will want to craft everything that is craftable? Few. Very few. (a few would be in the thousands btw before someone slams me)
if you mine like 3 copper nodes you get one silver, you know that right? or kill a couple of low lvl bandits and they will drop you crafting materials that go for 50 copper each. i dont understand how this is a problem.
Because the items crafted from said item are sold below the money invested in them. Its like this in 90% of themepark games (I say 90% because some have high grind requirements to crafting that almsot no one does it). GW2 isn't any different
What xpiher said.
If you can get 1 silver for 9 pieces of copper (you get on average 3 pieces per node)
then it takes spending money on tin to make brass which gives you 5 bars per piece of copper plus tin
then it take differing amounts of brass bars to make heavy armor or a weapon.
this should get you an expense of just under a silver. then you sell it for a silver since they are level 10 items
this makes it a slight profit.
but when said item that cost you nearly a silver to make is sold for 20 copper.
NOTE: this is not an exact number so please don't tag me and say it doesn't cost that much, which it may not. I was just trying to spell out my point
A MMO is like life. It is something to cherish and enjoy upon in it journey. So why race to the end of it. In life at the end you die.
It will balance though truthfully I see a lot of the lower end stuff staying that way. People are raising crafitng and unfortunately they seemed to do a poor job at balancing out resources. One of the worst is copper in terms of not only being needed in so many places, but also being in such a small amount of areas it makes it difficult to have even close to enough to hit the skill cap.
For the most part, I expect the only real items that will be worth a bit more then vendor price items will be very good weapons. Armor might to a small degree, but people primarily will be selling crafting materials for a lot, considering that even if your a rampant gather (like me) your going to be short on certain mats, while others like Iron will be in extreme over-abundance.
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Rare items? i am talking about most basic drops of fangs, totems, fins etc which are used for basic greens not even master work items. I am not talking about rare drops used for making rare items.
Actually even at low levels there are rare items. The fangs are the most rare items, and so should cost more.
It is items like this that make crafting an item expensive to do.
So selling an item that takes a fang which is for percision if memory serve me correct should make that a high dollar item. But I know there are thes type of items going for around 20 copper.
1 silver for 1 fang then make 1 item and sell it for 20 copper????
no don't thing so
A MMO is like life. It is something to cherish and enjoy upon in it journey. So why race to the end of it. In life at the end you die.
To the comment that this is typical of most "theme park" mmos... I would have to disagree. My experience is that prices have always started high and actually gave the economy to adjust to lower prices via a variety of ways (undercutting, competition, etc...) As a crafter, there were plenty of opportunities to make some decent coin. Buying mats from an auction house usually meant killing any profits. However, through gathering and bartering, its usually more than possible for a crafter to do well.
Here... prices are rock bottom. I took a look this morning and some prices do make sense. However, most don't. Once again, I hope this is just a symptom of having the trade market down for so long. This is great for players trying to grind out crafting skills. Its bad for players who want to actually "craft". I can either use 5s worth of resources to craft an item that will sell for 45c or I can just sell the resources...
In my experience, upgrades have come intermittenly. I've upgraded a weapon slot twice in a level before. Other times, I've used the same gear for 6 levels. I remember crafting a full set of armor at level 10 for myself because I hadn't seen an upgrade for any slot since like level 4. Most gear I was looting wasn't even usuable to my class... so I actually had to rely on crafted gear (especially jewelry). So I would think there would be demand for crafted equippables.
It'll be interesting to see where things are a month from now.
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
The upper level stuff sure, but for low level stuff I see no reason as to why the drop rate is bad. You need 350 jute scraps just to get to level 75 tailoring I believe, not to mention all the other mats. That is not something you are going to get without grinding low level mobs, buying it, or getting support from your guild. While low level crafting items should not be completely worthless, I think they need to increase the drop rate a bit for the first tier items.
Grinding mobs for low level crafting materials or grinding stuff so I can get money to buy them is not fun for me. I am really into cooking and I have no issues with it as it's progressing very nicely along with my level. Tailoring/Artificing etc I have given up on because I never have enough mats from just playing the game to progress.
Grinding mobs for low level crafting materials or grinding stuff so I can get money to buy them is not fun for me. I am really into cooking and I have no issues with it as it's progressing very nicely along with my level. Tailoring/Artificing etc I have given up on because I never have enough mats from just playing the game to progress.
This hasn't been my experience exactly. Cooking has been the easiest to raise just because there are so many discoveries available throughout... That and a bulk of the ingredients needed can be bought from in-game vendors.
Granted, my experience has been with Leathercrafting/Jewelrycrafting. I do remember jute cloth being hard to come by. I always had plenty of leather but never enough jute. However, I never felt my crafting progress was "stunted".
Jewelrycrafting also relies heavily on "discoveries" like cooking. You're initially given 4 recipes... copper refinement, hook, band and setting. Using various jewels and stones, you make most of your experience "discovering" various earrings and rings. Finding enough jewels/stones to get crafting past level 50 was a pain. However, once I got there, I had acquired enough 50+ jewels/stones to make leveling less painful.
I always have plenty of copper.... don't understand why some players find it hard to come by (granted, I started as a Norn and there is an area around level 12-15 that has a ton of copper nodes).
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Rare items? i am talking about most basic drops of fangs, totems, fins etc which are used for basic greens not even master work items. I am not talking about rare drops used for making rare items.
Actually even at low levels there are rare items. The fangs are the most rare items, and so should cost more.
It is items like this that make crafting an item expensive to do.
So selling an item that takes a fang which is for percision if memory serve me correct should make that a high dollar item. But I know there are thes type of items going for around 20 copper.
1 silver for 1 fang then make 1 item and sell it for 20 copper????
no don't thing so
It is not just fangs but even leather and jute drops at low levels sucks. But they are not rare are they?
Eventhough i disagree with your assesment that tier 1 versions of fangs and totems are rare items. I conside their rarety in accordance with the recepie. The basic green stuff that you make with these items sell for less than price of one peice of fang on my server. How can these items be cinsidered rare at low levels? shouldn't the over all result of using these items should atleast cover the cost of the materials used?
Originally posted by Nikkita Items like tiny fangs, totem etc are very expensive because drop rate sucks. If drop rates are adjusted prices will go down.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Rare items? i am talking about most basic drops of fangs, totems, fins etc which are used for basic greens not even master work items. I am not talking about rare drops used for making rare items.
Actually even at low levels there are rare items. The fangs are the most rare items, and so should cost more.
It is items like this that make crafting an item expensive to do.
So selling an item that takes a fang which is for percision if memory serve me correct should make that a high dollar item. But I know there are thes type of items going for around 20 copper.
1 silver for 1 fang then make 1 item and sell it for 20 copper????
no don't thing so
It is not just fangs but even leather and jute drops at low levels sucks. But they are not rare are they?
Eventhough i disagree with your assesment that tier 1 versions of fangs and totems are rare items. I conside their rarety in accordance with the recepie. The basic green stuff that you make with these items sell for less than price of one peice of fang on my server. How can these items be cinsidered rare at low levels? shouldn't the over all result of using these items should atleast cover the cost of the materials used?
i agree that its a bit annoying when the basic refinement mats are hard to find. when in smithing or anything that uses metal or wood you can easily find and control how much you find.
Considering the way I have seen inflation go in...let me see....EVERY SINGLE MMO EVER. I beleive it starting this low is a good thing, the lower it stays like the longer before inflation takes its hold on this game.
Do everyone here argueing this is a bad thing even remember playing other games? inflation is always a problem, it cripples some games.
I won't deny this is due to the trading post being down pretty much since launch and the fact that everyuone has banked stacks of stuff to sell but that won't be the case forever.
stop being 'omg something that isnt the same in another mmo, mus be bad, kill it KILL IT' children and grow up, economies work themselves out, its supply and demand, you can't get ripped off if your not stupid. In the end the market and economy dictates the price of items, talking about it solves nothing.
If you continue to make sweeping statements like you know what everyone everywhere thinks about a certain topic then I am going to shout at you.
It easy to type 'I think this is the worst game ever'
Rather than the 'This is the worst game ever'
Actually Small fangs, claws and all that are sold for 1s50c /each.
That is actually very expensive, since you need 8 or even 15 to craft something.
You get poor very fast by buying mats.
All I need from the auction is Large amounts of Jute mats for Tailoring, were talking hundreds just to get my crafting up to 50. But the lowest I could ever find is 56 copper for one single jute scrap ........ONE !
Am I missing something ?
Demand. You and half the other posters in here have to realize it as well.
On a normal MMO, you're only competing against your server for pricing. Now, you're competing against the entirety of the game for pricing.
Therefore, people want to rush their toons from 1-150 crafting and have money have lowball orders in. If you're impatient, you pay the premium. Conversely, there are so many people making 1-150 items that the market is saturated to the point where it probably is better to salvage items. For example, look at the iron prices. Iron has been selling from 4c-6c on a regular basis. Couple of us managed to pick it up cheaper because of people who werem't paying attention to what our orders were actually buying for. Our gain, their loss.
Learn to play the system. It's shiny and new.
Bite Me
Yeah, and you need money for legendary weapons and so on. You will of course come to a point when you dont need so much money since you bought what you need and only have to pay for keeping your gear up and a few teleports but it will take some time.
Personally I dont care that much right now, all my resources goes to my and other guildies crafting, all gear I dont need goes to salvaging for the same reason.
We are a rather small guild and needs to have our crafters keeping up with the players. On the plus side does this also need that we dont need to buy gear either since we craft it ourselves.
How about no. We need rare items to make crafting worth a damn. If these items drop rate is increased, crafted items become a dime a dozen, making them even more worthles. The exact opposite of what the op wants fixed about is brough into existence
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
Nah, it is because most people havnt learned where to farm it yet. A few stuff is pretty hard to get in certain of the zones though and a few drop rathes can be changed.
If you want to farm totems as example you need to go to the norn area and farm Sons of svanir and other humanoid mobs there, it will yield a rather impressive loot. For the basic one farm them around Joras statue, I got 15 in 10 minutes there without even trying yesterday.
But that is the only of my places I will give you, dont want to dump the prices even more for the stuff I make.
Agreed, but they could up the droprate of the T1 stuff (0-50 crafting skill) a little without messing up the rarer high level stuff.
Rare items? i am talking about most basic drops of fangs, totems, fins etc which are used for basic greens not even master work items. I am not talking about rare drops used for making rare items.
Bite Me
What xpiher said.
If you can get 1 silver for 9 pieces of copper (you get on average 3 pieces per node)
then it takes spending money on tin to make brass which gives you 5 bars per piece of copper plus tin
then it take differing amounts of brass bars to make heavy armor or a weapon.
this should get you an expense of just under a silver. then you sell it for a silver since they are level 10 items
this makes it a slight profit.
but when said item that cost you nearly a silver to make is sold for 20 copper.
NOTE: this is not an exact number so please don't tag me and say it doesn't cost that much, which it may not. I was just trying to spell out my point
A MMO is like life. It is something to cherish and enjoy upon in it journey. So why race to the end of it. In life at the end you die.
It will balance though truthfully I see a lot of the lower end stuff staying that way. People are raising crafitng and unfortunately they seemed to do a poor job at balancing out resources. One of the worst is copper in terms of not only being needed in so many places, but also being in such a small amount of areas it makes it difficult to have even close to enough to hit the skill cap.
For the most part, I expect the only real items that will be worth a bit more then vendor price items will be very good weapons. Armor might to a small degree, but people primarily will be selling crafting materials for a lot, considering that even if your a rampant gather (like me) your going to be short on certain mats, while others like Iron will be in extreme over-abundance.
Actually even at low levels there are rare items. The fangs are the most rare items, and so should cost more.
It is items like this that make crafting an item expensive to do.
So selling an item that takes a fang which is for percision if memory serve me correct should make that a high dollar item. But I know there are thes type of items going for around 20 copper.
1 silver for 1 fang then make 1 item and sell it for 20 copper????
no don't thing so
A MMO is like life. It is something to cherish and enjoy upon in it journey. So why race to the end of it. In life at the end you die.
To the comment that this is typical of most "theme park" mmos... I would have to disagree. My experience is that prices have always started high and actually gave the economy to adjust to lower prices via a variety of ways (undercutting, competition, etc...) As a crafter, there were plenty of opportunities to make some decent coin. Buying mats from an auction house usually meant killing any profits. However, through gathering and bartering, its usually more than possible for a crafter to do well.
Here... prices are rock bottom. I took a look this morning and some prices do make sense. However, most don't. Once again, I hope this is just a symptom of having the trade market down for so long. This is great for players trying to grind out crafting skills. Its bad for players who want to actually "craft". I can either use 5s worth of resources to craft an item that will sell for 45c or I can just sell the resources...
In my experience, upgrades have come intermittenly. I've upgraded a weapon slot twice in a level before. Other times, I've used the same gear for 6 levels. I remember crafting a full set of armor at level 10 for myself because I hadn't seen an upgrade for any slot since like level 4. Most gear I was looting wasn't even usuable to my class... so I actually had to rely on crafted gear (especially jewelry). So I would think there would be demand for crafted equippables.
It'll be interesting to see where things are a month from now.
The upper level stuff sure, but for low level stuff I see no reason as to why the drop rate is bad. You need 350 jute scraps just to get to level 75 tailoring I believe, not to mention all the other mats. That is not something you are going to get without grinding low level mobs, buying it, or getting support from your guild. While low level crafting items should not be completely worthless, I think they need to increase the drop rate a bit for the first tier items.
Grinding mobs for low level crafting materials or grinding stuff so I can get money to buy them is not fun for me. I am really into cooking and I have no issues with it as it's progressing very nicely along with my level. Tailoring/Artificing etc I have given up on because I never have enough mats from just playing the game to progress.
This hasn't been my experience exactly. Cooking has been the easiest to raise just because there are so many discoveries available throughout... That and a bulk of the ingredients needed can be bought from in-game vendors.
Granted, my experience has been with Leathercrafting/Jewelrycrafting. I do remember jute cloth being hard to come by. I always had plenty of leather but never enough jute. However, I never felt my crafting progress was "stunted".
Jewelrycrafting also relies heavily on "discoveries" like cooking. You're initially given 4 recipes... copper refinement, hook, band and setting. Using various jewels and stones, you make most of your experience "discovering" various earrings and rings. Finding enough jewels/stones to get crafting past level 50 was a pain. However, once I got there, I had acquired enough 50+ jewels/stones to make leveling less painful.
I always have plenty of copper.... don't understand why some players find it hard to come by (granted, I started as a Norn and there is an area around level 12-15 that has a ton of copper nodes).
It is not just fangs but even leather and jute drops at low levels sucks. But they are not rare are they?
Eventhough i disagree with your assesment that tier 1 versions of fangs and totems are rare items. I conside their rarety in accordance with the recepie. The basic green stuff that you make with these items sell for less than price of one peice of fang on my server. How can these items be cinsidered rare at low levels? shouldn't the over all result of using these items should atleast cover the cost of the materials used?
Bite Me
i agree that its a bit annoying when the basic refinement mats are hard to find. when in smithing or anything that uses metal or wood you can easily find and control how much you find.